Topas 5 service. How is the Topas septic tank serviced and is it possible to do the work yourself? Eurobion septic tank maintenance

  1. Results of untimely cleaning
  2. Cleaning algorithm
  3. List of contraindications for use
  4. What to do for cleaning
  5. Eco-Dacha company services for cleaning septic tanks
  6. Conclusion

For the smooth and efficient operation of the septic tank without accidents, it is imperative to follow the principles and features of use. It is a local sewage treatment plant in places where there is no possibility of connecting to a central sewerage system. Most often these are private households in garden associations, in cottage development.

In an autonomous sewer system, the purification of dirty wastewater is carried out on the basis of chemical, biological and mechanical clarification of water, using aerobic and anaerobic methods. The installed compressor and aerator enrich the wastewater with oxygen, forcing it to circulate throughout the entire volume of the container. In this fertile environment, there is a very rapid development and increase in the number of safe microscopic organisms. Thanks to the existing pumps and airlifts, sewage is transported within the system itself.

Results of untimely cleaning

If the cleaning time for Topas is not observed, over time, activated sludge will form and accumulate in the system, which will lead to the fact that the technical and operational characteristics of the device will begin to slowly decline. It is worth noting that pumping out sludge is not the only measure for pumping out a septic tank. If you ignore some of them, this can lead to the appearance of “blood clots” in the system sewer pipes or parts of the tank, such as chambers or a compressor.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly wash the outside of the installation with ordinary clean water, otherwise residents will begin to feel a fetid odor in their area, and unsanitary conditions will spread.

The septic system will not be able to cope with sudden discharges of wastewater in a timely manner. This will lead to inconvenience in using the septic tank and a decrease in the level of comfort of living in a private country house. And, of course, the main problem as a result of belated cleaning will be the poor quality of sewage water treatment, which will make it impossible to use it as irrigation water for the garden or simply drain it into the ground.

In this regard, it is simply vital to clean the Topas sewer system in a timely manner, either on your own or with the help of sewer specialists. This will preserve the operational characteristics of the system and its operability and reduce the risk of Topas “freezing” during the winter months.

Cleaning algorithm

There is a certain set of mandatory procedures for cleaning Topas on your own:

  1. About 3 or 4 times a year it is necessary to pump sludge out of the settling tank using a special mechanism (it comes complete with the equipment).
  2. The chamber must be cleared of solid waste at the same frequency. Wastewater, fat deposits, small food residues and other organic debris.
  3. Once a year you need to pump out the sludge and flush the tank with strong pressure of ordinary water.
  4. It is imperative to replace the membranes in the compressor once every 3 years.
  5. The sewer pipe system should be flushed weekly with boiling water; to do this, add it to the toilet or bathtub. The volume of one teapot will be enough. This will get rid of fat deposits in the pipes and help prevent large blockages from appearing in the sewer leading to the septic tank. In the future, this will reduce the number of difficult cleaning activities.
  6. Clean the sludge receptacle from sediment quarterly.
  7. A complete replacement of aerators is required once every 15 years.

There is also a list of contraindications when using a Topas septic tank:

  • Do not allow waste from peeling vegetables or moldy food to be washed down the pipes. Mold has an extremely negative effect on the life of septic bacteria and leads to their death. To avoid this, it will be enough to use special household nets in all bathrooms and kitchens.
  • It is necessary to avoid draining aggressive liquids such as gasoline, alkalis, and acids - they lead to the death of bacteria.
  • Do not allow polyethylene or plastic to get into the pipes - otherwise blockages will form.

In the Topas system, only water, small organic matter, sewage and toilet paper can be drained.

To pump out Topas, you need to do the following:

  • Lower the special pump into the stabilizer compartment. From it there is a hose to the place where the contents of the tank will be drained.
  • Turn on the pump and pump out about half or slightly less of the activated sludge.
  • Next, you need to fill the container with clean water and start the biological treatment system.

Like any other modern equipment, the Topas septic tank needs maintenance and periodic cleaning. We present to you a series of videos: how to clean a Topas septic tank. By carefully reviewing the materials presented below, you will be able to independently maintain the treatment facility installed on the site.

Quick cleaning

The first video shows a quick cleaning of Topas using a drainage pump.

Step-by-step, high-quality cleaning

The second video shows step by step all the steps necessary for high-quality cleaning of the structure with your own hands. The absence of odor determines the quality of the station's operation. During cleaning, the contents of the chambers are pumped out with a drainage pump. To clean the large filter, it is removed from the unit. All parts removed from the septic tank are washed with water pressure.

How often should I clean?

From the following video you will learn how often to clean a Topas septic tank and how long the cleaning procedure will take. Specialists talk in detail about all the actions performed, explaining each stage. Watch the following video and follow the instructions carefully. In this case, your sewer system will always work properly.

Not all suburban areas provide the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay.

Water and electricity are available in almost every home, but what about wastewater treatment plants?

With this, not everything is as good as many would like; each homeowner has to solve the problem of drains on their own, and much in this matter depends on the financial capabilities and desires of the owner of the house.

At the moment, one of the most popular types of local sewerage is a septic tank.

It has many more advantages than conventional drainage pits for draining water from the house (how to do it yourself is written).

But even the most convenient and modern design It is not without one very significant drawback - it needs to be periodically pumped out and cleaned of siltation.

What is included in the concept - septic tank

This is a simple device in which not only waste accumulates, but it is also cleaned there.

And the clean liquid that is formed at the end of the purification process is sent to a storage tank or to the soil.

In many septic tanks This procedure is carried out by special microorganisms for which household waste is the subject of their vital activity.

After the wastewater is completely processed, it is divided into practically pure liquid and dry fractions.

Gradually, their volume occupies an increasing part of the internal space of the septic tank. This sludge needs to be removed from time to time.

The presence of a large amount of sedimentary layer impairs the performance of the cleaning system.

The less free space inside the tank, the less efficiently the Topas septic tank will function (read about installation on the page).

At the moment, not many owners of private houses use traditional septic tanks.

Recently, more and more people are giving preference to modern biological treatment plants.

These devices are almost 100% capable recycle wastewater, they are easy to use and do not require special skills in maintenance.

One of the best devices in the field of household waste treatment is the Topas aerobic decontamination station.

In this article we will look in detail at how to properly maintain the device in order to avoid unscheduled repairs (read the article on how to eliminate leaks in the joints of sewer pipes).

In modern septic tanks, almost all processes occurring inside are automated, so only the human factor can cause an emergency stop of the equipment.

What conclusion follows from this?? Before you buy a station and start using it, you need to be thoroughly familiar with the key rules for its use.

Scheduled maintenance of the installation consists of performing simple operations that can be successfully carried out with your own hands. But, if a serious breakdown occurs, then in this case you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Brief description of "Topas"

The Topas biological treatment station is a plastic tank with stiffeners.

Inside, the tank is divided into several compartments.

The wastewater passes sequentially through each chamber, and at the same time it is subjected to sedimentation (mechanical treatment) and biological treatment using anaerobic microorganisms.

Stations are required to be equipped with aerators and compressors. These devices are necessary to force air into the tank, which is necessary for the life of the cocci.

According to the installation, wastewater is moved using pumps and airlifts.

People who are well versed in this issue say that this septic tank is the most the best option supplies country houses high-quality sewerage system.

Remember! Any design, even the most reliable, needs proper and regular maintenance.

The main condition for operation Any technology requires compliance with the rules of use. And you need to start with the competent selection of the device model you need, which will be ideal for local conditions.

When purchasing a septic tank, you need to take into account not only its productivity, but also the geological conditions of your plot.

Service, what is it?

To avoid accidents, the device must be cleaned regularly. But many people don’t know how to do this.

  1. Every three and a half to four months, you need to get rid of excess sludge, clean nozzles, airlifts and filtration units from debris and large fractions.

    And also get rid of contaminants that anaerobic microorganisms could not process.

  2. Clean air filters once a year installed on the compressor.
  3. It is necessary to replace old air filters with new ones every six months.
  4. Once every five to six years It is worth cleaning the bottom of the aerotank and the receiving chamber.
  5. Change aerators every fifteen years.

If for some reason you do not want to carry out work on cleaning autonomous sewer systems yourself, you can invite specialists from a company that services septic tanks of this model for this purpose.

An agreement is concluded with representatives of the company, and then, without unnecessary reminders, they will come to your plot and carry out planned activities.

Many companies that sell autonomous sewerage devices themselves offer their assistance in providing cleaning services.

Necessary actions when operating a cleaning station

Every day you need to visually monitor the operation of the system. When examining the simplest models of this brand, it is enough to remove a special device and inspect all the components of the mechanism.

Your personal intervention will be unnecessary if the station is equipped with signaling elements - the automation itself will notify you about malfunctions.

You can’t forget to clean your secondary septic tank. This is done using improvised means or special pumping equipment.

With a station capacity of about 4 cubic meters sewage per day, once a quarter you can call special equipment (sewage truck).

If the septic tank processes 2 to 3 cubic meters of dirty liquid per day, it is enough to clean the tank walls with an ordinary broom.

In small systems all the sludge goes away independently from the stabilizer using an airlift.

If you notice that sediment is poorly removed from the stabilizer, you need to turn on drainage pump and clean the autonomous sewer system.

After 3-4 years, you need to do the following:

  1. inspect all available in the system screw connections and bolts.
    What will you need?
    Simply, tighten loose fasteners well or change rusty hardware;
  2. make sure that the membrane installed on the station’s compressor is working properly.
    If she does her job well, there is no need to change her.

Thorough cleaning of the septic tank should be carried out at least once every five years.

How to do it yourself

Using a special device called a mamut pump, you need to remove waste bottom sediment from the stabilizer twice a year.

Step-by-step work plan.

Can be cleaned using a drainage device, the algorithm of your actions will be the same.

Only in this case, we place one end of the hose in some tank or drain hole, and the second one is lowered into the compartment with silt deposits.

After cleaning the equipment with the pump, you need to wash the walls of the stabilizer chamber and add water to the standard level.

The walls are usually washed using a mini-wash, which operates under high pressure.

Total cleaning

Using a drainage pump, they clean the tank through which wastewater mixed with activated sludge flows.

To do this, it is lowered to the very bottom of the chamber and turned on. Up to 0.3 meters of liquid substance is pumped out from the bottom of the container, then the walls of the aeration tank are washed well.

Then, you need to clean the hair collector, which is part of the Topas system.

  1. All debris that has not decomposed must be removed from the system.
    The process is carried out with any device that will be convenient for performing this work;
  2. washing the receiving section,
  3. cleaning the mamut unit.
    First, you need to disconnect it from the air supply hose, remove it from its mountings and clean the inside with a strong stream of water.
    External parts also need to be washed;
  4. cleaning the filter element intended for coarse debris;
  5. final stage– purging the air filter of the Topas system compressor.

    To do this, you need to unscrew the fastening screw that is located on the cover of the equipment, remove the filter and simply shake it out well.

    Then install it in place.

    Remember that there are two cleaning elements in the system, the second one also needs cleaning.

At this point, cleaning of the autonomous sewer system can be considered complete. And you can easily cope with simple work yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

If, suddenly, something serious happens to the septic tank (this, of course, is unlikely), then you will have to call the experts.

Worth knowing! The Topas system very rarely fails. If it is maintained correctly and on time, it will function for quite a long time and, importantly, correctly.

How to clean the Topas septic tank with your own hands, watch the video.

Any country house or country house, as well as buildings without access to a centralized sewerage system, must be equipped with local wastewater treatment systems. Classic septic tanks only partially solve this problem, since they are not completely autonomous and require constant monitoring of their operation (cleaning filtration fields, replenishing microflora, etc.). The only correct solution in this case would be to use the TOPAS-5 wastewater treatment device, which is produced and sold by TOPOL-ECO Group of Companies.

Our solution to the issue of wastewater recycling can be called the best according to several criteria:

    high degree of purification;
    independence from operating conditions;
    no high maintenance costs.

Individual biological treatment system TOPAS-5, like other WWTPs from this model range, purify wastewater by 98% without harming the environment. Already waste water can be accumulated in a separate tank and subsequently used for household needs.

The cleaning process in TOPAS-5 installations is quite complex and consists of several stages. The main work is performed by activated sludge, due to the biological oxidation of wastewater entering the chamber. Maintenance of the TOPAS-5 installation is quite inexpensive due to economical technological solutions (energy-efficient pumps, modern control system, etc.).

When arranging a sewer system for a country house, the question quite naturally arises regarding the selection of the optimal treatment plant. Most often, the choice is made in favor of TOPAS septic tanks, the most popular model of which is TOPAS-5. This septic tank, according to the manufacturer’s official website, can easily provide comfortable accommodation for a family of no more than 5 people.

Design of TOPAS septic tanks and the principle of their operation

The TOPAS-5 septic tank is an aerobic type of treatment facility. We have already talked about its main advantages.

Wastewater treatment in it is carried out biologically and is accompanied by forced enrichment of the structure with atmospheric air. Since air injection is ensured various types pumps and compressors, their operation requires the septic tank to be connected to the electrical network. However, if you decide to buy TOPAS-5, you should not be afraid of huge energy consumption: it consumes almost the same as the incandescent lamp that everyone is used to.

This is what the TOPAS-5 septic tank looks like from the outside

The internal cavity of the septic tank, formed by an external plastic casing, is divided into several separate chambers. Passing sequentially through each of the chambers, the wastewater is aerated and undergoes biological decomposition. The movement of wastewater between chambers is ensured by airlifts - the simplest type of pumps - the operation of which is supported by a compressor.

Chambers forming the internal cavity of the TOPAS-5 septic tank

Like all biological treatment facilities, the TOPAS-5 septic tank, the price of which we will talk about below, does not need to constantly remove the wastewater located there, and the sludge formed in it can be removed on your own, without spending money on hiring specialists.

Where TOPAS-5 is best suited

You can buy a TOPAS-5 septic tank for anyone country house, including dachas. However, the greatest efficiency of a septic tank is ensured when it is installed at home permanent residence. This is due to both its dependence on the availability of electricity and some inherent technological nuances.

During the installation of a septic tank, it is necessary to take into account both the characteristics of the soil and the terrain. If there are certain geological features, the manufacturer often advises users to buy TOPAS-5 PR or TOPAS-5 LONG.

A forced pumping pump is installed in the TOPAS-5 PR septic tank

Markings and technical specifications

The presence of the letters PR in the marking of equipment indicates the presence in it of pumps that produce ETC forced pumping of liquid, the need for which arises due to certain features of the installation site.

If the marking is accompanied by the word LONG, this means that the body is elongated in the vertical or horizontal direction.

Septic tank TOPAS-5 LONG has an elongated body

The main characteristics of all modifications of the TOPAS-5 septic tank are summarized in the following table:

According to the data given in the table, it is easy to notice that the main differences between the given modifications consist mainly only in their dimensional and weight parameters.

How to install TOPAS-5 on a turnkey basis

Installation of septic tanks of this type includes the following steps:

  • cutting a pit, creating a sand cushion at its bottom and strengthening its sides;
  • installation of the station in a prepared pit;
  • connecting sewer pipes;
  • connection to an external power supply;
  • backfilling with simultaneous filling with water.

Installing a septic tank in a prepared pit

The installation process is clearly presented in the following video:

Maintenance of TOPAS-5 septic tanks can be done by yourself

Although maintenance of TOPAS septic tanks can be done on your own, for the first time it is better to invite a specialist, from whose experience you can learn how to perform all the necessary operations, the main of which are:

  • monthly cleaning of the coarse filter;
  • quarterly cleaning of the sludge receptacle;
  • replacing compressor membranes every three years;
  • Replace the aerator every 15 years.

To timely identify any emerging faults in the septic tank, you can install an alarm system, as we have already talked about.

Septic tank maintenance process

Maintenance of the TOPAS-5 septic tank is clearly presented in the following video:

Septic tank TOPAS-5, TOPAS-5 LONG, TOPAS-5 PR: price

The cost of all modifications to the TOPAS septic tank is quite high, which, in essence, is the financial materialization of the amenities that it brings to the life of houses without a central sewerage system. The table below shows only the average level of current prices. More accurate information can be obtained on the website of the Septic-Perm company.

Thus, the TOPAS-5 septic tank is a good solution for arranging the sewerage system for a house inhabited by up to 5 people.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video about how to prepare a septic tank for winter storage.

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