What flowers can be grown on the balcony. Flowers on the balcony: names, location tips Beautiful flowers on the balcony

Very soon the most wonderful time of the year is coming - summer, we all rejoice at this event. Nature comes to life, summer residents rush to their plots, gardeners are planning new color combinations in their flower beds. But the city dwellers, who do not have a place on the street where they could grow their garden, are sad. But in vain - on your own loggia you can create a real landscape masterpiece from plants. Today we have a very interesting topic on the agenda - what flowers should I plant on the balcony to bloom all summer?

On a note!

For a long time now, people have been able to plant flowers not only in typical pots. Now in stores there are a lot of different hanging containers, flowerpots, and decorative boxes in which you can grow not only indoor plants, but also garden ones.

So, as you understand, today we will tell you how to make a living corner out of your dull and so ordinary balcony. After all, so much space is wasted and used to store unnecessary things. Do not despair if your house and balcony, respectively, are always gloomy, as they are located in the shadow of other buildings or in the north. There are completely unpretentious plants that can please you in your conditions - let’s start with them.


A flower that was unfairly forgotten some time ago is gaining popularity again, which is not surprising. Impatiens can grow anywhere, including in the shade. In this case, your balcony can be either cold or warm. For the winter, balsam can be moved indoors. We delight with its flowering until the coldest weather.


  • grows very well;
  • propagated by cuttings - you simply cut off part of the stem and plant it in the ground;
  • unpretentious to the soil;
  • decorative, can easily tolerate pruning and replanting;
  • lives both at home, in the warm season, and on the street or balcony.

Impatiens with bright shades of flowers may be duller in the shade, so choose a white version or light pink. They look no less luxurious, and you won't be disappointed.


  • The root in the pot grows quite quickly, so it is better to change the container to a larger diameter during the season;
  • consumes a lot of moisture. You will water this flower every day, otherwise it will become smaller and the buds will fall off.


Impatiens are very unpretentious, the main thing is to water them every day. But, of course, you can’t flood it. As the bush grows, watch for when the roots grow too much, then remove the flower from the watering area and transfer it to a larger pot using the heating method. The balsam will very quickly occupy him too. At the same time, the crown itself looks quite compact, it does not hang down and will not fall apart. Once every two weeks, water your flowers with a liquid complex of fertilizers for flowering plants.

  • You can easily take several cuttings and plant them in a long box without having to soak them in water to develop roots. The cuttings begin to grow very quickly, and soon you have a blooming, beautiful alley on the window - ideal flowers on the balcony in boxes.
  • If the crown has lost its beauty, then do not be afraid to trim it radically. Replace the soil, and soon there will be an abundance of green mass and buds.


You just have to look at the photo of this beauty and you can’t help but fall in love. For all lovers of everything airy and those who save space, this is an ideal option. Because hanging fuchsia planters are beautiful and don’t take up space underneath. In addition, such flowerpots at the top always receive the maximum amount of light, even in dark places.


  • fuchsia is not afraid of shadows;
  • requires little maintenance;
  • has a high decorative effect;
  • can grow in tall floor flowerpots and hanging ones;
  • has multifaceted shades of petals;
  • blooms from spring to autumn;
  • is not afraid of acidified soil, which is very rare among plants.


  • does not like moving from place to place;
  • if you flood a flower, it will drop all its buds and become smaller;
  • The roots are very sensitive and can overheat.

Did you know?

Fuchsia was discovered at the end of the 17th century; at that time it grew near the Dominican Republic. The name was given in honor of one of the famous physicians and scientists in Germany, Leonart von Fuchs.


In order for fuchsia to become a balcony flower that blooms all summer, as in the photo, it needs regular watering, but only as the soil in the pot dries out. If you have a hanging pot, then you don’t need to remove it every time, just add water from above. It is better to use settled water.

If it is very dark in your place, the summer has been gloomy, then the greenery and flowers may become smaller, then just buy a fluorescent lamp. Fuchsia does not tolerate heat; the roots must be kept cool, which means that it is better to maintain the temperature between 16 and 22 degrees. Fertilizers are applied regularly to ensure abundant flowering. The plant responds well to the drug “Bud”.

Combine root feeding and foliar spraying, and your flowers will always be the most beautiful.

  • If you have just planted the fuchsia in a pot and it has not yet become strong, then do not make mistakes - do not fill it with water or any fertilizers at this stage.
  • The plant is fed only in a healthy state.
  • When choosing a fertilizer, make sure that the preparation contains large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
  • Fertilizing is always combined with watering.

Unpretentious plants for the south side

The north side, of course, is problematic, but often in the south of the apartment not all flowers and plants can survive. The thing is that during the season, even in a temperate climate and the north, the sun's rays are very hot. They injure the leaves, the roots overheat, the buds fall off, and the flowers dry out prematurely. Here, too, it is important not to make a mistake. So, what flowers do we recommend to plant on the balcony on the sunny side?


Of course, the queen and the unsurpassed pelargonium, or among the people, geranium cannot be ignored. These are flowers that amaze not only with their unpretentiousness and beauty, but also with their rich variety. In addition, our ancestors also revered geranium, knowing about its beneficial properties.


  • very beautiful flowering and long lasting;
  • is not afraid of direct sunlight, and can also grow in the shade;
  • high decorativeness of not only flowers, but also leaves;
  • a huge variety of shades, varieties;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • Possibility of growing in the garden in summer, at home and on the balcony in winter.

Good to know!

In folk medicine you can find the following recipe: if your blood pressure has increased, you need to pick a leaf of fragrant pelargonium, apply it to your pulse, and soon everything will go away.


  • Not everyone can tolerate fragrant varieties for the aroma of their leaves;
  • may react to a sharp cold snap by changing the color of the leaves and stopping growth;
  • The soil dries out very quickly.


Geraniums are very easy to care for. It even grows outdoors in open ground and is often used for urban landscaping. You need to water it often, and the water can be simple - tap water. If your balcony is cold, and the weather forecast warned of a sharp cold snap, then it is better to bring flowers into the house at this time. Geranium is not afraid of hot window sills, rooms, or drafts.

It needs to be watered and fed regularly so that the bushes do not become smaller and the flowers bloom luxuriously until the fall. Geranium loves liquid fertilizers very much. Preparations for flowering plants from “Fasco” are excellent. Once a week you can bathe pelargonium in the shower, as its fuzzy leaves collect dust. Geranium simply loves this procedure.

  • When choosing a variety, give preference to low-growing and low-peduncle varieties; such flowers are more decorative.
  • Geraniums are ideal not only for ordinary pots, but they can also be planted in long boxes, combined with other plants, or hung. It looks very advantageous not only when standing on the windowsill, but also from the street side of the window in long trays.
  • It is better not to spray pelargonium, but rather to bathe it.


Just as we couldn’t even mention geranium, we can’t forget about the beautiful petunia. An ideal option for everyone - for beginners, for those who have long dreamed of creating a balcony, like on the cover of decor magazines, for those who do not like to tinker a lot with flowers. Petunia is decorative and has such a variety of varieties and species that it will give any plant a head start. In addition, among its colors there are dark shades - almost black.

When choosing petunia seedlings, always consider where you want the flower to appear. For hanging flowerpots, you need ampelous varieties, for flowerpots - bushes that will grow in breadth, covering the entire soil.


  • highly decorative;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • easy agricultural technology and long flowering until frost;
  • the possibility of combining with other flowers in one flowerpot - bacopa, lobelia, geranium, thyme and others;
  • a huge variety of varieties and species;
  • can grow in acidic soil;
  • resistance to diseases, direct sunlight, temperature changes.


  • for dense flowering they require regular feeding;
  • You can’t overwater flowers, they are sensitive to this.


Petunias are very easy to care for and these are the best flowers for the balcony, blooming all summer, you can’t argue with the photo. Flowers need to be watered as they dry out; flowers are not afraid of slightly dry soil. Sometimes, due to too acidic soil, chlorosis can begin; they fight it with the help of “Antichlorosis”. Petunia can be cut to stimulate dense flowering, but it does not always tolerate transplantation from place to place well. Every 10-14 days the flowers are given additional food; you can buy preparations such as “Fertika”, “Akverin”, “Ideal”.

  • Petunia is very versatile; combine it wisely with other flowers so that your balcony does not turn out too tacky.
  • When flowers dry out, remove them to encourage flowering.
  • If you water the plants too rarely, the leaves curl up and become sticky, but after watering everything returns to normal.
  • If the bushes begin to disintegrate greatly in the flowerpot, then you can radically trim the branches, this will stimulate the growth of new shoots in the middle, on which flowers will soon appear.

Flowers for the west and east sides

People who have a balcony with east and west windows can be called the luckiest. The thing is that there is light here either in the morning or in the afternoon. That is, there is both good lighting and partial shade. Such conditions are ideal for many plants - both for gardens and indoors. At the same time, the sun's rays are always the most gentle; they do not burn delicate leaves. You can choose anything.


I can’t help but recommend these flowers – they are of unearthly beauty, simply perfect. They are beautiful in a flowerbed, but even more luxurious when hanging from hanging planters on a balcony or terrace. They can also grow in flowerpots, and on the east and west sides you will definitely provide yourself with flowers that are suitable for a balcony, blooming all summer, just stand in the photo above. You will be the center of attention.


  • highly decorative;
  • relative unpretentiousness;
  • combination - you can plant in boxes on the balcony, outside windows in trays along with petunias, geraniums, bacopa, snapdragons, herbs;
  • a very beautiful azure color in a number of varieties, but lobelia can also be of a different shade;
  • blooms from June until frost;
  • some of the most popular colors for rock gardens, home decor in Provence, country style, for combination with stones;
  • abundant flowering that covers the leaves on the bushes. A bright spot among any monotony.


  • if the summer is cloudy, the flowers become smaller and the bushes look sparse;
  • on poor soils and without additional feeding, the bushes look less decorative.


Growing lobelia is quite simple. It is watered only when the soil dries well. It is advisable to feed them every week with complex fertilizers containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus. A prerequisite for lobelia is fertile and loose soil. Therefore, every time after watering the next day, loosen the pots. It is also better to avoid drafts.

Your balcony will look very beautiful if you combine white and dark azure lobelia in pots of the same design.

  • In order for the bushes to bloom profusely, you must always pinch out already grown shoots.
  • Also, whenever possible, remove flowers that have already dried up. This stimulates flowering and the pots look neat.
  • Lobelia loves foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early in the morning with complex fertilizers, as for root feeding, but only with a weaker concentration.

Low growing snapdragon

For all lovers of delicate, spring shades, lightness and ease in decor, the dwarf snapdragon will be the best option. It has only pros and no cons. You can grow flowers on the balcony in boxes, in simple pots, outside the window, yes, even in a simple container at hand. They are extremely unpretentious, but it is amazing how different their unusual inflorescences can be.


  • shades;
  • from snapdragon alone you can create a varied composition;
  • combines with other flowers - phlox, marigolds, forget-me-nots;
  • require minimal feeding;
  • Flowers are not afraid of direct sunlight.


  • the root system is sensitive to flooding;
  • may hurt if not cared for properly;
  • it blooms a little later than the previous plants - from July, but it blooms only after frost;
  • Insects may bother you. Therefore, it is better to plant flowers inside the balcony with mosquito nets.

Did you know?

Snapdragon is one of the most unusual flowers due to the shape of the inflorescence. It is popular all over the world, each nationality gives it its own name - dogs, lion's mouth, biting dragon. Now there are more than 1000 varieties of these flowers.


Since the root system of snapdragon is delicate, it is better to immediately take care of high-quality soil. It is best to combine peat, humus, soil from the site, or make a composition from a purchased soil mixture and turf - 1/1. In such soil, flowers will grow quickly and bloom together. Water the snapdragon as it dries, loosening is a must. Fertilizing is applied only 3-4 times per season. For this you can use nitrophoska. Root feeding is always combined with watering for those plants that have delicate roots. Flowers love spraying with water.

  • If you overwater the flowers, rot may begin. "Hom" is used for treatment.
  • Mosquito nets do not protect against aphids, but fragrant flowers next to snapdragons or sprinkling the soil with cinnamon and tobacco can save you.
  • To prevent diseases during spraying, add a little manganese to the water.

Finally, it is worth saying the following. Decorating your balcony is not a problem nowadays. Vertical gardening looks very beautiful; gardeners do a lot of it with their own hands. Before choosing one or another plant, always carefully study its agricultural technology and needs. It is also worth choosing the right flowers, not only because they may be too colorful, but also to avoid disappointment. After all, there are climbing, cascading, ampelous, groundcover, low and tall species. When shopping for seedlings, know what you want to ask the seller.

You can plant all these flowers on your balcony, and they will delight you all season. The main thing is to read about each one in advance, think through combinations of shades, so that you end up with decor like in the best magazines.

A selection of interesting options


You can admire crocuses, tulips, and hyacinths with the first rays of spring. Of course, we are used to them growing in the country. But you can also plant them on the balcony in separate pots or in a common container, where other flowers will then be planted. Yes, primroses fade quickly, but if you combine these flowers with other plants with different flowering periods, then your balcony will delight you from the first days of spring until autumn.


What could be simpler than scattering purslane seeds on the ground. These flowers delight with their unpretentiousness, because they can grow even in the most unfavorable places by self-seeding. Purslane blooms all summer, hanging beautifully from flowerpots, and its flowers have different shades.

To create a real floral paradise on your balcony, you can bring indoor plants onto it for the summer, which will join the overall composition. Lianas that can be entwined around vertical supports will fit perfectly.

Balcony plants not only perform a decorative function, but also protect from city noise and save from the summer heat. With their help you can create a unique cozy atmosphere. How beautiful a decorated balcony will be will depend on the correct choice of plants and compliance with agrotechnical rules for caring for flowering plantings.

Features of balcony flowers

When bringing indoor flowers to the balcony, you need to know that not all of them feel good in the direct rays of the sun on the south side. Therefore, in order to avoid burns to the foliage of indoor flowers, it is recommended to grow outdoor flowers that are suitable for the sunny side under the scorching sun.

When growing on a balcony, it is important to inspect the plants for pest infestation, because aphids can fly in from the street.

Attention! Flowers require frequent watering, as they quickly absorb moisture. For good growth and flowering, plants need to be fed.

The choice of varieties is very huge, so among such a variety it will not be difficult to choose what you need. However, when choosing, you need to start from such an important nuance as the location of the balcony or loggia.

For the south side, it is necessary to choose plants that are not afraid of heat. These include lobelia, verbena, godetia.

If the loggia is located on the north side, it is important to choose plants that can bloom without bright diffuse lighting. It is preferable to pay attention to indoor plants: spathiphyllum, saintpaulia, fuchsia.

The balcony can be decorated only with climbing plants or you can plant hanging flowers for the balcony, photos and names of which can be seen below.

Flowers for the balcony that bloom all summer: photos and names

How beautiful it is to look at the balcony when it is buried in fragrant flowers all summer. The territory can be decorated with petunias, surfinias, and calendula can be grown in combination with ornamental grasses. Marigolds, lobelia, and morning glory look beautiful.

Balcony plants that bloom all summer include the following:

Petunia, surfinia

Petunia and surfinia are the most popular flowers for decorating the balcony space. The hearts of flower growers were captivated by the long flowering, the huge size of single and double flowers, the varied colors, and the beautiful shape of flowers of ampelous and bush petunia.


What types are suitable for planting in containers and boxes:

  1. Ampelous petunias should be planted in hanging pots or large flowerpots. Sowing of seedlings is carried out in the second ten days of February.
  2. Bush multi-flowered petunias are suitable for horizontal decoration.
  3. Plants with one stem are not suitable for decorating loggias and balconies. A single stem with several flowers from the very top will look very ugly. To avoid the nuance, you will need to pinch the top in time so that the plant begins to branch.

When planting petunias, it is important to adhere to the optimal plant placement pattern. In one pot, petunias should be 15x15 cm. Depending on the size of the container, flowers can be planted in one or two rows.

Varieties for the balcony: Pikoti, Hit Parade, Highlight, Hula Hoop, Snow White, Storm.

Varieties of petunias for balconies


A beautiful plant that blooms all summer. They bloom successfully in the sunny side and in partial shade. To prolong flowering, you need to remove faded inflorescences. The low-growing variety Gitana Fiesta, which does not exceed 30 cm, is suitable for growing on the balcony.

Calendula Gitana Fiesta

When creating compositions, bright pansies, wide tulip bells, and bulbous tulips are suitable for calendula.

Calendula and pansies


The potted plant can be placed on the balcony in the summer. This unpretentious plant quickly increases its vegetative mass; some varieties lose their pleasant aroma.


What flowers can be planted with pelargonium:

  • coffee;
  • red and white geranium;
  • petunia;
  • immortelle.

Abundant flowering of pelargonium is achieved with proper care and the creation of optimal conditions for maintenance.

Flowers for the sunny side

Owners of a loggia on the southern part of the house are faced with the question: what flowers to choose for the balcony, because the sunny side is very hot. In this case, you need to pay attention to varieties whose flowers and foliage would not suffer from the scorching rays of the sun.


The flower is suitable for growing on the sunny side. On the southern balcony, flowering begins in July and continues until September. Sowing is carried out immediately in a permanent place. Seed germination is 100%.

Among the different varieties of nasturtium you can find climbing species, long vines that drape the walls, and hanging flowers.

Nasturtium on the loggia

Balcony flowers for the north side, photos and names

The north exposure is limited to sunlight, so you need to choose your plants wisely. Saintpaulias, cyclamens, spathiphyllum and fuchsias are suitable for decorating a balcony. Indoor plants will look no worse than annuals.


Violets come in miniature, standard and hanging (trailers). Thanks to the variety of varieties, you can create an incredible composition from Saintpaulia. Chandelier Saintpaulias will look beautiful in hanging flowerpots. Pots with miniature plants can be placed on a vertical stand attached to the wall.

Photo: balcony violets


The fuchsia bush has flexible branches from which beautiful butterfly flowers fall on long stalks. It is characterized by abundant and long flowering, which can last all summer.

From varieties bred as a result of breeding work with red, cream, snow-white, lilac and purple flowers, you can create a bright corner for relaxation. The good thing about flowers is that each variety has a different underskirt color from the upper one.

The most unpretentious flowers for the loggia, photos and names

Everyone wants to make their balcony a cozy corner, because they really want to sit in silence and relax from a busy day. Let's consider the most unpretentious balcony flowers: photos and names of which will be discussed below.


Yellow, orange, red pompoms of marigolds are an integral feature of garden flowerpots, summer containers and balcony boxes. Flowering begins in June and continues until late autumn.

Marigolds can grow in sun or partial shade. To grow on the balcony, you need to buy low-growing varieties, reaching a height of no more than 15-20 cm.

Photo: Marigolds on the balcony

Curly balcony flowers, photos and names

The beauty of climbing plants is that one plant can decorate the space of a standard balcony.

A delicate plant with red flowers is planted on the balcony in early June. Flowers look like butterflies. The plant's vines are characterized by rapid growth and quickly weave the space provided to them. Red moths flutter beautifully over the smooth foliage in the wind.

Photo: Decorative beans on the balcony

Sweet pea

Even the most skilled designers are delighted with the exquisite simplicity of sweet pea flowers, with delicate petals that exude a magical, subtle aroma. For decoration, it is better to take 3 varieties to play on the interweaving of different shades of foliage and flowers. Seeds can be sown in April; young plants are resistant to temperature changes.

Photo: Sweet peas on the loggia

People call it loach. It differs from its fellows in the huge size of its flowers. Some varieties bloom with flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. You can plant different varieties at the same time: combine white morning glory with purple, red with white, yellow with green, and blue with purple. Flowering begins in July and continues until late autumn.

Photo: Morning glory on the loggia

On a note!

The downside of the plant is its instability to low temperatures.

How to place on the balcony

When decorating a balcony, you need to rationally use all the space. The geometry of the arrangement of pots and containers with flowers plays an important role in creating the design.

  • On balconies with a small area it is recommended to install vertical flower stands. In this case, stands with containers are installed near the walls, into which ready-made seedlings of balcony flowers are subsequently planted. When creating a composition, climbing varieties are combined with ground cover. The result is a beautiful green carpet effect.

  • On medium-sized balconies, it is recommended to place flowers in a horizontal direction. Light containers with flowers are also hung from the railings. When decorating, it is important to remember that you should not fill the entire space, otherwise it will turn out too colorful.

  • Large balconies provide the opportunity to make all your dreams come true. Combined compositions look beautiful, where flowering plants flaunt coquettishly against the backdrop of large trees. The large area allows you to create a small lawn or alpine slide. The final touch to complete the composition will be the installation of a fountain, which will not only decorate the balcony and become a source of pride.

When decorating a balcony, it is important to follow the advice of designers, but you should not give up your preferences, because with every effort, you can create a paradise surrounded by green flowers.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to create a home greenhouse in the apartment, those with balconies will be able to create a mini-garden in the fresh air.

Which flowers are better for the balcony: garden or indoor?

The peculiarity of growing flowers on the balcony is that both indoor and garden species are suitable for landscaping. However, before planting plants, it is necessary to sort all species according to their characteristics, and also decide for what period their breeding is planned.

If you plan to place indoor varieties outside, please note that plants can only be taken out onto an open balcony from the second half of spring to mid-autumn. In a colder season, the weak root system of such species may die, so they will have to be brought indoors.

As for garden plants, they are not used to living in limited soil, so only annual varieties are suitable for growing in pots.

When choosing which flowers to plant on your balcony, rely on the following recommendations:

  • give preference to varieties with a small root system, since otherwise a lot of soil will not be required for normal flower growth;
  • choose low bushes, as long stems can break in the wind;
  • take a closer look at the duration of flowering; the longer it is, the longer the balcony will smell fragrant;
  • give preference to non-capricious varieties that tolerate temperature changes well.

Please note that seedlings for landscaping a balcony should be selected in February - March, since some varieties need to be planted already at this time. Select types of plants so that one flowering follows another and lasts all summer, for example, some flowers will bloom in early summer and fade in early autumn, while others will bloom from July until the first frost.

How to choose boxes and flower pots

If you decide to make a flower garden on your balcony, the first thing you should do is tidy up its territory and make cosmetic repairs. When the room is prepared, select the necessary containers for the seedlings. These can be wooden boxes or decorative flowerpots. Their choice depends on several factors:

  • If the area is small, horizontal distribution would be the best option. You can hang boxes both on the outside and on the inside of the railing. Choose flowers that are low-growing and long-blooming.
  • Make sure that the containers are light and durable, but do not get too hot in direct sunlight.
  • You should not take one long box, as when watering its weight will increase and the structure may not withstand it.
  • Consider the ability of plants to adapt to the volume of the container, as some varieties may be cramped in a small pot.
  • All pots should have trays to prevent the floor from getting wet.

If space allows, you can plant trees on the balcony in several directions, both horizontally and vertically.

Plants for the sunny side

Before planting plants, decide what types of flowers you need in accordance with the lighting on the balcony. For the sunny side, I will choose flowers that survive the influence of direct sunlight well.


A widely known representative of the variety is aloe. Such plants easily survive a temporary lack of watering and an abundance of sunlight, so they are excellent for growing on the sunny side. No less popular representatives of the species: dollar tree, haworthia, echeveria. Please note that the roots of succulents should not overheat, so choose a light-colored pot for planting.

Geranium (pelargonium)

It is distinguished not only by its love for abundant light, but also by its long flowering period, which can last throughout the summer. Bright inflorescences of zonal and ampelous varieties of geranium will be an excellent option for a southern balcony.


The dense stems and leaves of the plant accumulate moisture well, so they grow well in the sun. Adapts well to soil. An excellent option would be to plant purslane in decorative flowerpots. The flowers are very light-loving, so they bloom only in sunny weather. Flowering continues from July to September.


It is distinguished by bright large flowers with a velvety surface. The plant tolerates abundant light well, but does not tolerate prolonged drought, so do not forget to water the zinnia on time. This must be done carefully so that water does not fall on the surface of the sheet plate.

Calendula, marigold

When choosing calendula for the balcony, give preference to low-growing varieties. The plant is not picky about care and loves the warmth of the sun. Flowers can be of several shades. Calendula can bloom all summer. To ensure flowering lasts as long as possible, remove faded flowers in a timely manner.


Nasturtium is unpretentious to grow. It almost always grows from seeds with proper care. Tolerates the influence of abundant light well. Different varieties are suitable for landscaping balconies of different sizes, for example:

  • climbing species for vertical placement;
  • hanging flowers for boxes on railings or flowerpots suspended from the ceiling;
  • bush types for growing in pots.

For landscaping a balcony, you can combine several types in one container.

Flowers for the northern balcony

The northern balcony does not always have the necessary lighting, so choose plants for landscaping that can easily cope with the lack of light.


It adapts well to any lighting, so it is perfect for growing on both southern and northern balconies. However, it has been noted that in the shade the bright balsam flowers fade a little, so for the northern part, choose white or light pink varieties that lack coloring pigment. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, easily reproduces and then grows, as a result of which it requires transplantation into a large container. It requires watering every day, because if there is a lack of moisture, the petals fall off and the plant withers.


Ideal not only for landscaping the balcony, but also for creating shade in the apartment. This is a climbing plant with dense leaves. It tolerates planting well both in the shade and in the sun. Does not require frequent watering. At the same time, to keep the leaves dense and bright, regularly spray their surface with settled water.


The plant is notable not only for its bright flowers, but also for its unusually shaped leaves. Cyclamen is an indoor flower, but it also gets along well on the balcony, subject to proper watering, moderate lighting and air temperature. The plant does not tolerate heat and bright light. If you place the flower in the shade and take care of it regularly, without flooding or drying out the soil, cyclamen will delight you with flowering throughout the summer.


An interesting plant with an unusual flower shape, which can be bright yellow or speckled red. It grows only in the shade and does not like heat. Requires regular watering as the soil dries out.


Excellent for growing in hanging pots. It has an original shape of buds, and blooms from the beginning of spring until the first cold weather. It survives being in the shade well, and is unpretentious in care and soil quality. Its roots do not tolerate heat, so choose a light-colored pot and do not overdry the soil. However, you should not overwater the flower and constantly move the pot, as the petals may fall off and the plant itself may become smaller.


The plant is interesting because of the color of its leaves, which can be not only green, but also burgundy or red with pronounced veins. Grows well in shade or partial shade. Requires regular watering. Only acidic soil is suitable for growing begonias. Does not tolerate stagnant water, drought and drafts.


The compact torenia shrub will be an excellent decoration for a northern balcony. The flowers of the plant are small with original shaped flowers, which can be purple, blue, red or white. It germinates well from seeds, which must be sown in February - March. The flower requires timely watering as the soil dries and regular spraying of the leaves, and also does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight.

Flowers for an east or west balcony

Western and eastern balconies are valued for their moderate illumination, which is excellent for growing many varieties of indoor flowers.


The garden plant gets along well on a balcony with moderate lighting. It has lush foliage and bright small flowers collected in inflorescences. Loves nutritious soil, which should not dry out or be too wet. It tolerates both high temperatures and light frosts, so it can bloom from early spring to late autumn.

Marigolds (tagetes)

An unpretentious plant that is distinguished not only by its resistance to various temperature changes, but also by its long flowering. It is famous for its lush buds of orange, bright yellow or red colors. To ensure flowering continues for as long as possible, water the plant on time and remove faded flowers.


Double daisy flowers will delight you with bright blooms from spring until the first frost. The compact plant can grow in a small pot and loves shade and regular watering.


An amazing flower that can decorate a balcony even in winter, as some varieties bloom from January to April. Other species begin to bloom in the fall and retain the inflorescence even if completely frozen.

Climbing flowers for the balcony

For vertical gardening, choose climbing plants.


Small bright purple bougainvillea flowers will be an excellent decoration for a balcony with good lighting. They like generous but moderate watering, as well as high temperature and humidity.

morning glory

Morning glory looks on the balcony like a lush green carpet with bright large flowers. It likes moderate illumination, so it is suitable for landscaping northern, western or eastern balconies.


A garden perennial plant that gets along well on the balcony. It entwines the surface with lush green leaves with large flowers of a soft pink hue. Calistegia is a garden plant, so it grows well in both hot and cool weather. Frost-resistant, therefore not susceptible to drafts and frosts. Not picky in the choice of soil and frequency of watering. In winter, you don’t even have to put the pot indoors, just wrap the container with the roots and leave it on the balcony, and next year the plant will bloom again.


It does not tolerate cold and drafts, so clematis can only be planted on southern or eastern balconies. When choosing, give preference to more frost-resistant varieties.

Ampelous flowers for the balcony

Hanging flowers that can be hung on the railing or in a flowerpot under the ceiling are great for decorating a balcony.


Due to the original shape of the flower, as if looking down, fuchsia is an excellent option for planting in a hanging pot.


Looks great in a hanging container as a small ball consisting of small bright blue flowers. It blooms throughout the summer, but only if the lighting is abundant but diffuse. For growing lobelia, the best option would be an eastern or western balcony.


A plant with lush flowering that seems to envelop a hanging flowerpot. It is found with both large and medium-sized flowers, colored blue, red or pink. When buying petunia for growing on a northern balcony, give preference to frost-resistant varieties that are not afraid of rain and wind. On the south side, many petunia hybrids will do.


A plant of interesting shape with beautiful flowering. It is a succulent, so it can easily cope with a lack of moisture. It is well suited for growing on the balcony, as it has both indoor and garden varieties in the family. During care, handle the flower carefully, as its stems and leaves may secrete poisonous juice.

Indoor flowers on the balcony

Many varieties of indoor flowers benefit from being outdoors during the warm season. If you decide to ventilate your indoor plants:

  • the time when you should start airing the plants depends on the weather outside, and not on the season (wait for clear days with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees);
  • start taking containers with plants out into the air for just a few hours;
  • increase the time the plants spend on the balcony every day;
  • You can completely transfer flowers to the balcony only when the day and night temperatures are approximately the same;
  • take care to create shade on the balcony, since most plants do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Please note that some varieties of indoor plants do not like to be rearranged.

Flowers for an open balcony

If your balcony is not glazed, the beauty of your home garden can be ruined by gusts of wind. To protect plants:

  • choose the most stable boxes and pots for planting flowers;
  • Heavy stones can be placed at the bottom of the containers to prevent the boxes from falling;
  • forms and pots can be tied together or tied to the railing;
  • Choose plants with dense, flexible stems and fleshy leaves, such as begonia, ivy, calendula or daisies.

Keep in mind that the higher the balcony, the stronger the gusts of wind there can be, so choose lower and more compact plantings.

The most unpretentious and profusely flowering plants for the loggia

For the loggia, choose long-flowering plants in accordance with the side of its location. A good option in this case would be:

  • marigold;
  • calendula;
  • geranium;
  • snapdragon (dwarf varieties);
  • begonia;
  • nasturtium.

What plants can be grown on the balcony all year round?

To create a year-round garden on your balcony, use perennials and annuals. To ensure continuous flowering in the summer, choose long-blooming species, such as:

  • marigold;
  • lobelia;
  • brachycoma;
  • petunia;
  • pansies.

Make sure that the greenhouse has both early and late varieties, for example:

  • Crocuses, daffodils and hyacinths bloom first;
  • late varieties include asters or violas.

If your balcony or loggia is sufficiently insulated, and it is possible to install artificial light sources for plants, the choice of colors for landscaping is almost unlimited. All year round you will be pleased with:

  • many varieties of cacti;
  • geranium;
  • fuchsia;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • hydrangea;
  • several varieties of dwarf roses;
  • clematis.

The main thing is to take proper care of the plants, water them and feed them on time.

Best Plants for Fragrance

If you want your balcony to not only bloom beautifully, but also emit a pleasant smell, try planting:

  • matthiola, which produces flowers in the evening that emit a tart, slightly bitter aroma;
  • gillyflower with large white or pink flowers;
  • alyssum with honey aroma;
  • decorative tobacco that begins to emit a pleasant smell as the sun sets.

Features of growing annual and perennial plants

Annual species are less demanding to care for, quickly grow from seed and bloom, but can only bloom for one year. Perennials, in turn, require more careful care, are very sensitive to the environment and are able to grow only in certain conditions. However, in such plants, flowering can be very long and can be observed both in summer and winter.

Caring for flowers on the balcony

When the greenhouse on the balcony or loggia is ready, do not forget to properly care for the plants. Please take into account the following care details:

  • do not choose containers that are too small, otherwise the soil will quickly dry out and overheat;
  • do not use garden soil, as it may contain pathogenic microorganisms and pests; it is better to give preference to store-bought substrate;
  • be sure to line the bottom of the containers with a drainage layer;
  • carefully monitor watering, do not dry out the soil in the pot and do not allow excess moisture;
  • Regularly feed the flowers with fertilizers and minerals;
  • Check leaves and stems carefully for diseases or pests.

If you regularly follow all the rules of care, your balcony will smell fragrant throughout the summer.

Subtleties of cultivation and maintenance

Experienced gardeners often experiment and grow plant varieties on the balcony that usually grow only on free land. You can also try growing your own roses, tulips or spray petunias.


If the plant is properly cared for, both indoor and garden varieties of roses can grow on the balcony.

Subtleties of care:

  • for growing, select deep containers;
  • in the first days after transplantation, roses should be well watered and receive a measured amount of lighting;
  • approximately 3 weeks after transplantation, the plant needs to be fed with minerals;
  • grown plants require regular watering as the soil dries out;
  • protect bushes from excessive overheating;
  • remove faded buds and dried branches in a timely manner.

For the winter, leave the roses directly in pots on the balcony, covering them from frost with a warm cocoon.


For a tulip to take off and bloom:

  • choose the shortest varieties (Greiga, Arma, Kaufman);
  • choose plastic or ceramic pots;
  • prepare the bulbs for planting in time (in order for the tulips to bloom in early spring, start preparing in the fall);
  • make the substrate yourself by mixing humus, sand, black soil and a little peat;
  • Properly care for flowers during seedling growth and before flowering.

With proper and proper care, tulips will grow actively at any time of the year.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers

To make your balcony look impressive, combine several types of flowers in one container that get along well in the neighborhood. You need to choose the right plants not only, but also the containers for them. You can use:

  • hanging wall pockets for climbing or bush varieties;
  • pots that can be installed directly on the floor or specially equipped racks;
  • hanging flowerpots for ampelous varieties, which can be hung from the ceiling or on the railing;
  • long forms for low-growing plants;
  • trellises and nets for climbing species;
  • various multi-tiered stands.

You can place plants in an endless variety of options so that the balcony looks like a voluminous flowering greenhouse, for example:

  • Place tall and large plants on the sides or in the background of the balcony;
  • hang hanging varieties in flower pots under the ceiling or on the railing;
  • plant low bushes in long boxes and attach them to the parapet;
  • Place climbing plants in the corners to create a living arch.

Don’t forget to install suitable garden furniture on the balcony and decorate the space with additional decor.

Many varieties of both indoor and garden plants are suitable for growing on the balcony. When choosing the necessary flowers, consider which side your balcony faces, and during the growing process, do not forget to properly care for and monitor them.

Not really

Decorating a balcony or loggia in an apartment with flowers is a great opportunity to create a beautiful green corner for relaxation in the city. You can also place a small wooden table with chairs here and enjoy evening tea parties and sunsets. Not all garden flowers can grow on the balcony.

In this article you will learn what are the best flowers to grow on the balcony in boxes.

1. Marigolds

The heat-loving yellow heads of marigolds are an integral feature of summer containers, garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. They are easy to grow from seeds or purchase seedlings, they are unpretentious, bloom from early summer until frost. Removing spent flowers prolongs flowering.

In addition, if you are thinking about what flowers to plant on the sunny side, then these are marigolds. They love sunny places. The only thing is that during drought you need to water regularly and not overdry the soil.

The most popular marigold varieties are rejected hybrids. Varieties can be bushy, in which case you will only need a couple or three plants for the balcony box. To make these yellow flowers look beautiful on the balcony, choose low 15 - 30 cm species. Double or semi-double inflorescences with a diameter of up to 5 cm are perfect for a balcony box.

2. Calendula, marigolds

A flower that does not require soil. These are flowers for a balcony with sunny side or light partial shade. Completely unpretentious, can be affected by powdery mildew and aphids. Refers to plants that bloom all summer. Flowering time is from June to September. For long-term flowering, you need to remove faded inflorescences.

The original type is calendula officinalis; for balconies and loggias you need to choose the low-growing variety Fiesta Gitana - 30 cm, which have different colors. It is very easy to grow at home from seeds. For early flowering, calendula seedlings can be planted in the second half of February.

When creating an unusual balcony design, it is better to plant calendula together with other flowers - pansies, bulbous flowers (daffodils, tulips), hanging petunias, ornamental cabbage, ornamental and herbs.

3. Nasturtium

Annual nasturtiums are flowers for a southern balcony. Blooms from July to September. Sow the seeds immediately in a permanent place. These flowers for balconies are unpretentious and almost always grow from seeds. A unique garden plant, flowers of different varieties are completely different from each other:

There are vines for draping walls, that is, you can choose varieties and grow climbing flowers for the balcony;

Ampelous flowers for balconies and window boxes - nasturtium peregrinum, the length of the vines reaches 3 m;

Bush-like dwarf varieties for flower beds.

foreign nasturtium

climbing nasturtium

4. Petunia

The most popular flowers to grow on the balcony in boxes are petunias. Thanks to their varied colors, long flowering, variety of varieties and species, they create a unique design on the balcony.

What flowers to plant on the petunia balcony:

Ampel varieties of petunias are planted in large garden flowerpots or hanging flower pots for balconies, loggias and summer verandas (these varieties should be sown for seedlings earlier than bush varieties - in early to mid-February);

Tilling multi-flowered species.

Beware of purchasing flower seeds with one stem; they are completely unsuitable for balconies and loggias. In this case, 1 stem will grow from the pot with several flowers at the top

Scheme for planting petunias in a balcony box 15 by 15 cm. Single-row and double-row planting of petunias in a box on the balcony is possible.

How to create flowers on the balcony design:

For single-row planting, plant 3 pink and 2 purple petunias, alternating them by color;

When planting in two rows in a box, place upright flowers in the background and hanging varieties in the foreground.

5. Pelargonium

Most often, pelargonium is called geranium, which is grown in pots as a houseplant. Pelargonium is one of the most unpretentious plants to care for; it grows quickly, blooms well and profusely. By the way, with proper care, pelargonium can bloom all year round. It has a pleasant spicy aroma, which is emitted not by flowers, but by leaves. A wonderful plant for a balcony in warm periods.

In addition, with pelargonium you can create wonderful flower arrangements, complementing them with other flowers. Here is one of the schemes for planting flowers on the balcony:

pelargonium white and red;


6. Nemesia

Nemesia flowers come in one, two and three colors. Blooms early; in hot summers flowering may not last long. A second wave of flowering is possible, closer to autumn. To do this, you need to trim the stems after the first wave of flowering. If you want to achieve autumn flowering, then plant nemesia seeds for seedlings in early June, then your balcony will look great in November.

Nemesia seeds are small, so you need to sow them on top, without covering them with soil. Then spray well with water and cover with glass. As the glass fogs up, you need to open it slightly, and remove it after green shoots appear.

When transplanting into flowerpots and pots, maintain a distance of 20 cm between flowers. When planting flower seedlings, pinch the stems.

Decorating a balcony with nemesia flowers turns out to be very delicate, due to the fact that the flowers are small, low, about 20 cm and bushy.

7. Low-growing varieties of snapdragons

Snapdragons are usually grown in the garden, but if you take the shortest variety, Rainbow, you can grow flowers in a variety of colors and shades. On the plus side, it is worth noting the smell of snapdragon, it exudes such a fragrance! And for this you only need 5 - 6 bushes.

In autumn, when frost sets in, this plant freezes, the flowers do not change color and it looks great. The flowers last as if they were alive all winter. Therefore, if you are choosing which flowers to plant on the balcony, be sure to add dwarf varieties of snapdragons to your list. They bloom in the second half of summer, from July to October.

8. Begonia everblooming and tuberous begonia.

Both types of begonias can be grown in containers and are flowers for north-facing balconies; they grow well in partial shade. They have rounded, fleshy leaves with colors ranging from pale green to chocolate brown. Blooms from June to September. It is considered a perennial, but most often this plant is grown as an annual. Grows well in humus-rich soil and in partial shade. Therefore, when planting, you need to add compost.

9. Fuchsia ampelous

There are 3 main groups of fuchsias. What flowers are best to plant on the balcony? These are tender, heat-loving ampelous fuchsias with weak, cascading stems in hanging baskets. The name of the ampelous fuchsia variety is Swingtime. The stems grow up to 50 cm with red and white flowers.

Fuchsias are excellent blooming flowers for a north balcony. They only need a small amount of light to flower and grow. Be sure to water regularly and abundantly. Make sure that the earthen ball does not dry out. After a drought, fuchsia will die and will not recover.

10. Pansy or Vitroka violet

There are many hybrids of Vitroka violets with a height of 15 - 25 cm. These flowers on the loggia are of two types:

Winter-flowering (November - May) varieties that are grown as biennials are dominated by the Universal series;

Summer flowering (June - October), grown as annuals.

Viola can be grown on the balcony, but it must be planted in a place with proper lighting. The sunny side with shading during the midday hours is optimal. On the southern balcony it will quickly lose its decorative effect. Already in July it will fade and look dried out and unattractive.

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A balcony beautifully decorated with flowers in our cities is still, unfortunately, the exception and not the rule. You can refer to the climatic features of most regions of the country. Or argue that the culture of flower decoration on balconies is unusual for us and that it is more common for us to grow green onions and other garden herbs on balconies. That in the Soviet era, every citizen had to participate in the construction of a “garden city”, and not engage in petty-bourgeois cultivation of flowers on his personal balcony, and even for unknown purposes. And we turned this page in the history of the country just a quarter of a century ago. But how nice it is to lift your head and admire from the street the floral oases on the balconies of standard buildings! And rejoice that up there, someone not only decorated the balcony for themselves, but also gives this beauty to everyone around them.

Where to begin?

As in any business, floriculture has its own professional secrets. What flowers to choose for the flower garden? What composition should I create for the winter garden? What colors should you choose to decorate a south-facing balcony?

Start with landscaping the “balcony area”. This may be cosmetic repairs, which will be limited only to painting the railings and replacing the flooring. It will not be possible to paint the walls, so we advise you to choose flowers in shades that will not blend in with the color of the walls.

Then we advise you to decide how much area on the balcony you will allocate for flowers. Do you give everything to a flower garden or leave part of the area for household needs or a recreation area? We do not take into account the boxes attached to the outside of the balcony railing - they do not take up space. Do you want to grow flowers just for yourself or will you try to decorate your balcony so that all passers-by can admire your successes?

Very important! The permissible load on the balcony slab must not be exceeded. You need to be especially careful when decorating flower beds on old balconies. Therefore, do not chase the number of pots and boxes with flowers, especially since by arranging them in large numbers, you will not be able to create a beautiful flower arrangement.

When you answer these questions for yourself, it will be the turn of geometry. Not a subject from a high school curriculum, but the geometry of the arrangement of flower boxes, containers, pots and flowerpots. When decorating a balcony with flowers, we advise you to follow the well-known rules:

  • On large balconies you can safely combine all types of landscaping: horizontal, vertical and ceiling. Compositions that include large single flowers (lilies, camellias, peonies) look great. Your flower garden will be decorated with a lawn, pebble flooring, a decorative fountain or pond, an alpine slide, evergreen shrubs or special varieties of fruit trees. In a word, create! On a large balcony, it is advisable to use all its elements: walls, fencing, floor.

  • On small balconies, horizontal landscaping is usually used. To do this, light plastic containers are hung from the outside of the balcony railing; heavier pots and boxes are placed along the walls and railings. Marigolds and Chinese carnations are excellent for this type of flower bed. The height of low-growing marigold varieties is about 20 cm; they stop blooming only with the arrival of frost. Chinese carnation feels good in flower beds on balconies. Chinese carnation usually grows up to 30 cm in height and blooms all summer. This requires pruning at the end of July. Frequent feeding is not required. Does not tolerate excess water in containers. Often horizontal gardening is combined with ceiling gardening, in which flowerpots are suspended from the ceiling of the balcony. Don't forget to provide easy access to flowers for watering and caring for them.

  • On small balconies, the emphasis is on vertical flower beds. Containers are placed against the wall, ropes are stretched to the ceiling, a “ladder” is mounted from slats, or mesh trellises are installed. Climbing along them, climbing plants will quickly turn your balcony into a paradise. Take kobeya, sweet peas, and beans for planting in a vertical flower garden. Of the climbing plants, girlish grapes look great.

To plant flowers, use all possibilities: boxes, pots, flowerpots. Containers are selected so that the flowers have enough space and soil.

Lightweight but durable plastic boxes are best used for placement on the outside of the balcony railing. It is recommended not to plant flowers in one long box - when watering, the weight of the structure will increase and the fastening may not be able to cope. In such cases, several relatively small boxes up to one meter long are used.

It is believed that plants “live” more comfortably in clay boxes, flowers can “breathe” in them, and moisture is retained longer. But such boxes have significant weight, and it is better to use them for floor placement.

Advice. Before using new clay boxes, place them in water for about two hours. This is an old method of forcing air bubbles out of clay to make the box more durable.

Buy only boxes with small holes in the bottom. This way, excess moisture will not accumulate in them.

The best option is to use boxes with pallets. “Excess” water will leave the box, accumulate on the tray and create a greenhouse effect in the sun. And it won't leak down. It’s unpleasant, after all, instead of words of admiration, to hear from passers-by, on whom water is dripping from your boxes, something offensive: “They hung it here!”

Great for flower gardens. They must be attached to the ceiling or from the inside of the balcony. Pots secured from the outside may be damaged by gusts of wind.

Feel free to buy durable boxes and pots in the most inexpressive colors. They must have the main quality - strength. You can decorate them with your own hands in any style you like.

It is very important to choose the right soil for flowers. The soil can be purchased at the store or made yourself. To do this, coarse sand, turf layer of earth and humus (peat) are used in equal proportions. A layer made of an elastic dishwashing napkin or a piece of rug is placed in the flower box, which can accumulate water and then gradually release it into the ground. Then we pour a layer of sand - this is a layer of peat, and on top of that we pour turf soil, from which the weeds have been removed.

The soil level should be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the box. If you poured too much soil, the water will wash it away when watering.

Important! Every year, before planting flowers, you need to remove the top layer and replace it with a fresh one. Fertilizers are applied only after replacing the top layer of soil. Try to use long-lasting fertilizers. Check with seed sellers for the order of applying fertilizer.

Choosing flowers

The most important part of preparing to create a flower garden. Immediately pay attention to the height of the plants - it is indicated on the packages. Otherwise, tall and powerful plants will “strangle” the weaker ones. There's nothing to be done, it's a struggle for survival.

Do not try to put many seeds in one box in the soil. When they grow up they will grow up, but frail and weak. In a meter box it is optimal to plant up to 10 flowers in two rows. True, you need to consider what kind of flowers you are planting. You can combine and plant one row of flowing ones, and choose taller plants for the second.

Considering the height of the flowers, we must not forget about the color combination. Excessive diversity of the flower garden will not decorate your balcony. Check out these possible combinations:

Choose color combinations that you like, without losing sight of the difference in the flowering time of plants. With time and experience, you will learn how to make flower arrangements that change throughout the season, such as tulips with crocuses and daffodils,

which are replaced by begonias.

After planting flowers in boxes and pots, do not rush to send them to the balcony in direct sunlight. Most flowers don’t really like sunbathing, and besides, you need to give them time to get stronger first. And for this purpose, let them stand in the shade for a while. And you should water the flowers early in the morning or after sunset, when the heat subsides.

Flowers for a balcony facing the sunny side

For a flower garden on a sunny balcony, sun-loving daisies are perfect,


They love the sun: purslane, morning glory, mignonette, heliotrope (the name speaks for itself!), sweet peas, and decorative beans.

Plant viola (Pansy) in early May

and daisies, and your flower garden on the balcony will delight you with early flowering.

Agapanthus africa

and Indian canna, planted in large beautiful pots, will decorate your flower garden on a sunny balcony.

Flowers for a shaded balcony

For a flower garden on a shaded balcony, choose fuchsia,




For flower beds on balconies located on the upper floors, and where the wind is stronger, opt for begonia, ageratum, low-growing marigold, and sedum.

On small balconies, mainly with vertical gardening, we plant petunias,


ampere varieties of lobelia,

Tumbergia winged.

Plant an evergreen boxwood, and add ragwort (cineraria) or violets to it in the spring. Believe me, your composition will be original and very beautiful.

If you like this experience, next year try to make a more complex composition:

Success will undoubtedly inspire you, and you will want to immediately develop it. This is when the stage of the “wise gardener” begins, who knows a sense of proportion and can restrain his impulses. First of all, for the benefit of the flowers and the entire flower garden. You have a small, but still a corner of wildlife on your balcony. And in nature, everything is arranged very intelligently, even though we often do not understand this and consider the existing rules according to which the strongest survive to be cruel. Therefore, be guided by a sense of proportion and do not rush to plant flowers on the entire balcony at once. And don’t be afraid of failures, they are inevitable in such a complex business as growing flowers. Failures will be forgotten, and the reward in the form of constant communication with flowers, your joy from this communication and the joy of your loved ones will always be with you. And it may well be that an absent-minded passer-by will accidentally raise his head, stop dead in his tracks, seeing your balcony, and say: “What a beauty!”

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