What are amulets dolls for and how to make them correctly with your own hands. How to make a talisman doll from fabric yourself: step-by-step manufacturing instructions A talisman doll for health

The healing doll “For your health” is made only from linen threads, since it is believed that flax, with its natural properties, is very environmentally friendly and, by taking the disease upon itself, helps a person get better. This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be made, trying to remain in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating on thoughts about the sick person for whom this is being done. You can light a candle and read prayers or conspiracies. For a sick child, the doll is placed in the crib, he can play with it, and as soon as the illness goes away, the doll is burned. When braiding a doll’s braid, you must say: “To your health, to your health.” Upon completion of production and when handing it over to the patient, repeat: “To your health.” There are options when the braid is made twice as long. I like this option better and it's faster.

1. To make a doll, you need linen threads (preferably softer ones) and red threads for binding.

2. The doll is made approximately 15 cm, plus or minus 2-3 cm, at your discretion.
To do this, on any item of the selected size, we make three windings without breaking the threads
for the body - thicker,
for hands - two to three times thinner,
the same as for the hands, for the braid.

3. 4. Cut (on one side).

5. For the braid, tie a simple knot at the very end; for the arms, we braid and tie a braid at the ends.

6. We use a red thread 1 meter long to mark the neck. We do not tear off the thread.

7. Thread the braid blank into the head. To prevent the strands from tangling, tie the crown with linen thread.

8. We tie a knot in the head.

9. Braid the hair.
10. We tie the braid of the arms crosswise and mark the waist.

11. We make a belt and a headband.

And we help each other! Cheers!

A doll-amulet “for health”, created according to ancient Slavic canons, will help speed up the recovery of a loved one. A ritual toy will take away any negativity, including mental illness, and will also cure melancholy and apathy. The most effective amulet is made by the mother for the child.

The meaning of the doll

In order for the healing amulet to gain maximum power, it is recommended to do it during the growing month. The magical power of the luminary will improve your health and lead to a speedy recovery.

The classic one is made with one’s own hands to drive out illness from a person. You can even use a magic talisman for newborns. The “health” amulet is suitable for the treatment of physical and mental illnesses, as it takes away any negativity and cleanses the patient. Simple to make, but elegant, the doll is often made by a woman, preferably a mother, and presented as a gift to a sick person. The magical amulet will work only if the needlewoman fully concentrates on the process and visualizes recovery. A doll made with abstract thoughts will not have a healing effect, so you need to buy a talisman from your own hands with caution.

If the toy is intended for a child, then it is better to make it small.

The size of the “health” amulet can be any, but for kids it is recommended to make tiny figures that fit in a tiny palm. In order to be healed, a child will play with the talisman, which is why natural materials are used in its production. Natural linen threads that have magical meaning are suitable. The material absorbs negativity, fatigue and serves as a powerful shield against other diseases. You can use other fabrics, but synthetics are strictly prohibited because they conduct energy and create stagnation. Such a Slavic amulet will backfire and will not allow a person to recover quickly.

Basic manufacturing rules

To make a healing doll “for health”, the needlewoman must adhere to the following rules:

It is important that the woman is in a good mood for this work.
  • The amulet is made only in a good mood with mental good wishes. If the needlewoman is not in the mood, the doll will absorb negative emotions and pass them on to the patient.
  • You should not work in a hurry, as this creates nervousness and sloppiness. The Slavic talisman will not tolerate disrespect and will not help.
  • You should not use Orthodox prayers when creating a doll, as this is a pagan amulet. Glorification of the deities - Beregina, Lada, Lelya or Makosh - is better suited. The patient may belong to any religion. There is no need to remove the cross or other symbol of faith.
  • The face, according to traditional canons, is left clean. You can make a cross from crossed pieces of fabric to protect you from misfortunes and stop illness. Making eyes, nose or mouth is strictly prohibited, as the amulet will lose its power and dangerous otherworldly entities can move into it.
  • The amulet is created in one go. It is impossible to interrupt and switch to other household chores, as well as to talk with household members. Therefore, the family is warned not to disturb the needlewoman.

How to make a talisman doll?

Necessary materials

The main material for the toy is linen thread.

To make a talisman “for health” with your own hands, you will need the following items:

  • a skein of linen threads of natural color;
  • cardboard or board 15 cm wide;
  • a spool of scarlet threads;
  • large sewing needle;
  • scissors.

Stages of work

The scarlet thread can be replaced with a light green thread so that the amulet will also make the owner happy, or blue if the illness is of a psychological nature. Blue will help heal mental pain.

The “health” amulet is made according to the following step-by-step instructions:

Taking a red thread, you need to make a neck for the toy.
  1. 150 and 50 turns of linen threads are wound separately onto the cardboard. The first ones will go to the body, and the others to the arms and hair. The threads are cut along one edge.
  2. A thin bunch is taken, tied at the tip with a knot, and then divided into equal halves and separated in 2 opposite directions.
  3. A thick coil is laid on top, which will soon become the body of the pupa. You will get two tails hanging from different sides.
  4. The 2 hanging parts of the thick winding are connected and tied with scarlet thread 2 cm below the thin bundle to form a neck.
  5. One tight braid is woven from thin ponytails with the disclaimer: “Get well soon!”
  6. A third thin bunch is taken from the cardboard. Stepping back 1 cm from the end of the threads, you need to tighten the scarlet thread. Next, the braid is braided until the same indentation remains on the other side. The bundle is tied with thread. The ends are allowed to be trimmed.
  7. The body is divided into 2 parts and the arms are inserted inside. The thread used to secure the head is used to tie the sternum with an overlapping cross on both sides of the doll.
  8. The waist is tied.
  9. The forehead is wrapped with a thread and tied with a knot at the back of the head.

motanka doll made of linen threads

The doll is a health amulet that helps to lure illness out of a person after recovery and is burned with gratitude. The doll should be made from flax or linen threads. It is believed that flax is capable of taking the disease upon itself.

How to use the amulet

A traditional healing doll is placed under the patient’s bed under the pillow; during the day you can play with it, talk to it, or carry it with you.

When making a talisman for a child, the doll can be made very small so that it can be easily held in the hand. They place it on the child’s arm with wishes of health and give it to play. When the baby has played enough or the motanka loses its appearance, the doll is burned. In addition to fire, water and earth have cleansing powers; you can choose how to destroy the negativity included in the amulet yourself.

A healing doll can treat a mental state and not just visible illnesses.

Manufacturing Features

A healthy doll does not require decorations and does not like fuss. When creating a talisman, focus on wishing health to the person for whom you are making it. You can light a candle and read a spell for recovery. It’s enough just to say while braiding: “to your health...to your recovery.”

Systematic creation of amulets with your own hands helps a person to tune in to a positive mood, his worldview changes, harmony with the world around him is achieved, which leads to an improvement in life.

Doll amulet for health: step-by-step master class with photos

Creating a health amulet doll will not take much time and does not require any special skills. It is better to create in a calm environment and in a good mood. Send your household members out for a walk or put them to bed (depending on what happens).

For a healing doll, it is better to use flax.

Prepare materials: flax (can be plumbing) or twine, scissors and cardboard (if you are making it from thread).

Pieces of thread for reeling can be made of any size.

Make 3 wraps and cut on one side: for the body, arms and braid. You can make 2 identical ones and divide the second one in half.

When making from unspun flax, we simply cut 3 pieces of the same length. We make segments of 10-15 cm.

We make preparations for the healer.

We make preparations for collecting the pupa.

    For the hands, we move 1 finger away from the edge and tie it with a red thread, weave a tight braid and at the end we tie it in the same way as follows: 3 wraps away from ourselves and tie with 3 knots, cut the thread.

    For the braid we make a knot at the end.

    We don't touch the body yet.

Formation of the head.

We use a red woolen thread to form the head at a distance of 3 fingers from the top of the head.

Attach the braid blank to the head.

We tie a knot.

We braid a tight braid. Here it is important to braid without distortions and knots.

If the doll is made from flax tow, comb the hair with a comb before braiding. Combing your braid is an additional ritual to attract health.

We divide the body of the doll into 2 parts and insert the already prepared handles and wrap them with a protective cross.

Cut the thread at the back. We take a red ribbon or a belt woven from red wool and tie it to the doll, the knot on the left side.

A health amulet doll made of sanitary linen and decorated for a child.

For children, the amulet can be decorated with colored ribbons or tied with a braid apron using a belt.

In ancient times, any disease was considered a signal of a person’s wrong lifestyle or negative energy: anger, envy, hatred or irritation and resentment.

The healing doll is ready, hand it to the person for whom you created it with the words “good health.”

Slavic homemade amulets dolls have always played a significant role in the lives of people in Rus'. In addition to their main purpose - to protect and protect, children played with dolls and used them to decorate the home. Our ancestors were confident that amulets dolls had an impact on the life, health, destiny and well-being of people. Therefore, dolls were made as symbols of ritual or keeper of the hearth, and they were often presented as gifts. Such dolls were made from various materials, for example, fabric, leather, clay or straw.

To more clearly show what kind of amulets were made for a specific occasion, we will give several examples.

For holidays associated, for example, with the change of seasons or the harvest, appropriate ritual dolls were made. Each had its own role and its own fate - some were burned, others were preserved - stuffed with cereal and placed in the house to attract wealth.

For the wedding, “Lovebirds” dolls were made for the newlyweds, which symbolized the integrity of the family.

If there were no children in the family, but the couple really wanted to become parents, then they made a doll-amulet for pregnancy - “Moskovka”. It was believed that it symbolizes the spirit of motherhood and family unity.

In order to have a child as quickly as possible, women made a “pregnant” doll for themselves. Its peculiarity is that it is an ordinary doll, in the hem of which the “Pelenashka” doll is hidden. It was also believed that this amulet warded off damage, the evil eye and other troubles from the newborn.

Dolls "Pelenashki"

“Bunnies” amulets were made for children. They helped the children not to get bored if they had to be left alone.

The “Kubishka” doll served as a talisman for health. She had to sit on a bag of medicinal herbs. And if someone was sick, you had to walk with the doll throughout the house, rubbing this bag with your fingers, and then put the doll in bed with the sick person to drive out the spirit of the disease.

For prosperity they made a “Krupenichka” doll and a “Rich Man” doll.

To prevent the house from being left without an owner when he left for a long time, a protective doll was always placed in his place.

You can watch a video from the First Museum of Slavic Mythology, which talks about making a talisman doll.

There are many other amulets dolls. We get acquainted with each of them in more detail in the article Slavic dolls-amulets made of fabric: their meaning and how to make them with your own hands

Rules for creating protective dolls

And in our time, protective dolls are made. But before you make amulets dolls with your own hands, read some important rules!

1. Calm down, concentrate, read a prayer or a curse

To begin with, calm down, retire and concentrate on what you will do. You must be in an exceptionally good mood and in a calm state. Turn on relaxing music or sing a good song yourself. You can also read a prayer, a conspiracy, or simply say it out loud for whom and why you are going to make this doll.

For example, when making a “Six Hands” doll, you can say:
“I make you successful in all things and do them well. I turn this handle so that there will always be order, peace and comfort in my house. I twirl this hand so that my husband is always well-groomed, fit and happy with everything... etc.”

You can twist the doll's head with your fingers and say:
“A bright head, clean, filled with goodness and love.”

When making breasts on a doll, think about happy motherhood so that the family does not need anything.

In general, you can pronounce any text of the hex, the main thing is that it leads to the desired result.

2. Only women can make amulets

When making amulets, there should be no men in the room, i.e., “male energy.” And if, nevertheless, the presence of boy children is inevitable, then first keep them busy with your own affairs, and then start working with the doll. Boys should not stand nearby and see the work process!

3. Beregin dolls are made on your knees

Make a talisman doll on your lap or, as they used to say, “in the hem,” that is, in your personal space. The table is a common place and only fabric and tools used in work can be placed on it.

4. Amulets are made from natural materials

To create dolls, use only natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen or wool. Do not use knitwear in your work! There should be no edges or old seams on the fabrics. If you are making a doll as a gift, use new fabric or fabric from the old clothes of the person for whom you will make the doll. For yourself, take fabric from things that have been used by your family.

Mandatory rule: The doll’s face should be white so that no one can transfer evil thoughts through it to the owner of the amulet. In addition, white color symbolizes purity of thoughts.

5. Do not use a needle or scissors for work.

When making beregin dolls, do not use needles, knives, glue or scissors. In the old days they said that a doll should be “not cut or stabbed” so as not to harm the health of the person for whom the amulet is made.

Tear the fabric with your hands. If you are making it from thick fabric, then first cut the edge of the fabric, and then tear it by hand. Do all manipulations with a knife and scissors before starting to work with the doll. Tie the body of the doll, do not sew it.

The only exception is the bag for the “Krupenichki-Zernovushki” doll, which is sewn on the side.

Moreover, clothes for dolls also need to be made without using a needle. And you can decorate it with lace, embroidery and braid.

Also break off the threads with your hands or bite them with your teeth.

6. Sacred number - 3

When you tie the strings, tie them 3 times. The number 3 has always been magical for the Slavs and they believed that in addition to reliability, 3 nodes give reliability to slander, and also serve as protection from any negativity.

7. The doll must be neat and tightly stuffed

Remember that the amulet doll should be neat and dense. The filler in all parts of the doll's body must be placed in an orderly manner. Make the body especially strong and dense. For example, roll a twisted doll with your palm on your knees until it becomes tight.

If something doesn’t work out, the doll is disheveled or falling apart, it’s better to do it all over again. Don't leave loose threads, frayed ends, or frayed armpits. Be sure to inspect the doll after finishing each part in order to immediately correct it, secure the thread, and tuck the excess inside. The neater the doll, the more protected it is from negative external influences.

If suddenly during work the thread accidentally breaks or you can’t straighten the fold, say: “Misfortune will come to the doll, but it will bypass me (or the name of the person for whom the amulet is made”).

8. When creating a talisman, a good message is important

As you work, put light images into the amulet doll - this is much more important than the manufacturing technique. Therefore, it is very important to make amulets only for those whom you sincerely wish well, for those you love! And if you need to make a talisman for someone else, then first be imbued with the image of this person, wish him well, and only then start making it.


Doll chest

Doll Good health

Master class "Doll Health"

The healing doll “Health” is made only from linen threads, since it is believed that flax, with its natural properties, is very environmentally friendly and, by taking the disease upon itself, helps a person get better. This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be made, trying to remain in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating on thoughts about the sick person for whom this is being done.

You can light a candle and read prayers or conspiracies. For a sick child, the doll is placed in the crib, he can play with it, and as soon as the illness goes away, the doll is burned. When braiding a doll’s braid, you must say: “To your health, to your health.” Upon completion of production and when handing it over to the patient, repeat: “To your health.” There are options when the braid is made twice as long. I like this option better and it's faster.

Doll for health made of linen.

To make a doll, you need linen threads (preferably softer ones) and red threads for the bindings.

The doll is made approximately 15 cm, plus or minus 2-3 cm, at your discretion.
To do this, on any item of the selected size, we make three windings without breaking the threads
for the body - thicker,
for hands - two to three times thinner,
the same as for the hands, for the braid.

Cut it (on one side).

For the braid, we tie a simple knot at the very end, for the arms we braid and tie a braid at the ends.

We use a red thread 1 meter long to mark the neck. We do not tear off the thread.

We thread the blank for the braid into the head. To prevent the strands from tangling, tie the crown with linen thread.

We tie a knot in the head.

We braid the braid.
We tie the braid of the arms crosswise and mark the waist.

We make a belt and a headband.

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