The most sophisticated medieval instruments of torture. Terms Wooden log in the shape of a triangle

The Middle Ages are considered the period in history with the most ruthless attitude towards people. For the slightest offense they were subjected to sophisticated torture. This review features 13 torture devices that will make people confess to anything.

1. “Pear of Suffering”

This cruel tool was used to punish abortionists, liars and homosexuals. The device was inserted into the vagina for women or the anus for men. When the executioner turned the screw, the “petals” opened, tearing the flesh and bringing unbearable torture to the victims. Many then died from blood poisoning.

2. Rack

The victim was tied to a wooden frame by the arms and legs and the limbs were stretched in opposite directions. At first, the cartilage tissues were torn, and then the limbs were torn out. A little later, spikes were attached to the frame, which dug into the victim’s back. To intensify the pain, the thorns were smeared with salt.

3. "Catherine's Wheel"

Before tying the victim to the wheel, his limbs were broken. During rotation, the legs and arms were completely broken off, bringing unbearable torment to the victim. Some died from painful shock, while others suffered for several days.

4. Crocodile pipe

The victim's legs or face (sometimes both) were placed inside this pipe, thereby immobilizing him. The executioner gradually heated the iron, forcing people to confess to anything.

5. Copper Bull

The victim was placed in a copper statue of a bull, under which a fire was lit. The man died from burns and suffocation. During the torture, the screams coming from inside resembled the mooing of a bull.

6. Spanish donkey

A wooden log in the shape of a triangle was fixed on “legs”. The naked victim was placed on top of a sharp angle that cut straight into the crotch. To make the torture more unbearable, weights were tied to the legs.

7. Torture coffin

The victims were placed in metal cages, which completely immobilized them. If the torture coffins were not the right size for people, this caused them additional torment. This death was long and painful. Birds pecked at the flesh of the victims, and the crowd threw stones at them.

8. Head crusher

The unfortunate man’s head was pinched under this “cap.” The executioner slowly tightened the screws, and top part The “crusher” pressed on the skull. The jaw was the first to break and teeth fell out. After this, the eyes were squeezed out, and finally, the skull was broken.

9. "Cat's Paw"

The "cat's paw" was used to tear the flesh down to the bones.

10. Knee crusher

This instrument of torture was especially popular during the Inquisition. The victim's knee was placed between the teeth. When the executioner tightened the screws, the teeth pierced the flesh and then crushed the knee joint. After such torture, it was no longer possible to stand up.

11. "Judas' Cradle"

One of the most brutal tortures was called the “Cradle of Judas” or “Judas’ Chair.” The victim was forcibly lowered onto an iron pyramid. The point would go straight into the anus or vagina. The resulting ruptures led to death after some time.

12. Chest “claws”

This instrument of torture was used on women accused of adultery. The "claws" were heated and then pierced into the victim's chest. If a woman did not die, she would remain with terrible scars for the rest of her life.

13. "Expletive Bridle"

This peculiar iron mask was used to punish grumpy women. There could be spikes inside it, and in the hole for the mouth there was a plate that was placed over the tongue so that the victim could not speak. Usually the woman was escorted through noisy squares. The bell attached to the mask attracted everyone's attention, prompting the crowd to laugh at the one being punished.
Medieval torture is a terrible phenomenon. But it’s even worse if people deliberately do this. So at all times women subjected themselves to real torture to correspond to the canons of beauty of their people.

The corners of the log house or notch are called connections of logs, which provide the log house with rigidity, strength and heat-insulating qualities. Exist different kinds corners of the log house. Let's consider each type of log house corner in detail.

Types of log corners

Many types of joints can be divided into two types - an angle with a remainder and an angle without a remainder.

Angle to paw

Another name for a corner without a remainder is chopping into the paw. With this method, the ends of the logs are cut down in the form of locks, while the ends of the logs are located within the frame. Cutting with the paw looks very neat, aesthetically pleasing, and has been known since ancient times. The disadvantages of this method, according to experts, outweigh the advantages. Firstly, due to the very small distance from the inner corner of the room to the ends of the logs on the street, the thermal protection of the log house in the corners is significantly weakened. In addition, wood is anisotropic; the heat capacity of wood along the fiber is approximately twice as large as in the transverse direction.

The corner turns out to be cold and drafty, and it requires additional insulation from the street. Another drawback is that this method gives the log house less stability as a whole than the method of cutting with a residue, and connection with dowels is mandatory here.

Angle with remainder

In this case, the logs extend beyond the corners of the log house by 200 - 300 mm. This method of cutting provides a warm angle, is not blown through and is considered more practical despite the higher consumption of logs - about 10%. The labor intensity of cutting with residue is less, and there are no costs for additional insulation.

The simplest and most commonly used methods of cutting corners with a remainder

Angle in the okhryap

The method is one of the most complex and requires time to adjust so that it is not blown by the wind. It is more practical to use it for laying the casing crown. The grooves cut in the lower logs correspond in size to the recesses in the upper ones, and all four logs in the crown are located horizontally, in the same plane.

Angle into bowl

It is considered the most common type of felling, simple and providing good thermal protection for the corner.

Angle to tail

It is similar to a corner in a bowl, but a longitudinal protrusion is left in the lower part of the bowl, and a recess is made in the upper log accordingly.

How and why a longitudinal groove is cut out

All logs of the log house must have longitudinal grooves corresponding to the ridges of the bottom of the logs that will be laid on top. These grooves are needed to preserve heat in the log house, and to prevent the log house from being blown by the wind. According to GOST, longitudinal grooves must have a width no less than 0.5 of the log diameter.

The choice of the width of the longitudinal groove depends on the minimum air temperatures and is assigned:

  • At - 40⁰С from 140 mm or more
  • At - 30⁰С from 120 mm or more
  • At - 20⁰С from 100 mm or more

The triangle groove shape is easy to manufacture, but does not provide a tight and durable joint. It is almost impossible to densely fill a triangular cavity with tow or jute, and during operation condensation accumulates there, insects, mold and mildew grow there. Open wood capillaries take water from the insulation when it soaks. Due to excess moisture, logs have low resistance to rotting. The thermal protection of such a log house is unimportant. Another disadvantage is constructive. The greatest load on the log falls precisely on the top of the groove triangle, in the place where the section is weakened, the groove can crack and open, and cracks will appear along the inter-crown joints.

The only advantage of the “triangular cut” is speed. It is only suitable for log houses that will not be heated, for various warehouses and outbuildings. For a residential log house, such a longitudinal groove is not suitable; it is considered rough and cold.

The better the groove follows the shape of the ridge of the log laid in the bottom row, the more difficult it is to fit, and the warmer and denser it is.

About interventional insulation and insulation materials

Classic sealants for log houses are flax tow and moss. Modern ones are jute, tow and... sphagnum moss. Yes, moss is still used today, it has not gone into hoary antiquity and has not become a relic of the past, used out of poverty. Sphagnum is a natural material with unique properties. They say about him that he heals both the owners and the house. And also that log houses rot before the moss between their crowns.

Sphagnum, or peat moss, is a common plant that grows in swamps. Peat and peat bogs are formed from it. After the moss dries, it becomes light-colored, hence another name - white moss. Another name is medicinal moss, because it was used for dressings.

As building material Moss is distinguished as an environmentally friendly and durable material. A log house that has been sealed with sphagnum acquires healing properties. Moss has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, and its hygroscopicity and breathability smooth out differences in air humidity.

All insulation based on tow and jute fiber, unlike sphagnum, needs to be impregnated with an antiseptic.

Sphagnum harvesting is carried out in all months except winter. Optimally - in the last month of summer, since the length of the moss is already sufficient, about 20 cm, and at this time it is the cleanest, without fallen leaves. Collecting moss is easy, since it is a surface plant, without a root system.

After collection, the moss is squeezed out to remove excess moisture, cleaned of forest debris and collected in bags. Before laying in the walls, the moss is dried for several days under a canopy.

If moss needs to be prepared for future use, drying is necessary. This is not difficult, the moss is laid out in a thin layer, about 20 cm, in a place protected from the wind, and turned over during the drying process. It takes about a week to dry, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in the sun or in the shade, the moss dries everywhere. Dry moss can be stored in bags without problems for a long time.

Caulk of a log house with moss

After the crown logs are finally adjusted, they begin laying the inter-crown insulation. The moss is laid out across the logs with a layer thickness of 15-20 mm, pressing slightly, but not tamping. Lay out the moss to a width greater than the width of the longitudinal groove of the upper logs, by 100 mm. Moss is placed in the bowl and around the bowl in the same layer, with a protrusion of 50 mm beyond the contour of the bowl.

The traditional and correct technology is laying the log house “on moss”. Or on tow, in case of using tow. But the assembly of log houses without inter-crown seals, on a quick fix, and then driving between the rims of the seal is not a technology. Such log houses do not last long; beetles and company settle in the cavities between the logs, and fungus and mold grow. This is because it is simply impossible to hammer a sealant from the outside into a finished frame; cavities always remain. Sealants used in external seams save the situation for a short time. In a short time, such log houses become cold.

After laying the compactor onto the log, lay the top crown log on top, being careful not to move the moss. The stacked logs are tapped with a wooden “woman”.

After laying the logs, caulk the bowls, tucking the protruding fibers between the log and the bowl. The tool for this operation is called a caulk, and the caulk is tapped with a mallet or hammer.

Dry moss is placed in the crowns, and the frame is moistened with caulk. If moss is dried and then soaked, its strength is much greater than that of fresh moss.

They caulk the log house in two passes. First, immediately after assembly, filling the gaps between the crowns with a sealant as tightly as possible. Caulk until the moss begins to spring under the blows of the mallet on the caulk.

The crowns run along the entire contour, first from the outside and then from the inside. This work is not considered difficult, rather long and monotonous. The crowns are caulked from bottom to top, one at a time. Incorrect caulking can cause the frame to become distorted.

The second pass is made after the frame shrinks, which takes about a year. The second caulk is made in exactly the same way as the first.

The Middle Ages and the Renaissance are considered periods in history with the most ruthless attitude towards people. For the slightest offense they were subjected to sophisticated torture. This review features 13 torture devices that will make people confess to anything.

1. “Pear of Suffering”

This cruel tool was used to punish abortionists, liars and homosexuals. The device was inserted into the vagina for women or the anus for men. When the executioner turned the screw, the “petals” opened, tearing the flesh and bringing unbearable torture to the victims. Many then died from blood poisoning.

2. Rack

The victim was tied to a wooden frame by the arms and legs and the limbs were stretched in opposite directions. At first, the cartilage tissues were torn, and then the limbs were torn out. A little later, spikes were attached to the frame, which dug into the victim’s back. To intensify the pain, the thorns were smeared with salt.

3. "Catherine's Wheel"

Before tying the victim to the wheel, his limbs were broken. During rotation, the legs and arms were completely broken off, bringing unbearable torment to the victim. Some died from painful shock, while others suffered for several days.

4. Crocodile pipe

The victim's legs or face (sometimes both) were placed inside this pipe, thereby immobilizing him. The executioner gradually heated the iron, forcing people to confess to anything.

5. Copper Bull

The victim was placed in a copper statue of a bull, under which a fire was lit. The man died from burns and suffocation. During the torture, the screams coming from inside resembled the mooing of a bull.

6. Spanish donkey

A wooden log in the shape of a triangle was fixed on “legs”. The naked victim was placed on top of a sharp angle that cut straight into the crotch. To make the torture more unbearable, weights were tied to the legs.

7. Torture coffin

The victims were placed in metal cages, which completely immobilized them. If the torture coffins were not the right size for people, this caused them additional torment. This death was long and painful. Birds pecked at the flesh of the victims, and the crowd threw stones at them.

8. Head crusher

The unfortunate man’s head was pinched under this “cap.” The executioner slowly tightened the screws, and the upper part of the “crusher” pressed on the skull. The jaw was the first to break and teeth fell out. After this, the eyes were squeezed out, and finally, the skull was broken.

9. "Cat's Paw"

The "cat's paw" was used to tear the flesh down to the bones.

10. Knee crusher

This instrument of torture was especially popular during the Inquisition. The victim's knee was placed between the teeth. When the executioner tightened the screws, the teeth pierced the flesh and then crushed the knee joint. After such torture, it was no longer possible to stand up.

11. "Judas' Cradle"

One of the most brutal tortures was called the “Cradle of Judas” or “Judas’ Chair.” The victim was forcibly lowered onto an iron pyramid. The point would go straight into the anus or vagina. The resulting ruptures led to death after some time.

12. Chest “claws”

This instrument of torture was used on women accused of adultery. The "claws" were heated and then pierced into the victim's chest. If a woman did not die, she would remain with terrible scars for the rest of her life.

13. "Expletive Bridle"

This peculiar iron mask was used to punish grumpy women. There could be spikes inside it, and in the hole for the mouth there was a plate that was placed over the tongue so that the victim could not speak. Usually the woman was escorted through noisy squares. The bell attached to the mask attracted everyone's attention, prompting the crowd to laugh at the one being punished.

The Middle Ages is considered a period in history with the most ruthless attitude towards people. For the slightest offense they were subjected to sophisticated torture. This review features 13 torture devices that will make people confess to anything.

1. “Pear of Suffering”

This cruel instrument was used to punish women, abortionists, liars and homosexuals. The device was inserted into the vagina for women or the anus for men. When the executioner turned the screw, the “petals” opened, tearing the flesh and bringing unbearable torture to the victims. Many then died from blood poisoning.

2. Rack

The victim was tied to a wooden frame by the arms and legs and the limbs were stretched in opposite directions. At first cartilage tissue was torn, and then limbs were torn out. A little later, spikes were attached to the frame, which dug into the victim’s back. To intensify the pain, the thorns were smeared with salt.

3. "Catherine's Wheel"

Before tying the victim to the wheel, his limbs were broken. During rotation, the legs and arms were completely broken off, bringing unbearable torment to the victim. Some died from painful shock, while others suffered for several days.

4. Crocodile pipe

The victim's legs or face (sometimes both) were placed inside this pipe, thereby immobilizing him. The executioner gradually heated the iron forcing people to admit anything.

5. Copper Bull

The victim was placed in a copper statue of a bull, under which a fire was lit. Human died from burns and suffocation. During the torture, the screams coming from inside resembled the mooing of a bull.

6. Spanish donkey

A wooden log in the shape of a triangle was fixed on “legs”. The naked victim was placed on top of a sharp angle that cut straight into the crotch. To make the torture more unbearable, to the feet tied weights.

7. Torture coffin

The victims were placed in metal cages, which completely immobilized. If the torture coffins were not the right size for people, this caused them additional torment. This death was long and painful. Birds pecked at the flesh of the victims, and the crowd threw stones at them.

8. "Cat's Paw"

The "cat's paw" was used to tear flesh to bones.

9. "Judas' Cradle"

One of the most brutal torture was called the “Cradle of Judas” or “Chair of Judas”. The victim forcibly lowered onto an iron pyramid. The point would go straight into the anus or vagina. The resulting ruptures led to death after some time.

10. Chest claws

This instrument of torture was used on women who accused of adultery. The "claws" were heated and then pierced into the victim's chest. If a woman did not die, she would remain with terrible scars for the rest of her life.

The Middle Ages are considered the most cruel era in the history of mankind, when even the slightest offenses could subject a person to severe torture. The instruments of torture of that time were so sophisticated that the cruelty of their inventors is simply amazing. Next, we invite you to get acquainted with the 13 most terrible instruments of torture.

"Pear of Suffering"

Instrument of torture for homosexuals and not only. This cruel tool was used to punish abortionists, liars and homosexuals. The device was inserted into the vagina for women or the anus for men. When the executioner turned the screw, the “petals” opened, tearing the flesh and bringing unbearable torture to the victims. Many then died from blood poisoning.


The rack is the most famous instrument of medieval torture. The victim was tied to a wooden frame by the arms and legs and the limbs were stretched in opposite directions. At first, the cartilage tissues were torn, and then the limbs were torn out. A little later, spikes were attached to the frame, which dug into the victim’s back. To intensify the pain, the thorns were smeared with salt.

"Catherine's Wheel"

Before tying the victim to the wheel, his limbs were broken. During rotation, the legs and arms were completely broken off, bringing unbearable torment to the victim. Some died from painful shock, while others suffered for several days.

Crocodile pipe

Medieval instrument of torture. The victim's legs or face (sometimes both) were placed inside this pipe, thereby immobilizing him. The executioner gradually heated the iron, forcing people to confess to anything.

A copper bull in which the sacrifice was placed.

The victim was placed in a copper statue of a bull, under which a fire was lit. The man died from burns and suffocation. During the torture, the screams coming from inside resembled the mooing of a bull.

The Spanish donkey is a cruel instrument of torture.

A wooden log in the shape of a triangle was fixed on “legs”. The naked victim was placed on top of a sharp angle that cut straight into the crotch. To make the torture more unbearable, weights were tied to the legs.

Torture coffin

Iron cage for torture. The victims were placed in metal cages, which completely immobilized them. If the torture coffins were not the right size for people, this caused them additional torment. This death was long and painful. Birds pecked at the flesh of the victims, and the crowd threw stones at them.

Head crusher

Medieval torture device for crushing heads.
The unfortunate man’s head was pinched under this “cap.” The executioner slowly tightened the screws, and the upper part of the “crusher” pressed on the skull. The jaw was the first to break and teeth fell out. After this, the eyes were squeezed out, and finally, the skull was broken.

Torture instrument "cat's paw".

The "cat's paw" was used to tear the flesh down to the bones.

Knee crusher

Device for crushing knees. This instrument of torture was especially popular during the Inquisition. The victim's knee was placed between the teeth. When the executioner tightened the screws, the teeth pierced the flesh and then crushed the knee joint. After such torture, it was no longer possible to stand up.

"Judas' Cradle"

One of the most brutal tortures was called the “Cradle of Judas” or “Judas’ Chair.” The victim was forcibly lowered onto an iron pyramid. The point would go straight into the anus or vagina. The resulting ruptures led to death after some time.

Chest "claws"

This instrument of torture was used on women accused of adultery. The "claws" were heated and then pierced into the victim's chest. If a woman did not die, she would remain with terrible scars for the rest of her life.

"Expletive Bridle"

This peculiar iron mask was used to punish grumpy women. There could be spikes inside it, and in the hole for the mouth there was a plate that was placed over the tongue so that the victim could not speak. Usually the woman was escorted through noisy squares. The bell attached to the mask attracted everyone's attention, prompting the crowd to laugh at the one being punished.

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