Electrical circuit drawing program. Review of the best programs for drawing electrical circuits

Electricians no longer use compasses and gauges to manually assemble a complex and intricate system of lines and cables. This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also not always beautiful and clean. In addition, any person is prone to mistakes, this is especially noticeable when working with drawings: inaccuracy on paper results in a real danger for the use of the electrical system by users. Designing electrical circuits became more accessible after special programs were developed for constructing and modeling electrical wiring in a house or apartment. In this article we will talk about the need for CAD systems, the positive and negative sides of the most popular ones.

Advantages of designing drawings on a computer

  • Wiring diagram platforms are designed to make it easier to create accurate blueprints. The machine will make calculations for you based on the data you enter. Any product made by a good designer will undergo automatic testing.
  • Many software include a diverse base. Ready-made layouts that you just need to supplement and customize. All elements in the library meet drawing standards. Using them in your work, you make your task easier and do not waste time re-drawing classic power grid blocks.
  • Advanced functionality makes the computer analogue of a pencil and ruler much more ergonomic. There is no need to have a pile of paper drawings with different parts, when in the electrical design program you can click a couple of buttons to compare different pages. Using new technologies, it becomes easier for an engineer to work: there is no need to draw a lot of drawings in which only the indicators differ, the computer will do it for you. ZWCAD solves this problem by prompting the user to insert selected objects with various options from the Properties palette.
  • It is very convenient to store the project in in electronic format. It can be sent by mail to colleagues, modified or corrected if necessary. In this case, you will not need to re-do the drawing. When the work is completed, the plan can be printed at any scale.
  • In any project there are elements that do not require creativity. They are standard and uncomplicated, but also waste the developer's time. Automated CAD design systems come to the rescue. With them, all or part of the work will be completed in a split second.
  • Any consumer will find his product. To draw up a simple house wiring diagram, a free version of the program for an electrician is suitable. Such software has less functionality and opens up more modest possibilities, but sometimes more is not required to complete a simple task. The specialist will also select software for himself: with extensive resources and a technologically competent interface. The high cost of a product is not always an indicator of quality. Popular companies that occupy a high position among their peers inflate their prices, giving in to the variety of features of their younger competitors.
  • The quality of European standards remains, but use becomes convenient for the average designer, because most new programs for creating electrical circuits offer an interface in Russian.
  • There are developments aimed at a specific specialty. The tools in them are selected for a specific activity, for example, for the construction of large buildings, industrial facilities or residential buildings. Some companies offer additional modules that expand the functionality of the standard package.
  • Many companies offer periodic updates, so a platform purchased once will remain relevant for many years.

In what cases is the software suitable?

The program is needed for drawing, designing, drawing single-line diagrams of the electrical supply of a house. It is a graphic design document. Its tools contain the elements included in the structure of the device and the contacts between them. Conventions make it easy to find and use all the tools available during development. The drawing itself is part of the entire package of documents associated with the project. It contains data for installation, coordination and control of the device.

What stages is the program for drawing electrical circuits intended for?

It is indispensable at all stages of power supply:

  1. Drawing up a project. The model makes it possible to establish the components of the product being developed.
  2. Production process. The drawings can demonstrate the device. Based on them, all stages of creating, installing and testing the system are calculated.
  3. Operating period. If a defect appears or a breakdown occurs, thanks to the drawing you can find the cause and understand how to eliminate it.

This is the main type of planning. It is usually used when constructing simple projects. This method differs from other models in its ease of creation: the entire set of components necessary to supply electricity to consumers is displayed on it in several lines.

The main stages of project development using a program for creating, drawing, drawing electrical circuits:

  • The initial and most important stage is the collection and preparation of computational materials. The accuracy of the calculations is important.
  • If the system has been in use, it is necessary to visually and technically diagnose the electrical system, study the characteristics and identify defects and breakdowns of the network. Based on the results of the inspection, you need to make an estimate of those parts that need to be replaced. This data is included in the report and taken into account during design. If the entire electrical network requires reconstruction, the calculation has to be done again.
  • With the collected materials you can start drawing. The safety of the owner and users of the premises depends on the correctness of this stage. The accuracy of execution can be entrusted to specialized programs for electrical design.

ZWSOFT offers technical support for users of any version of ZWCAD. They will answer your questions related to using the software. The developer's website has articles and videos created to help customers.

  • The final step before installation begins is the approval of the project by the operation service. If everything is approved, you can begin installation.

Compliance with all rules is fundamental when preparing a building for electrification. The normal functioning of the entire energy supply, the possibility of long-term operation without repairs and replacement of parts and, of course, the health and safety of consumers depend on this.

What programs for designing electrical power supply systems exist?

There are a number of platforms, including paid ones and their free analogues. The main functionality remains the same, but purchased software offers a number of additional tools. Let's talk about the most popular ones.


Until recently, this product occupied a leading position in the design systems market. Autodesk developed this software back in 1982, and it immediately gained popularity among engineers. The abbreviation AutoCAD means “computer-aided design systems”. It is a two- or three-dimensional modeling program. It is actively used by engineers in various industries. AutoCAD has been translated into 18 languages. The Russian-language version is fully adapted for users of our country - the entire interface and tools are clear and accessible. And only the instructions are not suitable for Russian designers. Over its long life, the company has developed dozens of versions, thousands of add-ons and auxiliary applications.

According to statistics, around the world, about 6,000,000 consumers use the capabilities of the AutoCAD service. Among all the functions, the 3D modeling system occupies a special place. Three-dimensional figures can be brought to life thanks to the capabilities of three-dimensional printing. The popular brand has both ardent supporters and critics. The first claim that all the disadvantages attributed to AutoCAD are only the result of incomplete study of the platform and the inability to use its full potential.

The latter find negative aspects:

  • The first is a conclusion from the statement of software advocates: if most engineers cannot understand the capabilities of the software, then its functionality is too difficult to convey to the user.
  • It is often noted that AutoCAD graphics are not suitable for text editors.
  • The system does not recognize some drawings made in other software.
  • Numerous add-ons for AutoCAD often have an inconvenient interface.
  • Both supporters and opponents of the program agree with the last drawback - its price is too high. And even if we assume that quality is correlated with cost, this does not make the product more accessible.

Reasons for looking for other platforms:

Over the past 5–7 years, the position of popular software has fallen. Increasingly, engineers are looking for an analogue from foreign developers. This is due to the compulsory licensing policy introduced by the company and the high price for the product, according to users. Large companies are interested in finding the most profitable software for their work.

The main search criteria are:

  • ample opportunities for designing electronic systems, a similar set of functions;
  • convenient and simple interface, understandable to both specialists and inexperienced users;
  • simplified licensing system;
  • reasonable price and flexible system of corporate discounts;
  • compatibility with projects made in other software;
  • the ability to purchase updates and additional modules that expand the classic basic set of functions.


This is one of the free programs in Russian for drawing various electrical circuits: single-line, structural and hydraulic. It is easy to use thanks to a large library of ready-made layouts. Well suited for beginners and students, for whom a simple design process is not so much needed as a wide range of tools. But due to the small variety of functions, the system is not suitable for serious, complex projects and professional work.


Another product that competes with popular simulators. It is as convenient as possible to use: the creators competently approached the classification of elements. Dividing into groups made the parts accessible; they are dragged onto the layout and stacked one on top of the other, like in a constructor. But the library of ready-made circuits is poorer than most programs. A noticeable drawback is also the possible formatting failure when switched on from a different version or in a different format.


An excellent domestic analogue of AutoCAD. It has decent functionality and a number of additional modules. The interface remains the same and is easily recognizable. Unlike the foreign product, working with layers is convenient - there is a function for deleting one slice and transferring data to the previous one. This allows you to avoid multiplying tabs and cluttering the drawing. But there are opinions according to which this development did not live up to expectations: it takes a long time to load and often works in jerks or responds slowly and is unstable. The disadvantages also include incomplete geometry editing, in particular, the inability to trim splines and hatches.

ZWCAD - convenient CAD for electrical circuits

The development of the ZWSOFT company is a high-tech analogue of AutoCAD, which has the potential to surpass the first in manufacturability. ZWSOFT employees make the transition of consumers to new software easy and convenient. This is as follows:

  • Each customer is offered a free consultation from technical specialists. They will help you choose the appropriate version, taking into account the capabilities of the consumer’s equipment and the scope of use of the product.
  • Before purchasing, you have the opportunity to test the platform by installing a fully functional version with a limited validity period.
  • The discount system is aimed at working with corporate clients: the simultaneous purchase of a whole package of licenses will cost several times less than that of competing companies.
  • The ZVKAD interface combines ease of use and versatility.
  • The platform has wide compatibility with other CAD formats. Integration with third-party applications is even possible, since files created in other editors are supported in ZWCAD.
  • It is easy to work in both 2D and 3D space.
  • The client will have access to regular updates and extensions, both paid and free.
  • The company offers a range of options, from a classic feature set to a professional package.

This program is ideal for both the multi-stage design of a power supply system in an enterprise, and for the design of simple electrical wiring diagrams in an apartment. You can design on different platforms, get used to it and not pay attention to the shortcomings. But in order to enjoy your work, you need high-quality and convenient software that meets all your preferences.

While renovating a house, I came across the need to draw a single-line power supply diagram. Everything could have been done by hand, but I decided to do it on the computer. This review is about free programs for preparing single-line electrical diagrams.

What is a single line power supply diagram?

A single-line diagram is a technical document that, in GENERAL, gives the person working with it an idea of:
Object connection points;

  1. Main loads and their indicators (power of machines, their rating, marking, etc.);
  2. Power cable (again, all its characteristics: type, permitted current, etc.);
  3. Rated current of the input device at the connection point and protective switching devices (similar);
  4. The main consumers of electricity at the facility (similarly).

In fact, without a single-line power supply diagram it is UNREALISTIC to carry out electrical installation work. Because the document contains the main thing - information.

What is a circuit diagram

A schematic electrical diagram is a drawing that shows the complete electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic connections of the elements of an object, as well as the parameters of the components that make up the object depicted in the drawing.

Why is the diagram called single-line?

A single-line diagram is the same electrical circuit diagram, but made in a simplified form: all lines of single-phase and three-phase networks are depicted as one line.
Single line example electrical diagram

How to draw a single line electrical diagram

There are many programs for drawing on a computer (yes, electrical circuits are not drawn, but drawn!). But all of them are usually difficult to master if you are not doing it professionally. However, I have found a few that are easy to use for the average person.

Program 1-2-3 scheme

The HAGER software 1-2-3-scheme, Semiolog and hLsys Lume are distributed free of charge. You can and should download it from the official website http://www.hagersystems.ru/software/. Don’t look for it at file dumps and garbage collection sites. The program is in Russian.

The “1-2-3 scheme” program allows you to select the electrical panel housing in accordance with the requirements for the degree of protection, equip it with protective and switching modular devices, set a hierarchy for connecting modular devices and automatically generate a single-line diagram of the shield.

The program allows you to correctly select the case series and its size, based on the number of modular devices, and label the modular devices in any way. The element base of the 1-2-3-scheme program contains current equipment articles supplied to the Russian market and certified according to Russian and European standards. Using the 1-2-3 diagram, you can competently draw up a specification, create a single-line diagram of the electrical panel and draw it appearance.

It is clear that it is not at all necessary to use the element base of the manufacturer HAGER. The main thing is the result, that is, a single-line diagram, the correct size of the panel body (when there is enough space for all the machines) and, as a bonus, printing labels that can then be pasted on the panel above the machines.
Using the 1-2-3 scheme program you can easily and with minimal costs time to create an electrical circuit diagram for a housing construction panel. To make better use of the program's capabilities and make better use of time, hager has developed an interface between this new program and the semiolog label program.
To work, you can only use the mouse, develop and print a diagram of the electrical panel and labels indicating the circuit elements for the panel.

An example of a complete board with consumer group markings made in the Semiolog program.

Legrand XL Pro² program

The second program, also from the manufacturer, is XL Pro² from Legrand, which simplifies the design of low-voltage complete devices (LVDs).
The program allows switchgear designers to design distribution cabinets and panels of the XL³ series in two ways:

  1. using a single line diagram.

The program will automatically determine the type of complete device, calculate its cost, and arrange the equipment. XL Pro² automatically makes all changes, making design and calculations as simple as possible various types cabinets
XL Pro is free and available for download by registered Extranet users.


XL Pro³ software simplifies the design of low-voltage switchgear (LVD) devices.
The program allows NKU designers to design distribution cabinets and panels manufactured by Legrand for currents up to 6300 A using two methods:

  1. select Legrand equipment from the proposed list necessary for assembling the cabinet;
  2. using a single line diagram.

The program will automatically determine the type of complete device, calculate its cost, and arrange the equipment. XL Pro³ automatically makes all changes, making the design and calculation of different types of cabinets as simple as possible.
You can download the program on the official website - http://www.legrand.ru/ru/scripts/ru/publigen/content/templates/previewMultiPhoto.asp?P=1715&L=EN

Rapsodie - Switchboard layout

This is the third program in the review for the layout of distribution boards, but now from schneider-electric.

  1. Rapsodie is designed for the layout of LV cabinets of the Prisma Plus, Pragma and Kaedra series.
  2. Working in Rapsodie significantly speeds up the cabinet layout process.
  3. As a result of working with the program, the user can receive: the appearance of the cabinet and a complete assembly specification, as well as a detailed calculation of the cost of the project.
  4. The program database contains Schneider Electric devices, the user can automatically select additional accessories for them. It is also possible to create a personal catalog of devices that are not in the program database.
  5. Rapsodie also allows you to display the topology of a single line diagram for the correct selection of distribution devices and mounting accessories.
  6. The program has a mode for automatically selecting a cell of the desired configuration, taking into account previously specified criteria.
  7. The program has an attractive and intuitive Russian-language interface; documentation is provided in the form of files in common formats (*.txt, *.xls, *.pdf, *.dxf).

Rapsodie is an intelligent tool for switchgear layout.

  1. Comfort and transparency when working in the program
  2. Automatic device compatibility check
  3. Quick access to design results
  4. Printing or exporting full supporting documentation

As a result of working with the program, the User can receive: the appearance of the cabinet (doors, front panels, devices, circuit boards, composite devices) and a complete assembly specification, a detailed calculation of the cost of the project (including taking into account assembly and commissioning work, as well as discounts).
The program has an attractive and intuitive Russian-language interface; documentation is created in the form of documents in common formats (*.txt, *.xls, *.pdf, *.dxf). Working in the Rapsodie program significantly speeds up the cabinet layout process and minimizes the possibility of errors.
The program is free, but just like in the case of Legrand, it is not publicly available. The program is distributed among clients and partners of JSC Schneider Electric free of charge. To make learning Rapsodie as easy as possible for users, a training course is held at the Schneider Electric Training Center.
The application form for the program can be found on the website, in the Rapsodie product section. The completed application should be sent to the Customer Support Center at [email protected]

Nowadays, no one draws electrical circuits on a piece of paper anymore, because it is extremely inconvenient and takes a long period of time. To simplify drawing diagrams, you can safely use various software that can be easily downloaded on the Internet. In this article, we will tell you what programs there are for drawing electrical circuits in a house and apartment, consider several free and paid ones, and show you a ready-made list with descriptions from which you can choose the best one for yourself.

Free programs for drawing diagrams

Nowadays, there are several excellent programs for drawing diagrams in Russian, they are easy to use and are considered optimal. Of course, you will have to tinker with some during installation, because in this list we included programs that can be downloaded, but they need to be “broken”; there are also those who give a trial version for a month. This should be enough time to draw several diagrams. So, here is the rating of the program for drawing electrical circuits in a house and apartment that we have prepared for you:

Paid programs for drawing diagrams

We have discussed the best free programs for drawing electrical circuits, but do not forget that there are also paid ones. They can be called for a long time, we decided to show you one of the best - sPlan. If you are a professional electrician, then such a program will be a real godsend for you. But, there is one significant drawback - it costs $40, so once again you should seriously think about such a purchase. A simple and pleasant interface, great functions and absolutely all electrical symbols have been developed here. The language is Russian, you can figure it out quickly, but to understand all the functions you will have to spend more than one week.

Here is a video we found with an overview of this program.

Drawing refers to the process of creating images of objects with accurate reproduction of their sizes using scale. Drawing electrical circuits requires compliance with the GOST symbols adopted to designate each element.

To create a document on a computer, you need software - a graphic editor that converts the PC user’s manipulations on the information input device into a drawing. The created document can be saved electronically as a file and/or printed on paper in a specific format.

You can draw electrical circuits using any available graphic editor. However, special programs adapted for these purposes greatly facilitate routine work, allow you to use already prepared blanks of various elements from the library, quickly insert them into the right place, and conveniently edit them.

A novice user should be aware that drawing programs can be supplied and run:

1. free;

2. for money.

In the second option, the functionality of the software is significantly expanded. In addition, over the last decade, entire CAD computer-aided design systems have become popular among paid programs among design engineers. They not only automate the work, but also perform it very accurately. Due to this they have a high cost.

However, among CAD programs, programs that are supplied free of charge have begun to appear. Their functionality, of course, is a little limited, but it allows you to create high-quality electrical circuits at the initial and intermediate level of design.

KOMPAS-3D program

This well-known development of Russian programmers from the ASCON company allows you to draw diagrams in one plane or engage in 3D modeling. It is used by students, teachers and engineers in many countries. The program has a clear interface and a convenient set of tools for drawing.

For use by various specialists, the graphic editor is supplemented with additional modules. The development kit for creating electrical circuits has a large library.

The program works in rectangular Cartesian coordinates, using linear dimensions in millimeters and angular dimensions in degrees. The reference material built into the program is well presented and allows you to independently understand all the issues that arise.

Compass 3D is distributed on a paid basis, but manufacturers provide anyone with the opportunity to evaluate the program for free for a month. For this purpose, you can download a demo version, which has minor limitations.

The program of the famous Autodesk company has been constantly improved for about 30 years, and is considered the most functional for performing complex design work. Built into the graphic editor, the help explains in detail the features of the algorithms. However, there is a lot of information, and it is difficult to master it on your own.

It is best to use the advice of an experienced mentor to master drawing in it. Even with its help, to fully master all the functionality, it will take more than one month of painstaking work, but to develop electrical circuits, you do not need to master the 3D format.

A special feature of the program is the use of a polar coordinate system for calculations and work with vectors. When plotting, for the convenience of the user, information is displayed in a rectangular Cartesian system. This allows you to determine the location of a point in two measurement systems.

In addition to using information from an extensive library, you can create frequently entered images of objects in the form of macros, assign hot keys to them, and use snapping to the object when displaying them on the monitor. This significantly speeds up the drawing process.

The program has numerous settings that require detailed study at the beginning, but later make the work much easier.

Quite often, detailed electrical circuits on paper take up large dimensions. AutoCAD allows you to create drawings on sheets of different sizes. If previously a plotter was required for printing, now you can get by with an ordinary printer. The program implements the ability to divide a drawing into its component parts and print them on sheets of A4 paper with subsequent gluing along the borders.

Microsoft Visio program

The name of the product indicates that the paid graphic editor belongs to a company that occupies a leading position in software development. There are great opportunities for creating diagrams, diagrams and connecting them with data.

Users of Microsoft programs are familiar with this interface. For drawing electrical circuits, special templates on various topics have been created and placed in an accessible library.

A large number of tools are organized into groups and are conveniently configured for specific drawing conditions.

Microsoft Visio works in rectangular coordinates and is compatible with Word. Therefore, you can create graphic elements in it for inserting into text documents. This is convenient to use when writing instructions for the purpose of visually explaining the material presented with diagrams and diagrams. Reverse insertion of texts and objects created in Word is also performed through a memory buffer.

Electrical circuits drawn in large sizes can also be printed not on a plotter, but on a printer in parts on sheets of A4 paper. As in AutoCAD, for this you need to set the printing settings.

Here, too, you can create frequently used element designations as templates for using them in further work. The program allows you to draw and draw relatively quickly.

Significantly simplify work and speed up creation quality schemes in Visio you can use special additional stencil libraries designed for creating electrical diagrams electricity supply, modern electrical automation, electric drive and control devices. With the help of such component libraries, it is very easy to create professional circuits in accordance with standards.

Such kits for drawing electrical circuits will be useful, first of all, to electrical personnel involved in the design, installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of electrical installations, as well as to anyone who needs to quickly and accurately draw an electrical circuit and design it in accordance with GOST.

CorelDRAW Technical Suite

A very powerful and expensive graphics program allows architects, designers and even fashion designers to perform a very wide range of work to produce three-dimensional images. You can use it to create electrical circuits. But at the same time, its capabilities will be greatly reduced, which is not economically rational.

A9CAD 2.2.1

This is also a product of Autodesk. It largely repeats the work of the famous AutoCAD, but lacks the 3D design function. Distributed free of charge.

The CAD program's interface is tailored to the familiar appearance of Windows programs, and its size is 15.54 megabytes. This graphics editor supports files created in DWG and DXF formats, which are used as industry standards.

English language. The set of tools is quite extensive, modeled after AutoCAD. Image editing uses scaling, working with windows and layers, moving, inserting breaks, rotating, changing reflection, text overlay, color palette and other functions and styles.

With A9CAD 2.2.1 you can start drawing electrical circuits yourself.

There are many free graphic editors available on the Internet. Only Autodesk, in addition to A9CAD, offers several additional developments. To choose a program for drawing electrical circuits, you should evaluate your needs, capabilities and tasks.

Practical guide "How to draw a diagram in the A9CAD program" (pdf, 13 pages):

A program for designing electrical wiring in a house is a necessary tool for organizing and arranging an optimized power supply for a home, be it a private house or your own apartment. Today, on the computer network you can find a considerable number of programs for designing electrical wiring diagrams in apartments or houses.

Benefits of Programming

Programming various schemes electrical wiring saves the consumer from “fussing” with homemade calculations of electrical wiring diagrams in their own home. The program, which is purchased or downloaded for free from the Internet, provides an accurate calculation of the electrification of a house or apartment.

The time that will be spent on dubious calculations of the required cross-section and the need for the volume of cable and wire products to ensure a full calculation of the wiring in the premises can be reduced by turning to programming the design of electrical wiring in your own home.

Those who want to arrange electrical wiring in their own home with their own hands have a desire to independently calculate the volume of needs for cable products. Independent calculations are fraught with unexpected troubles, such as destruction of the surface of the wall covering, ignition of wires and the occurrence of a fire.

To avoid such negative forecasts, you need not to be lazy and turn to a software product that will provide the correct solution related to the entire range of these issues.

There is no need to worry about the difficulties of handling the program in this area. The developers of programs for designing electrical wiring in private homes took into account all the wishes of consumers.

Important! The programs are adapted for a wide range of consumers. A computer product can be used by those segments of the population that have access to technical equipment with an Internet connection. Otherwise, you can give advice on purchasing software on hard media.

What the program can do

The capabilities of computer programs cover a large volume of drawing up plans for creating electrical wiring diagrams with all its characteristics. With these programs you can do the following:

  • calculate the power supply diagram;
  • calculate the total voltage loss;
  • determine the required volume of demand for cable products with the required cross-section;
  • draw up a specification of basic and auxiliary materials for wiring installation;
  • draw a layout of the lighting of the premises, indicating the placement points of lighting fixtures with lamps of the required power.

Note! The accuracy of determining the wiring cross-section depends on the accuracy of the input data entered. An error can lead to overheating and melting of the electrical wiring.

Types of programs

In their work, electricians often have to perform many calculations related to various indicators of electrical wiring in the house. After this, you have to spend a lot of time drawing electrical diagrams and selecting the appropriate equipment and devices.

To speed up the process of creating plans for organizing electrical work, many versions of the software product have been developed, as well as programs for drawing floor plans with electrical wiring. For those interested in this issue, below is a description of the most popular electrical wiring programs.

Electrician program

This service has multifunctional capabilities:

  1. Performs power calculations of three-phase and single-phase electricity consumers;
  2. Determines the amount of current and the amount of power based on the cross-sectional area of ​​the electrical wiring;
  3. Calculates peak values ​​of short circuit currents;
  4. Determines voltage losses throughout the entire electrical circuit;
  5. Establishes the required cross-section of cable products according to the electrical wiring plan in a specific apartment;
  6. Calculates the ground loop;
  7. Using the program, check the correct choice of cross-section for a specific electrical wiring.

The program has such a clear and simple interface that not only a specialist, but also a “home-grown” master can use it.

The multifunctional operating system of the Electric program has extensive capabilities in the field of designing the electrification of private housing construction.

Before you begin electrical wiring installation work, you need to create a drawn diagram or detailed drawing with a plan for installing wire products. This is easy to do with the Electrician program. The system requests information about the area of ​​the apartment, house, as well as the number and location of electricity consumers with the installation of sockets. The initial data is entered into the interface windows.

The standards regulate the installation of 1 socket per 6 sq. m2 of usable housing area. At the same time, the requirements for the number of electrical connection points in the kitchen (at least 3 sockets) are taken into account, and one socket is allowed to be installed in the bathroom.

All information is entered into the program interface. As a result of instant analysis, the installation of electrical wiring in a given area is displayed on the monitor.

Electrical circuit design

Creating a wiring diagram for a building begins with drawing a plan for the location of cables and wires in the premises of the house. The electrification drawing contains the following:

  1. The size of the area of ​​the apartment or house;
  2. Placement of sockets and other points of connection of electrical appliances and equipment to the electrical network;
  3. The amount of energy consumed in peak situations (the value is the main indicator for calculating the cross-section of cables and wires);
  4. Safe connection to the network of electricity consumers.

With the help of "Electrician" you can easily draw and think through the specific design of the electrical network in your home.

The free program "Electric 6.7" is a modified software system "Electric". "Electrician 6.7" allows:

  • make a power calculation for 1 and 3 phase current;
  • calculate the required cross-section of electrical wiring;
  • find out the peak current value during a short circuit;
  • create a specification for the needs of cable and wire products for the electrification of a home or other housing;
  • calculate the device of a single or grounding loop.

Additionally, using the software product, you can check the wire cross-section for:

  • maximum heating of conductors;
  • the amount of voltage loss;
  • economic feasibility of current density;
  • current strength at which metal melting in wires can occur.

Additional Information. Along with this program, specialists have developed a series of software. Computer programs take into account the nuances of the state of the building at the time of planning the electrical wiring.

Examples of software for designing electrical wiring in a house

Mobile Electrician program

  1. The service, in addition to the capabilities of the program described above, is equipped with a number of additional functions. The operating system interface is not much different from “Electric”;
  2. Mobile Electrician software can be found on the Internet on many sites. As a rule, they offer to download free versions of the program.


  1. The operating system was created for the design of electrical equipment and electrical circuits for industrial use. The diagram editor can draw the basic composition of the network with detailed specifications or a list of elements used;
  2. The program has more than 6 thousand standard products and several hundred graphic images and symbols. It is not used for designing electrical wiring in residential premises;
  3. The software consists of two modules: one acts as a diagram editor, the second part contains an information base. A simple and accessible interface will help any beginner in designing power wiring in their own home;
  4. Electrical compass is designed for design electrical systems in large houses, mansions and villas. Complex facilities of such buildings are saturated with both low-voltage and high-voltage equipment;
  5. "Compass-Electric" will calculate the arrangement of a home ownership with an automated control room for managing the energy system and relay protection.


  1. The sPlan program is distributed on a paid basis. Despite this circumstance, the operating system is very popular. The authors of the program sought to create a product so that it could be used by people who do not have deep knowledge in the field of electrical engineering;
  2. In order to correctly build a drawing, just drag the necessary element into the diagram construction field. The construction of an electrical drawing occurs with a simple mouse movement. If the drawing occupies an area larger than A 1 format, then it is divided into fragments of A 4 format. This allows you to print the diagram on a standard printer.

Those who are interested in how to optimally arrange the electrification of their home are recommended to use the “Electrician” program. The program interface contains many functional options that will be useful to specialist electricians and will become a good assistant in planning electrical wiring directly for the owners of a house or apartment.


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