Is it possible to use a humidifier in kindergarten? Pleasant microclimate, health and comfort - an air humidifier for children: which one is better? Main categories and characteristics of models

Optimal indoor microclimate

With the birth of a child, we immediately think about the microclimate in the house and try to create the most comfortable conditions for the baby. Common truths, replicated in paediatrics brochures, say that the air in a children's room should have a humidity of at least 40% (ideally 50-60%) and a temperature no higher than 22° C (ideally 19-20 ° C). After taking care of the baby at home, it seems to us that we have done everything necessary.

The danger of dry air in kindergartens

The child grows up, spending more and more time outside the home: first, developmental circles for the little ones, then preparatory groups in kindergarten, and finally, most children begin their first independent life.I am life in kindergarten. Some are sent to a nursery group from the age of 3, while others begin to attend kindergarten to prepare for school. By placing our child in the care of the kindergarten staff, we believe that all conditions have been created for him: developmental activities with teachers, games, naps, three meals a day. We monitor this very closely, but for some reason we completely forget about another important point in the health and development of our child - the microclimate of the room where he spends most of the day. Unfortunately, the vast majority of child care institutions do not monitor this. In winter, in groups, the central heating radiators are heated to the limit, the air temperature can reach 27-30° C, the rooms are ventilated little and rarely (if this happens at all), and there is no need to talk about air humidity in such conditions. But we know that viruses spread instantly in dry and warm air; it has been proven that the influenza virus also actively multiplies in such conditions. Everyone is familiar with the situation when inattentive parents bring a child with the first signs of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory infections to kindergarten, and then half the group falls ill. For children with allergies, their health may worsen, since at low humidity, dust does not settle on surfaces that can be regularly wiped by a nanny, but is constantly in dry air.

How to choose a humidifier for kindergarten

What to do? Until concern for air quality in children's institutions becomes part of the federal child welfare program, take matters into your own hands. Each group has a parent committee that resolves pressing issues of the children's group. In general, not much is required; first, install a thermohygrometer in the group (special measuring device, which records the temperature and humidity of the air in the room), it will help you figure out how serious the situation is, and what parameters to focus on when choosing a humidifier.

So, the first (ideal option): thermostats are installed on the batteries in the group, with the help of which the teachers make sure that the room is not very hot, the group is constantly ventilated. In this case, you can installThere are two types of air humidifiers: an ultrasonic air humidifier or an air washer.

The second option (the most common): there are no thermostats on batteries, the room is rarely ventilated. Only . can cope here.
The fact is that the performance of an ultrasonic humidifier does not depend on the conditions external environment, it releases a certain amount of moisture from itself in the form of fog. Performance depends on its technical characteristics (membrane oscillation speed, water tank volume, fan power that expels water mist outside, etc.). Taking into account all these and other parameters, most companies indicate the overall performance of the device, measured in g/h; The higher it is, the more efficiently the device humidifies the air, and the larger area it can serve.
Regular tap water can be quite hard, and since the teacher’s assistant will not have the opportunity to pour bottled or filtered water into the humidifier, it is better to take care in advance of purchasing an anti-calcium cartridge, which is inserted inside the device and prevents sediment and impurities from leaving along with water haze out .

To prevent children from reaching the device, it is better to install the humidifier outside the children's play area, or on high level, for example, on a shelf.
Well, all that remains is to choose a humidifier that will not only effectively humidify the air in the kindergarten group, but will also be able to decorate it.

Description of the problem

Humidity is one of the main air parameters that has a significant impact on humans. Insufficient air humidity leads to a person’s loss of moisture, resulting in dry skin, dry mouth, headaches; children’s bodies are especially sensitive to humidity. At low humidity levels, the baby's mucous membrane becomes covered with microcracks, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to enter the baby's blood. In an insufficiently humidified room, dust circulation occurs much more intensely. The required humidity cannot be obtained in our climate, especially in winter, when air humidity can drop below 20%, so there is a need to use a humidifier.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, dry air is not caused by batteries. Relative air humidity drops when heated due to the fact that the maximum possible moisture content of the air increases, while the mass of water vapor in the air remains unchanged.

Considering the frequency of ventilation and the size of the premises in kindergartens, it is impossible to achieve the required air humidity using such obsolete methods as frequent wet cleaning or hanging wet rags on radiators. A regular home humidifier will also not provide sufficient performance.

Standard terms

According to SANPIN, the optimal air humidity in kindergartens and schools should be 40-60%.
Solutions options
Ultrasonic humidifiers are ideal for use in kindergartens and schools. Check with our specialists for the required humidifier performance.

  • Such humidifiers have a number of advantages:
  • Easy to install, maintain and operate;
  • They are compact in size and fit harmoniously into the room;
  • They have no external moving elements and are safe for children;
  • They use electrical energy economically;
  • It is not safe to use steam generators in children's rooms, since the temperature of the steam is quite high and it is necessary to provide protection against it coming into contact with children.

Humidification systems high pressure It is inconvenient to use in kindergartens, since there is not enough space to accommodate nozzles and a high-pressure piping system.

An ultrasonic humidifier is installed anywhere in the room, the mist is sprayed by a fan from the device, and water is poured into a special tank. The humidifier operates from a 220 V network. To start working, just fill the water into the humidifier tank, plug the device into the network, set the required humidity and turn it on.

It is advisable to use soft water in humidifiers. Long-term use of water that has not been purified from hardness salts leads to the formation of limescale, and requires regular cleaning of ceramic discs. The use of untreated water leads to premature wear of ceramic resonators and the ultrasonic emitter.

An air humidifier is used to maintain normal indoor air humidity. The use of this device becomes especially relevant during the heating season and hot summer days. And families with children and the elderly need it most. In such situations, it is simply vital.

What are the dangers of insufficient indoor air humidity?

Excessive dry air has a very negative impact on the health of the respiratory system. Drying of the mucous membranes of the nose provokes their swelling and complicates physiological breathing. This is especially noticeable in infants; they feel uncomfortable sucking breasts or drinking milk from a bottle.

In older children, due to low humidity, hard crusts form in the nose. This is mucus that has dried out and does not allow air to move freely in the nasal passages. Older people tolerate such conditions more easily, but this does not mean that there are no consequences.

The mucous membrane plays the role of a kind of barrier that traps various pathogens and prevents them from penetrating into the body. A decrease in the amount of secretion produced invariably leads to the risk of developing bacterial complications in the sinuses and other parts of the respiratory tract.

Sanitary standards regarding the microclimate of residential premises (except for utility rooms, corridors, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets):

  • temperature in warm time years – 18-24 °C;
  • cold temperature – 20-28 °C;
  • relative humidity in summer – 65%;
  • relative humidity in winter – 60%;
  • air speed – 0.2 m/s.

It is especially important to observe relative humidity parameters if the baby is sick or has any colds. Its decrease often causes a worsening of the severity of the condition.

Important:Humidity is important not only for mucous membranes, but also for the skin. In conditions of excessively dry air, the skin practically ceases to perform its thermoregulatory functions. And it is already quite difficult for a child (especially a newborn) to cope with changes in ambient temperature and changes in temperature resulting from processes occurring in his body. Moreover, in dry air the skin can become vulnerable and dry. Another disadvantage of low humidity is the acceleration of dust circulation - a source of bacteria and viruses in any home.

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Types of humidifiers

There are several types of devices used in everyday life for air humidification, all of them differ in certain parameters: they have different performance, power, and have their own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

Retail chains receive:

  • traditional humidifiers;
  • steam models;
  • ultrasonic devices

Traditional humidifiers

Their operating principle is based on “cold” evaporation. They are economical and simple to use. They have a special tank; water is poured into it, from where it flows onto the evaporative elements. The device has a built-in fan; it sucks in dry air, and the evaporator enriches it with moisture. To increase productivity, that is, the intensity of evaporation, it is necessary to place such a humidifier near a heat source, which will ensure higher air circulation.

The maximum humidity when operating such a device is up to 60%. When choosing a traditional humidifier, be sure to pay attention to the presence of an antibacterial cassette - with its help, the air is disinfected from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

The main advantage of such devices is the “naturalness” of evaporation: water simply evaporates from a certain area of ​​surfaces that are constantly wetted. When moisture evaporates, it immediately goes into a vapor state. The important thing is that minerals and impurities from the water remain inside and do not enter the air.

Note:The evaporation rate of the humidifier depends on the humidity in the room. The smaller it is, the more intensively the device works. Air saturated with moisture is perceived by the body very easily and comfortably.

The same traditional types of devices include “air washers”. They have wetted flat discs mounted on an axle (rotating). The disks on the axle are partially immersed in water. Rotating, they are wetted in the bath and immediately dry above the surface of the water from the fan. The air between the discs is saturated with moisture, the dust from it settles on the wet disc and is washed off. This type of humidifier simultaneously saturates the air with moisture and cleans it. There are two types of designs of such devices. In the first, the discs are located in a reservoir bath, and in the second, in a reservoir that is removable. They also have some noise levels when operating in maximum performance mode.

Steam humidifier

Its operating principle is based on"hot" evaporation. In the device, water is heated by two electrodes, and it is converted into steam after it reaches its maximum temperature. A steam humidifier allows you to increase humidity by more than 60%.

This type of device is very convenient to use. When the water runs out during operation, it turns off on its own. There is no need to purchase additional cartridges, filters, etc. The steam humidifier has high performance; the moisture it sprays contains no impurities. Hot evaporation ensures sterility.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the steam type of humidifiers consumes quite a lot of energy (not all models) and it must be cleaned frequently (to remove scale).

Ultrasonic humidifiers

This is the most popular type of humidification device. All implemented models operate on the basis of high-frequency oscillations capable of converting water into microdispersed particles. They are equipped with a special piezoceramic emitter with silver-plated electrodes. When the electrical circuit is closed, the emitter begins to vibrate at such a speed that it creates ultrasonic waves that can tear off individual particles from the surface of the water. Fog (cold steam) forms in the chamber above the emitter; it is blown out by a fan.

Moisture entering the room gradually dries and saturates the air. In case of increased dryness, the drops dry while still in the air. This type is recommended for use in children's rooms, because... it reduces the risk of burns to zero.

Some advanced ultrasonic models are equipped with a hygrometer, an ultraviolet lamp, a filter cartridge for water softening, an air ionizer, and a remote control. remote control,LCD display. To ensure safety, both simpler models and climate control systems are equipped with special automation that turns off the device when the water level drops critically or overturns.

Note! Important advantages of ultrasonic humidifiers include noiselessness, production of mist instead of steam, ergonomics, small size and the ability to repair in case of breakdowns.

The main disadvantage of the device is that, along with water, impurities and various minerals enter the air from it, as a result a small salt coating with a whitish tint appears on the furniture, floor and walls. If these salts do not cause any harm to a healthy person, then inhalation of vapors with salt ingredients by allergy sufferers and asthmatics can lead to new attacks and deterioration of well-being.

Ideally, an ultrasonic humidifier should use water from a home filter system (the first stage of reverse osmosis).

Important: with regard to any type of humidifier, it is worth noting that when the device is turned on, it is worthwhile to conduct airing and ventilation at the same time. The products of human gas exchange must be removed from the premises.

People have always struggled with excessive dryness indoors. In the days of our grandmothers and mothers, wet towels hung on radiators and basins of water that caring parents placed in the children's room served as an air humidifier for children. Now the process of maintaining the required level of humidity has been greatly simplified - anyone can buy a special device in the store and forget about the problem of dry air.

This is especially important for a children's room, because it is very important for both newborns and older children to live in comfortable conditions. Dry air, heat, dust - all this has the most negative effect on their well-being and development. Do kids deserve this?

What is a humidifier and why is it needed?

The first air humidifier was developed in the West. From the name of the unit it is clear that it serves to maintain a certain level of humidity in the room. Some models can perform other, no less important, functions - for example, heating or cooling the air space.

The principle of operation of a humidifier is simple: a special fan takes in dry air, passes it through filters and purifiers and throws it back into the space, but already purified and saturated with moisture.

But why is it so important to maintain a certain humidity in the children's room and what should it be? Doctors (and especially the most famous children's doctor, Evgeny Komarovsky) tirelessly repeat that the climate in a baby's room plays a decisive role for his health and proper development.

The temperature in the nursery should not exceed 22 °C, ideally it is 18-19 °C. It is advisable to maintain humidity at 50-70%. This is especially true during the heating season, when hot radiators dry out the air by up to 10-20%.

The higher the temperature in the room, the drier the air, and accordingly, the more moisture the body spends to hydrate it. The result is lung problems, dry nasopharynx, blood thickening and many other unpleasant consequences.

To avoid health problems, as well as strengthen children's immunity, it is recommended, first of all, to create comfortable climatic conditions, and the humidifier is the first assistant in this.

8 reasons to buy a humidifier for the nursery

  1. Newborns especially need a humidifier, since they are not yet accustomed to breathing the dry, dirty air of urban spaces. This can cause them to become dehydrated. To prevent this, you should install a humidifier in the children's room.
  2. Reducing the concentration of germs and dirt in the air allows the baby to grow healthier and stronger, avoid respiratory diseases and nasal congestion.
  3. Humid air will prevent the skin from drying out, and, accordingly, the risk of skin problems will decrease.
  4. Thanks to the humidifier, the baby’s immunity is strengthened and the risk of colds is reduced.
  5. In a humidified room, your baby's sleep will be stronger and more peaceful.
  6. By breathing moist air, the child develops faster and absorbs information better.
  7. It is impossible to increase the humidity in a room in any other way. Frequent cleaning, spraying water, wet towels on radiators - all this does not give the same result as a humidifier.
  8. In addition to saturating the air with moisture, many humidifiers clean it of dust and germs. These devices also regulate the temperature in the room, which is very important for the normal functioning and health of the baby.

Types of humidifiers

There are four types of humidifiers, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Traditional humidifiers.
  2. Steam humidifiers.
  3. Ultrasonic humidifiers.
  4. Air washers.
  5. Climate humidifiers.

Traditional humidifiers

This is the simplest humidifier currently available. In it, the air passes through special filters, is purified and evaporates naturally without heating.


  • you can use tap water;
  • low price;
  • uniform hydration;
  • cleaning from contaminants, including large ones;
  • simple maintenance.


  • to maintain the desired level of humidity, continuous operation of the humidifier is necessary;
  • high noise level.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Ultrasonic vibrations in the device body create a cloud of water molecules through which air passes before entering the room. Consequently, cold steam comes out of the purifier, which maintains optimal humidity in the apartment.

The advantages of such devices are as follows:

  • they are silent;
  • have a hygrostat, which means they can maintain humidity at a certain level;
  • with their help you can saturate the air with moisture by more than 70-80%;
  • The display shows the current humidity level.

Disadvantage of ultrasonic cleaners:

  • It is advisable to use filtered water, as tap water quickly clogs the humidifier filter.

Steam cleaners

Steam cleaners work on the “boiling kettle” principle. They heat the water and release warm steam, which saturates everything around with moisture.

The advantages of such units are that:

  • they work for ordinary water from the tap and do not become clogged;
  • humidify the air very quickly;
  • disconnect from the network as soon as the water runs out;
  • such a device can be used as an inhaler.


  • a steam type cleaner does not maintain a certain level of humidity (it does not have a hygrostat);
  • not safe for the rooms of very small children, as it can burn the baby;
  • require high energy costs.

Air washers

These are disc cleaners. Their work is that a special fan draws air into the case and passes it through disks that rotate, periodically immersing themselves in water. All the dirt pulled out of the air remains in the water, and clean steam is released into the room.


  • consume little electricity;
  • do not require replacement disks;
  • work quietly;
  • not only moisturize, but also “wash” the air;
  • do not require the use of purified water.


  • high price;
  • impressive dimensions.

Climate humidifiers

The operating principle of these models is to use a special filter that interacts with a fan that directs the air. Sometimes it can be replaced with a special design.

Such humidifiers not only maintain high humidity in the room, but also cleanse the air of dust, germs and other contaminants.


  • many modes;
  • silent operation;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • discreet design.


  • high price.

Which humidifier to choose for a children's room?

In general, all of the above types of cleaners are suitable for a children's room. Which to choose? It depends on what results you would like to achieve and what is preferable to you.

  • If you need a budget option, then pay attention to steam or traditional models - they are the most inexpensive and easiest to operate.
  • If you need a quality humidifier and purifier, take a look at an air conditioner or air washer.
  • If you require a small unit, then the best option are ultrasonic and steam humidifiers.
  • If your baby sleeps very lightly, then purchase an air conditioner or ultrasonic cleaner– they work absolutely silently.
  • If in your area bad water, and you don’t want to spend money on cartridges, choose a traditional, steam model or air washer.
  • If the cost of replacement filters does not bother you, you can buy an ultrasonic humidifier.
  • If you need to humidify the air in a large room, choose an ultrasonic or climate purifier.

The best option for a children's room is a climate purifier - it humidifies and purifies the air most fully and efficiently, so it is recommended even for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as for those who live in the center of large cities, near highways and industrial plants. But such a device is quite expensive, so you can choose a simpler humidifier - any unit will cope with its task and make the climatic conditions in the children's room as comfortable as possible.

Requirements for humidifiers safe for children

  1. The device should not only humidify, but also purify the air from harmful impurities.
  2. The model should be inconspicuous and dim so as not to arouse undue interest in the child.
  3. It is desirable that the humidifier can independently maintain optimal level humidity (60-70%) and turned off when the water in the barrel ran out.
  4. It’s good if the cleaner can be used as a room fragrance. Diffused high-quality lemon or fir oil will protect your baby from colds, while lavender oil will improve sleep and strengthen the nervous system.
  5. A humidifier for a child's room should be silent so as not to interfere with the child's games and sleep.
  6. The device should not have small parts that can be unscrewed. Also, it should either be very light, or, on the contrary, such that the child cannot tip it over and get hurt. A humidifier that operates on the “hot air” principle is undesirable.
  7. It would be good if the device has a special “children’s” operating mode.

Prices for air humidifiers in Russia

The cheapest models are considered to be ultrasonic and steam cleaners. Prices for some units start at 2000–4000 rubles, and the fewer functions the humidifier has, the lower the price. If the device does not have a built-in hygrostat, its cost is significantly reduced.

However, there are more expensive ultrasonic models - 10,000–15,000 rubles, and the price of some steam humidifiers (for example, Boneco) reaches 30,000 rubles.

But the most expensive models are air washer and climate control. Their cost can reach up to 50,000 rubles.

The best models of humidifiers suitable for a child's room

Below is short review five best models humidifiers, according to consumers 2013–2015.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss 7147

This is a relatively inexpensive ultrasonic air purifier. Manufacturer – Switzerland. It is silent, convenient (it has a touch screen) and economical (it requires little energy to operate). In addition, there is a silver rod inside the device, which not only cleans but disinfects the air.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss 7147 is ideal for children's rooms of any size and area, as well as for any time of year.

The downside is that the filters in the purifier have to be changed from time to time.

Winia AWX-70

A nice and high-quality cleaner made in Korea. Quickly and well humidifies the air, easy to use and maintain. The large 9-liter tank eliminates the need to frequently add water.


A small and compact ultrasonic humidifier will be a good addition to any children's room. It has a discreet, inconspicuous design, and the baby is unlikely to mistake it for a toy. In addition, this unit is not heavy at all (only 2.5 kg), so even if a child drops it, serious damage can be avoided.

The downside to using a humidifier is that it is only suitable for small rooms. Also, this model is made of fairly cheap plastic, which is not very good for use in a nursery.

Electrolux EHAW-6515

A very convenient air washer that does not require constant cartridge changes and complex cleaning. It is relatively small, has three operating modes and is ideal for children's rooms. In addition, it has built-in silver elements that ionize the air in the room, killing harmful bacteria.

The disadvantage is the price - about 20,000 rubles.

AIC S135

Inexpensive but high-quality air purifier. It is easy to use, silent and perfectly humidifies the air in the children's room. A full tank of water lasts for the whole night.

The “disadvantages” include the fact that hydration occurs rather slowly.


The need to humidify the air in a children's room has been known for a long time, but nowadays it has become very easy to cope with this task, thanks to special devices - humidifiers. Their advantage is that in addition to humidifying the air, they purify and disinfect it.

By purchasing this item for your home, you can be calm about the health of your child.

Unfortunately, almost all children who start going to kindergarten get sick. Typically in gardens the air does not circulate and is not purified(only periodic, often insufficient, ventilation through the windows). Stagnant air, stuffiness, heat, and high levels of carbon dioxide are an ideal environment for the rapid spread of bacteria and viruses.

For a child to breathe, it is necessary not less than 20 m 3 / h of air, accordingly, with an average number of children and staff in a group of 20 people, the minimum air exchange rate is 400 m 3 /h. Due to natural ventilation through cracks in transoms and vents (inflow no more than 5-10 m 3 / h through 1 window) it is impossible to ensure even the minimum inflow rate. Hourly full ventilation of the room with open windows, especially in the cold season, is dangerous for the health of children. Typically, kindergarten premises are ventilated only when children are out for a walk - 1-2 times a day, in cold and hot weather for only a few minutes, so that the air in the room has time to warm up/cool down before the children return.

How can I solve this problem?

1. Install supply ventilation (ventilators) of sufficient capacity, equipped with filters with the maximum level of air purification

Supply ventilation constantly supplies fresh air to the room. In the cold season, you can turn on the air heating to comfortable temperature. The ventilators are equipped with fine air filters that prevent the smallest particles of dust, pollen, viruses, allergens, bacteria, carcinogens, exhaust gases and other harmful substances, as well as odors from entering the room. The internal walls of the device are heat and noise insulated.

In this way to the kindergarten premises there will always be fresh, clean air, rich in oxygen, at the required temperature. Air exchange will improve: forced ventilation stimulates the operation of the hood.

Why will children get sick less? Bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances will not linger indoors. Thanks to constant air circulation, the supply of clean air, normalization of CO 2 levels, the overall microclimate in the room will become healthy. Children will feel better and have stronger immunity simply by breathing clean, fresh air. For children's institutions, we primarily offer a breatherRoyal Clima Brezza with medical grade supply air purification, which has successfully proven itself in the market.

2. Use an air washer

In winter, the absolute moisture content in the street air is low, and when heating radiators are operating, the relative humidity drops to minimum values. Why is low humidity dangerous? The mucous membranes, which have the function of counteracting harmful viruses and bacteria, lose several times their effectiveness, which contributes to the development of infections and respiratory diseases,According to SanPin with requirements for the work of preschool educational institutions, relative air humidity in rooms with children should be 40-60%. However, during the heating season, humidity itself does not rise above 20-30%.

Will help solve this problem air washing, which not only increases the level of humidity, but also cleanses the room of dust, pollen, and unpleasant odors. Sinks, unlike ultrasonic humidifiers, use the traditional principle of water evaporation, so they are completely safe. The sink is easy to use: just add water to it regularly and periodically wash the drum.

3. Buy an air purifier/disinfectant

The cleaner is intended for continuous prevention against infectious diseases. It protects the room from all infections, allergens, toxins, harmful substances and odors. There are many air purifiers on the market, but for kindergartens we recommend Tion Clever, the cleaning and disinfection class in which complies with sanitary standards. We do not consider purchasing an air purifier mandatory. for all kindergartens - this is advisable if the administration does not allow the installation of ventilators (in this case, the purifier is extremely necessary for the relative normalization of the microclimate).

In Tion Clever no ultraviolet lamps– accordingly, there are no risks associated with them (harmful radiation, risk of mercury leakage, need for special disposal of the lamp). Thanks to its low noise level - quieter than the ticking of a clock - the purifier can be placed in the bedroom.

The disinfectant will attract all bacteria, viruses, spores to its filters, and purify the air of all types of contaminants. Viruses and bacteria of all types are not only disinfected on filters with an efficiency of 99.9%, but are also completely destroyed. This a sterile system whose filters will never become a source of infection, regardless of operating time.

Installing a purifier or sink- a simpler event, since such a device only needs to be hung on the wall or placed on the floor, and plugged into an outlet, and for ventilator installation you need to drill a hole in the wall. This procedure does not require approval.

Devices work most effectively when combined. Supply unit saturates the room with fresh, clean air. Air washing maintains an optimal level of humidity and cleans the room of dust. The disinfectant purifies and sterilizes the air in the room at a deeper level. These devices will create a favorable microclimate in kindergarten and significantly reduce the incidence of illness in children.

(With) Fresh air. Copy with URL only

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