Chizhevsky chandelier electrical circuit diagram. Power supplies for the "Chizhevsky chandelier"

It is known that negative air ions have a beneficial effect on the human body, while positive ones contribute to rapid fatigue. Numerous studies have shown that the air of forests and meadows contains from 700 to 1500, and sometimes up to 15,000 negative air ions per cubic centimeter. In residential premises, their number sometimes drops to 25 per 1 cm3.
Anyone can increase the saturation of the air in their home with air ions by making themselves an ionizer consisting of an electroeffluvial chandelier and a high-voltage converter. An electroeffluvial chandelier (see figure) is an emitter of negative air ions. It consists of a square base made of 02 mm wire, and a mesh made of 01 mm wire, in the nodes of which sharpened needles of 00.3 mm wire are soldered. From the corners to the center of the square there are four conductors soldered together.

High voltage is supplied to this point, and the chandelier is suspended from the ceiling through the insulator. The thyristor high-voltage converter consists of a step-down power transformer
T1 (see diagram), rectifier on VD1, storage capacitor C1, high-voltage transformer T2 and thyristor control unit-ill winding T1, R2, VD2.
The converter works as follows. The current of winding 11 of transformer T1 in the first half-cycle charges storage capacitor C1 through diode VD1 and winding I T2. Diode VD2 is locked at this time, and thyristor VS1 is closed. In the second half-cycle, the thyristor opens* through diode VD2. VD1 is locked for the second half-cycle, so a short circuit through the thyristor is excluded. At this time, capacitor C1 begins to discharge through the thyristor and winding I of transformer T2. A high voltage is induced in winding 11 T2, which is supplied to the chandelier through a rectifier and a high-voltage PV wire.<Урал>Instead of the KU201L thyristor, you can use the KU202N. The use of triacs (for example, KU208) is unacceptable. T1 - any small-sized transformer from a tube radio (wind it yourself - on a Ш19 core, set thickness 30 mm: I winding -2120 turns PEL 0.2; 11 winding -2120 turns PEL 0.2; 111 winding -66 turns PEL 0.2 ). T2 - high-voltage coil from the electronic ignition unit of the chainsaw<Рекорд-66>, <Рассвет>or magneto.
Instead of a high-voltage column VT-18/0.2, you can use 5GE600AF.
Insulate high-voltage wires only with PVC tape. Before turning on the converter for the first time, connect a 220 V lamp in the gap at point A. If after switching on the lamp lights up, swap the terminals of winding III T1. If after this a high voltage appears, but the lamp continues to glow at least slightly, increase the resistance of resistor R2. There should be no odors when the air ionizer is operating - this is a sign of the appearance of harmful gases resulting from a leak. high voltage
on the body or nearby parts.
Precautionary measures. When setting up and operating the converter, electrical safety must be observed. The high voltage current is limited to 2 µA, that is, thousands of times less than the maximum permissible, but this does not mean that you can touch the chandelier with impunity without receiving a strong prick from the discharge spark.

The operation of the converter can be judged by a slight crackling sound around the chandelier.

The duration of the daily session is about 30 minutes. > In rooms with insufficient ventilation, turn on periodically throughout the day. N. Semakin, village Pudem, Udm. ASSR The power supply described above has good filtering properties; the transistor suppresses noise, ripple, and AC background.

However, it is imperfect and unstable. For example, you set the output voltage to 5 volts. Your network voltage has increased, the voltage at the output of the diode bridge and capacitor C1 immediately jumps, naturally the voltage at resistor R1 increases, it divides it differently, the increased voltage is supplied to the base of transistor VT 1, and naturally an increased voltage appears at the output. When the network voltage decreases, the same thing happens in the direction of decreasing the output voltage. To prevent this from happening, use

parametric stabilizers

voltage on zener diodes with an amplifying transistor. Let's consider several power supplies (voltage stabilizers) with a step-down input transformer.

They have several disadvantages:

1. Reduced efficiency

2. High power dissipation

Air is the most important natural resource that humans cannot do without. The state of health largely depends on its quality. To boost immunity and improve well-being, doctors advise spending more time in the “fresh air.” However, increased pollution in cities deprives people of this opportunity. Everyone gets out of this situation in their own way. One of the methods to solve the problem is to use a Chizhevsky chandelier in the apartment. What this device is, whether it brings benefit or harm to the body, and how to do it yourself - these are the topics that will be covered in this article.

What is a Chizhevsky chandelier?

The Chizhevsky chandelier is a device designed to saturate the air with high polarity ions. The unit received its name from the name of the famous scientist. He was the first to develop an electroeffluent device, on the basis of which the chandelier itself was created. It is the world's first air ionizer. Thanks to Chizhevsky’s chandelier, a person can get the same “ Fresh air", which benefits the body.

The benefits and harms of Chizhevsky's chandelier

There is no consensus among scientists about whether the device is beneficial or harmful to the body. On the one hand, experts do not deny the fact that the device purifies the air, neutralizing the effect of harmful bacteria. On the other hand, the oversaturation of oxygen with negatively charged ions in itself can cause harm to human health. Only the balance of all air elements will avoid such a result. However, achieving balance at home is almost impossible. Therefore, scientists were divided into supporters and opponents of the device.


Experts who are positively disposed towards the unit have found that Chizhevsky’s chandelier benefits the body:

  1. accelerates the process of restoration of soft tissues after mechanical damage, which includes scratches, burns, cuts, etc.;
  2. improves the body’s condition in case of infectious pathologies, promoting a speedy recovery;
  3. increases endurance and performance;
  4. prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies, in particular heart attack and stroke;
  5. normalizes metabolic processes occurring in cells;
  6. increases the body's defenses;
  7. reduces the likelihood of the spread of infectious pathologies;
  8. generally improves a person’s well-being, relieving chronic fatigue and weakness;
  9. has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Experts advise using the Chizhevsky chandelier to purify the air for people suffering from pathologies of the respiratory system - bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and tuberculosis (only at the initial stage of development). The use of the device is also relevant for allergies, high blood pressure and unstable emotional background.

Modern scientists have been able to establish that Chizhevsky’s chandelier has a positive effect not only on people, but also on animals, so the device can also be used in those homes where beloved pets live.


Some scientists have concluded that using the device can cause harm to the body:

  1. worsens the functioning of the respiratory system and against this background wheezing and other pathologies occur;
  2. disrupts heart function;
  3. provokes frequent headaches;
  4. creates additional stress on the body, which makes overall health worse.
Chizhevsky's chandelier fills the air with ions

Description of the Chizhevsky chandelier

Chizhevsky's chandelier, the benefits and harms of which are still controversial among scientists, is a room appliance desktop or hanging type. The unit runs on electricity. After turning it on, negatively charged ions begin to be produced, which results in air disinfection.

What does Chizhevsky's chandelier look like?

The device is a plastic cylindrical body, on top of which a wire spherical metal carcass. It is the working part of the device. It is he who produces air ions. The device is equipped with a cord and plug that connects to the network. The device can be installed on any flat surface or hung on the wall.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the device is to supply high voltage to the electrode. Due to this, negatively charged ions begin to be released into the environment. When a person inhales air saturated with these particles, they penetrate into the body and give their charge to red blood cells. These formed cells, in turn, deliver ions to all human organs and systems, which improves the metabolic processes occurring in the cells.

Instructions for use

To avoid negative consequences from the operation of the device, you must follow the instructions for its use. Before turning on the unit, the room needs to be well ventilated.

The duration of the first use should not exceed half an hour. Gradually the time can be increased. After several sessions, the operating time of the chandelier should be 3-4 hours a day.

When the chandelier is working, all windows and vents must be tightly closed, otherwise air masses may carry away the generated ions. If after the first sessions you experience any discomfort such as headaches or dizziness, there is no need to worry. These conditions are not a side reaction of the body or a manifestation of pathology. They often occur in metropolitan residents after prolonged exposure to the so-called fresh air. To avoid recurrence, it is recommended to shorten the next session. When dizziness and headaches do not bother you, you can increase the duration of operation of the device, bringing it to the desired value.


Skeptical specialists have established contraindications for using the device:

  1. exhaustion of the body;
  2. increased blood pressure in the kidneys;
  3. oncological pathologies;
  4. bronchial asthma and similar pathological conditions;
  5. pulmonary tuberculosis in late stages of development;
  6. pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which include heart failure, atherosclerosis and vascular spasms;
  7. ozena.

To date, no reasonable evidence has been provided that the device cannot be used for these conditions, but a number of experts argue that contraindications are relevant.

How to make a Chizhevsky chandelier yourself?

Despite the fact that the device is not a scarce commodity and acquiring it in our time is not difficult, ordinary people are interested in the question of how to make a Chizhevsky chandelier on their own. To manufacture the unit, you will need a metal rim, the diameter of which should be 1 meter. Bare copper wires with a diameter of 1 mm are stretched onto it. They are fixed at a distance of 4 cm from each other. The wires should form a hemisphere with a slight sag at the bottom. Needles with a length of 5 cm and a diameter of 0.5 mm are soldered into the sides on four sides. It is important to ensure high-quality sharpening of such elements. This prevents the formation of ozone, which can cause severe harm to the body. For this reason, experts advise purchasing a professionally produced Chizhevsky chandelier rather than making the device yourself. The rim must also have three soldered copper wires, with a diameter of 1 mm. At one end they are fixed on the made device, and the other ends are soldered together above it. The final stage is the creation and connection of the power supply, from which all the operation of the unit will be carried out.

To make a generator you will need:

  1. fuse;
  2. diode;
  3. voltage divider;
  4. a pair of dinistres;
  5. output to resistor winding;
  6. diode bridge;
  7. capacitor;
  8. timing chain.

A generator is assembled from such elements and fixed to the device. After this, you can start using it.

To check the functionality of the unit, you need to turn on the device and bring your hand to the needles at a distance of 10-15 cm. If you feel cold, it means the unit is functioning. There is another way to check. You need to take a small piece of cotton wool and bring it to the device at a distance of half a meter. If the fiber is attracted to the unit, then the chandelier is functioning normally.

You can make a Chizhevsky chandelier yourself

Manufacturers of Chizhevsky chandeliers

The Chizhevsky chandelier is produced by several manufacturers:

  1. EcoUnit - makes Chizhevsky chandeliers with a ceramic body. Thanks to stylish design The device will fit into any interior of the room. Disadvantage: if not handled carelessly, it can break.
  2. Ecology-plus - devices from this manufacturer are easy to operate. They have a stylish modern design and do not require changing filters.
  3. Atmos - produces stylish modern units. They are easy to operate, do not require filter changes and consume little energy. The devices are equipped with backlighting, which distinguishes them from similar devices.
  4. Super-plus-ECO - units from this manufacturer do not just saturate the air with air ions. The devices also disinfect it from dust and harmful viruses and bacteria.
  5. Hippocrates - devices from this manufacturer are equipped with an air purification filter and ultraviolet disinfection. The units operate in two modes. They are easy to use and do not consume much electricity. Easily disassembled to change filters.

Where to buy a Chizhevsky chandelier?

You can buy a Chizhevsky chandelier in the online store. There is a large selection of units from various manufacturers available here. Prices range from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles. In specialized stores you can also purchase air ionizers made based on Chizhevsky’s developments. Cost from 1000 to 10000 rubles.

Chizhevsky's chandelier is a device thanks to which “fresh air” like in the forest can be obtained even in a city apartment. Despite the fact that scientists have not been able to prove that the device causes harm to the body, it is recommended to use it for various pathologies only after the approval of a doctor.

This article discusses the assembly DIY Chizhevsky chandelier, which produces negatively charged air ions, it is also called an air ionizer.

A large number of measurements indicate that in one cubic centimeter of forest air there are from 600 to 1400, and sometimes up to 14,000 negatively charged air ions. The air will be more useful if there are a large number of these air ions. Unfortunately, in city apartments their content drops to 25 per cubic centimeter, which can result in significant fatigue and tiredness.

You can raise the level of air ions in the air of city apartments using a special device - the Chizhevsky ionizer. In the 20s of the last century, Professor Chizhevsky A.L. created the first such installation.

DIY Chizhevsky chandelier

This article will discuss simple design ionizer that can be assembled with your own hands at home.

Chizhevsky chandelier consists of two parts - the chandelier itself and the high voltage converter circuit.

Chizhevsky's chandelier is an aluminum hoop with a diameter of up to 1 meter. Serviced copper wires with a diameter of up to 1 mm and with a pitch of 35 - 45 mm are attached to it, mutually perpendicular. The resulting mesh should sag at a distance of 60 - 90 mm. At the intersection of the wires, metal needles up to 40 mm long are soldered.

It is desirable that they be as sharp as possible, since the efficiency of the entire structure depends on this. It is necessary to attach three copper wires with a diameter of up to 1 mm to the hoop at an equal distance (every 120 degrees), which are soldered together at the other ends above the hoop. The high voltage generator itself is then connected to this point.

For effective operation of the Chizhevsky chandelier, a high-voltage voltage of at least 25 kV is required. For a room of approximately 50 sq. m requires about 30 kV to 40 kV. This can be achieved by adding to ionizer circuit the required number of multiplier stages. Below is a simple electrical diagram high-voltage generator for the ionizer, which has undergone almost thirty-five years of testing and has proven its effectiveness.

Description of the operation of an air ionizer for a Chizhevsky chandelier

At the moment of the positive half-cycle of the power supply, the capacitor C1 is charged through the chain of elements R1, VD1 and the winding of the transformer Tr1. Thyristor VS1 is locked at this moment. When a negative half-cycle arrives, diodes VD1, VD2 are in a locked state. A voltage drop is created at the thyristor cathode relative to the control electrode. An electric current appears in the electrical circuit of the thyristor control electrode and it opens. After this, capacitor C1 is discharged through the primary winding of transformer T1.

A high potential pulse appears in the secondary winding of the transformer and this is repeated every period. Electric impulses high voltage pass through a rectifier assembled on diodes VD3...VD6 according to a voltage multiplier circuit. The rectified voltage from the output of this rectifier goes through the current-limiting resistance R3 to the chandelier.

Details and design of a homemade air ionizer

Transformer Tr1 - ignition coil B2B (6 V) from a motorcycle, but can also be used from a car. Resistor R1 can be assembled from three with a power of 2 W and a resistance of 3 kOhm, and resistor R3 from three or four for a total resistance of 10-20 MOhm.

Diodes VD3-VD6 high-voltage type KTs201G-E. Paper capacitor C1 is at least 250 V, C2-C5 are POV type capacitors for a voltage of at least 10 kV, and C2 is at least 15 kV. Thyristor VS1 KU202 K-N, KU201K. Any diodes VD1 and VD2 not lower than 400 V.

The ionizer parts must be installed in a housing of suitable dimensions so that there is a large distance between the terminals of the capacitors and high-voltage diodes. To prevent the occurrence of corona discharges in the ionizer, it is advisable to cover these terminals with molten paraffin after installation. When installed correctly, the Chizhevsky chandelier begins to work immediately.

There should be no odors during operation of the ionizer. The smell indicates the presence of harmful gases (nitrogen oxides or ozone). They should not appear near a properly working chandelier. If they appear, you need to inspect the device again and connect the ionizer to the Chizhevsky chandelier.

The output voltage can be changed by selecting resistance R1 or capacitance C1. You can verify the functionality of the ionizer by placing (carefully!) a piece of cotton wool near a working Chizhevsky chandelier. At about a distance of 50 mm it will be attracted to the chandelier. Also, at a distance of about 10 cm, a light breeze of air ions is felt.

Attention! Since the circuit elements are energized, electrical safety measures should be observed when setting up the ionizer.

Hello to all fans of electronic homemade products. It’s time to tell you about another homemade product. And today we will talk about the so-called Chizhevsky chandelier.

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of Chizhevsky’s chandelier. It helps some, harms others, and others are indifferent to its effects. To find out who is right and who is wrong, you need to consider each specific case separately. I won’t go into this in this article, but next time.

It has long been proven that negative air ions have a good effect on the entire human body, while positively charged ions depress the body. Measurements were made in forest plantations, which showed that the concentration of air ions can reach, in densely populated thickets, up to 15,000 per cubic centimeter. While in a residential apartment the number of air ions in one cubic centimeter can drop to 25. From all of the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to increase the number of negatively charged ions. To do this, we will need a Chizhevsky chandelier, which we will make with our own hands. Almost 100 years ago, Professor Chizhevsky developed a method of air ionization. He proved that it is negatively charged particles that have a beneficial effect on humans.

DIY Chizhevsky chandelier, diagram and description

Chizhevsky's chandelier consists of two parts. This is the chandelier itself, as it is also called an electroeffluvial chandelier. And a high-voltage converter unit, at the output of which we should get from 25-30 kilovolts.

To make a high-voltage voltage converter, I used the most simple diagram Chizhevsky chandeliers. It does not contain transistors or any scarce radio components. The circuit uses a minimum of radio components:

This scheme has become widespread. As a high voltage source, a voltage multiplier is used here, built on 6 high-voltage diodes VD3-VD8, and 6 capacitors C3-C8. Power to the multiplier is supplied from the high-voltage coil Tr1. The mains voltage has two half-waves. One half-wave charges capacitor C1, and the other half-wave opens thyristor VS1. Capacitor C1 is discharged through thyristor VS1 to the primary winding of transformer Tr1. A high-voltage pulse occurs in the transformer, the voltage of which is increased by a multiplier to a voltage of 30 kilovolts.

Device details:

  • High-voltage coil B51, or similar
  • Thyristor KU202N
  • Diode D202K - 2 pieces
  • Resistors 33 kilo-ohms, 1 mega-ohm 2 watts
  • Resistor 1 kilo-ohm, 7 W
  • Capacitor 1 microfarad 400 volts
  • Capacitors 390 picofarads, 16 kilovolts -6 pieces
  • High voltage diodes, 6 pieces

Now let's take a closer look at the main voltage converter board and the voltage multiplier board. All the main radio components of the device are mounted on the converter dress:

High-voltage coil from a motorcycle, B51-12v. It can be replaced with any other vehicle. You can also use a horizontal scan transformer TVS-110L6 or similar:

Nowadays, it is much more affordable to buy a high-voltage coil from a moped or scooter, for example this one:

It is advisable to use capacitor C1 for voltages below 400 volts, but in my case a capacitor for voltages of 300 volts is used, so far it works flawlessly:

Seven-watt resistor R1, rated 1 kilo-ohm, taken from a tube TV. If you do not have such a resistor, then you can connect several two-watt resistors in parallel, so that you end up with a nominal value of one kilo-ohm:

The remaining radio components are located nearby and are connected by surface mounting:

A correctly assembled voltage converter for a Chizhevsky chandelier should start working immediately. Before the first start-up, the high-voltage wire of the reel should be placed near the common wire at a short distance, approximately 5 mm. If you do not maintain this distance, but make it much larger, say 3-4 cm, then a breakdown of the high-voltage coil inside the bobbin itself may occur. After this, we supply power to the entire circuit, observing safety rules. If the circuit does not start, you should select thyristor VS1. Since thyristors, even from the same batch, have a wide variation in their characteristics, special attention should be paid to the selection of a thyristor.

Attention! Be careful. This high-voltage converter does not have galvanic isolation from the network. Almost all radio components are under mains voltage. To somehow protect yourself, try to apply the phase to the resistor R1, and the zero to the common wire.

To power the chandelier, a voltage of 25 kilovolts to 30 kilovolts is required, and if used in rooms with high ceilings, the voltage must be raised to 50 kilovolts. To provide such a voltage, a multiplier consisting of at least 6 diodes and 6 capacitors is required. Only in this case can you obtain the required voltage. In this regard, it immediately comes to mind to use a high-voltage multiplier, which is used in CRT-type TVs. I also thought for a long time about how to adapt it to Chizhevsky’s chandelier. But, unfortunately, plus voltage is supplied to the aquadag of the kinescope. And in order for us to get negative air ions, we need to apply negative high voltage to the chandelier. And since all high-voltage diodes and capacitors are filled with the same compound, the polarity cannot be changed. So I took some voltage multipliers from the TV and, using light hammer blows, tried to break them and remove the capacitors and diodes. To some extent I succeeded. Where the pins were torn off at the root, we had to solder them. Some fragments of the compound had to be sanded down. As donors I used the following voltage multipliers UN 8.5/25-1.2-A:

As a result, I got this multiplier. A piece of plexiglass was taken as a basis and high-voltage diodes and capacitors were secured using wire clamps:

In order not to make a mistake with the polarity of high-voltage diodes, and to connect them correctly according to the circuit, you need to know in which direction each high-voltage diode conducts current. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to check this with a multimeter, since each diode consists of a large number of washers, single diodes, the internal resistance of each diode is very high and the multimeter will show infinity. To get out of this situation you need to use a megohmmeter. But first, using a conventional diode, you need to determine which terminals of the megohmmeter are positive and which are negative. Then ring each high-voltage diode and mark it with a plus or minus. After this, it will not be difficult to connect capacitors and diodes into one circuit so that we get a high voltage:

Of course, to avoid all this hemorrhoids, you can use normal high-voltage diodes like KTs201G-KTs201E or D1008. But, unfortunately, in my outback it is simply impossible to find them, and in Soviet times it was simply impossible to order via the Internet. Therefore, I decided to use this extraordinary method of obtaining high-voltage diodes and capacitors.

Both assembled boards must be placed in some kind of housing. In this case, a condition must be met - the high-voltage voltage multiplier should be placed at a certain distance from the converter itself. Especially the area of ​​diode VD8 and capacitor C6, since in this place there will be the highest voltage, and an unauthorized breakdown may occur.

DIY Chizhevsky chandelier

The time has come to talk about making the chandelier itself for the ionizer. To effectively ionize air, you need to use pointed needles, which should be located on a certain plane. Of course, ideally, you need to use as much of the radiated surface area as possible. As a base for a chandelier, you can use an aluminum hula hoop with a diameter of up to 1 m. But you must admit, having such a large chandelier in an apartment will be impractical, and it will take up a lot of space. Therefore, I decided to make it more compact, since the main thing in a chandelier is the amount of high voltage, but still the area is secondary. The main rule to follow is the presence of pointed needles. As a result, I ended up with this design:

When making this Chizhevsky chandelier, I followed this scheme:

The perimeter base was made of copper wire diameter 2.4 mm. Then wires with a diameter of 1 mm were stretched mutually perpendicularly. The result is a grid with 35 mm cells. Then, sharp needles 45 mm long were soldered into each node of the resulting mesh. I chopped the needles with a chisel, from a motorcycle cable that is used for clutches. Of course, you can use factory-made needles with a ring, but it seemed to me that they would be painfully stiff and not so elastic. Since the needles are made of steel, soldering them is not so easy. To ensure that soldering does not cause difficulties, the tip of each needle must first be tinned with soldering acid, and if you do not have it, then with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin):

After making the Chizhevsky chandelier, it was time to test it. To do this, we take the emitter itself and hang it from the ceiling. I hang the lighting from the chandelier, about 1 m below it. To isolate the emitter, you need to hang the chandelier itself on a fishing line. We connect a high-voltage wire from a high-voltage converter to the center of the chandelier. Also, in my opinion, power should be supplied to the chandelier according to the following scheme: the phase is supplied to the resistor R1, and the zero to the common wire. In my opinion, this is especially important in an apartment of a reinforced concrete building, since the reinforcement concrete slabs, in fact, is ground, and the radiation will be more effective if the network power zero is supplied to the common wire, generally as indicated in the diagram:

Then we serve mains power to a high-voltage converter, and check the chandelier in action. During its operation, no odors should be emitted, especially ozone, as well as light gases during corona, which can occur due to poor insulation of high-voltage capacitors or diodes. If you bring your hand to the side of the needles, you feel a slight chill already from a distance of about 20 cm. Honestly, this is an indescribable feeling when there is no wind, but it seems that there is some. If the lights in the apartment are completely turned off, then at the tip of each needle you can see a luminous point through which the discharge occurs. If you bring a low voltage indicator to the bottom side of the chandelier, then the gas discharge lamp in this indicator begins to glow from 80 cm, and if you bring the indicator closer and closer, it lights up brighter.

Although the voltage on the chandelier reaches 30 kW, the current is very small, and it cannot harm others. In order for us to indirectly verify the magnitude of the high voltage, we need to bring a metal object, holding it firmly in our hand, and evaluate the magnitude of the discharge. Based on the length of the arc, you can indirectly judge the magnitude of the voltage by adopting a simple formula that there are 10 kilovolts of voltage per 1 cm, respectively, for 30 kilovolts a distance of about 30 mm is required, which is what I did:

As you can see, the breakdown voltage is at least 25 mm, accordingly the operation of the chandelier will be effective. Practice has shown that it is for this Chizhevsky chandelier, which we made with our own hands, of a small area, that this high-voltage converter is quite effective. The heating of resistor R1 is not so great, it is barely warm. Ignition coil B51 is generally cold. The diodes and capacitors of the voltage multiplier are barely perceptibly warm. Since the therapeutic effect of using the Chizhevsky chandelier occurs within 30 minutes, this converter can be used without fear of overheating for much longer.

Only time can tell how beneficial this device may be for health, or whether, on the contrary, it will harm. So don't be shy, make a chandelier. I hope she adds health. Thank you all for reading to the end, see you again, goodbye everyone.

The device acting as an ionizer is called a Chizhevsky lamp or chandelier. Many city dwellers want to feel the crisp air of a forest in their home, as well as feel the cool smell after a summer thunderstorm. All this can be accomplished using a process such as airspace ionization.

Chizhevsky chandelier - what is it?

The human body needs clean and high-quality air. One of the most important components of the airspace are ions, which can contain a charge of a positive or negative sign. The first device that can change the number of electrons was the Chizhevsky chandelier, the circuit of which can look different because it depends on the method of manufacturing the mechanism. If we talk in simple language, then the device is a conventional electrode.

Chizhevsky chandelier - history of creation

The first half of the 20th century is characterized by active study of the process of air ionization. This is because scientists from all over the world wanted to find a method by which the quality of air space in a building could be improved. Chizhevsky's lamp was the result of extensive research activity. Its properties and influence on the human body are still uncertain.

The chandelier was named in honor of the Soviet biophysicist A.L. Chizhevsky. Moreover, it is not directly related to the invention of the device. However, the aeroionification techniques that he developed formed the basis of this lamp. The scientist noted in his research publications that air that does not contain ions has a negative effect on the well-being of animals.

Chizhevsky chandelier - operating principle

The mechanism of action of the device is a simple process.

  1. Finding out what this Chizhevsky chandelier is, we note that the main component here is the electrode. The voltage supplied to the main element is generated in a system consisting of two electrodes. These are the conductors electric current, differing from each other in radius.
  2. On the one hand, a needle-like structure is fixed on the electrode, which is characterized by a minimum radius. On the other hand, the second electrode is a wire that acts as a voltage transmitter.
  3. A needle mounted on one of the electrodes performs a fundamental function because electrons are stripped from it. This happens at the moment of collision with air molecules. Subsequently, particles inhaled by a living organism affect metabolic processes.

Chizhevsky lamp - what is it used for?

A person cannot imagine his life without modern technology and various gadgets. On the one hand, such devices make life comfortable and interesting. On the other hand, they fill the air space with positive oxygen electrically charged particles, which leads to a deficiency of negative charges. Impact needs to be equalized technical means to air, and these actions can be carried out by an ionizer - a Chizhevsky lamp.

Chizhevsky chandelier - instructions for use

The equipment will be useful if you follow the basic rules for its use. There are two types of instructions that must be followed to get positive results from using this ionizer. The rules explaining what a Chizhevsky chandelier is indicate the specifics of the first session and installation of the chandelier.

  1. The first time you turn on the lamp should not take more than half an hour.
  2. It is necessary to increase the time period of operation of the Chizhevsky chandelier to 3-4 hours per day.

City residents may experience headaches and nausea during the first procedures. This is normal practice, since such sensations are new to the body, so it is necessary to reduce the time you use the chandelier. To properly carry out a session, you need to pay close attention to the rules for installing the device:

  • the ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m;
  • indoor air humidity should not exceed 80%;
  • the air should not contain toxic substances
  • the chandelier must be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from technical devices.

Chizhevsky chandelier - benefits and harm

Ionized air space cannot be called uniquely beneficial for the well-being of the human body. On the one hand, ridding the air of bacteria and microbes has a healing effect on the body. On the other hand, an excessive amount of negative charges can lead to unpleasant consequences. The Chizhevsky lamp, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed to this day, has both positive and negative effects.

Chizhevsky lamp - benefits

The device, at a minimum, can purify the air in the room, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of people who have health problems:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, nose and larynx;
  • asthma attacks (asthma);
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis);
  • allergic reaction;
  • central nervous system disorder.

Studies have shown that the Chizhevsky chandelier, the benefit of which is not only the purification of air space, has a number of other positive effects on the human body:

  • increasing the efficiency of completing assigned tasks;
  • reducing the likelihood of cerebrovascular accidents;
  • improving the functioning of the respiratory system.

The device has a positive effect not only on the human body. Experiments with the use of an ionizer in plant growing have shown good results; for example, the Chizhevsky chandelier for plants acts as a growth stimulator and increases the vital activity of cells of plant origin. It is important to note that not all studies conducted are supported by scientific evidence, which casts doubt on the achievements obtained.

Chizhevsky chandelier - harm

The lamp has a huge number of advantages, but can cause potential harm to the owner. Numerous experiments have revealed the following negative aspects of the device:

  • complications of cardiovascular diseases;
  • headaches in the forehead;
  • respiratory rhythm disturbance;

There is an opinion that there are no restrictive barriers to using the device. However, there are a number of scientific theories that prove that not everyone can use ionizers; the Chizhevsky chandelier was no exception to the rule, the contraindications of which are as follows:

  • oncological diseases;
  • renal failure:
  • late stage tuberculosis;
  • heart failure.

DIY Chizhevsky chandelier

You can make the lamp yourself; for this you need the following materials:

  • a hoop made of metal with a diameter of no more than 1 m;
  • wires made of copper with a diameter of no more than 1 mm;
  • sharp needles;
  • generator.

If all the necessary parts are available, then manufacturing the device will not take much time. A DIY Chizhevsky lamp consists of several steps, the implementation of which will help save money.

  1. It is necessary to secure the wires on a metal hoop. Moreover, they need to be positioned mutually perpendicular to each other at a distance of 40-50 mm.
  2. Secure the needles in the position where the wires intersect.
  3. Attach three wires to the hoop at one end.
  4. Connect the other ends to each other over the hoop.
  5. Connect the generator to the homemade structure.

Making this equipment yourself will help you avoid unpleasant situations associated with purchasing a device. The market for this device has gained great demand, which has led to the emergence of unscrupulous sellers. They began to speculate on such a mechanism as the Chizhevsky chandelier: quackery, deception, deception - all this can be found when purchasing counterfeit goods.

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