How to make slime from 1. How to make slime yourself from scrap materials

The name of the popular toy was inspired by the hero of the famous cartoon about ghostbusters - Lizun. This amorphous, jelly-like creature was loved by children, which is why the toy remains popular. In addition to entertainment, handgaming also benefits the child, developing him.

Characteristics of the toy

The popular toy acquired the name handgam. It can be crushed, twisted, deformed, tossed. Slime can return to its original shape, stick to surfaces, and peel off from them.

The jelly-like but non-melting consistency of the toy helps the development of fine motor skills in the child’s hands.

Handgaming exercises help relieve stress by calming the nervous system. The toy can be found in the store, but many parents are concerned about the composition of the material from which the slime is made.

Therefore, most people prefer to make their own handgams from safe materials. Moreover, the process is not particularly difficult, and the costs are minimal. There are many materials for making slime at home:

  • water with flour;
  • PVA glue;
  • shampoo;
  • toothpaste;
  • shaving foam;
  • paper;
  • soda;
  • starch;
  • plasticine.

This exciting activity will keep the child busy and distract the adult’s attention from worries. But it is better not to give such a toy to children under 5 years old, as they may try to put it in their mouth.

In addition to the main components, when creating slime at home, you will need to prepare containers for mixing the main mass. You will need stirring sticks, rubber gloves, and a plastic bag.

Making a homemade version of slime is a creative process. Gouache can be used instead of food coloring. In art supply stores you can find pearlescent, fluorescent, and glitter paints.

Aromatic oils give the toy a pleasant smell; adding a couple of drops is enough. To bring the toy as close as possible to its prototype, add a few drops of glycerin.

The handgam will become slippery. If you want to add airiness to the mass, you can add hydrogen peroxide. Each time you can create a completely different slime, which the child will be very happy about.

Making Water Slime

This toy is very similar to the store-bought version of slime. To make it not too liquid, you can use more glue. So, below we describe in detail the process of how to make slime from water at home. Components:

  • PVA glue – 100 g;
  • warm water – 50 ml;
  • sodium tetraborate (4% solution) – 1 bottle/100g of glue;
  • food coloring, gouache or brilliant green.

The glue must have a valid expiration date. Sodium tetraborate can be found in a pharmacy or in a chemical and radio supply store. A quarter glass of water at room temperature is poured into the prepared container for creating slime, and PVA glue is added.

If the mixture turns out a little liquid, then the amount of glue needs to be increased. After thorough mixing, sodium tetraborate is added to the mixture. If it is in powder, then make an aqueous solution of it - 1 tbsp. l. powder in half a glass of water.

But you should not increase the portion of sodium tetraborate, as the mass may become hard and lose its plasticity.

After this, the solution is poured into the container. All that remains is to add the dye. The mixture is poured from the container into a cellophane bag and kneaded well. The toy has chemical composition, so you should wash your hands after playing with this slime.

How to make slime from PVA glue

To make slime from PVA glue you will need a minimum set of ingredients:

  • PVA glue – 3 parts;
  • shampoo – 1 part;
  • food coloring (you can use gouache) – a pinch.

All components must be mixed and placed in a polyethylene bag. It is necessary to mix until you get a uniform mucus.

The quality of the glue directly affects the result. It must be fresh, it is advisable to choose transparent glue. Titan construction adhesive with a high degree of viscosity is in demand.

It does not contain toxic substances. The elasticity of the slime depends on the amount of glue. Increasing the amount of glue increases the elasticity property. The shampoo will give the toy a pleasant aroma, and you can use gouache or brilliant green to get your favorite color.

Making slime without glue

The method is the simplest. All you need is a tube of toothpaste. The paste is placed in the microwave for a couple of minutes, then taken out, crushed and put back into the oven.

After repeating the procedure three times, the paste is cooled. Then knead it with hands lubricated with vegetable oil. Lizun is ready.

Slime without sodium tetraborate

Slime can be created without sodium tetraborate if it is not on hand. The toy will turn out no less bright and interesting. The only drawback is the short service life, only 2 days. Required components:

  • PVA glue – 100 ml;
  • baking soda - half a glass;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • any color of food coloring.

A small amount of water (15 ml) is mixed with the glue to thin it. Then dye is added until the particles are completely dissolved. Now you need to make a paste of soda and water. You should keep baking soda on hand as you usually have to add it.

It remains to mix both masses until completely homogeneous. You can place it in a plastic bag and shake it to achieve the required homogeneity. After all the work done, you can use the resulting slime.

If it seems runny, you need to stir it again until it reaches the desired thickness. If necessary, increase the content of soda and glue.

The toy should be stored in a closed container, as it will become less and less effective day by day.

Perhydrol toy

You can use another recipe to make the slime more elastic. The future slime resembles a bouncing ball. To create it you will need a set of components:

The starch is diluted with water and mixed. Add glue to the mixture while continuing to stir.

Then pour in a teaspoon of perhydrol, add the dye and mix again until the mass is completely homogeneous.

DIY shampoo slime

For those who love cleanliness during the creative process, there is a simple recipe for making handgam from shampoo. You only need a couple of components:

  • 50 g of any shampoo;
  • 50 g dishwashing detergent.

Both components are thoroughly mixed and then stored in the refrigerator for one day. You can play the very next day.

At the end of the games, the slime should be put in the refrigerator. If a lot of dust and dirt has stuck to it, then it is better to get rid of it and make a new one.

If you need a transparent handgam, then you need to take care of the transparency of the selected components.

How to make slime from toothpaste

This is one way to create slime using glue. You only need two components:

  • PVA glue – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • toothpaste - half a tube.

A homogeneous mass is created, after which it is placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. You can add more glue to achieve the desired consistency. Such a product becomes a slime at room temperature, and when cold it is an anti-stress toy.

Other ways to make slime at home

Made from polyvinyl alcohol

Required components:

  • polyvinyl alcohol powder;
  • couple of st. l. borax solution;
  • glass of water;
  • food coloring.

You will need iron utensils. Having determined the required amount of polyvinyl alcohol powder from the packaging, you need to cook it for 40–50 minutes.

It is necessary to stir constantly. Borax is dissolved in water. If you have a ready-made solution, you need to take several bottles.

After this, both solutions are mixed by combining 3 parts of alcohol with 1 part of sodium borate.

In the process, you can observe the transformation of the mixture into mucus. To give it a pleasant smell, essential oil is added, and you can tint it with food coloring.

Plasticine handgam

A simple and bright plasticine slime is made from the following components:

  • 1 pack of gelatin;
  • plasticine - 1 piece;
  • water - 50 ml and more to dissolve gelatin.

Gelatin is dissolved in cold water according to the instructions on the package. After waiting an hour, the completely dissolved gelatin is placed on the stove until it boils, then left to cool.

The plasticine, thoroughly kneaded by hand, is added to warm water, trying to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cooled gelatin is added to the resulting mass. After mixing and cooling, the handgams can be used for games.

From starch

This is one of the methods for making toys in the absence of sodium tetraborate. You need to prepare two ingredients in equal proportions:

  • starch;
  • water.

The components are mixed and dye is added to them. It can be brilliant green, gouache, food pigment. The mass is formed into a ball and used for playing.

Making slime from starch and glue

To create a toy you will need a simple set of ingredients:

  • liquid starch (for washing clothes) – 70 ml;
  • PVA glue – 25 ml;
  • food coloring;
  • polyethylene bag.

Starch is taken and added to the bag. It is better to use liquid starch or simply dilute it with food water in a ratio of 1:2. Dye is added to it, just a couple of drops. Excess dye will make the toy dirty on your hands.

After thorough shaking, PVA glue is added to the mixture. The contents are mixed well again. The released moisture can be drained.

After all the manipulations, the finished slime is removed from the bag and blotted with a napkin. The quality of the toy will depend on compliance with the proportions of the added components.

If you use more glue, the toy will become too sticky.

A larger amount of starch will make the slime too hard. Handgam should be stored in the refrigerator for about 5-7 days. To prevent dust from settling, the toy should be stored in a tightly closed container or bag.

Slime for baby

The safest handgam for a very young child can be made from flour. Natural dye is used, so there is no fear that the child will put the toy in his mouth. Flour slime has a very short lifespan, but making a new one will be easy.

Ingredients to prepare:

  • wheat flour – 400 g;
  • cold and hot water– 50 ml each;
  • dye (onion peel, beet juice).

Sift the flour into a bowl, pour in cold and hot (but not boiling water) water in turn. After mixing, all that remains is to add the coloring vegetable juice.

It is necessary to cool for 4 hours in the refrigerator.

It’s easy to create slime at home from ingredients available in the house. This recipe consists of equal proportions of the following components:

Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka, but you will need one and a half times more of it than glue. The ingredients are mixed and a coloring agent is added.

The resulting homogeneous mass should resemble wallpaper glue. Now you need to take it with your hands and hold it under running cold water.

This will cause the mass to harden. Lizun is ready.

The simplest handgam

To work, you only need two main ingredients: water and starch. The components are mixed in equal proportions.

To give greater hardness, use more starch. To make the toy beautiful, you can add dye. This slime tends to stick to surfaces, but does not jump.

A toy can be created using just two components in equal proportions:

  • shampoo;
  • liquid soap (the color should match the shade of the shampoo).

After mixing the components, the homogeneous mass in a tightly closed container is placed in the refrigerator. If handgam is handled carefully, its shelf life can reach a month. To do this, you need to protect it from dust and debris, and put it in the refrigerator after playing.

From sodium tetraborate and stationery glue

The borax used in the composition makes the toy similar store version. Compound:

  • half a teaspoon of borax;
  • 30 g of transparent stationery glue;
  • green and yellow food colors;
  • one and a half glasses of water.

You will need two containers. In one, you need to dissolve sodium tetraborate powder well in a glass of water. The second container is filled with half a glass of water, glue, two drops of green dye and 5 drops of yellow.

A solution of sodium tetraborate is poured into the mixed homogeneous mass from the first container. This should be done slowly, constantly stirring the resulting mass.

Gradually, the properties of the resulting mixture will reach the desired condition, and the slime will be ready for use. You should watch your child so that he does not put the toy in his mouth.

From soda

To create a slime you will need very few ingredients:

  • soda;
  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • water;
  • dyes.

In accordance with the required amount of slime, the container is filled with dishwashing liquid. Soda is added to it and mixed thoroughly.

If the mixture seems thick, you can add a little water to thin it and stir.

You can also vary the amount of detergent to achieve the desired consistency. Dyes are added to change the color.

From washing powder

To create such a slime you will need:

  • liquid washing powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • PVA glue - a quarter cup;
  • dye.

The glue is poured into the prepared container, then you need to add a few drops of dye. After mixing, add detergent.

Continue stirring until the mixture becomes sticky and thick. An excessively thick mixture is diluted with washing liquid.

Now you need to put on rubber gloves and knead the mass like dough. The liquid released during the process is removed.

The result is a viscous, rubber-like mass. The toy is well preserved in a closed jar. If it begins to change its appearance, then it is placed in the refrigerator.

This toy can glow in the dark. Required components:

  • borax - half a tsp;
  • iron oxide;
  • glue – 30 g;
  • Neodymium magnets;
  • phosphor paint;
  • water - half a glass.

Borax is dissolved in a glass of water. Half a glass of water with the addition of 30 g of glue is poured into a separate container. After vigorous mixing, paint is added. You can use regular dye, but then the toy will not glow.

A borax solution is slowly added to the prepared adhesive mixture. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the mass until the consistency reaches the desired thickness. The remaining borax solution is poured out.

To give the toy magnetic properties, iron oxide is added to the mass.

You need to put the resulting mass on the table surface and level it. Now you should sprinkle iron oxide on it, distributing it evenly.

All that remains is to thoroughly mix the resulting mixture until it has a uniform gray appearance. Magnetic handgam is done. You can bring a magnet and see how the slime is drawn to it.

From shaving foam

To make a flexible, large slime you will need several ingredients:

  • shaving foam;
  • borax – 1.5 tsp;
  • PVA glue;
  • water (warm) – 50 ml.

Borax dissolves in water until the crystals completely disappear. Shaving foam and glue are squeezed into a separate container.

After stirring, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of borax solution. As you stir, the mixture thickens. The solution must be added gradually until the mass begins to lag behind the walls of the container. The slime can be considered ready when it comes off easily from your hands.

Paper handgam

Making such a toy from paper is impossible. This material does not have the properties necessary for the product: ductility, viscosity, stickiness. The only option for creating handgams from paper is origami.

How to handle slime

If the toy doesn’t work out, then you need to try to pick it up correct amount ingredients and their proportions experimentally. A properly made slime should come out of the container as a single mass, viscous and homogeneous. If inhomogeneities are visible, you just need to crush the product in your palms for a couple of minutes.

If the handgam is too sticky and your hands are difficult to clean after playing, then you need to dilute it with a liquid ingredient from the composition. Water and liquid starch used in its manufacture can be used as a diluent. Excessively liquid slime simply slides off your fingers.

The situation is corrected by adding glue, flour, borax solution, which also depends on the component composition.

There is also a fun game that kids will love. Slime can be grown. If you place it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container with water overnight, then in the morning you can find the slime increased in size.

It will be interesting for the baby to do this manipulation on his own. Slime is best preserved in a cool place and in a tightly closed container. If you neglect these conditions, then your homemade handgam may simply dry out.

Therefore, immediately after the game you need to take care of saving it. If the handgam is drying out, you can try to revive it.

The method of resuscitation depends on the composition of the product. If water was used, then the toy is reanimated by moistening it. But a completely dried handgam cannot be restored.

It’s better to make a new one, especially since it’s not expensive and very quick. You should not keep the toy on a surface with lint, as it will quickly fill with dust and lint, losing its properties.

Children really like playing with slime and it calms adults. You just need to explain to the child that biting and licking the toy is prohibited. You should wash your hands before and after playing.

The following video also very clearly shows how you can make your own toy called slime.

Which of the children, and even adults, would deny themselves a fun game with slime? Making it with your own hands will take a little time, and you will need even less materials. Below are the most simple ways How to make slime yourself from scrap materials. They differ mainly in the ingredients that are used to prepare homemade slime.

If you follow all the rules and have a strong desire, handgama can be done at home in 5 minutes.

An easy way to make slime at home using boron (sodium tetraborate) and PVA glue

Sodium tetraborate produces an interesting slime, which is similar in consistency to the original sold in children's goods stores.


To make this slime, prepare:

  • boron – 0.5 teaspoons;
  • transparent stationery glue – 30 g;
  • yellow and green food colors;
  • water.

Step 1. Take any two containers. The mixture for making slime will need to be prepared in two parts. Pour a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of boron into the first container. Mix this solution thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.

Step 2. In a second container, mix half a cup of water, glue, 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green dye. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until you have a uniform consistency.

Step 3. Carefully pour the boron solution into the second container. You will see how the mixture begins to turn into a viscous mass before your eyes. You can already play with it. This is slime. Make sure that your child does not put such slime in his mouth.

Be sure to store the slime in a closed container.

How to make slime from glue and starch


To make slime you will need:

  • liquid starch;
  • PVA glue;
  • small tight package;
  • food coloring.

You need to use food coloring. If a small child will play with slime, prefer natural dyes to food colors. If you don't have dyes, you can add gouache to the mixture.

Please also pay attention to PVA glue; in order to make a slime, you need recently made glue. The glue should be white.

Step 1. Pour 70 ml of liquid starch into the bag. It differs from food grade and is used when washing clothes. If you don’t have one, you can use regular one, but it must first be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Step 2. Add a few drops of dye to the bag. You don't need to add a lot of dye, otherwise the slime will stain your hands while playing.

Step 3. Next, pour 25 ml of PVA glue into the bag, after shaking the bottle well.

Step 4. Close the bag tightly or tie it. Mix the contents thoroughly. This must be done until the bulk turns into a clot. In addition to this, the bag will contain some liquid.

Step 5. The liquid must be drained. The clot itself is the slime. Blot it with a napkin, removing excess moisture from the surface. Now they can play.

If your slime is sticky, rework it by adding less glue or increasing the starch content. If the slime, on the contrary, is too hard or crumbles, then you have added more starch than necessary.

Slime prepared in this way will be suitable for play within a week. It must be stored in a closed container or jar to prevent dust from falling on it.

Don’t forget to wash your child’s hands after playing and don’t let him taste the slime.

Soda slime

Due to the content of dishwashing liquid, soda slime is recommended to be given to children under adult supervision. After playing with this slime, you should definitely wash your hands.


  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • water;
  • dyes as desired.

Step 1. Pour dishwashing liquid into a container. There is no specific dosage, gradually mixing the remaining components, you can simply pour in dish liquid or water to thin the mucus.

Step 2. Pour soda into the container and mix everything thoroughly. Your mixture should look something like the photo. For slime, this mixture is a bit thick, so dilute it a little with water and mix everything thoroughly again.

The final color of the slime will be the same as in the photo. You can change it up a little by adding a few drops of dye.

The soda slime is ready.

A simple way to make slime from shampoo

This is a very simple way to make slime, it turns out to be the right consistency, but you need to store it in the refrigerator between games. This slime, like many others, should never be put into your mouth, and your hands should be thoroughly washed after playing with it.


  • shampoo;
  • dishwashing liquid or shower gel.

Step 1. Take a container and mix shampoo and dishwashing liquid or shower gel in equal proportions. Please note that the gel and liquid should not contain any granules, and if you want the slime to remain transparent, the components must be of the same quality.

Step 2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place them in containers in the refrigerator. The very next day you can use the slime for games. In the future, store it in the refrigerator in a closed container. When a lot of debris sticks to the slime, you can throw it away; it will begin to lose its properties.

The maximum shelf life of this slime is 1 month.

Washing powder slime

To make this slime you will need not ordinary dry washing powder, but its liquid analogue. You need to use the powder, since liquid soap, gel, etc., have a completely different consistency and when combined with the elements of this recipe, you won’t be able to make a slime out of them.


So, before starting work, prepare:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • thin rubber gloves;
  • container.

Step 1. Pour a quarter cup of PVA glue into an empty container. You can take more or less, it all depends on the desired size of the slime.

Step 2. Add a few drops of food coloring to the glue and mix this solution thoroughly until the color is uniform.

Step 3. Pour 2 tablespoons of liquid powder into the solution. Mix the entire solution thoroughly. Gradually it will become sticky and the consistency will resemble putty. If your solution is too thick, add liquid powder drop by drop, diluting the solution.

Step 4. Put on gloves, remove the mixture from the container and carefully, like dough, begin to knead the workpiece. Extra drops of powder should come out of this solution; if there are any, the consistency itself will resemble a soft rubber band.

The slime must be stored in a closed container. If it starts to lose its properties, put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

An easy way to make slime from flour

Relatively safe for children, slime is made from flour. Even small children can play like this, especially if natural colors are used instead of food coloring. With natural dyes, the color of the slime will not be as intense.


To make slime, prepare:

Step 1. Pour two cups of flour into a container. Pass it through a sieve so that the mass is homogeneous and easier to prepare.

Step 2. Pour a quarter cup of cold water into the bowl with flour.

Step 3. Next, pour in a quarter cup of hot water, but not boiling water.

Step 4. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly. Be sure to ensure that the consistency is uniform and without lumps. It is very important.

Step 5. Add a few drops of food or natural coloring. If food coloring, add a couple of drops. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly again. It should be sticky.

Step 6. Place the container with the slime in the refrigerator for several hours. After the mixture has cooled, it can be used for its intended purpose.

How to make magnetic slime

An original magnetic slime that can glow in the dark can also be made at home.


  • Bora;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • iron oxide;
  • Neodymium magnets.

Step 1. In a container, mix one glass of water and half a teaspoon of boron. Mix everything thoroughly so that the boron is completely dissolved in the water. This mixture will be needed to activate the second half of the composition.

Step 2. In a second container, mix half a glass of water and 30 grams of glue. Mix them thoroughly and add paint. You can add phosphor paint here if you want the slime to glow in the dark.

Step 3. Carefully pour the boron solution into the adhesive mixture. The solution must be added gradually, constantly stirring the glue mixture. Once the mixture begins to harden and reaches the desired consistency, stop adding the boron solution. You can throw out the rest of it.

Step 4. Take the prepared slime and level it on a flat surface. Place some iron oxide in the middle of the slime. Mix the slime thoroughly until it acquires a uniform gray color.

The magnetic slime is ready. When interacting with a magnet, the slime will be drawn to it.

  • You can experiment with slime colors and even make a whole family of homemade slimes. You can also use various sparkles, small stars, etc.
  • You can use essential oil to give your handgam an interesting scent.
  • If you want the slime to retain its properties and last longer, it must be stored in a sealed container and in a cool place. Also, it is advisable not to place the slime on the carpet or other surface to which small fibers can easily stick.
  • If the slime starts to dry out, place it in a container with warm water.
  • This toy is NOT toxic or poisonous, although of course you should not eat it and you should wash your hands after playing.
  • It is also worth noting that some try to make slime using soda instead of borax or starch, but in this case the result will be a rather solid mass. So don't waste your time on this.
  • Remember that the life of such a toy is extremely short (about a week), so stock up on materials for making slime at home, as this activity is contagious!

Some interesting facts about slime:

This toy first appeared in 1976 and was made by Mattel.

  • The toy gained enormous popularity from the film “Ghostbusters” (1984), namely one of its main characters, a ghost named Lizun.
  • Handgam can play the role of a means for hand massage, as well as for the development of fine motor skills.
  • The slime that is sold in the store (aka "Smart Plasticine") is the result of a mixture of: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica, 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1 % titanium dioxide.

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Do you know who ghost hunters are? If not, we highly recommend watching the cartoon of the same name, which was incredibly popular in the mid-90s. What was especially memorable about this cartoon was the funny logo, the catchy intro melody, and two otherworldly characters – the ghosts Boogeyman and Lizun. We won’t touch the boogeyman today, but let’s try to figure out how to make slime at home.

The legendary animated series “Ghostbusters” was released in the mid-90s and immediately gained wild popularity. At the same time, a stream of simple toys poured onto Russian shelves, named after one of the heroes - the scary, but kind and terribly charming ghost Lizun. This green miracle ate everything and everywhere left a liquid, slippery trail, into which everyone around them endlessly fell into.

The slime toy is very similar to its cartoon prototype; in fact, it is a slime, a viscous lump with the properties of a Newtonian fluid, elastic, sticky and stretchy. Mattel began producing this toy back in 1976, but it gained mass popularity precisely after the release of “Hunters.”

The slimes of that time were made from guar gum with the addition of borax powder (in chemical language - sodium tetraborate), mainly had green color and were absolutely safe for children. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about timely toys. The quality of their components raises big questions. Therefore, we suggest you figure out how you can make slime yourself at home.

Basic manufacturing methods

There are a lot of basic and not so simple ways to make slime yourself, at home. The choice of recipe depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and the means at hand.

Plasticine toy

To make handgam from plasticine we will need the following materials:

  • plasticine - about 100 g, any color;
  • – 1 pack;
  • cold and hot water;
  • plastic and metal cups.

The cooking method is quite simple.

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water; use a metal bowl for this.
  2. After an hour, put the dishes on the stove to heat up to a high temperature, but do not need to bring to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile, pour hot water into a plastic cup, put a piece of plasticine there and stir it thoroughly in the water.
  4. Slowly pour gelatin into the resulting mixture, mix until smooth and put in the refrigerator.
  5. We put it in the refrigerator, wait a couple of hours - and you can play!

This toy is safe and environmentally friendly, but it gets your hands dirty and doesn’t last long.

Starch slime

You can make a toy at home without plasticine. In this recipe we will need corn starch - it will make the toy nicer and more elastic. But if you don’t have corn, you can also use potato. The recipe is quite simple.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • starch;
  • water;
  • food coloring. You can show your imagination - sparkles and even small rhinestones will make the toy simply cosmic.

Combine starch and water in equal proportions, place in the refrigerator, and in a couple of hours your slime is ready! When cooking, you can add a drop of perfume or essential oil- the toy will smell delicious. And if you add a little phosphor paint, the toy can glow in the dark.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, environmental friendliness and the opportunity to show imagination. Disadvantages - again, a very short shelf life, only about a week.

Handgam made from shampoo and glue

This method is more complicated, but the slime turns out to be more similar to its store-bought relative.

We will need:

  • shampoo without adding - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • polymer glue – 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • food coloring, sparkles, sequins, rhinestones - optional;
  • plastic container.

The cooking method is as follows.

  1. Pour shampoo into a container, add dye and glitter, mix thoroughly.
  2. Slowly pour in the glue, stirring constantly until the consistency is uniform.
  3. Store the received toy in a dark, dry, cool place.

Instead of polymer glue, you can use PVA, but such a toy has worse stretch and sticks strongly to your hands.

Slime made from PVA, water and sodium tetraborate

If the previous toys can be made at home with the child, then in this method it is better to refuse the child’s presence.


  • sodium tetraborate (borax solution) – 1/3 teaspoon. Try to purchase a solution of borax in glycerin;
  • PVA glue, preferably in a bottle, 1 pc. Can be replaced with transparent stationery;
  • cold water – 200 ml;
  • food coloring, glitter, etc.

Manufacturing takes place according to a standard scheme.

  1. Mix glue and water in a plastic bowl and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add dyes.
  3. Slowly and carefully add sodium tetraborate. The more borax, the “thicker” the slime.

When making slime in this way, be sure to use protective equipment: gloves, an apron, unnecessary clothing. The finished toy should be stored in a closed container, away from air and light. Sodium tetraborate has a big advantage - it is an antiseptic by nature.

Soda slime

Another way to make a toy yourself from simple available materials.

In this recipe we will need:

  • soda – 1 tablespoon;
  • PVA glue – 100 or 200 ml;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • food coloring, rhinestones, glitter, etc.;
  • plastic dishes.

The stages of “production” are as follows.

  1. Dissolve soda in water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup).
  2. Mix the glue with the dye until the color is uniform.
  3. Pour soda into the resulting mass.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

We store the toy in the same way as in the previous method - in a dark, dry place.

Toy made from liquid washing powder

This recipe requires liquid laundry detergent—dry detergent or dishwashing detergent will not work.


  • liquid washing powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • PVA glue – 1/3 tube;
  • dye;
  • plastic dishes.

Mix PVA glue with dye to obtain a homogeneous color mass. Slowly pour in the liquid detergent drop by drop until the desired consistency is achieved. Knead for 5-10 minutes (wear gloves!). Store in a sealed container.

Slime made from sodium tetraborate and alcohol

This recipe also uses sodium tetraborate, but without PVA glue.

We will need:

  • sodium tetraborate (dry borax) – 2 tbsp. spoons (sold at the pharmacy);
  • a glass of cold water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol in powder form (ask at the Antimelitel hardware or hardware store);
  • metal (not plastic!) dishes;
  • dye.

The manufacturing stages are as follows.

  1. Dissolve alcohol in a glass of water.
  2. Place the bowl with this solution on the stove and heat slowly, stirring. Heating time is approximately 40 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the solution cool to room temperature.
  4. Add borax and stir.
  5. Add dye.

Handgam according to this recipe will be elastic, not unpleasantly sticky and very similar to store-bought.

If you make a toy using any of the above methods and add pieces of metal to it, you will get an amazing magnetic slime.

To avoid crushing an iron part with a file, try to find iron oxide in the store or order a special developer powder from office equipment supply stores.

By mixing the powder with metal particles, we get an unusual magnetic slime that changes shape under the influence of a magnet. And if you add phosphor paint to the toy, the slime will glow in the dark.

Other recipes

The technology for making toys in all recipes is approximately the same.

We looked at the most popular and accessible examples of how to make slime at home.

In addition to the above, there are ways to make toys from soda without using glue - from flour and “Fairy”.

How to make slime from "Fairy"?

  • "Fairy" or other dishwashing detergent;
  • soda;
  • moisturizing hand cream;
  • dyes.

Mix half a tablespoon of detergent with a teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly until smooth, add hand cream and dye. Place the resulting mass to cool for 3-4 hours.

  1. If the slime making process doesn't work out, don't be discouraged. Experiment with the ingredients. To increase viscosity, add more binder; to thin, add water.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. If your child is still small, do not leave him with the toy unattended - children put everything in their mouth, and slime is very attractive in this regard.
  4. Try to persuade your child not to throw a toy at walls covered with wallpaper if you are not going to do any repairs in the near future.
  5. If the toy has dried out, it doesn’t matter; it can be briefly revived by moistening it with water.

How to store slime?

A toy made with your own hands at home, unfortunately, is short-lived. Proper storage will extend the life of your favorite entertainment.

Store the slime in a closed container, preferably without access to air. It will be ideal if the place is also dark and cool. The best place for storage - refrigerator (but not freezer).


Nowadays, bright, cheap and not very, often unsafe toys overflow stores. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make a Barbie doll or a car yourself, and not every adult can sew a teddy bear.

But it’s quite possible to create a simple but fun toy yourself from scrap materials. Therefore, the question of how to make slime yourself is quite relevant.

Show your imagination, experiment, put aside your children's electronic gadget and involve your child in the process - you are guaranteed a lot of positive emotions!

Mother of two children. I have been housekeeping for over 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Good afternoon friends! Today I have an unusual topic for you, and this topic will be dedicated to an original toy called slime. Are you surprised or happy? I know that many of my subscribers have small children, and older children, who are captivated by such creations and are constantly drawn to something unusual, like a sticky and at the same time cool weirdo.

Of course, in stores and supermarkets in the toy departments now there is nothing but this rather unique souvenir toy. To be honest, I don’t really like this charm, but it’s unclear where to buy it, especially since now everything is mostly produced in China, it’s somehow dangerous and raises all sorts of doubts, so I suggest you make such funny and amusing Velcro yourself at home.

By the way, this toy is called slime. Have you ever made it yourself with your own hands? I think probably yes, since you are reading this article, let’s figure it out and learn from this work of art))).

I really liked the very last recipe, which I recommend everyone to make. The pictures and photos in this note are taken from a free Internet source, and the videos are from the YouTube channel. If you want to see your inventions here, write your reviews and suggestions below under this note.

If you have a lot of free time, then you can of course make a lot of slimes in different colors and different shapes, and then organize all kinds of tournaments with friends.

Incredibly, this recipe is quite interesting and uses only 2 main ingredients. Can you imagine?! I suggest that those who have never made these beauties start with this simple option, because the ingredients used in this form can be found in any home or apartment.

If you start searching and reading information about how to make a real licker, you will definitely come across the fact that the most common option is from sodium tetraborate, but you must admit that it is not always at hand, so you can make it using another method, using targets ordinary water.

We will need:

  • hot water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 3 tsp
  • dye - a pinch or without it
  • stationery glue - 1.5 tbsp

Stages of work:

1. Take any container for work, for example, you can use a disposable container. Pour hot water into it, then add salt.

2. Stir the liquid thoroughly, the result is salt water, what now? Now you have to add some dye or dye.

3. After this, you have to cool the water, let it stand aside and cool down. And then you take the craft glue and pour it into the liquid.

Important! Now leave this mixture for 20 minutes, and there is no need to stir, add glue and leave it in this position on the table.

4. After the time has elapsed, start stirring with a spoon; by this time the glue should begin to curl.

5. The glue has separated from the water and has become like a cool consistency, take it with your hands and try to catch this funny weirdo.

6. And here is a funny and mischievous pink licker, but you could add red dye and it would be red. The toy is elastic, but a little harsh, if you want a more liquid option, then see the following descriptions.

We make it from flour and shower gel

The next option is quite simple and does not require much financial investment, which is liked by small children because it is safe and not so slippery and liquid. And how he develops fine motor skills is also important. By the way, do you even know how this wonderful toy that conquered the world appeared?

It turns out that it was invented a long time ago, it was in 1976, then such a toy was called slime, but then when for the first time a film about hunters who hunted ghosts was released on TV screens, and there was the most important and cool green and inimitable green hero, whose name was Lizun.

Since that time, this name has stuck; our children know these two concepts, so don’t worry, if you make a mistake, they will definitely understand you.

We will need:

  • shower gel - small amount 2-3 tbsp
  • flour - by eye

Stages of work:

1. First, take a clean and dry plate and pour liquid shower gel into it. Take the gel in the volume that you want to see this Velcro in the future, for some a small lick will be enough, for others you want to make a huge one.

2. Next, start adding regular wheat flour to the gel, spoon by spoon. Stir until smooth, what do you think happened? Actually nothing yet, the mixture looks like sticky dough. Add more flour and mix until just combined.

And then, with the help of your hands, start kneading and you will get super soft and elastic plasticine, or the same Velcro that wrinkles very well in your hands and is pleasant to play with.

In general, the toy is ready for fun. Run to your friends and show off your masterpiece.

Slime made from dish soap and starch

This option will appeal to young children, it is much harder than the previous one, it resembles something like modeling dough, the mass is elastic and pleasant to the touch, with children you can make all sorts of crafts from this mixture, as they say, sculpt, and use it instead of plasticine.

Many people claim that the result is a sticky monster from such ingredients, but for some reason I ended up with a mass similar to something else, try it and write what you got. After all, you can make this recipe in 2 minutes, and your kids will be so delighted.

We will need:

  • starch - 2 heaped tbsp
  • Feri or Aos dishwashing detergent, or another - by eye

Stages of work:

1. Take a bowl and pour starch into it, but so that it covers the entire surface of the bowl, that is, distribute it evenly. Then add dish soap to the very center.

2. Add more product until you get a homogeneous mixture that you like. You can make it a little more gentle, or cooler, see for yourself and then play it for yourself.

In this version, no dye was used, because basically all dishwashing detergent has different colors, it can be green, yellow and orange, and basically any color. So take your remedy and do wonders!

Video on how to make slime easily and simply

Probably everyone wants not only a handsome and funny friend, with whom you can have fun and humor, but also to make it quickly in a matter of minutes, so this recipe will use an air freshener, incredible but true, even from this products are already making this slime.

If you want to understand it in more detail and in detail, then watch this step-by-step video from the YouTube channel, it is quite popular in terms of views, and I think you will like it:

I also want to say that you will find out why the slime may not work, and what kind of freshener you should take.

Making a sticky monster out of shaving foam in 5 minutes

Such a thing can rightfully be called anti-stress, because you can do anything with it, crush it, throw it and even sculpt it. In addition, you make it yourself from various things, which means you develop creative abilities, and also learn how to correctly add certain ingredients by eye, which is also important.

It turns out that you are like a scientist who measures and cuts himself, or a teacher. And then bam and it's done. By the way, such a toy can be placed in a net and then observed as a mass of sticky mass passes through it.

We will need:

  • shaving foam - 1 tbsp
  • silicate glue - 2 tbsp
  • Gloss detergent

Stages of work:

1. Take a deep cup and add shaving foam into it. Now add silicate glue to the foam and start mixing with a stick or you can take an unnecessary simple pencil. Then pour in a little Losk to thicken.

2. This is such an airy and fluffy plus stretchy licking bouncy thing. Store it in a jar to prevent it from drying out.

DIY slime without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

Now let’s look at the most popular and well-known option, which everyone knows, it has been tried by thousands of subscribers, you will definitely be able to do it.

I remind everyone that sodium tetraborate can be bought at any pharmacy, do not be afraid of this word, it is due to it that the mass will thicken.

We will need:

  • PVA glue Luch - 1 pack
  • yellow dye
  • sodium tetraborate - a couple of drops
  • shaving foam - 2-4 tbsp
  • glue for puzzles - 1 jar

Stages of work:

1. Pour a whole packet of PVA glue into a glass jar, then add about 2-3 tablespoons of shaving cream. Mix very thoroughly.

2. Now add yellow dye, if you want your sticky souvenir to be more saturated, pour in more dye, duller, then less. Stir.

3. After all these actions, all that remains is to pour in a couple of drops of sodium and all our liquid will gradually begin to coagulate, all you have to do is mix well with a spoon.

4. How cool and soft the slime will be, but it can tear, if you don’t want this to happen, make it even more elastic.

To do this, take and pour puzzle glue into another container and pour in a couple of drops of sodium tetraborate, mix, do not overdo it with sodium, otherwise the whole mass will curl up very quickly, and then simply combine the yellow and transparent slime into one. It will turn out cool and super, like a toy in a store, I think this option is one of the best recipes.

By the way, many children use this gift as a keyboard cleaner.

Your slime may dry out over time, so it doesn’t matter, make a new one or just moisten it with water. Or you can go to the store and buy yourself another one, but this is an extreme method, I think it’s always more interesting to make such amusing trinkets yourself.

Made at home from toothpaste

Every apartment has personal hygiene products, so go to the bathroom and get some toothpaste. And take some sweets from the kitchen).

We will need:

  • toothpaste - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp

Stages of work:

1. Place a little toothpaste in a cup, since the example uses blue paste, then the slime will turn out to be blue, if you have a different one, then our funny little guy will turn out the same.

Stir the paste into a cup with a spoon. Add granulated sugar to it. Well, the mixture turns out, it probably tastes sweet).

2. Microwave this jar for 15 seconds. What do you think will happen?

Important! Don't forget to cover the cup with toothpaste tightly.

3. Now you need to put the mixture in the refrigerator after heating for 3 hours, by the way, it has already increased in volume, become soft and elastic.

4. Well, after the time is up, enjoy the game.

5. This type resembles chewing gum, or something living, you can make any animal out of it, what do you usually do?

Simple 2 ingredient recipe

Let's move on, now we'll make a slime from liquid glue and adding ethyl alcohol. It also turns out interesting and seems to be alive, I liked this look for its simplicity, literally in 30 seconds or 1 minute you can already enjoy playing with this fun and easily controlled toy.

We will need:

  • liquid office glue - tube
  • ethyl alcohol - 50 ml

Stages of work:

1. Take a container and pour office glue into it first, and then alcohol. Alcohol can be purchased at a pharmacy.

2. Ethyl alcohol must be added slowly, it acts as a thickener; if you overdo it, the slime will immediately become hard. Therefore, it is best to pour it into a regular syringe and dose it a little into the glue. Each time you drop alcohol into the container, stir the mixture with a stick.

3. And this is what happens, by the way, until the glue has completely curled up, you can add dye or color it with a regular felt-tip pen. Wow, this is a creative thing.

4. The result is such an original mixture at first glance, which really looks like this modern fluffy slime toy.

5. As soon as it becomes difficult to stir the liquid in the cup, place it on the table and knead it with your hands, you will feel some small water, squeeze it out, over time after pressing it will disappear on its own.

And so it is so thick, but at the same time it will be a sticky and elastic toy. Make such a giant and you will love to surprise everyone. Play with your finger, make funny faces, etc.

A funny thing made from shampoo and sugar

If you want to make this miracle of science transparent, let’s make a jumper, or what else you can call it a licker, using ordinary improvised means, two ingredients are used.

Guess which ones? I won’t hide it and you will see everything for yourself soon. A cheap option, but it is in great demand among most children, as it is light and affordable.

We will need:

  • pantin provi shampoo - 5 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tsp

Stages of work:

1. Take shampoo at random, use any shampoo, but it’s better to take Pantin Pro and add sugar to it, stir. Well, it will be a hell of a mixture.

3. But he is magical and unique, like a glass licker.

Lick from a face film mask

This recipe will make a multi-colored slime that everyone, both children and adults, will certainly like.

We will need:

  • PVA -1 bottle
  • dye
  • Feri dishwashing detergent
  • boric acid - 25 ml
  • dyes

Stages of work:

1. Pour PVA glue into a jar, then add boric acid into it and mix everything very thoroughly. Then pour in the ferri, just a little, about 1-2 tablespoons. Stir, the mass will trample right before your eyes, it will become fluffy.

2. Add another tablespoon of feri and start kneading the mixture with your hands.

3. Pour in any dye and mix with your hands. You will get a real slime like in the movies, but if you want to make a lot of toys, then divide the resulting mixture into several containers and add the desired color of dye to each container.

5. And then combine all the options in one bowl, you get a rainbow-arc. Play and create for your health! It turned out very well, and the main thing is that the consistency is exactly the same that everyone is so persistently looking for everywhere.

Learning to make multi-colored slimes with Stasya Mar

Now I suggest you watch a video from one famous blogger from the YouTube channel, with it you will also learn how to make this magnificent amazing thing in a couple of minutes, and you will learn how to make slimes in three main ways, I note that they are proven, so repeat:

So how did you like it? It’s unrealistic, but even salt is used))).

Funny trinket made from stationery glue and soda

The next option, please note, will be without stationery glue, but from a pencil and, moreover, without sodium carbonate, a rather interesting and unusual method, which is based on soda. The result turns out great and you will also want to make such a friend.

We will need:

  • glue stick - half
  • soda - 0.3 tsp
  • dye
  • Weasel laundry detergent

Stages of work:

1. Cut the glue stick into round pieces, as if you were cutting a cucumber into a salad. Place on a plate and pour in 1 tablespoon of water, now melt in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Until the glue hardens after microwave oven, add soda and pink dye to it. Stir.

2. Add laundry detergent and stir, stir for 30 seconds, then add more Laski and stir for one minute.

3. After all the manipulations, you should end up with a lick that is not sticky to your hands, it does not stain your hands. But at the same time, it stretches well and is fun to play with.

We create from PVA glue and boric acid

The last version of Velcro will also use unusual ingredients, the kind that are usually used to make toys for sale. This is the perfect recipe, and if nothing has worked out for you before, use this one, and you will definitely succeed in this miracle. And you will play with it, make balls and much more.

We will need:

  • PVA-K glue
  • dye - any
  • detergent gel Persil - 1 drop

Stages of work:

1. Pour out the glue, use PVA-K glue and then you will definitely succeed. Add dye of any color and a drop of washing gel.

2. Stir. If the mixture is not viscous enough, then you need to add more washing gel.

3. And here it is, an excellent cool slime. Make it huge or small, whichever you like to play with.

4. Create, it is viscous, elastic and somewhat unbreakable, make it in red, white and other colors. Have fun and don't be upset if you don't succeed in building it the first time, don't overdo it with the gel.

That's it for all my dear guests and blog subscribers! I say goodbye to you, may such creative work give you a lot of positive emotions and a good mood. Bye everyone!

Slime or slime (from English Slime) is a toy that has a viscous jelly-like shape, reminiscent of a non-Newtonian fluid. It has two main components: a polymer and a thickener, initially they were polysaccharide or guar gum and borax. This is a toy that does not necessarily need to be purchased in a store, since there are many ways to make it yourself at home from available ingredients. There are at least 22 recipes for this type of toy.

There are many ways to create this toy. But since this is a toy, you should not forget about safety measures during its manufacture, as well as while playing with it.

From shampoo and salt

One of the simplest methods for this will require:

  • Shampoo;
  • Salt.
  1. Take about 4 tablespoons of shampoo and add a little salt to it.
  2. Thorough mixing is required after each addition of salt.
  3. This is repeated until the mixture becomes viscous.
  4. After this, put the resulting mass in the refrigerator.

Made from plasticine

Children will enjoy the game, as well as the process of creating plasticine slime.


  • 1 packet of gelatin;
  • A piece of plasticine;
  • Water.
  1. Gelatin is poured into cold water.
  2. The correct proportion is indicated in the instructions on the gelatin package.
  3. After an hour, the pan is transferred to the stove until the gelatin mixture boils.
  4. While the gelatin is being prepared, you need to knead a piece of plasticine with your hands.
  5. 50 g of water is poured into a plastic container and plasticine is placed.
  6. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  7. When the gelatin has cooled a little, it must be poured into a container with plasticine.
  8. Mix everything well.
  9. As soon as everything cools down, you can play with the toy.

From soap and salt

The recipe is very similar to making a slime from shampoo with salt.

But there is a difference in composition:

  • Liquid soap;
  • Salt;
  • Soda.
  1. Salt and soda are gradually added to the soap.
  2. Mixing in progress.
  3. This is repeated several times until a homogeneous viscous mass is formed.
  4. The end is to keep the mass in the cold.

From shaving foam

To make slime from shaving foam you will need:

  • Tube with PVA glue;
  • Shaving foam.
  1. The plate is filled with glue.
  2. Foam is injected into it a little at a time.
  3. Everything gets mixed up.
  4. The foam is added until the correct consistency appears.
  5. All the slime is ready, but if he is not satisfied White color, then you can add a couple of drops of coloring matter. If you add not one, but, for example, two colors, the slime will acquire a marble pattern.

From flour

Slime made from flour is the safest toy recipe. Even small children are allowed to play with it, especially if the dye is made from substances of natural origin. The use of natural dye will only affect the degree of coloring towards less intensity.


  • Flour;
  • Hot water;
  • Dye;
  • Apron.


  1. Add ¼ of the glass capacity to 2 cups of flour sifted through a sieve with cold water.
  2. Next, add ¼ of the glass's capacity with hot water (not boiling water).
  3. Thorough mixing is required until completely homogeneous.
  4. Coloring can be added if desired; it is better to add more food coloring.
  5. Mix thoroughly until a sticky consistency forms.
  6. The slime, along with the container in which it was prepared, is placed in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  7. Once the mixture has cooled completely, you can play with it.

From nail polish

1 way

Perhaps such a recipe will not meet the child’s expectations, but you can experiment. This requires:

  • Sunflower oil – about 100 ml;
  • A jar of nail polish.

Pour the varnish into a bowl with oil, stir until all the dye from the varnish comes together in one ball. This will mean that the slime is ready.

This slime turns out small, smells bad, and is a little greasy.

2 way

  • Varnish 1 jar;
  • Water;
  • Tube of PVA glue;
  • Sodium tetraborate.


  1. Combine glue and varnish in a container.
  2. They mix.
  3. Water is gradually added 1x1.
  4. Tetraborate is introduced.
  5. Mixing does not stop until a homogeneous mass is completely formed.

From PVA glue and pencil glue

Glue stick and PVA glue are very similar in structure. The only difference is consistency and shape. If there is no PVA, but there is a glue stick, then this is no worse. Required:

  • Glue stick;
  • Food or other coloring – 1-2 drops;
  • Bora.


  1. The glue stick is taken out of the tube.
  2. Place in a bowl in the microwave until melted.
  3. You can add a coloring agent.
  4. Water and sodium tetraborate are mixed in a glass.
  5. The aqueous solution is gradually introduced while stirring.
  6. If the slime does not work out because the mass is very liquid, then you need to add tetraborate.

Edible version of slime

To create an edible slime you will need:

  • Packaging of chewing candies (Fruttella or Mamba);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Containers for a water bath.

Cooking process:

  1. The candies are placed in a container and placed in a water bath.
  2. Until completely melted, stirring all the time.
  3. The slightly cooled mixture is transferred to a bowl with powdered sugar.
  4. The mixture is rolled in it and kneaded well.
  5. You need to knead until the mass becomes easy to stick to your hands.
  6. Even a small child can play with it.

From baking soda

Slime made according to this recipe is not safe for small children due to the fact that it contains dishwashing detergent. You can only play with such a toy under the supervision of an adult. Be sure to wash your hands after playing with it.

  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Soda;
  • Water;
  • Dye.

Step by step action:

  1. Liquid dish soap is poured into a suitable container.
  2. Gradually add soda and stir.
  3. If the consistency is very thick, add water and mix.
  4. You can add dye.

Making Magnetic Slime

In order to be original, you can make a slime that will react to the influence of a magnet, that is, a magnetic slime.


  • Bora;
  • Water;
  • Glue;
  • Iron oxide or metal filings;
  • Magnet.

The process itself goes like this:

  1. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of boron into a glass of water.
  2. Stir until completely dissolved. This will act as an activator.
  3. Pour 0.5 cups of water with 30 g of glue into another bowl.
  4. Stir until smooth.
  5. You can add dye or paint. To make the slime glow in the dark, you can add phosphor paint.
  6. The activator solution from the first glass is added to the resulting mixture in a small stream.
  7. You need to pour in gradually, stirring all the time.
  8. If the mixture begins to acquire the desired consistency, you should stop adding the activator to harden.
  9. Lizun is ready.
  10. The slime needs to be removed from the bowl, leveled on the table.
  11. Iron oxide should be poured into its middle.
  12. Mix everything thoroughly until the color is uniform.
  13. Magnetic slime is made. You can check its interaction with the magnet by bringing it up, moving the magnet away from the mass of the slime. The mass should be pulled by the magnet.

Creating a Sparkling Look

  • Hot water – about.5 l;
  • Polyvinyl alcohol powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Borax - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Glitter (glitter) - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water into a bowl.
  2. Add polyvinyl alcohol powder.
  3. Pour boron into another container and pour hot water until dissolved.
  4. The contents of the containers are whipped and combined.
  5. To make the slime sparkle, you need to add glitter and mix well.
  6. All is ready.

From hand cream

You only need two ingredients, the proportions of which must be selected experimentally. It might look like plasticine.

  • There are several types of hand cream;
  • Flour.

Description of the method:

  1. Flour is mixed with cream.
  2. Stir until completely coagulated.
  3. You can add cream during the process.

From sodium tetraborate and glue

The fastest way

  • PVA glue;
  • Tetraborate;
  • Green solution.

Creation process:

  1. A tube of glue is poured into the container.
  2. A drop of greenery drips.
  3. Stirs.
  4. A little tetraborate is added.
  5. Stirs.
  6. If the thickness is not enough, you can also add tetroborate.
  7. It is mixed or kneaded in a plastic bag until it can be easily removed from the bag.

Without sodium tetraborate

One of the most successful and also simple methods.


  • PVA glue – 1 tube;
  • Capsule of two-component or three-component washing gel – 2 pieces.

The manufacturing process consists of 3 stages:

  1. Pour the glue into a blender container.
  2. Pour the gel from the capsules there.
  3. Beat well.
  4. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  5. You can take it out and play.

Without PVA glue

One such way is using toothpaste.

  • Toothpaste;
  • Salt;
  • Shampoo;
  • Sodium tetraborate.

Work plan:

  1. Mix paste, shampoo and a little salt.
  2. Mix.
  3. Add sodium tetraborate drop by drop, stirring several times.
  4. Cool.

No starch

Two of the many ways to make slime without starch.

1 way

Items needed:

  • Water;
  • Guar gum;
  • Baking soda;
  • Lens solution;
  • Dye.


  1. Guar gum is sifted into the poured water through a sieve.
  2. Everything is stirred. The size of the slime depends on the amount of water.
  3. Strain the resulting liquid through a sieve over another container, making sure there are no lumps.
  4. The liquid is colored with dye.
  5. Add about 2 tablespoons of lens liquid.
  6. Approximately 2-3 tablespoons of soda are added.
  7. Everything is mixed for about 5-7 minutes.
  8. You can play.

2 way


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Water and flour are mixed.
  2. The mass is divided into 3 parts, each of which is painted in its own color.
  3. You need to reheat in one of the following ways: in the microwave for a minute at medium power; in a frying pan with constant stirring over medium heat; in the oven for 15 minutes 160.
  4. After cooling, the slime begins to lose its viscous qualities.

Without water


  • Jelly shower gel;
  • Dye;
  • Flour.


  1. Dye is added to the gel, and flour is gradually introduced.
  2. If thickening does not occur, then add flour.
  3. Good thorough mixing is a must.

From toothpaste

Also, the method is not complicated, but the proportions need to be selected by experimenting.

1 way

Ingredient composition includes:

  • Gel toothpaste 1 tube;
  • Glue 1 tube;
  • Perfume composition (optional).

Creation stages:

  1. Squeeze the paste into a container.
  2. Add glue while stirring well.
  3. Stir until the required consistency is formed.
  4. To remove the smell of the paste you need to add a drop of perfume composition.

2 way

  • Toothpaste – 100 g;
  • Polymer glue – 40 g.


  1. Mix paste and glue.
  2. Mix well, even beat until bubbles form.

From sugar

A recipe that requires experimenting with proportions.

  • Sugar or powdered sugar - from 1 tsp;
  • Liquid soap;
  • Shampoo.

Creation method:

  1. Shampoo and soap are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. Sugar is added, or better yet, powdered sugar (due to a lack of powdered sugar, it can be very liquid).
  3. Stirs.
  4. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

A very simple way to make glass slime

You need very simple components such as:

  • Cold water 1 glass;
  • Spoon of borax;
  • Stationery glue (silicate).


  1. Borax is added to the water and mixed until completely dissolved.
  2. Glue is gradually introduced into the resulting liquid.
  3. Stirs.
  4. Let it brew.

Air slime option

This slime is also called FLAFFFY slime.

It is prepared from:

  • Shaving foams;
  • Silicate glue;
  • Liquid soap;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Sodium tetraborate;
  • Dye and glitter (if desired).

In the following way:

  1. Shaving foam is added to the glue.
  2. Stirs.
  3. Soap, oil, and 0.5 tablespoons of boron are added to the resulting mass.
  4. Stirs.
  5. Knead with hands until completely cooked.

How to make from boric acid

Since the cost of boric acid is not high, the recipe is quite inexpensive.

  • Boric acid;
  • Dye;
  • PVA glue.

Process of creation:

  1. The amount of glue poured will determine the size of the future slime.
  2. The coloring matter is added and stirred.
  3. Boric acid is added dropwise, stirring.
  4. For better distribution of all components, the slime is kneaded with your hands.

What to do if the slime doesn't work

There are times when self-cooking The slime does not give the desired result. It is important to understand that the following factors influence the final result:

  • Quality of materials used;
  • Maintaining proportions;
  • Step by step action.

If the slime is obtained, then its mass will be homogeneous, uniform and easily removed from the container.

If the slime turns out not to be homogeneous, then it is possible to save it by continuing to actively knead until it reaches the desired viscousness and homogeneity.

If the slime is very sticky and stretches behind the spoon like threads of a spider's web, then you can try adding a little liquid starch or water, depending on the recipe. This will thin out the consistency.

But if there is ductility, but the slime simply slides off your hands without sticking to them, then it means there is excess liquid content in it. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to drain off these excesses, but you can add the binder required by the recipe (glue, boron solution, flour). Mix everything well again.

How to preserve slime longer or proper care for slime.

So what does it include? proper care for the slime.

To do this you need to get:

  • food;
  • house;
  • bath;
  • give him a place to play with him;
  • place in the refrigerator.

The food includes two main ingredients: salt, water, and an additional component: pieces of eraser (optional).

The daily diet is from 1 to 5 pinches of salt. It is necessary to lightly cover the bottom of the jar with water during storage. After which everything needs to be closed well and shaken. You can add eraser pieces.

The slime house is a tightly closed jar.

Slime can become pregnant, it will look like small bubbles appearing all over the slime. If this happens, then you should put the slime in a jar and leave it for 4 days. After this time, check if a small colored spot appears, it means that the baby is “born”. It needs to be separated by placing it in another jar.

Bathing is mandatory for this; you should wash the slime in a bowl with a small amount of water, after which it should be put away in the house.

Frequent play is not advisable, since due to its structure it absorbs all the dirt and dust surrounding it. And this reduces its size.

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