How to use a Moulinex microwave oven. How to use a microwave oven

A microwave oven, or microwave, is an almost indispensable attribute of any Russian kitchen. Why is this household appliance so common? The point is its speed - the warm-up time is microwave oven measured in seconds, whereas on the stove it will take much longer. Convenience also plays an important role - the microwave is small in size and will fit even in the smallest Khrushchev apartment. What if there is no stove and there is no way to install it? A microwave can replace it in many ways!

How the microwave came into being

The American physicist Percy Spencer is rightfully considered the “father” of the microwave oven. He developed ultrahigh frequency emitters, and during his experiments he noticed that organic matter heats up under the influence of microwaves. How exactly this happened, history is silent, but there are two most common versions: according to one of them, he absent-mindedly forgot a sandwich on the device that was turned on, and when he remembered it, it was already very hot. The second version claims that Spencer carried a chocolate bar in his pocket, which naturally melted under the influence of ultrahigh frequencies.

Domestic use

One way or another, having discovered the “food” properties of microwave radiation in 1942, already at 45 the physicist received a patent for his invention. And just two years later, in 1947, the American military warmed up their breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the microwave. Whatever the microwave did, the military did not care about the operating principle of its mechanism - the main thing was that it gave quick results. True, the microwave oven in the 40s was still “not the same” - the weight of the device exceeded 300 kilograms!

Then the Sharp company got down to business - already in 1962 it released the first model of a consumer microwave oven to the people. It did not cause a particular surge of interest, because buyers were scared off by the use of microwave radiation. Later, the same company invented the “rotating plate”, and in 1979, an electronic control system.

What does a microwave oven consist of?

A microwave oven consists of several required parts:

  1. Transformer.
  2. The magnetron in the microwave is actually an emitter
  3. A waveguide through which radiation is transmitted to an isolated chamber.
  4. The metallized chamber is the place where the food is heated.

Additional elements of the microwave are: for more uniform heating of food, electronics for controlling various modes, a timer, and a fan.

How does a microwave heat food?

Despite the apparent “magic” that a microwave oven has, the principle of operation is absolutely scientific and logical. Almost any food contains molecules of water and other elements that have both positive and negative charges. In the absence of a magnetic field, the charges in the molecules are arranged arbitrarily, chaotically. A strong magnetic field instantly organizes electric charges - they become directed strictly in accordance with the course of the magnetic field lines.

The peculiarity of microwave radiation is that it “turns over” dipole molecules not just quickly, but unimaginably - almost 5 billion times per second! The molecules move in accordance with the changing magnetic field, and the high speed of “switching” literally creates a friction effect. This is why food is heated in a microwave oven in a few seconds.

Types of Microwave Ovens

What types of microwave ovens are there and how they differ from each other:

  1. Solo oven, or ordinary microwave. It is one of the most budget models and is intended only for defrosting and heating food. As a rule, such microwave ovens are mechanically controlled and are quite reliable, since there is nothing special to break.
  2. Microwave with grill and convection. These microwave functions can be used both together and separately. The grill is an additional a heating element, which is most often located under the ceiling of the chamber, and a rotating spit. Convection is the circulation of hot air inside the chamber, which provides additional and more uniform heating of food. Such microwaves, as a rule, belong to the middle price category and operate with both mechanical and electronic controls.
  3. Multifunctional microwave ovens. Many modes, of course, convection and grill, a double boiler function, as well as a whole range of culinary solutions for your kitchen. Of course, such serious household appliances are classified as expensive and controlled using sophisticated electronics.

Despite the differences in details, a microwave oven for 20 dollars and one for 200 are still the same microwave. The operating principle is the same.

How else do microwave ovens differ from each other?

  1. Volume. Household microwave ovens differ from each other, but not too much. But industrial microwaves are completely different - they can heat several dozen portions at once.
  2. Grill type. It can be ceramic, quartz or PETN. With the same semantic load, they differ in details: for example, a quartz grill heats up more evenly and spends less electricity, but a heating element can work more intensely and is also easier to clean.
  3. Method of covering internal walls. There are also several of them - enamel paint, durable enamel and special coatings (bioceramics and antibacterial). Painting is the cheapest and short-lived; enamel is already better, although prolonged and intensive use also renders it unusable. Special coatings can be called eternal. Disadvantages include high price and fragility with respect to shock loads. And yes, there is also stainless steel - a great option for those who are not ready to fork out too much for a microwave. Durable, reliable, great-looking coating can easily withstand prolonged and intense heat. The disadvantages of stainless steel include difficulty in washing - several cleanings with abrasive agents create a network of micro-scratches on its surface, into which burnt fat “clings” with all its molecules.
  4. Types of management. There are only three of them - mechanics, buttons. The mechanics are cheap, easy to use, reliable, the disadvantage is the accuracy of timing. The buttons break a little more often, but the time can be set second per second. Disadvantages include dirt accumulating on the controls, which requires additional time for wiping. The sensor is beautiful, stylish, dirt does not accumulate, you can program the cooking process. Disadvantages - it breaks more often than others, it costs significantly more. Repairing microwave ovens, especially expensive ones, is not a cheap service, so it’s worth thinking about: is it worth getting one with a sensor?
  5. Microwave oven operating modes. There can be from 3-4 of them in cheap models, to 10-12 in the most expensive ones. The main modes include the following: full mode - frying meat, baking vegetables. Medium-high, 3/4 power - quickly heats undemanding foods. Medium - cooking soups, cooking fish. Medium-low, 1/4 power - defrosting food, “soft” heating of food. The smallest, about 10% power, is intended for defrosting “capricious” foods like tomatoes, and keeping already hot foods warm.

Additional functions of microwave ovens

One of the most interesting additional features for a microwave oven is the supply of hot steam. This addition prevents the food from drying out, and it also cooks much faster. Here you can also add ventilation of the chamber - despite its apparent insignificance, for many housewives this function has become a life-saver - now their vegetables do not smell like fish, and fish do not smell like apples.

Chamber dividers. Different grates allow you to cook several portions at the same time. The disadvantages of this function include the lack of rotation, which makes heating of food less uniform.

“Crisp” is a special plate for the microwave that allows you to cook in it the same way as in a frying pan. Made from it “holds” temperatures up to 200 degrees.

Mica. Why is mica in the microwave? It protects the waveguide from various contaminants, and increases the service life of the device.

Dual emission function. How does this microwave work? The design and operating principle of such a microwave oven differ only in the presence of two sources of high-frequency radiation. This allows for better and more uniform heating of food.

Built-in cookbook. It’s not a cheap feature, but for those who like to eat delicious food without spending a lot of time and money on it, this is it.

Necessary safety rules when using a microwave oven

Quite often, ordinary people are concerned about the question of whether a microwave oven is dangerous to health. Its operating principle, of course, is based on microwave radiation. But there is no need to be afraid of this.

A fully functional microwave oven poses no more danger to the consumer than a computer or TV. Contrary to persistent myths, radiation from a microwave oven is not radioactive or carcinogenic, and a microwave oven does not begin to “fog” after a couple of months of operation.

Microwave radiation can indeed cause serious burns, but to achieve this from your home microwave, you will have to work hard - even the cheapest models are equipped with multi-level protection. And, for example, you won’t be able to put your hand into a switched-on device - the automation will immediately turn off the power.

What utensils should you use in your microwave oven?

It is best if the microwave plate that you are going to use in the microwave oven is specialized, with appropriate markings. This includes, for example, sets of cookware made of heat-resistant glass. If you don’t have one at hand, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Glass. Excellent material for the microwave, as long as it is not too thin and there are no cracks or chips.
  2. Porcelain and faience. Suitable materials are provided that they are completely glazed and not painted with metallic paint. Again, porcelain or should not have mechanical damage.
  3. Paper. Suitable material, but with assumptions - the paper must be thick, not colored, and it is better not to use it for a long time.
  4. Plastic. Yes, but only specialized ones. Today, many companies produce entire lines of plastic containers for heating in microwave ovens. An ideal option for an office worker who does not want to splurge on business lunches and trips to cafes.

The most unsuitable plate for the microwave is a metal one. High-frequency radiation causes it to spark, which will soon send you looking for a place where microwave ovens are repaired.

How to care?

The microwave instructions will help you with this. It indicates which special detergents should be used to clean it. There is no shortage of them, and it’s worth buying them right away, with a microwave. Do not delay cleaning - you will have to scrub off the repeatedly heated and compressed fat on the walls of the chamber for a painfully long time, cursing everything in the world, and daily cleaning will come down to a few light movements with a rag. If you still achieve the formation of “ancient deposits,” then before washing, put a glass of water in the oven for a minute and turn on the maximum mode. Grease and dirt will accumulate and wash off much easier.

A little humor...

One lady in the US won a lawsuit after she “dried” her cat in the microwave. In the statement of claim, she indicated that she did not know that “you cannot dry cats in the microwave.”

Despite the fact that raw chicken eggs explode in the microwave, enthusiasts around the world are trying to come up with a way to get around this problem - pierce a hole in the shell and wrap it in a special film. But despite all their efforts, the eggs still explode.

Recently, the Internet exploded with a fake message that the new iPhone model can be recharged from a microwave. It is unknown how many smartphone owners fell for this prank, but dozens of photos with damaged iPhones speak for themselves.

The microwave oven was first introduced to the public in 1947 and became popular in the mid-70s. Today, without this democratic technology in everyday life it’s like being without hands. We'll tell you how to use a microwave so that it serves for a long time and without failures. Let's start with the unusual principle of heating food in it.

When a substance heats up, the molecules in it begin to move faster. First, those molecules that are closer to the heat source accelerate, then they transfer energy to the others. This is clearly visible when you need to quickly stew frozen vegetables in a frying pan. At first they are warm on the outside, but icy on the inside.

But with a microwave it’s the other way around. The waves penetrate 2-5 cm deep into the food, “encouraging” water and fat molecules from there. When we take the heated, covered jam pie out of our lg oven, it is warm on the outside and hot on the inside.

Microwaves are short electromagnetic radio waves. They are approximately in the same range as the radiation from a mobile phone. Microwave ovens most often use a frequency of 2.45 GHz, in models made in the USA - 915 MHz.

What to look for when installing a microwave

At the microwave simple instructions for installation: put the stove on and plug it into the outlet. But the details are important. For example, is it possible to place a microwave oven on a refrigerator or dishwasher? If there is very little space, then it is possible.

But pay attention to the following points:

  • there must be air gaps for ventilation on all sides of the oven, top and bottom;
  • do not install the stove near radio equipment, this will cause interference;
  • do not place the microwave oven near heating devices, this will shorten its service life;
  • Please note that the microwave oven creates slight vibration, so it itself can cause malfunctions of the devices on which it is installed;
  • The surface under the microwave should be as flat as possible, without a slope.

How to prepare for use

Microwaves are invisible, but the result of their work is quite noticeable. Therefore, even before the first connection to the network read the operating instructions carefully Microwave ovens.

Step 1. Make sure that the cookware you are going to use is microwave safe. After all, to understand how to use a microwave, you first need to know what not to do. Do not use metal utensils, since microwaves do not penetrate metal. By the way, this is why the oven of a Samsung microwave oven and any other brand is made of metal, creating additional protection. Utensils made of wood, bamboo, aluminum foil, and paper bags are also not recommended.

Step 2. Check the power setting on the dashboard (power button). It is different for different products. Maximum is good for popcorn. For defrosting, it is better to set the power to 30-40%.

Microwave power levels for cooking different foods can be seen in the table:

Power level output power Usage
High 100% 700W
  • Boiling water
  • Browning minced meat dishes
  • Cooking pieces of poultry, fish, vegetables
  • Cooking cuts of non-tough (“tender”) meat
80% 560W
  • Heating of all dishes
  • Roasting large pieces of meat and whole poultry
  • Cooking mushrooms and seafood (shellfish and crustaceans)
  • Preparing dishes containing cheese and eggs
Average 60% 420W
  • Baking pies and scones
  • Cooking eggs
  • Preparing sweet cream
  • Cooking rice and soups
Medium, Low
40% 280W
  • Defrosting all products
  • Melting butter and chocolate
  • Cooking Tougher Cuts of Meat
Short 20% 140W
  • Softening butter and cheese
  • Softening Ice Cream
  • Rising yeast dough

Step 3. Stock up on containers in which you can cook without harming the microwave oven. Do not place hermetically sealed items or sealed bottles in the oven. When using special containers, make sure the steam release valve is open.

Step 4. When using frozen or prepared foods, read the label for instructions on how to microwave them. If there is no description, reheat in several stages. Chop large raw vegetables so they cook faster.

Basic rules of use

A microwave cannot be compared in terms of danger to a car, or even gas stove, but still there are rules that should be followed. There are not so few of them, we counted 7 that are universal for all models:

  1. Do not start the oven empty; put at least a cup of water in it.
  2. Before using the grill in the microwave, remove the protective layer from the element. It must be heated for 5 minutes in a working oven, putting water there.
  3. Do not turn on the microwave oven with the door open!
  4. For fruits with skins, such as potatoes, or sausages wrapped in cellophane, first pierce them with a fork in several places.
  5. Do not leave food unattended while heating, it may burn or start to “shoot”, then you will complain that the paint has peeled off in the microwave. It is best to cover the food with a special plastic cap while heating.
  6. Wait a little before removing the heated dish. There is a danger of getting burned by the vapors that accumulated during heating. The edges of the pan may also be hot.
  7. When caring for the surface, use only soft products and a sponge.

Nowadays, almost every person in the house has a microwave oven. With its help, it is convenient to heat food, defrost it, you can cook interesting dishes and even grill meat. However, not everyone knows how to use a microwave so that it lasts as long as possible and the food turns out to be of high quality.

Instructions for use

When purchasing your first or new microwave, you should first read the instructions. In it you can learn about the purpose of the buttons and all its capabilities, for example, about the grill function in the device. Only after this can you begin operation.

How to turn on the microwave?

This is the first thing people think about. Brief instructions for activating the device:

  1. First, you need to place it on a flat surface, for example, on a table.
  2. Then plug it into the socket, since the device cannot work without electric current.
  3. After this, you may need to click on the “Start” or “Cook” button. On some devices you can do without buttons. Just turn the cooking timer. After all these steps, the oven should work.

As for the timer, this is an important element, since it is the one that regulates the cooking time. Now you can meet different types timers, which one is better is difficult to say. The most common is the dial, which must be turned clockwise until the desired time is displayed on the screen. There is also a numeric keypad that requires you to enter seconds and minutes.

You need to know exactly how long to reheat or cook specific foods so they don't spoil. The information is often found on the product packaging.

What kind of utensils are needed?

Having figured out how to turn on the microwave and set the time, you need to decide on the dishes that can be placed in the microwave. It is not recommended to place metal bowls or objects that could melt into the oven. It is also undesirable to place plates that can become very hot. Utensils designed specifically for the microwave are ideal. It meets all the requirements and will not harm the microwave.

If you need to heat foods that tend to splash or burst, they should be covered with a special plastic cap. These could be tomatoes, apples, sausages, pea soup, etc.

Defrost function

Each microwave has a defrost mode, which is designed for frozen foods. It should be used before cooking iced meat. It usually takes 15 to 30 minutes for defrosting to be complete.

After learning how to use a microwave oven, you need to take care of its care.

Care rules:

  • It needs to be cleaned regularly, having first been disconnected from the network.
  • To achieve the best result, you should remove the grates, turntable and other similar items.
  • They need to be washed in warm water with liquid soap, and then allowed to dry on their own.
  • The microwave itself should be cleaned with a barely damp cloth, removing all crumbs and grease stains that are present on the surface.
  • It is important not to use water as it may cause the appliance to malfunction. The article – How to clean a microwave oven – will tell you how to properly care for your equipment.
  • When the microwave becomes clean, you can return the grates, turntable and other items to their place.

Now you can use the microwave again.

How many years can it be used?

When wondering how many years you can use a microwave, you need to remember the quality of the device.

Expensive microwave ovens can last 5-8 years without failures, but cheap ones can break down after 3 years.

Also, the duration of operation depends on how many times a week a person uses the microwave and how well he takes care of it. There are cases when the microwave operates normally even after 11 years. Although experts do not recommend using such old devices. They can be hazardous to health, as the protective layer on the screen is depleted and harmful radiation begins to affect the person. In addition, the device becomes outdated and begins to work worse. To make it last longer, you need to know how to use the device correctly.

From this it can be understood that the question of how long you can use a microwave is purely individual. Usually the owner himself understands when it is time to replace the device, since the device becomes inconvenient to use after a certain period of time.

Is there any harm from a microwave?

Almost every person has heard or read that microwave ovens are dangerous to health. However, despite such statements, the devices continue to be sold, and many people do not stop cooking with them. Is it harmful to use a microwave - this is what every owner of such a device should know.

Anyone who cooks in the microwave can be immediately reassured. Microwaves are not dangerous to humans and do not poison food.

Yes, microwave radiation in itself is harmful, but the device body reliably protects against it. If it is intact, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the door glass is broken or there is another malfunction, then the device should be sent in for repair or thrown away. It cannot be used in this case, as it becomes really dangerous.

In studies designed to answer the question of whether it is possible to use a microwave, there was no negative effect on food. On the contrary, products that were cooked in a microwave oven retain about 90% of vitamins, and those for which traditional culinary methods were used retain only 40-60% of vitamins. From this we can conclude that if you know exactly how to use a microwave, then it will only be beneficial.

Grill function - what is it?

Microwave grilling is a very common function that many appliances support. However, not all people know whether it is possible to cook delicious food with it or not. Of course, this is possible, especially if the microwave oven model is high-quality and expensive. You can make delicious vegetables, chicken, meat and other products in it.

Understanding how to use a microwave grill isn't always easy. It is rarely possible to prepare a product the first time, since it is not yet clear what temperature and time to set. In addition, the grill can be PETN or quartz, and their functions differ greatly.

To cook, for example, chicken, you will need:

  1. Place it on wire racks or thread it onto a skewer, if you have one.
  2. Turn on the grill function and set the time to about 30-40 minutes. It’s good if you have a quartz heater, as it cooks food better.
  3. Wait the specified amount of time.

As a result, the chicken should be completely fried and crispy on the grill. If it does not cook in 40 minutes, then the time should be increased by 15-20 minutes. The same can be done with other products, since the grill function in the device is truly universal and useful.

Video instruction

Modern microwave ovens can often seem difficult to use, so it is recommended to watch a video that, using the example of one of them, explains how to turn it on, set the timer, and all the functions of the device.

Happy cooking!

In contact with

Today, almost every apartment has such a “miracle of hostile technology” as a microwave oven. This gadget makes life much easier for a modern person, while saving a lot of time. Mostly, people use a microwave oven to quickly heat up food, and in rare cases, cook entire dishes with it.

But many people probably don’t even realize that a microwave can be used not only for these purposes. Here are 25 invaluable tips to help you use your microwave to your advantage.

Chopping onions without tears

You can put an end to tears when chopping onions once and for all by simply cutting both ends of the onion and placing it in the microwave. Heat the onion on full power for 30 seconds and the pores that produce juice will dry out. The taste and all the beneficial substances will remain in place, but the enzymes that provoke lacrimation will evaporate, and the onion will be easy to chop without shedding a tear.

Bringing back the aroma of long-stored spices

Spices, nuts and seasonings can be restored to their original flavor after long storage. To do this, just heat them in the microwave for 15 seconds at full power.

Melt the margarine

Margarine or butter can be melted in the microwave on high for one minute. This is better than leaving it out in the open for hours or burning it on the stove and risking it catching fire.

Bringing potato chips back to life

Those who want to restore the crispiness of chips can easily do this using the microwave. Place several disposable paper towels in it along with the chips, and excess moisture during heat treatment will be completely absorbed by them. Even a short heating will easily bring your crispy chips back to life.

“Reanimating” stale crackers

It's not just chips that can be restored to their crispness - stale crackers and cereals will also benefit greatly from the same trick! In this case, there is no need for paper towels. Simply heat the crackers for thirty seconds in the microwave and they will taste like freshly baked.

Bringing freshness back to stale bread

Stale bread can be successfully “refreshed” by wrapping the slices in a damp cloth and heating in the microwave for 10 seconds at full power. If necessary, the operation can be repeated until the desired softness of the bread is achieved.

Cooking bacon chips in the microwave is much faster and healthier than cooking them in the microwave. normal conditions. Place paper towels on a plate, place a few slices of bacon on top, and cover with paper towels to avoid grease splatters. Set the time to 3 to 5 minutes on high power and you will get delicious chips without excess fat.

Typically, frozen sandwiches and baked goods become soggy and limp when reheated. This can be avoided by wrapping them in a paper towel. You will see that the moisture will be absorbed into the wipes instead of remaining on the surface of the product.

You can toast cashews or almonds much faster in the microwave than in a conventional oven. Simply scatter the nuts on a microwave-safe plate and set the timer for 1 minute on high. Repeat this operation 4-5 times, stirring the nuts in between.

If you need to test a plastic container for microwave safety, place a mug with cold water and heat for one minute. If the water turns out to be hot, but the container remains cold, everything is in order. If the container gets hot, you will have to discard it.

You can cook delicious scrambled eggs in the microwave in 3 minutes. Break the eggs into a cup, adding salt, cheese and herbs as desired, set the power to high. When you hear the ready signal, an amazing discovery awaits you - a delicious dish comes out almost instantly!

Does honey seem too thick to you? If it crystallizes, microwave the jar, uncovered, for 2 minutes on low power. The honey will become fluid again and will fully retain its magical taste.

The microwave can help speed up the soaking of lentils or beans, which usually takes overnight. Place the food in a special bowl, add water, add a pinch of soda and heat for 10 minutes. Then leave to cool for 30-40 minutes and you will have beans ready for further processing.

You will probably find it useful quick way preparing lump-free hot chocolate. Grind the bar as thoroughly as possible and place the chocolate pieces in a special bowl in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then repeat this operation, stirring the product lightly in between until the desired result is achieved.

To properly dry your herbs, use the following advice. Heat them in a container for 2-4 minutes on high power, first transferring them with paper napkins. Then you should lightly crumple the napkins with grass, repeat the operation and remove the finished dried plants.

In a hurry, there is a high risk of overcooking brown sugar, after which it turns into a fossil that is difficult to do anything with. If this happens, place it in a bowl with a slice of bread, sprinkle with water and microwave for 30-45 seconds. Raw sugar can also be saved. Place sugar in a cup and microwave for 20-30 seconds.

To cook fish fillets in the microwave, you must first dry them thoroughly. When placing the fillets on the plate, ensure that the tails intersect, creating the same overall thickness as the rest of the dish. It is necessary to remove the fish when it still retains partial transparency. This may seem strange to you, but the fact is that the cooking process continues for some time after the oven is turned off. But by leaving the fish to cook for a few more seconds, you can easily dry it out.

Chocolate cake lovers can easily get it in one minute and forty seconds. You need to mix sugar, cocoa, salt, cinnamon and flour in a bowl. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture of dry ingredients, you need to pour in the liquid ingredients one by one: water, vanilla ice cream and vegetable oil. Mix everything again until the lumps completely disappear and heat in the microwave at high power, anticipating the imminent enjoyment.

Imagine making lemons or limes juicier and easier to squeeze by placing them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds on high power. Then slice the lemons, put them in the juicer, and you'll be surprised how much juicier they are than usual.

You can make wonderful poached eggs in the microwave by cracking the eggs into a special bowl of boiling water and a splash of white vinegar. You need to insert a couple of toothpicks into the yolk, cover the bowl with cling film and only then put everything in the microwave. The dish is cooked at maximum power for 30 seconds. After this, the egg is carefully turned and the operation is repeated for 20 seconds, until the product is fully cooked.

Peeling garlic cloves can be a hassle, especially if you're in a hurry. The problem has a simple solution - put the head of garlic in the microwave and heat for 15 seconds at full power. The husks will become moist and can be easily removed.

Place the container of ice cream in the microwave and heat on high in 10 second intervals. On average it takes 30 seconds per liter of container.

Cut off the bottom of the cob and place the corn in the microwave. Heat the cob on high for 30 seconds. Once you're done, take the top end of the cob and shake it off, and you'll notice that the corn slides out of the husk with ease.

Need whipped cream for hot drinks? Simply pour the cream into the container of your mixer, filling it halfway. Close the lid and beat them until foam appears. Then remove the lid and microwave the container for 30 seconds on high. Everything is ready - you can take the foam with a spoon and place it in cups with hot drinks.

It’s not an easy task, isn’t it, to peel tomatoes or, say, peaches? Here again, a microwave can be of invaluable help! Simply heat the fruit for 30 seconds on high and leave to cool for a couple of minutes. You will witness a small miracle: the peel itself will begin to come off right before your eyes, and your goal will be achieved without effort.

How to use a microwave oven without harming the device and your health? Not all users know the operating and safety rules of a microwave oven. Most of those who bought smart household appliances prefer to master it on an intuitive level. But in vain: by reading the instructions, you can prevent many breakdowns.

What are microwaves

Many owners of microwave ovens are not aware of their operating principle and do not know how food is heated and defrosted in them. However, from the name itself it is clear that the main “actor” is microwaves.

This is electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequency - 2.4 GHz. Many people remember from physics: when a substance is heated, its molecules accelerate - first those that are closer to the heat, and then they share energy with other, distant molecules.

If you put frozen food in a frying pan, it will be warm on the outside and icy on the inside. In microwave ovens the opposite is true. There are waves that penetrate inside here. When you take a heated pie out of your Samsung or LG smart oven, you will see that it is hot inside and warm on the surface.

A microwave is a short electromagnetic radio wave, the frequency of which practically coincides with the frequency of radiation from mobile phones. This is why mobile communications do not work well near microwave ovens.

We bought a microwave oven - what to do?

If you are just getting acquainted with the microwave device, you need instructions, which are included in the package. How else can you find out about the purpose of the buttons and the functions of the purchased equipment? Perhaps experimentally - but this will take a lot of time, and you can inadvertently damage something.

The first thing people worry about when they buy a microwave oven is how to turn it on? When using for the first time, proceed as follows:

  • Place the device on a table, shelf or other level place.
  • Turn on the device by inserting the plug into the electrical outlet.
  • Now start the device. IN different models inclusion can be done in different ways:
    - “Start” or “Cook” button;
    - by turning the timer - after setting the time, the stove turns on.

If the oven is working properly, it will work after turning it on.

Why do you need a timer?

The timer in some models plays the role of a switch, but its main purpose is to regulate the cooking time. With its help, you can set how long the dish will be cooked.

Timers are different. The time can be set by turning the dial until the user-entered value lights up. It can also be set by typing numbers using the keyboard. To determine the optimal time, check the information on the package or recipe.

Basic user mistakes

The most important mistake is ignoring instructions. Without understanding the essence of the device’s operation, it is easy to cause its breakdown.

It is important to understand: microwaves only affect H2O molecules. Therefore, only products containing water can be cooked in a microwave oven. When heating foods with low liquid content, you need to place a container with liquid nearby.

If the stand does not rotate, the dish will not heat up evenly - it will burn on one side and be raw on the other. This does not apply only to inverter models; they do not have a rotating tray.

It is important to remember: you cannot interrupt the specified cooking process; add spices before starting or after completion.

How to extend the life of a microwave

By using your microwave oven according to the rules, you can significantly extend its life. A good stove can serve without malfunctions for a whole five years or even more. If the oven is working properly:

  • it works quietly;
  • no sparking in the chamber;
  • no odors;
  • the door closes tightly.

Important! Remember, stove breakdowns are also dangerous for its owner. If there are any malfunctions, immediately take the microwave to a service center.

The duration of operation depends on compliance with the instructions for use: use special utensils and cook, taking into account the recommendations of the developers.

To ensure that your first use does not bring disappointment, it is important to follow the manufacturers’ advice. Prohibited:

  • turn on the device when the chamber is empty;
  • turn on the device if the weight of the food is less than 50 g;
  • use metal utensils;
  • Exceed the reasonable cooking time - there is a risk of fire;
  • forcefully wipe the protective screen - a mica plate (it is located in the chamber, usually on the side wall);
  • turn on if there are obvious defects: cracked glass, a loose door, etc.;
  • heat or boil eggs;
  • Load tightly sealed containers and jars of food into the chamber.

  • Before starting the grill, place a cup of water inside.
  • Close the door tightly.
  • If you are going to heat skinned or vacuum-packed food, pierce it in several places with a sharp object before turning on the stove.
  • To keep the chamber clean and not have to wash it every time after cooking, cover the dish with a special lid. Due to splashes of grease and food debris, the mica protective screen may become unusable ahead of time.
  • Do not leave the device unattended.
  • Do not handle the dishes immediately after turning off the appliance - you will get steam burns.
  • Wash the oven from food residues with soft sponges.

The average operating life of microwave ovens is five years. By following the manufacturers' recommendations, you can double it.

How to choose dishes

The specificity of microwave ovens is a ban on the use of metal utensils. Also, do not place containers that melt easily or become very hot in the chamber. It is better to use special dishes that say:

  • for microware oven;
  • microware oven safe;
  • suitable for microware;
  • Microwave bowls.

All of the above inscriptions mean: this dish can be placed in microwave ovens.

It is better to check non-special dishes before putting them in the oven. Place a glass of water inside, next to the dishes you want to test. Turn on the device - you need to increase the power to maximum. If the object is not hot after a minute, you can use it for cooking.

Attention! It is better to buy round dishes: a lot of heat accumulates in the corners, and the plate may burn a little.

Where to put the microwave

The location of the microwave oven determines its capabilities. For example, if you place the stove on top of the refrigerator, it can be used exclusively for heating.

When installing a new device, you should consider the following nuances:

  • Ventilation must not be blocked.
  • It is prohibited to place it near equipment emitting radio waves - malfunctions may occur.
  • Any instructions also say that it should not be placed near a heat source.
  • You can place the oven on other household appliances, but you must first make sure that vibrations from the microwave do not harm it.
  • The surface for installing the device should be as smooth and hard as possible.

When moving the microwave oven, keep in mind: the front part is heavier than the back. You need to pick it up correctly so as not to drop it or break it.

What does power affect?

Correct use is impossible without knowledge related to the power of the device. The speed of operations and the capabilities of the device depend on its value.

  • 1.4 kW is enough to soften butter or ice cream and raise yeast dough.
  • 1.4-2.8 kW - you can defrost and melt food.
  • 2.8-4.2 kW - enough for baking.
  • For good heating you will need a power of at least 4.4-5.6 kW.

At maximum power, you can boil water or cook food in a minimum of time.

Before setting a program of action, familiarize yourself with the features of preparing the product. Perhaps it needs to be defrosted first and only then cooked.

Rules of care

Microwave ovens save their owners time, but require regular attention. Cleanliness of the chamber is an important condition for the correct functioning of the equipment. Timely care will prevent the appearance of odors and grease on the chamber walls and on the mica screen.

Follow these rules:

  • Before cleaning, be sure to unplug the device.
  • To properly rinse the camera, remove the removable parts.
  • Internal parts should be washed with warm soapy water. Wait for it to dry.
  • It is better not to use water to prevent it from getting inside the device; you should use a damp sponge.
  • It is forbidden to clean the stove with metal brushes - this can damage the coating.
  • Do not use alkaline or chlorine-containing products.

If you find dirt that cannot be washed off or removed with a rag, turn on the vacuum cleaner. Use a fine nozzle. You can also clean vents this way.

If you bought a Samsung

According to statistics, 20% of families use Korean brand microwaves. For all microwave ovens, the rules of care and operation are almost the same.

Samsung stoves may differ from each other in their control panel. In digital models, control occurs using buttons, in analogue models - through manual control. The second option is simpler and cheaper, and, in addition, eliminates system errors. Touch models include many additional features, such as self-cleaning.

When installing Samsung stoves, you should remember: you need to maintain a distance of at least 20 cm from any other objects.

Be careful with blocking!

Those who are too lazy to read the instructions often encounter blocking problems. Most modern models are equipped with a useful function - child protection. However, it happens that it becomes an obstacle for owners who cannot unlock the microwave.

The unlocking procedure is described in each instruction. So, for example, to remove the unit in the Samsung CE1110R, you need to simultaneously press the “Microwave”, “Grill” and “Convection” buttons.

How to cook properly

It is important that food is heated evenly, especially for meat, fish, and poultry. After all, if bacteria remain in them, it can cause harm to health. It is recommended to cut them into pieces.

It is also useful to know:

  • Hard foods take longer to heat up than porous and soft foods.
  • When heating baby food, stir it after removing it from the chamber to ensure even heating of the mixture pieces.
  • Pierce fruits and vegetables with thick skins before cooking.

By carefully studying the operating instructions for your microwave, you can avoid many problems and extend its service life. This is especially important for new generation modifications equipped with a lot of functions and modes.

A little diligence and attention, and your microwave oven will serve you flawlessly for many years, and the food will be tasty, high-quality and safe.

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