How to process remontant strawberries in the fall. Remontant strawberries: planting and care, cultivation and diseases

Such a garden plant as the remontant strawberry began to be found in the garden beds of non-professional gardeners quite recently. Due to its recent introduction into widespread use, not all gardeners know how to properly care for an unusual varietal berry, and out of habit they carry out the same manipulations with the plant as for ordinary strawberries. However, in this way, gardeners do not allow the plant to reveal its potential, and as a result, they do not receive enough potential harvest. In this material we will tell you what kind of treatment remontant strawberries require, care in the fall, as well as manipulations performed at other times of the year, we will discuss in detail separately.

What is a remontant strawberry and how is it different from a traditional garden berry?

First, let's understand the meaning of the word “repairable”. This term refers to garden plants that have the ability to bear fruit multiple times during one growing season.

So, in this case we are talking about strawberries, however, some varieties are also characterized by such high yields:

  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • domestic flowers (multiple flowering);
  • other garden plants.

Strawberry is a large-fruited berry, which we are all accustomed to designating this way, however, if we talk about its scientific name, then in this material we will talk about large-fruited garden strawberries. However, for ease of understanding, we will focus on the designation “strawberry”.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

All varieties of garden strawberries available today to gardeners and gardeners can be divided into two groups:

  • regular;
  • remontant.

Despite the serious differences in their growing season, the methods of cultivation and care for each species are similar in many ways, because, in fact, these plants are the closest relatives. However, in this material we will not talk about general features, but, on the contrary, about the differences that need to be taken into account in order to obtain a solid harvest.

On average, the number of fruitings of a remontant berry in one season is two units, however, if certain conditions are met, the harvest can be obtained 3, or even 4 times. The final quantity will depend on when the so-called fruit barrels are laid in the plants.

Thus, an ordinary garden berry produces the process of forming the mentioned barrels only during that period of the year when daylight hours become short, that is:

  • at the end of the summer season;
  • at the beginning of autumn.

A remontant plant variety successfully carries out this process:

  • during a long daylight period (bud formation at a temperature of + 15°C and a daylength of 14-17 hours);
  • during neutral daylight hours (bud formation by periods, every 5-6 weeks at temperatures from +2 to +30°C).

Repairing day-neutral strawberries are a must-have for every berry lover, since in the conditions of a “failed” season, which is not so rare due to the severity and unpredictability climatic conditions In Russia, ordinary strawberries may not bear fruit, but the mentioned remontant variety will comfortably continue to set ovaries. And it will continue to do this until the onset of frost.

The second harvest of traditional remontant strawberries is the most abundant; depending on the age of each bush, it can account for up to 90% of the total harvest collected during the growing season.

Note: Unfortunately, remontant strawberries, which bear fruit especially actively in a particular season, may not be able to withstand the load and die off by the fall. You need to know this feature and be ready to replace outdated bushes with new ones.

Quick grinding of berries is a disadvantage of the variety of strawberries under consideration, however, it is more than compensated for by abundant primary harvests

Another interesting feature of remontant strawberries is that they can form fruits:

  • on mother plants;
  • young rooted mustache.

This is an excellent opportunity to get more berries than you expected, however, provided that the beds are covered with garden film, the mustache will have to make its way in the literal sense: making holes in the fabric.

It is not for nothing that the variety of strawberries we are considering is considered large-fruited. One berry of such a plant can reach 75 grams; record-breaking varieties sometimes delight gardeners with berries weighing 100 grams.

In the table below, we have systematized for readers who are passionate about gardening information about the characteristics of the remontant variety of berries, which should be taken into account when deciding on its cultivation. Let's look at them.

Table 1. Features of growing remontant strawberries

Accelerated growth and fruiting cycleUnfortunately, due to the high load (active fruiting), strawberries of the variety in question cannot bear fruit for as many years as ordinary strawberries. So, its shorter terms will be:
  • no more than three years for long-day varieties;
  • no more than a year for day-neutral varieties.
  • Harvest sacrificeAnother feature: in order to get a second harvest of remontant berries a little earlier and in greater volume, you will have to sacrifice the peduncles of the spring period. It is advisable to cut them all off.

    If your goal is to collect whiskers for the sake of reproduction, you will have to abandon, on the contrary, the second harvest.

    Rapid onset of old age and weakening of plantsStrawberries of day-neutral varieties, due to heavy loads, quickly age and, consequently, become smaller. It turns out that in the first year you will collect large fruits, in the second only small ones. To avoid disappointment, you must:
  • in August, plant seedlings of the variety in a new bed;
  • remove all flower stalks that arise after the berry has taken root until the beds are covered with snow.
  • Removing bushes at the end of the seasonDay-neutral varieties are recommended to be removed from the beds after the fruiting season to allow the soil to rest and gain nutrients.
    Mulching bedsRemontant strawberries are required in the process of growing mulching beds, using:
  • dry leaves;
  • straw;
  • wood shavings;
  • weeds without seeds;
  • hay, etc.
  • Covering bedsStrawberries of this variety involve the use of organic growing methods. Leaving them naked is prohibited. If you do not mulch the soil, cover it in other ways.

    As you can see, important nuances it turned out to be quite a lot. Other points regarding planting must be taken into account based on what variety of remontant strawberries you chose for planting. Let's state the basic rules.

    Rule 1. Planting of berries should be carried out in well-lit areas, otherwise:

    • plants will not be able to gain strength;
    • the harvested crop will be small and few in number.

    Rule 2. The distance between bushes should be from 40 to 50 centimeters, between rows 60 centimeters.

    Rule 3. It is best to plant garlic between the bushes, which will protect the strawberries from attack by slugs.

    Prices for remontant strawberry seeds

    remontant strawberry seeds

    A large number of questions regarding the care of strawberries arise specifically in the autumn period. To consider the features of the procedures carried out in preparation for the winter period, let's remember what care measures are generally applicable to the plant we have designated.

    1. Loosening the soil in which strawberries grow is the gardener's No. 1 responsibility. Thanks to this manual plowing of the soil, oxygen flows through its layers to the roots of the plant. Like a person, strawberries cannot exist without him, just as they cannot reproduce.

    2. Soil mulching - laying any plant matter on the ground for:

    • her protection;
    • improving nutritional properties.

    Note: After mulching has been carried out, there is no longer any need to loosen the soil.

    3. Watering strawberries of the variety we are interested in should be done frequently and abundantly; for it, it is better to use water from barrels that have reached ambient temperature, since it is too cold water harmful to 4. To increase harvest volumes, it is necessary to feed the berries with various natural or industrial means, and also treat them from:

    • diseases typical of strawberries;
    • pests

    4. It is imperative to weed the berries, except in cases where the row spacing is covered with mulching cloth. Please note: while weeding you must:

    • remove mustache;
    • tear off reddened leaves.

    With one exception: If we are talking about processing NSD varieties, the mustache can be left, since they also bear fruit.

    5. Strawberry pruning is also a must. However, with great care, because an inexperienced gardener can easily damage the growing point. To prevent this from happening, remove only the leaf blades using any sharp tool. The procedure is carried out after the first harvest.

    So which of the listed procedures should be carried out with strawberries in the autumn?

    Firstly, this plant has a very negative effect on the soil, sucking out all the beneficial substances from it, so your first action should be to prepare the beds. It is carried out as follows.

    1. Long before frost, soil that was not previously occupied or occupied by another crop is dug up. We can’t wait until it gets colder because the inhabitants of the soil won’t have time to properly prepare and sleep, and will eventually die, and then there will be no one to eat our strawberries:

    • pollinate;
    • hill up by natural loosening of the soil.

    2. Before forming a bed, a small depression in the form of a trench is dug in the prepared soil, onto the bottom of which the following is laid layer by layer:

    • wet grass (lawn or weeds without seeds);
    • manure;
    • mineral fertilizers;
    • dug ground.

    Such a supply of organic matter will give you an excellent harvest and prevent the development of any diseases characteristic of strawberries, due to the fact that it will initially receive enough energy and strength. This abundant fertilizer will last for the next 5 years.

    3. It is imperative to trim late flowers and tendrils of strawberries that have not had time to take root, as well as leaves, exactly according to the scheme described above. The fact is that these plant formations use up a large amount of plant energy, which it is better for them to save until next year.

    4. Strawberries are planted on the prepared bed, taking into account the distance between the rows and bushes. Winter garlic also immediately planted in the inter-row spaces.

    5. After preparation, the bed should be covered with a layer of some protective material, for example, polyethylene, since it is easy to remove in the spring, and in organic protection mice can break through passages, damaging the bushes.

    However, if for some reason you prefer organic covering, you should use:

    • dry leaves;
    • straw.

    Let's sum it up

    Skin care procedures carried out in the fall are determined by many factors, for example:

    • will the strawberry bushes survive the winter;
    • will they produce a harvest?
    • will the berry be large?
    • how abundant the fruit harvest will be, etc.

    Don’t be lazy and purchase enough manure and mineral fertilizers. Even if you move your strawberry beds year after year, fertilizing the soil will have a beneficial effect on other crops.

    As for collecting mulch, it can be done right on your site, or you can purchase straw from the farmers who collect it. The price of such autumn preparation is not high, but you will have to work hard. However, all your efforts will pay off when you harvest.

    Video – Remontant strawberries

    Remontant strawberries are capable of bearing fruit several times a year. Because of this feature, remontant strawberry varieties require special care and growing methods.

    Remontant strawberries differ from ordinary strawberries in the time of fruit bud formation. In ordinary strawberries, fruit buds are formed during short daylight hours, and in remontant strawberries, during neutral or long ones. Therefore, remontant varieties, when grown in open ground, bear fruit twice a season: the first time in July, and the second time at the end of August/beginning of September.

    The second harvest may be much larger than the first. It can even account for up to 90% of the total number of berries per bush per season, although most often this figure approaches the 60% mark.

    Remontant varieties are large-fruited. The weight of 1 berry in some cases can even reach 100 grams. On average, the weight of 1 berry varies from 20 to 75 grams, depending on the variety.

    With absence special care Already in the second year of growth of the bush, the berries are small and sparse, and in the third year the plant most often dies.

    Soil preparation

    It is better to grow these varieties of strawberries in the area where crops such as carrots, parsley, garlic, radishes, beets or legumes previously grew. At the same time, it is not recommended to plant this crop after potatoes or cucumbers (as well as after tomatoes and cabbage). In addition, it is better not to grow this plant next to raspberries.

    The area chosen for planting should be in direct sunlight. In addition, the soil on the site should be level and free of bumps and depressions. Location in lowlands is not allowed.

    It is best if the garden bed has sandy or loamy soil. Peat soil, like sod-podzolic soil, is not suitable for growing this crop.

    The soil for planting should be either slightly acidic or neutral. It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting in advance. If the crop is planned to be planted in the spring, then preparation is carried out in the fall; if planting will be done in the fall, then the soil is prepared in the spring or summer.

    At the beginning of preparation, it is necessary to dig up the ground with a pitchfork and level it with a rake. During digging, it is necessary to remove weed roots and also add fertilizer. As such fertilizers, you can use humus or compost in the amount of 1 bucket per square meter of land. It is also necessary to add 5 kg of wood ash to the soil (the figure is based on 10 square meters).

    Once the soil has been fertilized, dug up and leveled, it can be left until planting. A month before the intended planting of the bushes, it is necessary to add potassium sulfate (in the amount of 20 g) to the soil with the addition of superphosphate, which must be taken twice as much as potassium sulfate (the numbers are based on each square meter). After applying the fertilizer, the soil is dug up again.

    Planting seedlings

    With different planting methods, care also differs. The planting time for each type of strawberry may also differ.

    Dates and methods of planting

    Planting in the ground is carried out in the autumn or in the spring. For the southern regions, it is preferable to plant seedlings in the ground in early September, while for the northern regions it is preferable to plant seedlings in the spring months, but not earlier than May.

    For middle zone It is preferable for Russia to choose the autumn months, from the beginning of August to the end of September, but it is also possible in the beginning of spring - from the end of March to mid-April.

    You should focus on the temperature regime: the optimal air temperature when planting seedlings is 15-25 degrees Celsius.

    Methods of planting seedlings in the ground

    • carpet;
    • nesting;
    • private

    With the nesting method, the distance between plants is set at least half a meter. This method of planting seedlings is suitable for varieties that throw out tendrils. This method of seating allows you to get not only good harvest, but also high quality planting material.

    The advantage of this planting method is that the plants do not come into contact with each other, which means they do not infect each other when diseases occur. In addition, the bushes are well lit, as they do not shade each other.

    Among the disadvantages are unused areas of land, of which there are quite a lot with this planting method, since the distance between the bushes is approximately 50 cm.

    The distance between strawberry bushes is set to 20 cm - this is with the carpet method. Moreover, 20 cm is not only the distance between the bushes of the 1st row, but also the distance between the rows.

    With the row method of planting this crop, a larger distance between the rows is provided - up to 70 cm, while the distance between the bushes remains the same - from 20 to 25 cm. The bushes will grow over time, at the same time the area of ​​the plantation will increase.

    Caring for planted spring seedlings

    Seedlings planted in early spring need shelter. The bed can be mulched with straw, or covered with pine needles or sawdust, or even agrofibre.

    Mulching is necessary to retain moisture in the soil, which will allow you to water the plantation a little less often.

    Caring for seedlings planted in spring also includes removing weeds from the plantation, loosening the soil and regular watering.

    Caring for planted autumn seedlings and preparing for winter

    When planting in autumn, it is necessary to remove all first-order tendrils. After planting in the ground, the bushes need regular watering to ensure sufficient soil moisture. It should be remembered that planting should occur no later than 3 weeks before the first frost. After the seedlings have endured the first frost, all leaves should be removed from the bushes and the strawberry bushes should be covered with covering material.

    Methods of growing in open ground

    There are many ways to grow this crop. For small summer cottages, non-standard planting methods have been specially developed, which greatly save space on the site.

    On the ground in the beds

    Among the classic ones, two methods of planting can be distinguished:

    • one-liner:
    • two-line.

    With the one-line method, the distance between the rows is maintained at least 60 cm, and with the two-line method - no more than 30. The one-line planting method is safer for plants, since they do not contact each other and, accordingly, cannot infect each other.

    The two-line planting method increases yields because the soil is used more efficiently.

    For small areas, there are other ways to plant remontant strawberries in open ground, for example, the vertical method or “in bags”.

    Vertical method

    With the vertical method, strawberries are planted in pots, cut pipes, tires, boxes or any other containers that can be placed vertically. At the same time, space is greatly saved, since pots with bushes can be placed vertically on several floors. But in this case, care becomes a little more complicated.

    "In bags"

    When planting in bags, plastic bags are used in which soil is placed, and seedlings are planted in it. Such bags are hung vertically, which also saves space. Holes are made for plants.

    Under covering material

    Planting a bush of this crop under covering material makes caring for the plant much easier. Growing strawberries in this way allows you to create a microclimate in which the soil does not dry out, but at the same time, due to the lack of sunlight, weeds do not grow under the agrofibre.

    In addition, due to the constant humidity under the covering material, earthworms begin to actively live and loosen the soil, so caring for strawberries planted in this way is much simpler.

    The berries do not come into direct contact with the soil and this has a beneficial effect on the quality of the product. Therefore, growing remontant strawberries under covering material is a fairly progressive way to get high yields at fairly low costs.

    Caring for remontant strawberries during the active growing season

    The number of bushes, the quality of the root system and, as a result, the number and size of berries collected from one bush per season depend on the quality and correct care of the plant.

    Watering and fertilizing

    During the growing season, sufficient attention should be paid to soil moisture. If there is a lack of moisture in the soil, insufficient formation of the ovary or the formation of fruits of irregular shape may occur. All this has a detrimental effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. Therefore, watering should be regular.

    Mulching open areas of land around bushes will help reduce the costs associated with regular soil irrigation. This will lead to moisture retention in the soil, which in turn will allow the plantation to be watered less frequently.

    In spring it is necessary to fertilize the soil. For this purpose, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate are used. Their quantity is calculated based on the formula: 15 g of substance per 1 square meter of soil.

    This calculation is correct for both types of fertilizers. Superphosphate is also used for feeding. Per square meter it is needed twice as much as potassium sulfate.

    Pruning remontant strawberries

    During the growing season it is necessary to trim the mustache. This should be done throughout the spring and summer period. If you plan to grow new shoots, then the mustaches are not cut, but dug in, and thus by August there will already be young bushes that are ready for replanting. In autumn, pruning of leaves and tendrils is carried out.

    All red, blackened, dried or infected shoots are removed. In this way, the bush prepares for wintering in order to more easily endure the winter cold.

    What and how affects the quality of the crop

    The quality and quantity of the harvest is affected by proper care of bushes and young shoots. The amount of harvest is greatly influenced by the regularity of watering and the absence of pests and diseases in the plant. In addition, the benefits of regular feeding should not be underestimated. During the growing season, fertilizing can be done twice a month.

    Also, the correct trimming of the mustache has a great influence on the quality of the harvest. Because young shoots require a lot of effort to take root.

    In the absence of proper care for the bushes, the strawberries will be few and small.

    Propagation of remontant strawberries

    Propagation of remontant strawberry varieties is carried out in at least three ways:

    • growing from seeds;
    • by dividing the bush;
    • and with the help of a mustache.

    Growing seedlings from seeds

    When growing strawberries from seeds, the purest varieties are obtained. This planting method is very labor-intensive, since it is carried out in the spring and lasts for several months.

    Seeds must be prepared in advance. Preparations must begin as early as February, and only in mid-May will the seedlings be ready and need to be planted in the beds.

    Dividing the bush

    The method of propagating remontant strawberries by dividing the bush is resorted to in case of an insufficient number of seedlings or when it is necessary to quickly move part of the plantation to another place. To grow strawberries using this method, you need strong and healthy plants. Therefore, they choose either two-year-old or four-year-old bushes. Their root system should be strong and healthy.

    At 4 years of age, the bush has several dozen shoots of horns. Each horn is already well developed, has lateral buds and formed leaves. In addition, it has well-developed adventitious roots. Such plants can be planted only in spring, or in emergency cases - in early autumn. Having dug such bushes from the ground, they must be divided and planted immediately.

    After transplanting, it is necessary to water the plants daily. If it is scorching hot outside at this time, it is necessary to provide the young seedlings with constant shade.

    Reproduction by mustache

    Propagation by mustache is an economical method, which is the easiest in terms of labor costs. In addition, new bushes obtained in this way give a harvest next year.

    However, when propagating strawberries using this method, it is necessary to sacrifice the second harvest of the season. The fact is that the strawberry bush spends energy either on the formation of berries, or on the development and rooting of the mustache. Therefore, if you want to obtain high-quality planting material, you must refuse to obtain a second harvest.

    For propagation in this way, annual bushes are selected that, at the first fruiting, produced large, even berries. The first tendrils that appear must be spread around the bush, giving them the opportunity to take root. Whiskers that appear later must simply be removed.

    By August the young bushes will be ready. A week before moving them to a new place, it is necessary to trim the mustache that connects them to the mother bush. Young bushes are transplanted to a new location using a small spatula.

    It is advisable to move the bushes with a small lump of earth, this will cause less damage. root system and the plant will tolerate transplantation more easily.

    Autumn preparation for winter

    Autumn preparation involves removing everything that could prevent the bush from overwintering normally and bearing fruit with renewed vigor starting in the new season. This means removing any runners that have not taken root, as well as any damaged, reddened or weak leaves.

    In addition, in harsh winters, any strawberries must be covered. It is better to choose a material whose density is about 60 grams per square meter. Agrofibre, spunbond or any other material is suitable for these purposes.

    Mulch, pine needles, leaves or grass are also used to cover strawberries. Although this method appears to be more economical than purchasing fiber, there are a number of disadvantages to using it. In this case, mice may appear in the shelter, which are enemies of strawberries. They damage shoots and dig tunnels.

    When covering a strawberry plantation, it is better to opt for special covering materials or thick plastic film.

    Varieties of remontant strawberries

    There are several dozen varieties of remontant strawberries. Only a few of them will be described below.

    Autumn fun

    This variety was popular back in Soviet times; it was one of the first to be included in the Soviet DSD selection. The bush of this variety bears fruit twice a season, with proper care. The berries are small in size, their weight most often does not exceed 20 g. The taste of the berries is quite sweet; the fruits of this variety of strawberries are used to create all kinds of desserts. The pulp of this species is quite dense, so they are often used for freezing.

    This variety is propagated with the help of mustaches, of which the bush produces a lot during the season. The variety is also resistant to attack by fungal infections and strawberry mites.

    Russian size

    This variety is distinguished by large fruits. Moreover, it is frost-resistant and therefore suitable for cultivation in more northern regions. The berries are very juicy, the plants are resistant to diseases.

    Galya Chiv

    A fairly new hybrid variety, bred in Italy, which is characterized by high productivity. The average weight of one berry is about 45 g. The color of the berries is bright red, in addition, they are distinguished by their high sugar content.

    Vima Rina

    This is a Dutch variety; it lays fruit buds during neutral daylight hours. Vima Rina practically does not produce antennae, so it is propagated in other ways. This variety bears fruit starting from the second half of June and continues until the first frost.

    The color of Vima Rin's berries is deep red, darker than those of other varieties. The fruits are large, weighing up to 75 g. The taste of this strawberry is sweet and soft, and the density of the berries is low (they are not suitable for freezing).


    Diamond is an American variety. At the moment it is considered the best among all varieties of remontant strawberries.

    This species is propagated using a mustache.


    This variety is one of the best. Firstly, it is very highly productive, and secondly, it has excellent taste. Large fruits, reaching 50 g, are dark red in color, and have light flesh inside.

    Queen Elizabeth 2

    For Queen Elizabeth II, the weight of 1 berry can reach record figures of up to 110 grams. This is a very frost-resistant variety and produces its first fruits quite early.


    This hybrid variety has pink flowers. This feature makes it easy to distinguish Roman from other types of remontant strawberries.

    This variety can be grown in protected soil. At proper care it can bear fruit up to 10 months a year. The berries are not large - up to 25 grams.


    Lyubasha is unpretentious, frost-resistant, has small, dark red fruits. Most often it is used for vertical cultivation, since the berries are formed not only on bushes, but also on rosettes.

    Diseases and pests

    Among the main enemies of remontant strawberries are:

    • spider mite;
    • ants;
    • mouse;
    • gray rot.

    To fight ants, you need to water the strawberries with water to which a little vegetable oil or boric acid.

    To combat spider mite it is necessary to achieve sufficient moisture in the land, since they reproduce well in a dry environment.

    Mice need to be controlled with carboxylic acid. It is necessary to create a solution (25 grams of acid is used for 10 liters of water) and pour it into the holes.

    To combat gray mold, it is necessary to regularly care for the garden bed. If there are damaged bushes or berries, they must be removed in a timely manner, and the berries must not be allowed to come into contact with the ground, as this is what causes the berries to spoil.

    This article described the characteristics of the growth of remontant strawberries, and also covered in detail the issues of caring for them. One of the most important factors to obtain the desired result is right choice varieties. Before planting remontant strawberries, it is advisable to try several varieties and find the one whose taste is closest to the desired one.

    Reading time: 9 minutes

    Specialist with 7 years of experience in horticultural crops

    There are varieties that produce crops continuously - up to 3 times a year. Even with excellent material, achieving maximum results is not easy. Only special attention and careful care will help increase productivity and enjoy the strawberry taste of the fruit from early spring to late autumn.

    What are remontant strawberries?

    Remontant varieties differ from those familiar to gardeners by bearing fruit without interruption. One harvest cycle gives way to another, and if you take care of the material, it is quite possible to harvest up to 3-4 harvests per season. The advantages of the crop do not end there; gardeners highlight several more positive qualities:

    • early fruiting - it will bloom and form an ovary 2 weeks earlier than usual varieties;
    • frost resistance;
    • large fruits;
    • variety of tastes, shades, shapes of berries;
    • resistance to pests and diseases.

    Harvest of remontant strawberries

    There are drawbacks - they significantly complicate the care of remontant strawberries. These include:

    • significant demands on watering, lighting, fertilizers;
    • mandatory transplant after 2-3 years;
    • Possibility of growing only seedlings.

    Based on the size of the fruits, small-fruited and large-fruited varieties are distinguished. Representatives of the first group are resistant to low temperatures, do not form whiskers, and therefore reproduce exclusively by seeds. They bear fruit continuously throughout the season, are not capricious, and are easy to care for.

    Large-fruited strawberries form many tendrils, produce 2-3 harvests, after which they age in just a year. The best remontant varieties:

    • Super-production;
    • Arapaho;
    • Temptation;
    • Rapella;
    • Bordurella;
    • Evi 2;
    • Diva F1;
    • Crimean;
    • Queen Elizabeth 2;
    • San Andreas;
    • Monterey;
    • Ruyana;
    • Forest fairy tale;
    • Ali Baba;
    • White dream.

    Caring for remontant strawberries

    Growing remontant strawberries is not difficult. These varieties are rarely called capricious, but some nuances of care are preserved. Considering them, you will get a pleasant harvest. Don't skip any steps. Equally important:

    • watering;
    • fertilization;
    • loosening the soil;
    • mulching;
    • getting rid of weeds;
    • pest control;
    • treatment of diseases;
    • pruning;
    • preparation for the winter period.


    Watering strawberries

    Soil moisture is more important for remontant species than for ordinary ones. In dry times, special attention should be paid to this. After transplanting, the bushes need to be watered daily. After a week, watering can be reduced to 1 time/2 days, and over time increased to 2 times a month. Lack of moisture will lead to the formation of fewer ovaries or deformed fruits.

    You need to water the beds with warm water (20–25 °C). A rain barrel made from a dark-colored barrel will do - it will heat up on its own. It is important to ensure that the soil is moistened 2–3 cm deep. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening, when there is no heat. When you can’t water the plants often, simply mulch the soil around the bushes. This will retain valuable moisture and reduce the amount of watering.

    Mulching and loosening

    Strawberries mulched with straw

    Caring for remontant strawberries, experienced gardeners It is recommended to mulch the soil. The procedure has a number of advantages:

    • prevents ripe berries from contacting the ground and rotting;
    • retains moisture in the soil, reducing the amount of watering;
    • allows air to reach the roots - there is no need to loosen the soil;
    • prevents weeds from germinating.

    As mulch, feel free to use sawdust, straw, spruce branches, humus, hay, mown grass, and agrofibre. Carry out the procedure immediately after watering or the next day. Instead of mulching, for example, during rains, the soil can be loosened. This must be done very carefully. The roots are located close to the soil surface and are easily damaged.

    You also need to weed the beds carefully. In addition to the roots, you can damage your mustache. The main task of weeding and loosening is to prevent the appearance of crust on the ground and ensure aeration of the roots. Please note Please note that after mulching it will be easier to care for the plantations - loosening and weeding will no longer be required.

    Fertilizer application

    Strawberry fertilizer

    When caring for remontant strawberries, take care of fertilizing. Frequent fruiting leads to depletion of bushes. To support the culture you will need a lot of micro- and macroelements. What strawberries need most is:

    • in early spring in nitrogen;
    • during flowering, after fruiting - in potassium.

    Phosphorus is also required, but in smaller quantities. It can be applied one-time - during the preparation of the beds. Take superphosphate - 15-20 g/1 sq. m. Application scheme:

    1. By the end of May, urea is added, dissolving 1-2 g in a bucket of water. This dosage is calculated for one square. m of land.
    2. During the period of formation of peduncles for the second fruiting (2nd half of June), the plantations are fertilized with one of 2 means:
      • mullein with water (solution – 1:10), consumption – 0.5 liters of mixture for each square. m of soil;
      • bird droppings with water (ratio – 1:15), consumption – 0.3 l/1 sq. m.

    Together with organic fertilizers, complex mineral fertilizers are good. Feel free to take preparations that have proven themselves in gardening - Crystallin, Mortar, Kemira Lux, Nitroammofoska. During the season, plantations are fertilized 10–15 times.

    Disease and pest control

    Strawberry diseases

    Pests and diseases are destructive to the delicate plant. What you may have to face when organizing care for remontant strawberries:

    When caring, it is necessary to trim the mustache and tops in a timely manner. Organize work in spring/autumn after harvest. In cold areas it is carried out autumn pruning. Better to deal with the bushesimmediately after picking the berries. Otherwise, the plant will not have time to acquire new greenery before frost, which will provide it with thermal insulation in winter. If you didn’t have time to trim in time, then it’s better to cancel the treatment altogether.

    During the procedure, the mustache and lower foliage are removed without affecting the upper leaves. Fruit buds are laid in them, from which new fruits will form in the next season. After pruning, it is recommended to treat the bushes with insecticides. In order for new leaves to grow faster, the plants are regularly watered and fed with organic fertilizers.

    In the northern and central regions, caring for remontant strawberries in the fall involves warming the plantations. Plants are covered with a layer (5 cm) of fallen leaves or manure. They also build a pile of tree branches between the rows. In winter, they will be covered with snow and create natural shelter in the form of snowdrifts.

    How to propagate remontant strawberries

    When caring for remontant strawberries, many people think about how to propagate them. This is done in one of three ways: by seeds, by rosettes formed on the tendrils, by dividing the bushes. Each of them has its own disadvantages and difficulties.


    Strawberry seedlings from seeds

    The disadvantage of this method is that it is troublesome and labor intensive. But sowing seeds will cost less than buying seedlings. Where can I get seed? Buy or assemble yourself. To do this, fill the blender glass 2/3 with water, add 5-6 strawberries and blend. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve. Transfer the seeds remaining on the surface to a thick cloth and dry for 2 days. Strawberries are grown by seed as follows:

    1. In February, the seed is soaked for 3 days in water or melted snow. The fluid is changed regularly.
    2. The bottom of containers for growing seedlings is filled with a layer of drainage and loose soil. You can buy it or make it yourself by mixing:
      • soil from the garden where strawberries grew (25%);
      • leaf humus (50%);
      • sifted sand (25%).
    3. The soil is moistened, seeds are poured on top and lightly pressed into the soil. Then spray it with a spray bottle, cover it with film (glass) and place it in a room with a temperature of +20-+25˚C.
    4. Watering is carried out in a tray so as not to wash the seed.
    5. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed, and the seedlings are transferred to a lighted place, regularly watered and ventilated.
    6. When the first true leaf appears, the seedlings pick up, maintaining a distance of 2-3 cm. When 4-5 leaves appear, the pick is repeated, the secondary planting pattern is 5x5. They are transplanted both into separate pots and into individual containers.
    7. 10-14 days before transplanting into open ground, seedlings are hardened. The containers are taken out to Fresh air, gradually increasing the time spent outside.
    8. At the beginning of May, seedlings are planted in a permanent place.


    Propagation of strawberries by stalons

    The disadvantage of this propagation method is that not all varieties of remontant strawberries form mustaches. In addition, the second harvest will have to be sacrificed. Rooting of the mustache is carried out in July-August directly in the garden bed:

    1. During fruiting, the strongest annual bushes with large, even berries are noted.
    2. Furrows are made along the edges of the bed, where the first mustache is laid. The rest are deleted.
    3. After a while, rosettes will appear on them and begin to take root.
    4. The first 2-3 shoots are left, the rest are cut off along with the ends of the mustache. There is no need to separate the young rosettes from the mother bush; they must gain strength.
    5. Next, the shoots are cared for in the same way as the main plant: watered and loosened.
    6. 7-10 days before transplantation, the mustache is cut off from the mother bush.
    7. In August, seedlings are planted at a distance of 35 cm. The row spacing is 50 cm. The growth point is located flush with the ground.

    Dividing the bush

    Divided strawberry bush before planting

    To propagate strawberries in this way, you will only need healthy, strong bushes. This is its disadvantage, since this is rare for remontant varieties. The procedure is carried out as follows:

    1. Plants 2–4 years old with developed roots are selected.
    2. Such bushes already have 30–40 shoots, and each of them has an apical bud, several lateral roots and adventitious roots.
    3. Plants are dug up in spring/early autumn, separated into shoots and planted in a permanent bed.
    4. When caring for them, you should ensure daily watering and shading during hot periods.


    Remontant varieties of strawberries are in demand among all lovers of this plant. This is due to the ability to obtain several harvests per year from one bush. The first harvest in this case will ripen in July. The largest harvest can be obtained at the end of summer - it is at this time that from 60 to 90% of the berries fall. Such strawberries are easily grown on the balcony, in pots and can, with proper care, bear fruit all year round at home.

    What are remontant strawberries and how are they different from others?

    Remontability is the ability of some plants to bloom and produce crops several times a year. After the first ripening of the fruits, flower buds are formed again. Such bushes often have a weaker leaf system, but the berries are very large.

    Peculiarities! If the second harvest is more important, it is worth sacrificing the first. To do this, it is enough to trim the first flower stalks. This technique will preserve the bush’s ability to produce abundant fruit at the end of summer.

    Remontant strawberries are grown in greenhouses, and even on the balcony. This way you can get abundant and constant fruiting even from 2 - 3 bushes growing in pots.

    Features of remontant garden strawberries

    • Fruits are set not only on mother plants, but also on young plants;
    • Most varieties are large-fruited (all fruits are from 50 to 100 grams);
    • Rapid aging of bushes;
    • Some large-fruited varieties may have smaller berries next year.

    To ensure constant fruiting throughout the season, it is worth combining remontant and regular varieties.

    Photo of remontant strawberries

    Queen Elizabeth 2


    Baron Solemacher

    Types of remontant strawberries

    The repairability of garden strawberries directly depends on the time when buds are laid on the bushes. More precisely, on the length of daylight hours. In most varieties, buds are laid in the fall. At this time, daylight hours are shortened. In remontant varieties, flower buds are formed regardless of the length of daylight hours. In the same year, by the end of summer, the bushes bear fruit for the second time.

    Reference! Remontant strawberries form flower buds even during neutral daylight hours. These are the so-called NSD varieties.

    For remontant varieties, the stages of care should be calculated for a modified growing season.

    Long daylight hours

    Remontant long-day strawberries lay flower buds when the daylight hours are 16 hours.

    This occurs in mid-May - early June. At this time, the formation of the ovary occurs simultaneously.

    This is the kind of strawberry that can produce 2 harvests. The first fruiting occurs in June, and the second at the end of summer.

    Attention! DSD varieties during the second harvest are capable of producing up to 90% of the annual harvest. This is possible if the bushes are mature and strong.

    It's worth remembering that With each subsequent season, plant productivity decreases. To do this, you will need to frequently update the bushes to be young and strong.

    Short daylight hours

    These are varieties in which flower buds are formed in the fall. This allows you to harvest early fruits as early as June. It is easy to propagate because mature bushes have many tendrils. But, as a rule, they are less common than remontant varieties.

    With and without mustaches

    According to the method of propagation, remontant strawberries are divided into:

    • With a mustache;
    • Without mustache (or mustacheless varieties).

    The most convenient way to propagate strawberries is with a mustache. It begins to produce a harvest within a few months after planting. Beardless strawberries are less common because they can reproduce exclusively by seed.

    Peculiarities! Bearded varieties are more resistant to diseases and insects. They look neat in the garden because they don’t grow.


    Features of growing remontant varieties:

    1. For planting, it is best to choose open, sunny areas;
    2. Fertile, well-loosened soil.

    It is grown by pre-sowing seedlings. This is done in February or early March. In May, after the risk of late frosts disappears, the stronger seedlings can be planted in open ground.

    Peculiarities! To get a good harvest, the land on the site needs to be prepared in the fall. Mineral and organic fertilizers are added to the soil and then dug deep.

    Propagation of remontant strawberries

    To save as long as possible beneficial features remontant varieties of strawberries, propagation by mustaches is best suited. But this is not always possible, since some varieties do not have a mustache at all. The only way to get young plants is to grow seedlings.


    This is the most difficult way to grow remontant strawberries. But it allows you to get a large number of young and healthy bushes.

    In the case of alpine, or beardless garden strawberries, this is practically the only method of propagation.

    To propagate by seeds, it is worth collecting the largest and sweetest berries of the variety you like. From them you can get seeds, which are planted for seedlings in late February or early March.


    Propagation by tendrils produces many young plants throughout the season.

    This is especially important for remontant varieties that quickly age and require replacement.

    To do this, you need to carefully observe the appearance of sockets. Only 2 - 3 of them are left on the mustache, as close as possible to the mother bush.

    Attention! Weak tendrils need to be removed in time, as they weaken an actively fruiting plant.

    In other ways

    There is another method vegetative propagation remontant strawberries. This could be dividing bushes. It is used only when there is an urgent need to obtain seed. For propagation, only strong and healthy bushes can be used.

    Attention! This method of propagation is not suitable for all remontant varieties.


    Abundant fruiting twice a season greatly exhausts the bushes. Because of this, plants need especially careful care. It needs to start in early spring, after the snow has melted. You need to remove the old mulch and carefully inspect the beds. If there are exposed fibrous roots, they need to be spudded. Then loosen the soil in the area and mulch it with small sawdust.


    Garden strawberries need abundant watering throughout the growing season.

    The top layer of soil must be kept constantly moist, without dried soil “crust”.

    It is best to pour water into the grooves between the rows. Or you can water the plants with a hose, simulating rain.


    Replanting in autumn is especially important for large-fruited varieties.

    After 1 - 2 years, depletion occurs, as a result of which the berries become smaller. Frequently moving to a new area will also prevent pests living in the soil from accumulating.

    Peculiarities: It is advisable to carry out the transplant before the beginning of September. This will allow the bushes to fully prepare for winter.

    For this:

    1. Dig the area to the depth of a spade bayonet, remove all roots of weeds;
    2. Add 1 bucket of humus and 30 grams of phosphorus fertilizer per square meter to the ground;
    3. Harrow with a rake and leave the area for 14 days;
    4. Mark the area, then dig holes up to 20 centimeters deep;
    5. Transfer the plants into the holes using the transshipment method and cover with soil;
    6. Mulch the bed with sawdust.

    After this, the bed with the transplanted plants is watered abundantly.

    Top dressing

    Bushes of remontant varieties are greatly weakened by abundant fruiting during the season. To correct the situation, liquid fertilizer is used:

    • Urea;
    • Bird droppings;
    • Slurry.

    It is applied in early June, before flowering. The dosage of the drug is 10 liters per 1 square meter.


    Preparation for winter includes:

    1. Trimming dry leaves and tendrils;
    2. Mulching with straw, peat or dry leaves.

    DSD varieties are often exposed to early frosts. This leads to the loss of part of the harvest. If there is a risk of early cooling in September, they are grown under covering material. It is best to use spunbond for this. The bushes can be watered without removing the cover.

    Features of growing in open ground

    Remontant strawberries have their own special agrotechnical conditions:

    • Particular sensitivity to soil quality and watering;
    • The growth cycle of remontant varieties is a maximum of 2-3 years;
    • The best neighbors for strawberries are carrots, garlic, peas, lettuce, radishes and beans.

    It is not advisable to plant remontant varieties of garden strawberries next to potatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers.

    Peculiarities! Garlic planted between the strawberry beds will protect the crop from slugs or snails.

    Popular varieties

    The most common varieties of remontant strawberries:

    1. Albion. Tolerant to diseases, temperature changes and drought. The bright red, oblong berries weigh up to 60 grams;
    2. Lyubava. Small bushes with a lot of tendrils. Small bright red berries can form not only on adult, mother bushes. Large rosettes also bear fruit;
    3. . Large-fruited variety with small mustaches. Raspberry-red berries have juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste;
    4. Vima Rina. Small bushes with light green leaves. The berries are bright red and conical in shape.
    5. Mahern. Spreading bushes with small berries. The fruits are small and red. The pulp is pale pink, with a dessert taste.

    There are also hybrid varieties designed for growing in greenhouses or on the balcony.

    Why doesn't it bloom or bear fruit?

    But what if the strawberries don’t bear fruit? These may be the following reasons:

    1. Degeneration of plants. After a maximum of 3 years, the plants stop blooming. This leads to the need to renew the bushes every 2 - 3 years.
    2. Too late transplanting into open ground in the fall. This leads to the fact that the plant does not have time to adapt. Next year the flowering will be very weak and the berries will be small;
    3. Excessive penetration into the ground during planting. This leads to a sharp decrease in the number of berries;
    4. Lack of nitrogenous compounds. Leads to weakening of leaves. Effective prevention in this case is regular watering with an aqueous solution of ammonia;
    5. Lack of sunlight. This leads to weakening of the bushes, which means a decrease in yield.

    Another one common reason– these are late frosts in May. To avoid this trouble, you need to cover the beds with film or spunbond.

    Strawberries on the balcony and windowsill all year round

    Remontant varieties are best suited for growing on the balcony.

    This allows you to get a large harvest from 2 - 3 bushes. Climbing and large-fruited varieties are ideal for this.

    They not only bear fruit abundantly, but also look good. Growing remontant strawberries consists of the following stages:

    1. Sowing seeds for seedlings. To do this, you can use a ready-made nutrient mixture or prepare it yourself. Seeds are sown in boxes with it. After 2–3 leaves appear, the seedlings are planted.
    2. Planting in a permanent place. Strong seedlings are transplanted into hanging flowerpots, baskets or boxes.

    Care is almost the same as in open ground. In October - November, flowerpots or baskets can be left on a glassed, warm balcony. In the self-care program, only moderate watering is required; no feeding is necessary. This will provide the plant with proper rest during the dormant period and a good harvest for the next year.

    Diseases and pests

    The most common diseases of garden strawberries:

    • Powdery mildew;
    • Black rot;
    • Gray and white rot;
    • Root rot;
    • Withering;
    • Mottling;
    • Mosaic.

    Another problem is insects:

    The best control measure is timely prevention.

    It includes regularly replanting bushes and planting plants with an unpleasant odor for insects next to the beds. Severely affected plants are also removed to prevent the problem from spreading.


    Remontant strawberries are capable of bearing fruit throughout the season - from May to October. But this pace greatly weakens the bushes, which is why these varieties require especially careful care. The life cycle of remontant bushes is quite short. It does not exceed 2 - 3 years, and some bushes die immediately after harvest.

    Useful video

    Find out more about remontant strawberry varieties from the video below:

    Remontant strawberries differ from simple crops in that they can continuously bloom and produce berries two to three times during the summer. Not all plants have this property. Remontant varieties can also be found among raspberries, strawberries and some citrus plants.

    Strawberry fruit buds very often develop only under conditions of short daylight hours, which is why this type is called KSD. Strawberries of remontant varieties can set buds when:

    • long daylight hours (abbreviated DSD);
    • subject to neutral daylight hours (NDD).

    DSD-type berries bear fruit several times during the summer season: strawberries are fully ripened already in July (from 20 to 35 percent of the yield), as well as at the end of August and the beginning of the first month of autumn (about 60 percent of all berries). Remontant strawberries, which are adapted to neutral daylight hours, can bear fruit freely throughout the entire growing season, gradually yielding their fruits.

    To consume fresh strawberries, it is best to grow strawberry varieties of the NSD type. Anyone who likes to harvest strawberries for the winter can freely grow a plant from the DSD group: the first harvest can be eaten, and the second can be used for further preservation.

    The main difficulty in growing strawberries is in the rapid depletion of plants when they bear fruit regularly. At the end of the berry harvest, not all crops manage to maintain their condition and survive - many plants die. This greatly affects the growing time of such strawberries; many remontant plants can continue to bear fruit for no more than two to three years.

    It is possible to increase the lifespan of remontant strawberry varieties when grown in open ground only by using proper and comprehensive care. To begin with, it is important for the gardener to follow all the rules for growing and planting crops, and also learn how to prepare remontant strawberries for winter.

    Landing in the ground

    There is not much difference in what kind of soil to grow strawberries: open or closed. This can be a garden bed, a greenhouse, or a window sill. The remontant plant is distinguished by the fact that it is particularly unpretentious to growing conditions, as well as to the general climate. But most often the crop is planted on garden plots and is grown in open beds.

    Planting and caring for strawberries must be carried out in accordance with special instructions.

    Features of growing a remontant variety

    There are three methods of growing crops. These include:

    • sowing seeds;
    • dividing the bush;
    • use of mustache.

    Each method has both positive and negative sides. For example, sowing seeds for seedlings will cost the gardener much less than purchasing ready-made seedlings from a flower shop, but such an activity is considered quite labor-intensive. At the same time, not all varieties of this crop have mustaches; there are a large number of plants without mustaches. Dividing the bush is allowed only when they are completely healthy and full of vitality, which is quite a rare occurrence for remontant crops.

    That is why every summer resident must determine for himself the best way to grow and propagate the crop. Strawberries can be planted both in spring and autumn; they are highly resistant to low temperatures.

    When planting a plant in the spring, the gardener should not wait for berries this season. Many people prefer to plant seedlings in the ground in the autumn, when the bushes have only a few weeks left for complete rooting, and the next year they will receive tasty and healthy fruits.

    Using seedlings

    In this case, the gardener purchases ready-made varieties of strawberries (Victoria), and then plants them as seeds vegetable plants(tomatoes, eggplants and peppers). This plant loves soil with a high nutritional composition and looseness; the soil for planting seedlings should be prepared in advance. For this, more experienced summer residents advise taking soil from an area where vegetables were grown in the summer (turf soil is not at all suitable for seedlings).

    The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral in composition. Seeds will begin to germinate only when the soil moisture level is at least 70 percent. Such an environment can be ensured by adding about 0.7 liters of water to one kilogram of purchased soil, which includes humus. The soil is mixed well so that no lumps form, and laid out in prepared containers for planting seedlings.

    About three centimeters retreat from the top of the glass, the rest is filled with the substrate. You need to carefully spread the seeds of the crop over the surface of the soil, then sprinkle with a small amount of dry soil or river sand. After this, the planting is watered with water using a spray bottle.

    After 14-20 days, the strawberry seeds should already germinate. At this time, the film can be removed, the seedlings can be carefully watered and placed on a windowsill or in another place where there is the required level of lighting.

    Since seeds are most often sown in February, sunlight alone will be too little for normal growth and development. In this case, phytolamps or simple lamps are additionally installed.

    After the plant has two or three leaves, this will happen no earlier than several months after planting, the seedlings need to be pruned. The culture is transplanted into separate containers, as well as into wooden boxes. Anyone who grows the plant at home can transplant the strawberries into permanent pots.

    Replanting a plant proceeds in the same way as in the case of vegetables: the crops are carefully transferred together with a lump of earth between the root system. The seedlings are deepened to the same level at which they grew before picking. After this, the gardener only needs to properly water the seedlings and carefully monitor their growth and development.

    Two weeks before transplanting the plant into open ground, it needs to be further hardened. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, increasing the time spent on it over time. After this, the strawberry seedlings will be fully prepared for planting in a permanent place of growth.

    Remontant varieties are considered quite unpretentious to grow. But large berries, which can weigh from 70 to 100 g, as well as regular fruiting throughout the summer, have a certain effect on the plant - the bushes very quickly lose all their vitality, and therefore require special fertilizers.

    Effective care for remontant strawberries (autumn and summer) includes:

    Experienced gardeners advise mulching strawberry plantings, since the root system of such berries is superficial, as a result of which the berries very often suffer from a lack of liquid.

    Sawdust, humus, straw or spruce needles are often used as mulch for plants.

    Features of watering

    Strawberries need to be watered more often than simple varieties. Immediately after transplanting the plant, they begin to water it every day; after several days, watering becomes rare and as a result is reduced to twice a month.

    When watering, it is important to use only warm water, and it should be done only when the temperature outside has normalized and it will not be so hot (in the morning and evening). The soil with strawberries should be moistened to a depth of two to three centimeters. The next day after watering the plant, the soil must be carefully loosened so that the required amount of oxygen reaches the root system of the plant, and a hard earthen crust does not form.

    Adding fertilizers to the soil

    Due to regular fruiting, the plant needs to be provided with comprehensive nutrition. It is also important to ensure that the soil in the area with strawberries is always saturated with nutrients, minerals and vitamins; you need to care for the plant regularly.

    Most of all, it is important for such strawberries to receive potassium and nitrogen, and phosphorus can be added to the soil only once - during the preparation of the site for planting a remontant variety.

    Features of plant feeding:

    • In the third decade of May, the plant needs to be fed with urea, using a one- and two-percent composition.
    • In the second half of June, while flower stalks appear on the plant, strawberries need to be fed with liquid cow manure or chicken droppings. This will provide the plant with better fruiting.
    • Mineral additives are also added to organic fertilizers, for example, Mortar or Kemira Lux.

    Over the entire summer, the plant is fed from 10 to 15 complex fertilizers - this is very important for proper care of strawberries.

    Plant care also includes pruning. This procedure is carried out once a year in autumn or spring. It is also important to pay special attention to caring for remontant strawberries in the fall.

    In cold areas of the country, where winters are long with low temperatures, plants are most often covered. That is why shrubs are pruned in the fall. After the harvest from the plant is harvested, the lower leaves are carefully removed from it, while it is important to try not to damage the upper leaves, in the axils of which new fruit buds are laid for the next season.

    Strawberry bushes can be pruned from time to time throughout the summer, or they can be eliminated completely - this is still debated by many experienced gardeners. But if a summer resident decides to remove strawberry leaves in the autumn, then he must cut off his mustache along with them.

    To preserve all the features and qualities of the variety , you can reproduce with a mustache. It must be remembered that only the first generation mustache is allowed to be used for reproduction. The process does not require any special skills from the gardener. When growing strawberry bushes on a healthy plant, about five tendrils are retained, and the rest are eliminated. For planting, healthier and stronger rosettes are used.

    Another way to propagate a plant is to divide a healthy bush into separate parts so that each crop has the required number of roots. The plant must be divided at the end of the summer season - by the beginning of September, all planting material must be planted, otherwise the young crops will not have time to take root before the first frost.

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