Table setting ideas at home: options for different occasions. Basic rules for table setting: selection and arrangement of dishes, cutlery, napkins Proper table setting

Before serving, tables are covered with tablecloths. To do this, certain techniques are used. First, a folded tablecloth is placed on each table. Having unfolded it on the table and taking the edges of one of the sides with both hands, they lift the tablecloth and then sharply lower their hands down, as if shaking it. The air cushion formed between the table and the unfolded tablecloth makes it possible to move it in any direction and carefully place it in the desired position so that its central fold coincides with the center of the table. The perpendicular fold should also run down the middle of the table.

When setting a table with a tablecloth, do not wrinkle it, pull it by the corners or pinch it with your fingers. The corners of the tablecloth should fall against the table legs, covering them. The descent of the tablecloth on all sides of the table should be the same - no less than 25 cm and not lower than the seat of the chair; A smaller descent of the tablecloth gives the table an unsightly appearance, and a larger one is inconvenient for those sitting.

If a rectangular table needs to be covered with two tablecloths, then the first of them is laid on the side opposite from the main entrance to the hall or the main passage in it. On the second, upper tablecloth, the edge is turned inward so that a straight, even line is formed. Utility tables and sideboards are also carefully covered with tablecloths or napkins.

If you need to change the tablecloth during a meal, this should be done as quickly and almost unnoticeably as possible. Having brought a clean tablecloth, you need to move the dishes to the utility table. Then, taking the edges of a clean tablecloth and at the same time lifting the edges of the soiled one, quickly replace it. In this case, the table cover should not be exposed.

When setting the table, a certain order is followed:
- first put earthenware or porcelain dishes,
- then place the devices
- and after that they put crystal or glass.
Glasses, wine glasses, shot glasses, when placed on the table, are held by the stem.

Setting the table correctly is not as difficult as it seems.

In the center of each device there is a serving plate or a regular plate replacing it. The serving plate can be made of a different material than the entire service - for example, gilded and silver-plated, glass or dark porcelain, but it must be combined with it.

Place a plate of appetizer or soup on a serving plate. For puree soup, serve a soup plate, and for clear soups and broths, a cup.

For an appetizer or soup, place a small plate at the top left for bread, croutons and butter, and next to it a cup for rinsing your fingers. It will be needed if oysters, crayfish, lobster, asparagus or fruit are served. This cup is filled with warm water, adding a slice of lemon or a mint leaf.

Next to the serving plate and a little higher, lay out all the forks, knives, and spoons that may be needed during meals.
Forks are placed on the left and knives on the right of the plate.
The last item on the plate is the one you need first.
The soup spoon, if there is no dessert on the menu, lies on top of the serving plate; if dessert is planned on the menu, it lies next to the first knife.

The glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate. The order here is the same as with cutlery: the glass farthest from the plate is used first.

After each dish, used dishes, glasses and cutlery are removed from the table.
Only the water glass is not removed during the entire feast.

For breakfast A vase with paper napkins (or linen ones), a pie plate are placed on the table, and the snacks are served with a knife and fork, and a teaspoon. The pie plate is placed to the left of the place where the dinner or snack plate should be. The fork is placed on the left, horns up, the knife is placed on the right, with the blade to the left of the place intended for a dinner or snack plate. A teaspoon is placed behind it. Snack plates are not placed on the table, because breakfast dishes are served already placed on appropriate plates (they need to be served if the appetizer or breakfast dish is served in a salad bowl or ram, etc., since it is not customary to eat from such dishes).

For quick service during the day at lunch a placeholder plate is placed on the table and a snack bar on it, to the left of it is a pie plate, between them is a dinner fork, and to the right of the plate is a table knife and a spoon (table or dessert); The wine glass is placed in front, behind the table knife. There should also be a vase with paper napkins or linen napkins on the table, which are placed on snack plates and spices. The distance from the edge of the table to the handles of the cutlery and the snack plate is 2 cm, and to the pie plate - 5 cm.
Snack or dinner plates are placed only when dishes are served in dishes from which it is not customary to eat.
During such a meal, it is allowed to use oilcloth on the table instead of a tablecloth or cover the tablecloth with film.

When setting the table for a leisurely lunch or dinner Place a snack plate exactly opposite the chair at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, and to the left, 5-10 cm, a pie plate.
Between them, place a snack fork and a dinner fork, tines up, and to the right of the snack plate - two knives: a table knife and a dinner fork with the blade facing the plate. A wine glass is placed behind the appetizer plate to the right; Place a folded napkin on the plate.
Placed in the middle of the tablesalt And pepper.
There is also a place in the center of the tablevase with Flowers. If the table is set for four people, place it on the corner or on the side facing the aisle.ashtray.

When serving dishes, the serving is supplemented depending on the nature of the dishes.


When purchasing glasses, consider:each drink has its own vessel.
So, red winewill give greater pleasure if served in a slightly convex glass, since the larger area of ​​contact between the drink and the air contributes to a more subtle and full development of the wine’s bouquet.
For white wineuse glasses with a small bowl - thanks to frequent topping, the wine in such a glass will always be cool and fresh.
For champagneTall glasses are preferable: in them the drink foams well, “plays” longer and does not run out of steam so quickly. In champagne bowls, on the contrary, its carbonation quickly evaporates.
To the glasses for cognac or fortified wineThe same applies to glasses for red wine: the large convexity of the vessel helps to reveal the bouquet and aroma of the drink.
The range of glasses can be extensive. But it’s better to get two sets: for everyday and for special occasions; or buy one (main) set, which will be replenished later.
When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fact that the glasses match the style of the dishes and other attributes of the table setting, and that they can be used for as long as possible.
You can diversify your stock with a variety of specialty glasses, such as rum glasses, goblets, rose wine glasses, beer mugs and glasses, etc.
All glasses can be washed in a washing machine, with the exception of crystal and gold-painted glasses.: They should be hand washed briefly in lukewarm water with a very small amount of detergent added. Then they must be immediately wiped and polished with a soft, lint-free towel.
NOTE.Crystal glass contains about 50% lead oxide, which easily dissolves (leaches) in hot water, and the surface of the cookware becomes dull.
Because lead oxide is poisonous, crystal dishes can only be used at infrequent holiday feasts and in no case should you leave food and drinks in them for a long time.

An indispensable detail when setting the table is linen napkins.
Depending on the nature of the meal, they are folded in different ways, keeping in mind that the napkin can be easily unfolded to wipe your lips or place it on your lap.
Hygiene rules are also taken into account: the less your fingers touch the napkin, the better.

If a snack plate is not placed on the table when serving, then in its place place a starched linen napkin (no paper ones are placed) folded in four.

For lunch, as well as a festive dinner, a banquet, napkins are often folded in the shape of conical caps: first, fold the napkin in half, and then tuck its lower end, giving it the shape of a cap.

Sometimes for a holiday table a napkin is folded in the form of an envelope: first it is folded in half, then the corners are turned in, turned over - and you get an envelope. They also use the “space” method. From the line of the napkin folded in half, its corners on the right and left are folded, forming an isosceles triangle. Then the napkin is folded in half, matching the corners of the base of the triangle. There are other methods of folding napkins: “boat” - for banquets, “fan”, “tulip” - when setting a wedding table.

Feasts are part of everyday culture; we are used to setting the festive table on New Year and birthdays, weddings and March 8, and even just inviting guests for tea. While worrying about delicious and varied dishes, we often forget about such an important component of the holiday as table setting. And no matter whether you are preparing a gala evening with several courses or serving dinner for family members, you need take into account the basic serving rules tables for all types of feasts.

WESTWING not only loves beautiful dishes and stylish table decor, but will also be happy to tell you how to present them correctly in order to comply with all the rules and at the same time pleasantly surprise your guests. Simple recommendations will help you quickly understand the basic serving requirements and inspire you to creative approach to table decoration.

Basic rules for table setting

Many people believe that table setting rules are limited to the correct arrangement of cutlery and dishes, but in fact they also include general recommendations for the appearance of the table and chairs and even the order in which dishes are served.

General rules for table setting that will help you give the table a festive look:

  • Table setting begins with chair arrangements for every guest. The distance between chairs is 50-80 cm, each guest should be allocated equal space at the table.
  • The table should not look overloaded. Only those plates, cutlery and glasses that are suitable for the specific serving of dishes should be placed on it.
  • Serving is determined based on the dishes planned to be served, the number of guests, time of day and reason for the feast. So, wedding table setting for a large number of guests will differ from lunch in country house in a small circle of friends.

Now let's look at all the serving steps in more detail.

Table setting rules: tablecloth

Table setting begins with a tablecloth. The classic option is snow-white tablecloth on a table made of dense, high-quality material, such as satin. Other colors of the tablecloth are allowed if they correspond to your decorative idea and echo the dishes or decoration, but the main recommendation is that the tablecloth be light: beige-pink, cream, soft blue and other pleasant neutral colors.

The main rule of table setting: the tablecloth must be washed, clean and properly ironed. It serves as a backdrop for your stylish serving and dishes, so it should not distract attention. If the tablecloth is too thin or slips on the table, you can place a thin flannel fabric underneath it. It will also muffle the knock of cutlery and glasses on the table. Plastic and oilcloth tablecloths are not recommended for festive serving.

Tablecloth size is calculated based on the fact that its ends should hang evenly by 25-30 cm, but not lower than the seat, and the corners should cover the legs.

Table setting rules: plates

Plates are placed on a neatly laid tablecloth. Please note that all dishes must be from the same set. In the center of each place there is a lower plate, which serves as a stand for a plate with snacks and hot dishes and serves primarily for decorative purposes. It is located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Placed on top of it snack or soup plate, depending on which dish you serve first. To the left of the snack plate, diagonally, place a small plate for bread and butter (also called a pie plate).

At each change of dishes, plates are replaced so that guests do not have to eat from plates that are dirty or not suitable for a particular type of dish. Any feast requires at least one change of plates, and sometimes three or four.

Table setting rules: cutlery

Most often, it is the correct placement of cutlery that causes the most questions when serving, although simple rules apply here too.

  1. Knives are always placed on the right side with the blade facing the plate, forks are placed on the left side with the tip up.
  2. If the menu includes soup, then the soup spoon is placed next to the knife with its spout facing up.
  3. Butter knife Place directly on the pie plate.
  4. Knives and forks depend on the type of food served. There are a pair of forks and knives for a snack bar, a dessert set, and a knife for fish and meat.
  5. The knife and fork for appetizers are placed at the edges, since the feast usually begins with appetizers. Thus, those devices that will be used first are placed further from the plate. When changing dishes, the cutlery and plates are removed.
  6. Then it’s time to cutlery for the second course. Knives differ depending on whether fish or meat is being served; both types of knives are often found. Fish knife features a rounded tip.
  7. The dessert set: leg, fork and spoon are placed immediately behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table. The knife and spoon for dessert are placed with the handle to the right, and the fork with the handle to the left.

Glasses and table setting

As you know, there is a glass for each type of drink. Your task is to place them correctly on the holiday table. Glasses are usually located to the right of the plates in one line at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge of the table.

Since each type of drink is also served at a specific time during the meal (aperitif, main drink, dessert drink, digestif), the glasses are removed along with the plates and cutlery. The only type of glass that always remains on the table is water glass. Glasses should be placed in the order in which drinks are served, with the farthest glass being used first.

The complete table setting includes the following glasses:

  • Water glass
  • Champagne glass
  • White wine glass
  • Red wine glass
  • Cognac glass
  • Vodka glass
  • Liquor glass

Each of these glasses has its own unique characteristics that allow it to fully reveal the taste and aroma of a specific drink. Therefore, use appropriate glasses for all drinks served!

How to set a festive table: napkins

The same ones come out for the napkins high requirements, as well as tablecloths. They should be perfectly clean, ironed, preferably white or cream and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to choose napkins made from natural materials, since they come into contact with delicate facial skin and can cause allergies or irritation.

Traditionally, a folded napkin is placed to the left of the plate or directly on the appetizer plate. Make sure that the napkin is neatly folded; for this you can use special napkin rings, which will give the table a ceremonial and solemn look.

Knowing the recommendations for table setting, you can easily apply them in any situation, creatively adapt them to your holidays and decorate the table with flowers, candles and fruits at your discretion, without violating the basic rules.

Table setting using decorations

The main decoration of any event is, naturally, flowers. It is worth listening to the rules of table setting for decoration both on holidays and on holidays. Everyday life. To make flowers pleasing to the eye, follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Make sure that none of your guests are allergic to the flowers you have chosen for serving.
  2. Do not use plants with a strong odor for serving. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can significantly spoil your appetite.
  3. Place the vase so that fallen petals do not fall into the food.
  4. For the dining table, choose vases that will not interfere with the communication of guests. These can be low devices for small compositions or vases on a thin high leg.

If you follow the rules festive table setting, then special attention should be paid to the choice of textiles. In addition to rectangular tablecloths and napkins, table linen includes buffet skirts, table covers, chair covers and round tablecloths. When choosing textiles, you need to rely on the occasion for which the event is being organized, the location and format of its holding. One of the main criteria is also the combination of textiles and dishes.

How to set the breakfast table

For breakfast, bread is sliced ​​and served in a wicker basket or a special plate with a napkin. Oil is served in a butter dish. Sausage and cheese are cut into thin pieces. Jam and marmalade are served in a jam outlet. On the table I place a breakfast plate, a glass for juice and a mug for tea or coffee.

Table setting for lunch and dinner

For lunch and dinner, canteens, snack bars and pie plates, to the left of the plate is a table fork, to the right is a table knife. Wine glasses and glasses are placed near the knife on top. Also, don’t forget about the napkin holder with napkins.

Tea table setting

The tea table is covered with a bright tablecloth and a tea or coffee set is beautifully arranged. A cup and saucer is placed to the right, diagonally from the dessert plate. A spoon and fork for desserts are placed to the right of the plate. The slot is decorated with flowers in a vase. Coffee and tea are served when everyone is seated at the table. They serve cakes, pastries or pies, sweets and other desserts.

Table etiquette: what is unacceptable

  • The napkin should not be used as a handkerchief or towel.
  • It is not customary to wipe dishes or cutlery with a napkin; it is better to ask for clean ones.
  • After finishing the meal, there is no need to try to give the used napkin its original appearance and fold it. You just need to put it next to the plate.
  • Napkins do not need to be tucked into the collar, but placed unfolded on your knees.

You can clearly familiarize yourself with the rules from the photos that are presented on the website of the WESTWING shopping club. Here you can also choose beautiful, high-quality textiles and exclusive tableware for your feast. If you use WESTWING's advice, your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Of course, no one requires you to comply with all the rules of diplomatic feasts - however, small tricks will help make even an ordinary family breakfast a real holiday.

Casual serving

Do you think that in ordinary life you don’t have to bother, and that it’s better to leave all the difficulties for holidays or visits of relatives? Psychologists are sure that you are wrong: Not only the appearance of the table, but also your mood and taste perception depend on the presentation of the dish. Nutritionists echo them: do you want to lose weight? Take the time to properly prepare your dishes!

This type of table setting differs from the formal one in the smaller number of cutlery and decorative details, as well as in more lenient requirements.

The diagram clearly shows the difference - if for a banquet you must provide for the presence of all the dishes that may be useful to your guests, then For a home-cooked lunch, it’s enough to limit yourself to the bare necessities: something that you will definitely use.

Let's try to take a closer look?

The first thing you should take into account from restaurant practice is mandatory the presence of stand plates. Don't think that this is an overkill - they will prevent crumbs and drops from getting on the tablecloth, so they will significantly save your time. Do you agree that it is faster to rinse a couple of porcelain items than to try to remove stains from borscht?

By the way: It’s better not to try to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth - on the one hand, it’s easier and more economical. On the other hand, you want to create beautiful table who will cheer you up with one of his appearance?Even a simple checkered fabric looks stylish and neat. We recommend choosing it to match the overall interior of the kitchen or dining room to achieve visual harmony.

If you are serving a first course, for example soup or broth, you will need special cup or deep plate for each. They must be placed on the table immediately, on a stand, and then the food must be poured directly at the table. Of course, in a family circle this rule can be neglected. However, experience suggests that it is much easier to walk around with a saucepan and a ladle than to try to carefully carry several hot plates.

Already under it you need to place a plate for the main dish and side dish.

If your family has hearty meals of two or three courses with dessert, take care of cutlery: they need to be laid out for everyone in advance so that you don’t have to run for a forgotten fork later.

There is a universal rule: the dishes for the first course are placed on the outer edge, for the last course - closer to the plate. This way, you will not only follow serving traditions, but also save your family from the painful choice of which spoon to use for soup and which for cake?

Note: Although in fact dessert forks are served for sweets. With the exception of mousses, soufflés and jellies.

Not sure what exactly to put on the table? Refer to the following diagram - it will help you figure it out. The purpose of the cutlery is clearly shown on it, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties.

However, it is important not only to choose the right plates and cutlery.

An example of a beautiful presentation can be seen in this photo.

It would seem nothing special. However the general color scheme and a couple of accessories turn an ordinary meal into a small family celebration. Agree, this is not difficult to do. It's easy enough to get rid of old dishes and show a little artistic taste.

For breakfast and lunch the rules remain the same. You just need to remove the excess (for example, tureens) and focus on what you plan to serve.

But what to do if you are expecting guests for the holiday? On the one hand, you don’t want to waste time on banquet serving according to all the rules. On the other hand, you need to add solemnity and emphasize the special atmosphere. Let's try to understand it in more detail using a few examples.

Friends came to see your child?

Children's activities always cause anxiety for parents. It is necessary to take care not only of tasty and varied food, but also to think about safety- It’s unlikely that a five-year-old child should be trusted with thin porcelain cups. This is fraught with, at a minimum, the loss of your favorite set, and at maximum, a visit to the emergency room.

Setting a children's table doesn't have to be too complicated.- if you want the perfect holiday for your son or daughter, listen to our recommendations.

  1. 1. If space allows, set a separate table for the children- so they will feel like adults.
  2. 2. Try maintain the design in a single color scheme or choose a theme: sea, jungle, favorite movie or cartoon...
  3. 3. Children's best friend is disposable tableware. You don’t need to think that we are offering you white plastic cups and plates that are familiar to everyone from picnics! In stores you can find many interesting utensils: made of durable plastic or waterproof cardboard, painted with various scenes or of unusual shapes... Undoubtedly, everyone will like such utensils, and there is no risk of breaking them.
  4. 4. An abundance of salad bowls, a difficult choice between different cutlery... Are you sure that the child needs this? Much better to submit many a la buffet portioned appetizers. Eating them is both more convenient and more fun.

A good example is in this photo. Brightly colored favorite toys as decoration, unbreakable snacks and lots of little “goodies”.

Want a more rigorous option?

Use the same principles, but keep the design in the same color scheme.

If you want, you can find many videos that explain in detail how to make this or that type of decoration for a children's holiday table.

Is it your holiday?

Of course, here you will have to follow completely different recommendations. However, maybe your guests will appreciate plastic dishes with Winnie the Pooh? You know better.

If you want a simple, classic table setting for a birthday or anniversary, follow these tips:

1. First of all pay attention to the tablecloth. It can be either plain or painted - it depends on your taste. The main thing to remember (we hope this is already obvious) is no stains or bruises! They will ruin the whole look.

2. Think through the menu carefully to select the necessary dishes or cutlery. Otherwise, you will have to panic and look for a spatula for the cake or another spoon for the salad - agree, not the best way to spend time at your own holiday?

3. If you have invited many guests, you will have to duplicate salads and appetizers - reaching for them across the entire table is inconvenient. That's why make sure you have enough of the same utensils: salad bowls, dishes, baskets for fruits and sweets. Discord will completely destroy the beautiful setting of the festive feast.

By the way: It’s better to make sure that everyone invited will come and you won’t be surprised in the form of someone’s brother or wife. The number of devices must exactly match the number of guests.

4. When arranging the dishes, refer to the recommendations in the first section: first a stand plate, then a container for the main course and, if necessary, a broth bowl.

5. Knives and spoons should lie to the right of the plate, forks to the left.

By the way: If you know that one of your guests is left-handed, take this into account when seating. The person will be touched by the attention, and everyone will be comfortable eating.

6. Glasses and glasses are placed in the upper right corner. Make sure the containers are appropriate for the drinks on offer. This may seem like a prejudice, but champagne really needs tall and narrow glasses, and, for example, cognac, rounded, wide glasses - this helps to reveal the taste.

7. Don't forget about napkins. In addition to disposable ones, there must be clothes ones. Place one under the plates, another one on top or on the side, under the cutlery. By the way, choose them to match the tablecloth or prefer contrasting ones - in addition to their utilitarian purpose, napkins can also be a decoration.

Modern trends in table setting for a holiday differ markedly from those that were accepted twenty years ago - now there are much fewer conventions. Of course, one should not completely deviate from the classical rules of etiquette. They are not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. But to introduce a pleasant unexpected variety - why not?

For example, you might like a beautiful table setting with fruit - unusual, but very effective.

Carving is a cutting method that turns an ordinary snack into an amazing masterpiece.

Such compositions will appeal to both children and adults. Choose a design that will fit into the interior and style of the table - for some, flower vases or bouquets will suit, and in others even a dragon or a castle will be appropriate.

Another one interesting idea, which can be a great help when celebrating an anniversary at home - name cards on plates. Who among us is not familiar with the problem of seating a large number of guests? Solve it by ordering unusual napkins with names (two in one will never go out of style) or installing cardboard cards. Guests will appreciate such attention and there will be no confusion.

  • There should be no broken or cracked dishes on the table. This is not only a bad omen - you don't want anyone to cut themselves, do you?
  • Maintain a common style - under no circumstances use objects that do not match each other, they violate harmony.
  • Once again, we strongly recommend that you make sure that there is enough of everything before your guests arrive.

We liked the festive table setting at home in this photo - all the recommendations were followed. In addition to the consistent style, harmony and use of the necessary utensils, the owner left cards with wishes for the guests - would you agree, an unexpected but pleasant bonus?

It's little things like this that turn an ordinary dinner with friends into a real celebration. More decor recommendations can be found here.

Important nuance of seating

When planning a home banquet in honor of any holiday, many people forget one point that can completely ruin the pleasure - how much space does one person need at the table??

We think everyone has encountered an invitation to a party from which they would rather run away - the neighbors are pressing on both sides, it is inconvenient to wield a fork and you are left looking sadly at the salad or sliced ​​food, which is impossible to reach.

To prevent your friends from finding themselves in a similar situation, use the following schemes.

For a round table, approximately the following calculation would be relevant. It will make everyone feel comfortable. Of course, it is necessary to make adjustments for the size of the chairs and the radius of the tabletop.

However, remember that ideally there should be at least 70 centimeters per person.

This rule is also true for square or rectangular tables. True, such schemes should not be considered an immutable truth - nevertheless, a child will need less space than an adult.

We hope our tips will help you set the table properly for any appropriate situation - as you can see, it's not difficult at all!

Table setting + Detailed diagram feast serving

The appearance of the table gives us the opportunity to make a first impression of the upcoming feast. And the festive setting will also set you in a solemn mood. So let's serve our feasts with special attention and sophistication!

A tablecloth is a must! Clean and well ironed. Thick fabric is usually placed under the tablecloth. This is done so that the dishes do not knock on the table, the tablecloth itself does not slip, and the table surface does not deteriorate from dishes of different temperatures. But you can decorate your table with two tablecloths at the same time. In this case, a large tablecloth traditionally hides the legs of the table and hangs no less than 25 centimeters from the edge. The small one only covers the surface of the table.

Modern coasters and napkins for dishes successfully replace a tablecloth in their functions, but their use is acceptable only in a narrow family circle. When hosting guests, do them the honor of laying out a cloth tablecloth.

When setting the table, make sure that there is enough space for everyone present. At the same time, those sitting at the table should not be constrained in their movements. Count on approximately 60 centimeters for each participant in the feast. Do not pile up unnecessary cutlery and plates if you know that they will not be useful during the feast. Serving items must be present on the table in accordance with the proposed menu.

There are many types of table settings. For your own reception, you will set the table based on the number of courses and the type of treats that you have planned. However, there are common basic rules that should be followed when serving a feast.

So, what items are needed for a classic table setting?

Large flat serving plate (you can add a roast plate). A plate is placed on it for the second (hot) course; it may be a little smaller. Next - a snack plate - an order of magnitude smaller than the previous ones. If you plan to serve the first course, and the salad and appetizers are excluded from the menu, then you will place a deep plate instead of an appetizer. If you serve both, bring a deep soup plate to the table later. We place a fabric napkin on top (unusually folded napkins in the form of fancy shapes and figures look especially elegant).

On the right you should place the knives with their sharp edges towards the plate, as well as a spoon if the first course will be served. The forks are located on the left, tines up. The cutlery must be laid out in the order in which the dishes will be served to the table. That is, along the edges of the entire composition there will be a fork and knife for appetizers, then for fish dishes, and very close to the plate for hot meat.

To the left of the plate pyramid, place a small pie plate for bread. Place a butter knife on top of it (if you intend to serve butter or cream cheese).

On the right side, stepping back slightly upward from the knife, place a glass for water, then, as the volume decreases, place the remaining glasses for drinks along an inclined line (the higher the glass, the farther it should stand from the guest). Despite the fact that each drink has its own glass (or other container), no more than 4 of them are placed on the festive table, and 2 for an ordinary feast. The remaining glasses and glasses can be served as needed.

Dessert utensils are located opposite the guest behind the plate. Closer to the plate, place the knife with the sharp side facing the plate. Next - a fork with the handle to the left, and then a spoon - with the handle to the right.

A saucer is placed on the right hand of the guest (next to the knives and spoons), with a cup for tea (coffee with milk, cocoa) on top with the handle turned to the right. The teaspoon is placed directly on the saucer.

To save space at the table, serving items for dessert and tea can be served later.

The tablecloth, napkins and towel used when serving hot dishes (hands), as well as dishes and cutlery should be in harmony with each other. It is necessary that the set table looks like a single whole composition. To do this, you don’t have to purchase a new set for N number of people. It will be enough to combine several small sets that match each other in color and style. That’s right, there’s no need to remind you that all serving items should be clean, dry, and those made of fabric should also be ironed.

It is acceptable to decorate the table with small bouquets of flowers, candles, and small figurines. However, do not overdo it - it is not customary to place large vases, potted flowers and scented candles on the table.

In general, all serving rules are created according to a single principle - to make it as convenient as possible to enjoy the dishes offered at the table. Be guided by it in the process of serving your feast. And bon appetit!

© Natalya Vladimirova

Setting the table at home is a whole set of etiquette laws. Every housewife should be able to maneuver in this creative sea and distinguish aesthetic nuances. Not everyone can afford to have a butler on their staff. Therefore, you need to learn how to receive guests yourself.

Holidays differ in the level of public perception of this event. Let's start with small home joys: name day, homeland, christening, dates from family history. Setting a festive table at home depends on the number of guests.

Family celebration

Such events can involve either a large number of guests or a quiet family dinner. If you plan to just have tea gatherings, warn your guests in advance. An invitation to “tea” implies the absence of a strict dress code.

The hostess is the heroine of the festive table, regardless of who is the hero of the occasion. You can lay a bright colored tablecloth on the table. The only personal utensils you can place are pie plates and dessert accessories.

The hostess, sitting at the head of the table, pours tea and passes it to the guests. In the center you can serve various desserts: berries and fruits, cakes, pastries, cookies or candies. In the middle there are also pots with jam and honey.

The decoration of the table is fresh flowers. You can place a small low vase with a bouquet in the middle or flower arrangement on a wide platter. The original decoration of the tea table is the traditional samovar. Don't forget about brightly painted paper napkins. From alcohol, you can offer guests dessert wine or liqueur.

Children holidays

Children have a lot of events that can be celebrated: birthday, first time in first grade, sports achievements - you can’t list it all. How to please the youngest members of the household?

Setting a children's table at home implies maximum comfort and a minimum of constraining traditions. Children should laugh! Offer them lots of color and sweets.

Everyone loves sweets. Therefore, it is better to make the children's table dessert. Everything is very similar to “tea gatherings”. Just don't offer hot drinks. It is better to serve the table with juices or compotes.

You can prepare bright colored jellies for the children's table. It is not advisable to place fruits in large crystal vases. You can make individual chocolate baskets and put assorted berries and fruits there: strawberries, apricots, grapes, raspberries, plums. Don't forget about cakes and sweets!

Daily beauty

If you want your household to be energized and in a good mood every day, please them with gastronomic delights. Everyday table setting for dinner, lunch and breakfast is not much different from democratic tea drinking. Only there will be more individual devices. For breakfast it is quite acceptable to serve the table “tea style”. But a family lunch or dinner is already a small event.

The tablecloth should be changed from multi-colored to plain. Ideally, a snow-white starch cloth. A tablecloth for dinner can be decorated with an ornament in the form of a wide strip along the edge.

The dining tablecloth should not hang more than 50-60 centimeters from the edge of the table. For lunch and dinner, you can serve linen napkins with each cutlery. If you practice traditional family dinners, you can use table accessories such as napkin rings, silver and gold plated cutlery.

The main courses are placed in the middle of the table. You can immediately put cold snacks and hot dishes. If the dinner is formal, then first the aperitif and appetizers are served, then the hostess’s signature dish.

The hostess is the queen of dinner. She must know with all the nuances how to properly set the table for dinner or a birthday party. Tureens and deep plates are placed on an additional table. Only small wide plates, cutlery, glasses and glasses are placed on the table personally. The hostess pours out the hot dish and passes it on to the household.

This traditional option can be replaced with a more democratic one: place the tureen in the middle of the table, and place deep plates in person. Everyone serves themselves.

Don't forget to decorate your dining table with fresh flowers. Alcoholic drinks include table wine, sherry, and vodka. They don't drink cognac at dinner. Port wine and beer are also excluded. These drinks can be served with afternoon coffee or a pleasant conversation with fireplace .

Dinner is served in the same strict manner as lunch. Only fresh flowers can be replaced candles in high candlesticks. Instead of crystal, you can put silver dishes on the table: common dishes, gravy boats, salad bowls. Evening is a time of soft shadows. The table setting must be appropriate.

Be sure to place paper napkins on the table. But don’t forget about linen ones! Guests unwrap the napkin and place it on their laps.

If the wedding table setting at home is very dense, you should not place fresh flowers. Better decorate garlands room. It is advisable to invite service personnel to the wedding to change the dishes. It is difficult for the hostess to keep track of all the guests alone.

Whatever celebration is celebrated in your home, remember: the main thing is a good mood and a smile!

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