Decorative items made from driftwood and branches. Crafts from driftwood - a fascinating hobby

Birth of Man – this is the most important event, both in the life of the parents and in the life of the child himself. If a person is not born, then no other important events in his life can happen. Therefore, when a child is born, then, in addition to the fact that a great sacrament occurs and this becomes a great joy for all relatives, every little thing matters. This event was overgrown with many signs. It is believed that at the moment a child is born, you can even find out what kind of future awaits him.

Whatever the weather is like at the time the child is born, that’s how he will live. Not all signs of the birth of a child can be observed by the mother. Usually at such a moment she is so busy that it doesn’t even occur to her to look out the window and pay attention to the weather. This sign is most likely observed by grandparents, not even by the father, because at this moment he also has his own experiences. But people say that if the sun comes out, he will devote his whole life to making his family happy. But if it rains when the child is born, it means that he will be able to achieve great success in material terms. If the baby was born during a snowfall, then his calling will be scientific activity. He might even be able to make an important scientific discovery. But children born during an unexpectedly sharp cold snap can bring big problems and destruction to the world.

Signs of a newborn help determine the character

A person's character depends on the time of day when he was born. The time of day at which a child is born very often determines his character. Of course, there are exceptions, but this happens very rarely. It is noticed that most children are born at dawn. In the future, such people will have to literally break through the wall with their heads in order to break out among the people. If he doesn’t succeed, he will be a good worker. Who do we have the most? Of course, not businessmen, but working people. Those children who are born three hours before noon and three hours after noon will show great talents in various areas of life in the future. But, unfortunately, constant changes will occur in their personal lives. The preservation of the family will largely depend on the patience of the other half. If he survives, the family will be unbreakable, but if he doesn’t, nothing can hold such a person for long. It is worth noting that if the spouse does not create any scandals, then there will be no betrayal. This means there will be no divorces. Otherwise, such a person will look for happiness elsewhere. Those born in the evening are protected by fate itself. And at night those people are born who will understand life so much that even strangers will come to them for advice.

We study signs and superstitions for a newborn

The one who was born wearing a shirt will emerge victorious from any situation. The caul is the part of the baby's place that remains on the baby's body at the time of birth. This happens very rarely. Usually the child comes out separately, and the child's seat comes out later. But if it happens that a child, let’s say in popular terms, was born wearing a shirt, then he will be able to overcome everything in this life. No bullet will take him, everything, even the most dangerous situations, will develop in such a way that there will be no harm to him. The most important, it is not enough to be born in a shirt, the mother must keep this shirt in a secluded place. If, God forbid, this shirt is destroyed, then all the person’s luck will end there. Previously, when houses were mostly wooden and there was a high risk of fires, mothers hid such shirts in the garden. It definitely won't burn there. Only this shirt was carefully packed so that it would not rot from contact with the ground.

The seventh child in the family is a great magician or a great healer. In fact, it has long been said that every seventh child born into a family has a power that an ordinary person cannot possess. In magic they say that a true sorcerer or witch is born. But in a family where everyone is far from magic, the child cannot gain knowledge that can be used to help people; usually such people become amazing doctors. All one has to do is talk to a person, hold his hand, and he immediately begins to get better. Unbelievable but true. Although, it is worth noting that sooner or later, such people come to esotericism even without mentors. Magic has no boundaries or limitations. Today, even ordinary doctors recommend that incurable patients turn to one or another person in whose abilities they are confident.

"Happy" signs for newborns

The girl looks like her father - she will be happy. It is difficult to object to this sign, or to confirm it. But people have long been of the opinion that if a daughter is like her father, and a son is like his mother, then these children will certainly be happy. It was also believed that if, in the absence of the necessary children's clothing, a boy is wrapped in his mother's skirt, and a girl in his father's shirt, then this will give the child not only happiness, but also the ability to quickly resolve all emerging issues.

A child is born feet first - will be able not only to help himself, but also others. Is this true or not? Everything needs to be checked. But people say that if a baby can be born legs first, then with one touch he can cure a person who suffers from leg disease. It should not be confused with a disease of the spine, due to which a person cannot walk. Moreover, they say that the mother who gave birth to such a child can treat the same diseases. But ordinary people do not strive to become healers. And it is right. It’s too much responsibility, and you take on too much. Therefore, although this sign exists, it is not possible to verify it.

Born under a full moon - life will be happy and rich. In principle, this sign is not difficult to explain. The full moon is sometimes associated with a full cup. Therefore, it is generally accepted that someone born on a full moon will have everything they want in this life. But they think so only in some regions of Russia. But in other regions, on the contrary, they believe that the most best time to have a babyit's a new moon . All sins from past lives are forgiven, the main thing is not to flog the sides in this life. If you live your life correctly, then you can consider that a person is already in heaven. But there is no confirmation of the interpretations of these signs. Most likely, this is a superstition that is interpreted differently in each area.

A silver spoon in your mouth means wealth in your pocket.. It has long been believed that if a newly born baby is allowed to hold a silver or gold spoon in his mouth for at least a minute, then his whole life will be full and rich. It’s very difficult to say about the golden spoon. There are very few parents who have a golden spoon. And those who could afford it most often kept silent about it. But as for silver, that's a completely different matter. Even in the old days, a silver spoon could be found in almost every family. But not all the children excelled. Although there were those who went from being farm laborers to becoming scientists. But this is such a rarity that attributing this fact to silver is simply an unproven fact.

Rituals and signs for the birth of a child

Up the stairs - upward career. An interesting sign. In magic there is a promotion associated with the ladder. You can bake a ladder from dough, and it will help you move up the career ladder. You can climb the stairs in the house and read the spell for each step. But here the case is somewhat different.

  • It doesn't matter whether you know the spells or not.
  • You should not invite a healer for this ritual.
  • It is believed that if you carry a newborn child up the stairs in your arms, he will definitely become a big boss.
  • And you don’t need to read any conspiracies.
  • The child’s energy will do everything itself.

But the one who will carry the child up these stairs needs to know that if he stumbles, the child will reach great heights, but can be caught either for a bribe or for theft. Therefore, the one who carries the child up the stairs should be concerned with only one question: “Just so as not to stumble”.

Of course, that's not all signs for the birth of a child. There are good signs and there are bad signs. But the fate of a person depends not only on these signs. In addition to the signs of the birth of a child, there are also signs of the name and signs of the date of birth. All this together constitutes what we call fate. The main task of parents is to give their children the knowledge they have. Of course, there are cases when the words of parents do not reach their children. But most often these instructions are very helpful.

Rutarium will allow you to make furniture for your dacha out of driftwood and stumps. You can also make flower beds and sculptures with your own hands from these materials.

Rutariy is an interesting destination in landscape design. It will help turn the cottage into an extraordinary corner. Stumps, various snags, and old wood are suitable for this.

DIY crafts from hemp

If you have an area with the root system of a tree and its low above-ground part, do not uproot this element. To make crafts from hemp for your summer cottage, you will need:

  • stumps or one;
  • colored wood chips;
  • antiseptic;
  • stones;
  • flowers;
  • the soil;
  • brush.

  1. To make a stump craft last as long as possible, remove the rot from inside. Dry this inner hole. Remove the bark from the stump.
  2. Paint this natural wood element inside and out with two coats of antiseptic. When it is completely dry, you can start decorating the flower girl.
  3. Pour fertile soil inside the stump and plant low-growing flowers. Mulch the surface with regular or colored wood chips. Place stones next to the stump.

Instead of stones, you can use inverted glass or plastic bottles. The necks of the latter are cut off.

If you don’t know how to decorate the northern part of the territory at your dacha, then place the rutarium here and plant shade-tolerant flowers in it.

Not only hemp, but also all kinds of driftwood are suitable for the device.

If you have had an unnecessary log lying around for a long time, saw through the top, remove some of the wood, and remove the bark. Also treat the surfaces with an antiseptic, then sprinkle fertile soil, plant unpretentious plants.

Take a closer look, maybe the snag found in the forest resembles someone? In the photo she looks like a fairy-tale dragon, you just need to work out the details so that they become obvious. To do this, use a hatchet, hacksaw, and wood carving tools.

Crafts made from driftwood can be not only in the form of flower girls, check out the following ideas.

How to make garden furniture and wooden sculptures?

Look at the results the craftsmen achieve. Having outlined some details of the silhouette, you can make such a snowman or a good-natured Leshy.

To make this type of chair, take:
  • driftwood;
  • board;
  • rope;
  • stain;
  • wood varnish for exterior use;
  • brush;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • saw.
Making master class:
  1. To make the chair reliable and stable, choose only strong, not lightweight driftwood; oak is perfect.
  2. Saw off the parts that will turn into legs. The two front ones are short, the back ones together with the back are long. Make a base for the seat, place a couple of boards here, and attach them with self-tapping screws.
  3. Make armrests from durable driftwood, secure them with self-tapping screws and rope. For the backrest, take a reliable crossbar, which is fixed in the same way. Two small driftwood are attached vertically to the center of the back.
  4. All that remains is to cover the chair with stain; when 2 layers are dry, apply three layers of varnish with intermediate drying.

If you want to emphasize the natural structure of the wood, then do not coat it with varnish, but just go over it with an antiseptic, or transparent. Look what wonderful chairs you can make from stumps. The table is made from the same blank, only the tabletop is attached to the top.

Here's what you can make from a large stump by sawing it off top part. Then the thick, intricate driftwood will turn into table legs.

A bench made of wood will also turn out to be unusually interesting, delicate and even fabulous.

To do this, take:

  • two strong boards, preferably floorboards;
  • driftwood;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • antiseptic;
Make the base for the bench. It consists of two front and 2 rear legs. Place crossbars on them to connect these elements. Attach boards on top that will become a seat.

To securely connect them to the legs, attach driftwood here using self-tapping screws. Additionally, they can be fixed using pins by cutting holes of the same diameter at the two connecting elements into which glue is poured.

In the same way, fix the back, consisting of many driftwood. Sand some elements if your design idea requires it.

You can create a massive sofa using almost the same type. But its legs and base are logs.

You can leave the product as is or paint it with varnish, it also turns out very beautiful and unusual.

Not only individual items, but also a whole set will come out of the old tree. Covered with antiseptic and varnish, it will be able to stand outdoors in the air.

On such country furniture It’s so nice to sit in the shade, eat food here, and have holidays.

If you use golden varnish in a spray can to decorate furniture made from driftwood, you will create, for example, a chic bench that will look like an antique one with a copper tint.

If you only have an old stump, remove the bark from it, take out the rot, prepare it as described above, put tempered glass on top, you will have a wonderful wooden table.

He may come out different. If you have a longitudinal cut of wood, process it, attach the legs from below, and place glass on top. Instead, you can make a tabletop from.

Rutarium made from driftwood: master class

We continue the topic of how a rutary is created. To make the crafts come out beautiful, you first need to prepare the driftwood. For this you will need:

  • soda ash;
  • laundry bleach;
  • iron brush;
  • Plastic container;
  • sandpaper.
DIY creation:
  1. Pour hot water into the container, if it has a volume of 10 liters, then add two glasses of soda ash and stir. Place driftwood here. To prevent them from floating, place weights on top. These can be plastic cans filled with water.
  2. After two days, the wood will soften, then clean the surface with an iron brush. Since the wood will be of uneven color at this stage, wash the workpieces. Pour 10 liters of water into the same 10-liter plastic bowl and add one and a half cups of bleach. Place the driftwood here for two days.
  3. After this time, place them in the sun for 3 days. Then, using sandpaper, you need to sand the uneven areas.

Now you need to fold these blanks so that, if desired, you can use them for crafts, for example, make such a voluminous star.

For it you will need:
  • plywood sheet;
  • jigsaw;
  • driftwood;
  • hot glue;
  • star template.
Attach the template to the plywood. Circle it and cut it out using a jigsaw.

Sawing down pieces of driftwood required length, glue them to the star, starting from its outer edge.

Then, gradually move towards the center, try to cover all the plywood with lumps.

Wait until the glue cools down and cover your work with spray paint of the desired color. The silver star looks great.

A door is perfect for such a craft made from driftwood. country house. Attach the finished work here so that the star decorates the building. You can make another rutary.

Look what a wonderful wooden shelf you can make.

For it you will need: Use a wire brush to clean the surface of the driftwood. Apply varnish in 2 layers.

If you want, you can cover the hooks and corners with gold paint, when it dries, use these elements.

Screw on construction hooks to hang mugs or wine glasses on. Attach the driftwood shelf to the wall using metal corners.

Driftwood makes wonderful things not only for the street, but for the home. Watch the following master class, from which you will learn how to make a flower stand with your own hands. For this creativity you will need:
  • small log;
  • snag;
  • shells;
  • leg-split;
  • river pebbles;
  • hot glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • saw.

First you need to prepare the wooden parts. To do this, remove from wooden log bark This must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure your hands.

Saw circles about 5 cm thick from the log. You also need to remove the bark from the driftwood. If this workpiece is not of the correct type, then bleach it in the same way as described earlier.

While the driftwood dries, you will have time to decorate the flower stand. Glue the rope onto the side surface in a circle at the top and bottom using a hot gun. Using it, attach pebbles and shells. Paint the surface with varnish in 2 layers.

In the same way, decorate other pallets where the plants will stand, including the largest one, which will become the basis for the flower girl. Attach a piece of driftwood to it, and attach circles to the tops on which the flowerpots will stand.

Also paint the driftwood with varnish in 2 layers and let it dry. You can decorate the flower stand with artificial greenery.

In some places, glue shells with hot glue, you will get a very beautiful picturesque stand.

DIY rutary in the city

If you don’t have a garden plot, you live in a city, the trees here have been cut down, leaving behind interesting snags and stumps, then you can decorate your yard using this idea. To implement this idea you will need:

  • stumps and snags;
  • dye;
  • tassels;
  • seedling;
  • fertile soil.

If it is difficult to remove the middle of tree cuts, then just paint them; for others, remove this middle part, fill it with earth, and also paint these blanks so that they look more positive. In this case, you can use not only White color, but also any others.

Make a kind of well from the branches of cut trees, placing four in a row. Also add soil here and plant flower seedlings. If there is little sun in the yard, then use shade-tolerant plants, such as hostas, vines, ivy.

If you have a lot of driftwood, you can make interesting sculptural compositions out of them. For example, these horses.

If you know how to carve wood, then try making a rutary with a sculpture of a funny person.

DIY wooden figures

They can also be made to decorate a yard in the city or country house. Such a rutarium looks great, adds individuality to the site, it is clear that a jack of all trades lives here.

If you want to know which wood is best to carve a sculpture from, then check out the following information.

  1. Lipa is one of the best materials. This wood cuts softly and easily. The structure of this tree is light, it almost does not warp or crack.
  2. Aspen is also easy to process. Products made from it don’t even need to be varnished, then after time they will have a beautiful silver color. But crafts made from such wood are prone to chipping, so it is used to create large sculptures.
  3. Alder lends itself well to carving and processing, and is resistant to cracks. Therefore it is also an excellent material. Take this into account when you do rutaria on the site.
  4. If you want to make elements of fine art here, use walnut, it is very decorative, does not warp and is resistant to chips.
  5. Birch is not processed so well and warps. Therefore, if you want to carve wood, use this to create small parts and souvenirs. But birch is well painted and has a beautiful relief.
  6. Large carvings can be made from oak and will be durable. But such dense wood is difficult to cut, so you will have to make an effort or use an electric tool.
Once you have decided on the material, look at what wood carving tools to use.
  1. Large ones include an axe, a hacksaw and even a chainsaw.
  2. Using cutters with a blade width of 1.5 cm, you can cut out small elements that are in hard-to-reach places. There are many cutters, each designed to perform a specific function.
  3. The adze is suitable for initial processing of small parts.
  4. Knives, jambs and chisels are also used for wood carving. The latter perform any notching and are intended for working out details. The cutting edge can be of various shapes.
  5. The Bogorodsky knife is perfect for carving sculptures from wood. It is named after the village where such work has long been carried out.
  6. A drill is suitable for drilling holes.
  7. To make the surface of the product smoother, use a rasp, a grinding machine and sandpaper.

The photo shows how wood carving is done. You can see the stages of creating a sculpture from this material using the example of carving a bear.

This is preceded by the following work:
  • creating a sketch on paper, it needs to be drawn from different angles;
  • then this sketch is transferred to a workpiece, for which it is best to use a rectangular block;
  • if you want to avoid mistakes when cutting a sculpture from wood, then first mold it from plasticine or clay and make adjustments;
  • Now you can move on to rough cutting, which is carried out using a hatchet or saw;
  • you will create small details using an adze;
  • and a cutter and chisel will allow you to cut off excess corners.
As in the photo, to make a bear, take a log. Using a hatchet, chop off its top part, but not all the way. At the next level, this workpiece area should become a little smaller.

Next, the details of the nose and sternum of the bear are worked out. Then he will acquire ears, front paws and hind paws. At the next stage, they are designated more clearly, and a stand for the wooden sculpture also appears.

For the next step, you need to use chisels, a Bogorodsk knife, shoals that will help make the facial features, bear claws, and fur more realistic.

At the final stages, you will need to sand and polish the wooden sculpture, then cover it with stain and varnish. You can use special wax.

If you want to see how a bear is carved from wood with a chainsaw, then refer to the next master class.

If you want to know what a rutarium at your dacha could be like, then turn on the following video material.

Another one will clearly show how you can decorate your yard using cut down trees.

Today, decorative elements and furniture made from recycled materials are becoming increasingly popular. It’s hard to believe, but even nature has “secondary” material. Why cut down new trees if you can make magnificent things from old snags, stumps and the like.

1. Bench

Furniture made from natural, untreated wood is now at the peak of popularity. An original bench made of unpainted wood will be an unusual addition to the interior.

2. Wall made of saw cuts

One of the walls of the bathroom, decorated with wooden cuts.

3. Coffee table

A magnificent table made from a large polished stump. Such an original piece of furniture can be obtained in a forest belt or on your own personal plot.

4. Decor item

A large branch will help decorate a child's bedroom. Decorate it with colorful paper birds and the original decoration is ready.

5. Flower pot

A unique flower pot made of wood with a magnificent natural pattern characteristic of wood.

6. Mirror frame

A mirror in a creative driftwood frame will become a unique decoration in any room.

7. Clock

Amazing watch made from cut wood - original and useful thing, which you can do yourself.

8. Shelves

Thanks to their round, flat shape, large saw cuts are perfect for creating shelves. To do this, they need to be divided in half and attached to the wall.

9. Shop

A charming wooden bench in a rustic style is what you need for comfort in the hallway.

10. Bookshelf

Why chase expensive designer furniture if you can borrow something from nature. For example, a massive tree trunk can be a wonderful decoration for bookshelves.

11. Table top

Who would have thought that a piece of wood, varnished, could be turned into an original countertop under the sink, which would become a real highlight of the bathroom.

12. Headboard

Assorted tree cuts can be used to custom decorate the space at the head of the bed.

13. Woodpile

at 09/25/2018 354 Views

Creative Coasters for Home Decor

Autumn is an interesting time of year. First, the tree crowns turn yellow and red, and then the leaves fall, causing despondency. It is during this period that you need to diversify your life with something interesting and original. We will talk about crafts made from driftwood. It turns out that twigs that are unnecessary at first glance can be very useful to you in the interior or on summer cottage. Let's look at 5 master classes related to making beauty with your own hands.

  • Using driftwood for furniture
  • Lighting
  • Original panels made of driftwood
  • Picture frame
  • Stylish homemade piece of furniture

    How to prepare branches for crafts?

    From ordinary unremarkable driftwood you can make original wood, which will subsequently be used for homemade gizmos. Many craftswomen wonder about the intricacies of preparing this material. The process is simple if you follow a certain procedure. For preparatory activities you will need the following items (they are found in almost every home):

  • Plastic container.
  • Soda ash.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Linen bleach.
  • Soaking an old branch in a solution

    Preparing branches

  • Take a plastic container and add about half a glass of soda to it, and then fill the contents with hot water.
  • Now you need to put the branches into this container and press them down firmly until the wood is completely covered with water. Then you need to put a heavy weight on the tree, which will act as an anchor to hold it under moisture. Leave for two days.
  • After the process of clearing the branches, you will notice that the wood has an uneven color. Now we have to start bleaching it. You need to pour bleach into clean water and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:15. The wood is again 100% immersed in the container and left for 48 hours.
  • Subsequently, the driftwood is taken out and placed in a sunny place for another few days. After three days you will receive products ready for creativity. But for now they are very rough, so sharp places need to be cleaned and polished.
  • Original photo frame idea

    Using branches for furniture

    Large driftwood is ideal for creating tables and clothes hangers. Medium-sized raw materials will be the best option for making shelves and children's furniture. And small driftwood will come in handy for individual details. When making furniture structures, it is important to consider some points.

  • The driftwood must be strong, since they will have to bear a colossal load, especially when it comes to pieces of furniture of impressive size.
  • Raw materials are prepared for work in accordance with the information indicated above. They need to be bleached and sanded.
  • Next, the tools are prepared. You will need a drill, a screwdriver, and nails for knocking down driftwood, if the furniture design allows for this. Other equipment necessary to create an original craft is also being prepared.
  • After the production process, driftwood should be treated again with compounds that prevent rotting and pests. Leave it for a couple of days, and then put the piece of furniture into operation.
  • Interesting pieces with unusual shapes will become an indispensable functional piece of furniture

    Since there are a huge variety of furniture designs made from driftwood, it is worth using tips on making specific types of furniture.


    It turns out you can make a chic lamp out of driftwood! Of course, there are many design options, but we will consider the process and algorithm using the example of a classic product. No matter what we say about its standardness, it will look unusual, but its appearance will allow it to fit into absolutely any interior.

    Lamp made of wood and rope

    Now - about the manufacturing procedure. Arm yourself with certain materials and get to work.

  • Take one large driftwood (up to 1 m long). It is desirable that it has an interesting shape (curly branches arranged in an original order). Choose the species at your discretion, but it is best to give preference to oak or pine needles: the production process will give you many pleasant emotions, and the result will amaze you with its unusualness.
  • Treat the wood according to the first master class, and then make holes in it along the entire length of the base and individual branches at a distance of 10 cm from each other in order to insert decorations into them. These can be metal fittings, decorative stones, ribbon bows.

    The uniqueness of the lamp depends on the shape of the tree that serves as the base.

    A clear example of transforming a decorative lamp

  • Prepare the base for the lamp. It can be a purchased part in the form of a regular stand. Then you need to connect the stand and the driftwood in a convenient way. To do this you will have to acquire carpentry skills; it will be difficult for a beginner. The thickest part of the driftwood should be located closer to the pan, and the thinnest part will act as the top.
  • A decorative braid or rope 20-30 cm long is suspended from the top of the structure. On the other side of this thick thread there will be an electrical mechanism, that is, a system for turning the lamp on and off.
  • To prevent the light bulb from being “naked”, provide a lampshade for it. This step is a matter of your imagination. You can make it yourself or buy a ready-made version.
  • Rotten wood can be turned into a spectacular decorative element

    Original panels made of driftwood

    If you want to get involved in the process of such needlework, stylish and interesting panels will help you. They are hung on the wall and used as paintings or stands for candles and souvenirs. In our case, we will consider a master class on making a panel candlestick.

    Excellent material for creating original items

  • Prepare a rectangular piece of driftwood (this can be a log) 30 cm long and 10 cm wide. Process it in accordance with the first master class. This will be the basis of the panel.
  • Another element is attached across the base. It should have the shape of a parallelepiped and coincide in length with the width of the base. Fastening can be done with nails or good glue on wood.
  • Next, all you have to do is process the wood and place a candle on the protruding element - your home will be transformed in the blink of an eye!
  • Candlestick made from a solid dry wood branch

    This is what the original panel looks like. If you follow the instructions given, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

    Driftwood photo frame

    Do you want to make your interior unique and capture the best moments of your life forever? Why not make a photo frame from driftwood? All you need for this is a couple of small branches and good glue. The branches must be carefully prepared in accordance with the first master class, and then proceed to the main part of the work.

    An easy and time-consuming activity for decorating your own home

  • First, the canvas itself is made. This is a block of wood 2 cm thick. The length and width are determined by the dimensions of the photograph (9*13, 10*15 cm and so on). Please note that these indicators should have a margin of 2-3 cm, so in fact you will need a beam of 12*16 cm or 13*18 cm, respectively.
  • The canvas is processed with sandpaper and coated with compounds against rotting and deterioration. Then the photo is placed face up on it, and small branches are placed around the perimeter in an indentation of 2-3 cm and fixed with glue.
  • If you want to diversify your picture, you can put not just twigs, but driftwood, painted in different colors. The order of publication is determined by the author.

  • As a result, you will get an original, stylish photo frame that will be a wonderful gift for family and friends.

How to make wood for crafts with your own hands from ordinary driftwood? Many craftswomen ask this question. In this material I want to show you how you can make driftwood at home. It will take a little time (about a week), but then you will get a large number of pieces of wood of different sizes, both in length and thickness. These driftwood are suitable for any kind of crafts, except for an aquarium!

You will need:

  • Plastic container;
  • soda ash;
  • sandpaper;
  • laundry bleach.

Add about 1-2 cups of soda ash to a plastic container and pour hot water. Now put the branches there and press them down so that the water completely covers the wood. I needed about seven liters of water. I then filled two containers with water and used them as an anchor to hold the wood underwater.

So it should sit in water for about 48 hours or longer so that the bark softens and can be removed with a wire brush.

When you clear the branches you will see that the color of the wood is uneven. Now we need to bleach them. Pour clean water into a container and add bleach. I added one cup of product to seven liters of water. We again immerse the wood in the container and press it down with containers so that the branches are completely submerged in water. Leave for 48 hours.

After this, we take out the driftwood and put it in a sunny place for another two to three days. The sun works just fine! After 3 days of sun, you'll have some wonderful driftwood, but it's still rough for crafts. All sharp and uneven places must be cleaned and sanded with fine sandpaper.

Now they have acquired the appearance as if they had been washed by the sea for a long time.

In the photo below you can see how different the untreated driftwood is from what you got after processing. Now you can put them in a secluded place and store them for a very long time.

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