How to clean aluminum at home. Proper Ways to Clean and Care for Aluminum Pans

Aluminum is a lightweight metal. It was discovered in 1825, and it began to be mined industrially only after 1890. Before this, aluminum was more expensive than gold. Once in 1889, British scientists, to honor Dmitry Mendeleev, gave him scales made of gold and aluminum. The peculiarity of this metal is that it is lightweight and is not subject to corrosion due to the oxide film that forms on its surface. The only thing is that the film makes the metal dull. To clean aluminum until it shines, follow our tips. Order general cleaning from our company. We will polish all metal surfaces in your home.

Method 1 - cleaning small aluminum products

  • To wash things like pots, pans, etc., you first need to wash these things well. Type the sink with hot water and use dishwashing detergent to wash all kitchen utensils. Rinse it in clean water and dry it.
  • Now you need to prepare a solution for cleaning aluminum. Take a container and pour a liter of water into it with 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar or citric acid.
  • Place the pan on the stove and boil the solution. Once the solution starts to boil, place all the aluminum items you want to clean into the pots. 15 minutes of boiling in the solution will be enough.
  • Put on oven mitts and carefully remove the pan from the heat. Drain the solution into the sink.
  • Boiled items should be washed with warm water.
  • If not everything is completely cleaned, then repeat the boiling again.

Many people prefer aluminum cookware, because it is cheap, light, and has high thermal conductivity. But what to do if the utensils darken or something burns in them? How to clean an aluminum pan or the bottom of a frying pan from soot and dark deposits so that it looks like new?

An aluminum pan must be used correctly so that you don’t have to think about how to clean it from blackness or dark deposits. When you wash aluminum cookware, you should absolutely not do the following:

  • There is no need to use hard brushes or metal scrapers, which can cause the aluminum to darken.
  • Do not use an abrasive detergent to remove dirt.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be washed in the dishwasher.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be washed with acid-containing products.
  • You should not try to clean aluminum with sand or chalk, or sandpaper, as this will lead to damage to the utensils.
  • There is no need to try to pick out carbon deposits with a knife - you should use wood or plastic, foam rubber.

Daily Cleaning

Of course, a burnt aluminum pan must be cleaned immediately so that the carbon deposits do not harden and become old. Otherwise, you will spend a long time looking for ways to clean burnt utensils.

How to do this correctly during daily cleaning?

  • First, soak the dishes in water.
  • Then add dish gel and wash the utensils.
  • Finally, the pan is rinsed and dried, and put away in the cupboard.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such washing. But in reality, it is not always possible to wash the dishes well, and over time, soot accumulates on its surface and soot appears on the outside.

To clean an aluminum pan from old carbon deposits, you should use some tricks and secrets of experienced housewives.


If the dishes are very burnt and have been standing for a long time, then try a simple cleaning method - boiling.

  • Water is poured into the boil-off and silicate glue is added there, which cleans even old plaque well. Silicate glue is added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. About 40 g of household shavings are poured into the solution. soap and add soda ash at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  • An aluminum pan is immersed in the solution and boiled for 30 minutes.
  • All that remains is to remove the soot from the burnt dishes and wash it.

Apple peel

This folk recipe for cleaning an aluminum pan is simple. The fact is that apple peels contain acids that remove soot.

If the dishes are very burnt from the inside, fill it with water, add more peels and put on the fire for an hour. All burnt food will come off easily, and you can wash the utensils clean.

You can use potato peelings or onion peels. True, after this method, discovered in search of how to wash a burnt pan, a slight residue may remain. However, it can be easily removed with a sponge. You need to boil the cleaning for an hour, and then clean the dishes using cleaning products.


Ordinary tap water is very hard, and because of this, scale appears on kitchen utensils. There is no need to try to scrape off such stains; for this, there are methods tested by many housewives.

If the scale on the container is very strong, then you can get rid of it using laundry soap. Grate it, add a little soda and prepare a solution. Boil the affected utensils and leave to soak for an hour. After such manipulations, you can easily clean off the scale.

Ammonia will remove a thin layer of scale well. Even slight burning can be removed using this method.

Dilute 5 drops of ammonia in 3 liters of water, then add a little household shavings. soap and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Wash utensils with this solution and then rinse well with water. The cleaned metal will be as good as new.

Even utensils that have become darkened by scale will become as good as new after treating with vinegar. Prepare a solution from several liters of water and 3-4 tbsp. l. table vinegar. This solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes. Then the mixture is drained and the dishes are cleaned.

Clean until shiny

Don't be upset if the metal loses its shine. There are recipes that will make aluminum sparkle.

  • If the container is darkened from the inside, pour kefir into it for a couple of hours. If the stains appear on the outside, you can rub them with fresh cucumber.
  • Darkened metal can be rubbed with table vinegar. After wiping, the product is rinsed and boiled.
  • You can rub the dishes with tooth powder after moistening it. The pan should sit overnight. In the morning it will shine like new.
  • Simply boil rhubarb in a saucepan and the aluminum will sparkle.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to wash and clean such products. Just choose a product that you have in your home and start tidying up your kitchen utensils.

Many people have aluminum pans in their kitchen. They are distinguished from cookware made from other materials by their lightness and ability to heat up quickly. In order for them to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules of care and use. If the dishes turn black or are covered with burnt marks, do not despair. You can clean aluminum pans at home.

Why can an aluminum pan turn dark?

Like any kitchen utensil, an aluminum pan is not immune to burnt food and soot. Inattention and ignorance of the rules for handling such utensils can lead to a very unsightly appearance.

Soot and grease on the outer surface of the pan

In addition to the usual contaminants, such as remains of burnt food, soot or grease on the outside, the inner surface of an aluminum pan can turn black for various reasons:

  • boiling water in it for a long time without salt;
  • boiling unpeeled potatoes;
  • preparing sour dishes, such as sauerkraut cabbage soup.

The inner walls of the pan are darkened as a result of improper use

It is not recommended to clean the pan using abrasive materials, especially if its surface is polished.

It is better to use a soft sponge and a simple detergent without aggressive components (acids and alkalis).

The use of soda when washing an aluminum pan is prohibited. The alkali contained in it has a destructive effect on the surface of the dishes.

How to remove dirt outside and inside: homemade recipes

  • You can clean an aluminum pan from blackness or soot and remove carbon deposits using home remedies. Any housewife almost always has them at hand:
  • salt;
  • Activated carbon;
  • vinegar;
  • milk serum;
  • lemon acid;
  • apples;
  • soap;


How to clean mild burnt marks If plaque on the bottom and walls has recently appeared, do not use aggressive cleaning products.

Try to return the pan to its original appearance using improvised means.

To immediately remove fresh carbon deposits, fill the pan with whey, leave for a day and rinse with a soft sponge. Residues of burnt food or milk will disappear.

The whey helps remove traces of carbon deposits from the bottom of the pan.

Sour apples help remove minor stains inside and outside the pan. Cut them into pieces and rub the problem areas hard, the blackness will disappear.

Sour apples help remove mild soot

Another remedy is laundry soap. Grate it, add to water and boil for 20 minutes.

Laundry soap will remove the burnt bottom of an aluminum pan

After cooling, wash the inside of the pan with a sponge.

All these products are only suitable for removing mild burnt marks. To remove heavy stains, use salt, vinegar or ammonia.

We remove heavy deposits from burnt food and darkening on the inner walls

  1. You can remove the remains of burnt food from the bottom of an aluminum pan with regular salt. Fill the pan cold water
  2. , leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and cover the burnt bottom with salt.
  4. Leave for 2-3 hours.

Remove any remaining carbon deposits with a soft kitchen sponge and regular detergent.

Salt helps remove soot from burnt food and returns dishes to their original appearance.

  1. A solution of salt and water can cope with darkening on the inner walls:
  2. Mix water and salt in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to a cleaning sponge.

Wipe the dark areas on the pan.

How to clean off burnt milk residue

Activated carbon helps remove burnt milk from the bottom of the dish.

If you have such a problem, use a simple recipe:

  1. Grind 3-4 tablets of activated carbon.
  2. Fill the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour.
  3. Without removing the powder, fill the pan with cold water for another 30 minutes.
  4. Wash away dirt with a sponge and detergent.

Remove fat and dark deposits with table vinegar

9% table vinegar removes ingrained traces of fat and soot inside the pan.

  1. Fill the pan with water and vinegar (a glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cool and wash with a sponge and soap.

When boiling this solution, ventilate the room. Vinegar vapors are hazardous to health.

How can you remove limescale from the bottom and walls?

With daily use, limescale deposits form on the bottom and walls of aluminum pans. You can remove it with citric acid.

Citric acid will cope with burnt food and remove limescale deposits


  1. Fill a pan with a burnt bottom with water.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. citric acid.
  4. Boil for another 15 minutes.
  5. Cool to room temperature.
  6. Wash with a sponge and soap.

Recipe for removing heavy burning or soot

To remove long-standing traces of carbon deposits or soot, you will need laundry soap and ammonia.

Ammonia in combination with laundry soap copes with old traces of grease and soot, returning the pan to its former shine

Recipe for preparing the cleansing mixture:

  1. Grate half a piece of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve it in water.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes.
  6. Cool and rinse the pan.

When using this recipe, provide access fresh air to the kitchen. When the mixture is boiled, caustic vapors of ammonia are released, which can be hazardous to health.

How to restore shine to an aluminum pan - video

A newly purchased aluminum pan requires preliminary preparation before use. First of all, it is necessary to clean it of industrial lubricants. To do this, simply wash it with a sponge and soap and rinse thoroughly. Next you need to heat the pan. After this procedure, a film of aluminum oxide salts is created on the inner surface. It is a protection against further oxidation of the walls and a barrier to harmful compounds that can get into food.

The calcination process consists of several stages:

  1. Rinse and dry the pan thoroughly.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into the bottom.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. table salt.
  4. Heat on the stove for 3-5 minutes until the smell of hot oil appears.
  5. Wait for the pan to cool and wash with soap and sponge.

Preparing an aluminum pan for use - video

The appearance and service life of aluminum cookware depends on daily care. You need to wash it correctly:

  1. The pan must cool to room temperature, only then can it be washed.
  2. Immediately soak burnt food on the bottom in warm water with detergent for more than an hour, after which it will be easier to wash off.
  3. Wash the pan by hand without using a dishwasher. Impact hot water may cause the cookware to become deformed.
  4. Use a soft sponge for washing.
  5. Rinse off the detergent thoroughly.

How to care for aluminum cookware daily - video

Basic rules for using aluminum pans

Following simple rules will help you preserve them longer. appearance and functional qualities of aluminum cookware.

  1. Before first use, the pan must be heated.
  2. Do not cook in aluminum cookware every day, especially dairy dishes and sour soups.
  3. Transfer the cooked dishes to another container. Contact with food causes dark spots to appear on the surface of the pan. The food itself acquires an unpleasant metallic taste.
  4. Such dishes are not suitable for pickles and starters. As a result of the interaction of aluminum and acids, substances harmful to health are formed.
  5. Carry out the cooking process over low heat to prevent scale formation.
  6. Use wooden, plastic or silicone spatulas that will not scratch the interior surface.
  7. Stir food frequently during cooking to prevent burning.
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Under influence external factors Aluminum products, be it pots, ladles, cups, plates, cutlery, tend to become dirty over time. You can’t cook in untidy dishes, and it’s a shame to get rid of them. Therefore, aluminum is periodically cleaned of greasy deposits and so-called oxides. To do this, you can purchase special substances in the store, or also resort to effective home remedies.

When it is not possible to wash aluminum cookware, you can only use more effective cleaning options. There are 2 types of removing oxides and dirt at home:

  • Mechanical - used on smooth surfaces with simple relief.
  • Chemical, or etching, is effective on complex planes with small details.

To work, you will need a standard set of available materials: water, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, liquid detergent. All you need is a soft towel, a sponge, a scraper and a large container. People widely use oxalic acid, apples, kefir, and onions. You can buy ready-made chemical composition, But homemade version more economical and environmentally friendly.

Aluminum - soft metal, which will not tolerate the harsh impact of a wire brush. It is recommended not to use any abrasive materials in the process.

Aluminum cookware is valued for its lightness and ease of cooking. When new it has an impeccable appearance, but gradually becomes dull and becomes covered with a persistent coating of dirt and oxides. Usually they clean it with universal products, but they will not restore its former shine and beauty. To get maximum results, there are a number of recommendations:

  1. Wash dishes only after they have cooled completely. Immersion of hot metal under water leads to deformation.
  2. Residues of food burned on the bottom must not be removed with a knife, hard sponge or other sharp instrument. Such manipulations permanently leave scratches on the metal. It is necessary to fill the dishes with warm water and add a little liquid cleaner. After 30 minutes, everything will fall off on its own, and it will not be difficult to wash off the dirt with a regular sponge. As a last resort, use wooden or plastic spatulas.
  3. Clean aluminum accessories only by hand. Dishwasher not suitable due to high water temperature.
  4. Do not use strong acids or alkalis for cleaning. They instantly darken the surface.

It is not advisable to use excessive force when cleaning the inside of pots. As a result of heating the damaged metal, harmful oxidation salts easily enter the food.

Methods for removing contaminants

Any acidic product works well with soot, dirty deposits and oxides: vinegar, kefir, apple, cucumber pickle. Everyone chooses an ingredient that is acceptable to them to clean aluminum. The most popular home methods are the following:

  • Pour liquid into the bottom and leave for 10–12 hours. After soaking, rinse clean running water and can be easily wiped off with a sponge. The outer walls are treated with vinegar or apple, which makes the carbon deposits come off more easily.
  • An equally effective option is a soda solution. Dilute soda to a paste and apply to problem areas of the metal. Remove dirt effortlessly, using circular movements so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Scale and remaining stuck food are removed with ammonia and laundry soap. Rub the soap on a fine grater, dissolve it in water and add a tablespoon of ammonia. Place the pan on the fire along with its contents and boil for about 20 minutes.
  • Traces of burnt porridge are removed with an onion. Pour some water inside, throw in onions and bring to a boil. An aqueous solution of vinegar, baking soda and salt has a similar effect.
  • An acidic composition is suitable for internal cleaning of pots and pans: 30–40 ml of cream of tartar, wine vinegar or lemon juice, diluted with water. Heat and keep on low heat for 10–15 minutes.
  • A mixture of baking soda and hot water returns the original shine. The mass is applied externally and left for a short time. Using a sponge, clean the walls of the dishes.
  • Old dirt and stubborn deposits can be removed with silicate-based office glue. Boiling water is poured into a large container, 100 g of baking soda and glue are poured into it. Completely immerse the pan in the resulting product and wait 3-4 hours. After the allotted time has passed, the plaque is wiped off and polished to a shine.

If you use aluminum cookware correctly, you can avoid serious contamination.. Aluminum containers are not suitable for pickling and pickling. The process is accompanied by the release of acid, which has a detrimental effect on the metal. The brine reacts with aluminum, releasing harmful substances. This risks serious food poisoning.

You should not cook in such a container every day. This is due to rapid wear and loss of the original appearance. It is unacceptable to store food in aluminum utensils for a long time. At the same time, an unpleasant smell and taste appears, and the walls quickly darken.

Aluminum is a soft and vulnerable metal that cannot withstand prolonged and high temperature exposure. Therefore, use it only on low or medium heat. Otherwise, the bottom bends and the pan loses stability.

Aluminum utensils will not withstand frequent cleaning with powder products and a rough brush. The integrity of the metal is compromised, and this is hazardous to health. The shells are polished with a slice of fresh lemon.

Metal does not rust due to its ability to oxidize, but it is a form of corrosion. The oxide film on the surface protects it from the influence of water. The downside is that over time the layer of oxides grows and the metal darkens. The dishes take on an unsightly appearance. To avoid major cleaning, you should regularly care for your utensils. Then the aluminum accessories will last for many years.

Aluminum cookware can be found in almost every kitchen. It is convenient to use, as it heats up quickly, is light weight, and easy to clean. For these qualities, many housewives keep it in their arsenal, using it for a variety of purposes. How to clean an aluminum pan outside and inside when it has lost its decent appearance and functional qualities? Or is its entire surface covered with traces of old soot and grease? Use proven methods.

Method of cleaning the outside and inside of the product

In order to start cleaning, you need to know the main features of this metal. What exactly? It is soft and susceptible to mechanical stress, so it is not advisable to use sharp objects (knives) and rough metal brushes for cleaning to avoid the formation of micro-scratches on the surface. How to effectively clean aluminum pans from carbon deposits on the outside and inside at the same time? Using a steam bath, laundry soap and 9% table vinegar.

As a rule, most of the carbon and fat accumulates in the area, both outside and inside. Therefore, these places require especially thorough cleaning. In this case, select a container, preferably with a lid, that will accommodate the pan itself. Next, perform the following procedure (calculated for very dirty aluminum cookware):

  • the container is filled approximately 1/3 with water and placed on the stove for heating;
  • Cut laundry soap into small pieces, about half a piece (per 5 liters of water);
  • pour ½ cup of 9% table vinegar (per 5 liters of water);
  • the composition is heated, thoroughly stirred;
  • the prepared hot solution is poured into the dirty pan in a volume that keeps the pan afloat with its mass, preventing it from turning over when it is placed bottom-side into this large container (as if pressing it to the bottom);
  • the container with the pan placed in it is closed with a lid and heated to boiling temperature;
  • after boiling, the fire is reduced to minimum;
  • in the “steam bath” state, the pan simmers in the solution and its vapor for 30 minutes with an average degree of contamination, 60 minutes with a heavy degree of contamination.

Then the fire is turned off and the pan is removed from the container. For final cleaning you will need an abrasive sponge, salt, any dishwashing detergent and 9% table vinegar. A small amount of dishwashing detergent is dripped into the bottom of the pan, a teaspoon of 9% vinegar and a tablespoon of salt are added. Rubber gloves are put on and all areas are thoroughly cleaned with an abrasive sponge. First, the inside of the pan is cleaned, then the top is cleaned, including the bottom, walls and handles.

Practice shows that fat and soot come off from a “steamed” pan quite well, but, of course, particularly contaminated areas will require more effort. As a result, the product will take on a clean, fresh look.

9% vinegar tends to brighten the aluminum surface, removing dark spots.

Method of cleaning inside the product

Aluminum, even food grade, does not like alkaline solutions. From them, it oxidizes, becomes covered with dark spots and becomes dull, as short-term destruction of the oxide (protective) film occurs. It, of course, quickly recovers when interacting with oxygen, but the blackness and dullness on the aluminum surface remains. Therefore, it is better not to use alkaline products for cleaning (for example, baking soda). Steps on how to clean an aluminum pan from blackness and burnt food using household means:

  • pour warm water into the pan, add mustard in powder form, leaving for 10-15 minutes;
  • then use an abrasive sponge, a small amount of dish soap, coarse salt and a teaspoon of 9% vinegar to clean everything and rinse thoroughly.

Note to the owner!

In order for an aluminum pan to be light silver, it must be cleaned regularly using a specially made mixture. To do this, pour a small handful of mustard powder (a tablespoon), a large pinch of salt and a teaspoon of 9% table vinegar onto the bottom. A small amount of water is added to create a paste. This “gruel” is rubbed over the entire surface of the product (external and internal) and washed thoroughly. The result is sparkling, fresh

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