Aroma massage and aromatherapy: indications and contraindications. What oil to use for face and body massage Essential oils for back massage

Massage oils are a product that is designed to accentuate or expand the effect of a massage. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on how correctly the oil is selected. From the article you will learn how to choose the right oil for massage, what properties it has, and what it is intended for. How the means are divided depending on the focus of the therapy session, and what requirements they must meet. Using the knowledge gained, you will be able to accurately select a product that will fully match your skin type and have the desired targeted effect.

What is massage oil for?

Any oil used during the procedure has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the general condition of the body. During the procedure, it has a number of positive effects.

  • provides the necessary sliding of hands over the massaged part of the body;
  • prevents excessive friction;
  • helps avoid skin stretching;
  • protects the dermis from damage;
  • have a healing effect on the body;
  • increase immunity.

Helps improve overall well-being

  • the procedure is more pleasant;
  • relieves unwanted physical and nervous tension;
  • gives the skin softness and elasticity;
  • restore the structure of the skin.

Some oils have a targeted effect or serve as a means of combating a specific problem:

  • eliminate cellulite and stretch marks;
  • reduce excess weight;
  • have a warming or cooling effect;
  • anti-stress effect;
  • helps increase body elasticity.

Any massage product must meet the following requirements:

  • contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • be 100% natural, of organic origin;
  • have a natural fat content and provide excellent hand gliding;
  • contain natural and beneficial natural components;
  • provide a cosmetic and health effect, which is achieved due to the existing vitamin composition.

Before using the oil for its intended purpose, carry out a number of the described measures:

  • Check the oil for absorption.
  • Study the composition carefully. Vitamin complexes and useful microelements should be indicated in the first lines of the composition.
  • The composition must be hypoallergenic. Check your skin's reaction to the oil. Apply a couple of drops of the composition to the crook of your elbow and check the skin's reaction.
  • Check oils for component compatibility. If you make the mixture yourself, be sure to study how they combine and interact with each other.
  • Choose an oil that suits your skin type.

In practice, oil for body or face massage can be formulated individually for each client, taking into account both his wishes and the tasks solved by the massage therapist. This may be the activation of biochemical processes, nutrition and protection of the skin with vitamins and antioxidants.

All oils are divided according to the functional spectrum. There are two types of natural cosmetic oils:

  • Basic. Provide the necessary smooth sliding of the massage therapist's hands. The base sources are seeds, grains and nuts of various plants. For the most part, they do not have a pronounced odor. Used as a neutral base for active ingredients that are applied during massage.
  • Essential or active. Used to enhance the effect of massage. They have a pronounced aroma. These are highly concentrated volatile substances that are not applied to the skin in their pure form. Active oils may differ depending on the method of production, the degree of naturalness, and the general effect on the body.

All oils of this type, depending on their characteristics, are divided into several main types. According to the degree of pore clogging, they are divided into:

  • Comedogenic: peach and almond oils, flaxseed, corn, coconut and jojoba oils.
  • Non-clogging pores: wheat germ oil, hazelnut oil, apricot and grape seed oil, sesame and rice oil.

By method of exposure depending on skin type:

  • Moisturizing: olive and almond oils, sesame, wheat germ, avocado, apricot kernels.
  • For oily skin: jojoba and grape seed.
  • To give elasticity to sensitive and thin body skin: almond and apricot kernel oil.
  • For inflamed body skin: wheat germ oil, coconut, almond and olive oils.
  • Against age-related signs on the skin: almond, avocado, a little apricot kernels and wheat germ.

  • Coconut. Does not have a pronounced odor, does not cause allergic reactions, and is well absorbed into the skin. Protects the dermis from harmful effects external factors. It is recommended to use coconut oil for massage in refined form; it should not be applied to the neck and face area. Most often it is used for body massage.
  • Jojoba. Suitable for all skin types, used in combination with other base oils. It has an effective effect during rejuvenating facial and body massage sessions. Actively fights age-related skin manifestations.
  • . Has a slight odor. Has a tonic, anti-cellulite effect. Suitable for massage of any part of the body. Recommended for children's sessions. Can be used as part of any massage mixtures.
  • Almond. Used for classic facial and body massage.
  • Macadami. Does not cause allergic reactions. Recommended for skin care during the cold season. Has a beneficial effect on dry and irritated skin. Has a smoothing and moisturizing effect.
  • Shea butter. It is one of the most used oils for anti-cellulite massage sessions. Actively fights cellulite, stretch marks and any manifestations on mature skin.
  • Olive. Relieves joint pain, has a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Any type of active component must have the following characteristics:

  • naturalness of the product;
  • have the effect of aromatherapy;
  • have strong psychological and energetic effects;
  • exhibit therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • provide antiseptic and stimulating properties.

Main types of essential oils

The drugs are divided depending on the type of effect on the body:

What types of massage oil are there?

The choice of remedy always depends on the problem that can be eliminated through a series of massage sessions.

Relaxing. They have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Promotes physical and emotional relaxation. The oils of the following plants are most often used for relaxing massage sessions:

  • jasmine;
  • basil;
  • bergamot;
  • rose;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary.

Anti-cellulite. Increases skin turgor. They launch all the necessary processes in the epidermis to eliminate the orange peel effect. This type includes extracts from:

  • juniper;
  • roses;
  • geraniums;
  • grapefruit;
  • cypress;
  • thyme;
  • lemon;
  • tangerine

Facial massage oil. These include most body products. A prerequisite is their naturalness. The most preferred oils are from plants such as:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • fir;
  • ginger;
  • oregano;
  • juniper;
  • mandarin.

Of the variety of products, we can highlight several basic ones, which are most often used and are the most recommended by professional massage therapists and cosmetologists. Any base oil is a ready-made product that can be used for the procedure.

By using one of the oils described below yourself at home, you will achieve certain positive results.


It is a kind of liquid wax that is obtained by cold pressing. Does not have a distinct odor and goes well with any essential oils. This oil has the following characteristics:

  • Has high penetrating and suction ability. Absorbs very well into the skin. Contains fatty acids and their esters, collagen and vitamin E. It is very convenient because it does not thicken at room temperature and remains quite liquid in consistency, which is very convenient during the procedure.
  • Combines well with almost all base oils.
  • Can be used to care for any skin type. This oil works equally well on sensitive skin prone to irritation, as well as normal and oily skin.
  • Has a sun filter. Often used in the production of sunscreens and tanning products.
  • Retains moisture well on the skin. When it gets on the dermis, the oil covers it with a thin layer that prevents moisture from evaporating. This oil film also has a protective effect, protecting the skin from the adverse effects of external factors. The peculiarity of the oil is that it does not leave an oily sheen on the skin.

Is sources of all kinds nutrients and protein. The oil is rich in vitamins A, E, F, B, substances that slow down the aging process of cells, and has a protective and anti-inflammatory effect. This oil has a thick and heavy consistency and is used as an additive to the main base.

This type of oil has the following properties:

  • Has a nutritional effect.
  • Has a beneficial effect on all skin types.
  • Promotes rapid regeneration of the skin.
  • Treats skin inflammation. Relieves various types of rashes and acne.
  • Effective in the fight against cellulite.

It has a fairly liquid consistency, is applied very softly, and has a pronounced nutty aroma.

Has the following characteristics:

When you mix grape seed oil with avocado and jojoba oils, you get very effective remedy for the treatment of cellulite, various skin seals. This oil is used in its pure form for facial massage, providing a smoothing and softening effect. Daily, even short, facial massage sessions at home using this oil will help achieve a significant improvement in skin condition.

If you are purchasing an essential oil for a base blend, there are a few key points to consider:

  • The packaging must have an inscription stating that the product is 100% natural. This applies to both base oils and essential oils.
  • The container or bottle must be glass. For essential oils, the standard volume is a 10 ml bottle.
  • Don't buy low cost oils. The production of natural oils is quite expensive. A high-quality, natural product will never cost less than $3.

In the treatment of many diseases, therapeutic massage with essential oils is used; it can relieve pain and relieve fatigue, and it is simply a truly pleasant procedure. Using essential oil when rubbing your body can work wonders. Penetrating under the skin, it increases the effect two to three times. With this massage, a process occurs that stimulates the metabolism in your body. Removes toxins, maintains elasticity and nourishes our skin with the necessary components.

Essential oils for massage

Oils are divided into the group of fatty and active oils.

  • Fatty oils are obtained from plant seeds and are used as a base in the preparation of the final product. Contains minerals and multiple vitamins.
  • Active substances have a more important task. Having a certain molecular structure, which, when interacting with the skin, provides treatment within a few minutes. Continuing, it takes care of your body for a few more days.

High-quality oil has no pungent odors and no sediment. The product is always transparent and must be used in dark containers. Today, purchasing almost any ether will be no more difficult than a carton of milk. In any pharmacy in the city you can easily purchase a treasured bottle of your favorite infusion that is just right for you.

When purchasing, you should carefully review the expiration date and composition.

The label should indicate that this is a natural oil.

Do not chase low prices when purchasing oils; they will not bring you the intended results.

The massage mixture must be prepared immediately before use; the temperature of the composition should be room temperature or slightly higher. And observance of clear proportions in production is a prerequisite. No oil can be used in its pure form. The standard is one article. a spoonful of base oil - five drops of any essential oil.

The most famous base (fatty) oil for body massage is probably jojoba, as it is ideal for any dermis.

Massage and use of oil

The choice of oil depends on what kind of massage you want to do, since it is this oil that has healing properties for our body. But there is also a danger in using these products; oil that you have not used before can cause allergies. It is best to test the composition. You can test it yourself at home by adding a drop of diluted liquid to your wrist and observe how your skin behaves. Is there any itching or redness? If everything is in order, then this is undoubtedly your remedy.

There are also a number of diseases that are not recommended to use ethers. This is hypertension, after a heart attack, people with epilepsy and allergies. Extremely contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

You need to know that each oil and each ingredient included in the composition affects each person differently. Try to choose your own oil. You can tell by the aroma whether it suits you specifically. It's unlikely that a massage will relax you if you don't like the smell.

  • In principle, any oil for massage is also used for the face, adding one or more additional elements to it. Even ordinary olive oil, which is probably found in every housewife’s kitchen, will show wonderful rejuvenating results. In addition, it is an excellent natural moisturizer and even relieves joint pain.
  • Chamomile and jasmine will help slow down the signs of aging and fading of facial skin. You can create an excellent composition for yourself even without making anything. By adding a couple of drops of one of the oils to a regular cream, makeup remover and other cosmetic products.
  • Almond extract is also quite often used on the face, because it is great for relaxing the skin around the eyes.

Facial massage with essential oils is recommended regularly. This is where it is worth arguing over the expression: “Quantity means quality.” For effective results, 20 sessions are enough, and you can give your facial skin a rest. Naturally, one procedure will not produce visible results, but the inner wheel of youth and health will certainly spin.

Aromatherapy before massage

Aromatherapy is a means to improve the general condition of your body. Among other things, it can influence our emotional activity and immunity. The most interesting thing is that there is a certain ritual of preparation for such a massage. And following certain rules.

Before the massage, it is mandatory to take a shower, without resorting to auxiliary gels and balms. The skin should be clean and have a natural scent. It is recommended to rub thoroughly with a hard sponge or washcloth. The entire procedure should be accompanied by pleasant music and dim lights. At the end, they advise you to rest for some time. If you use the right components during massage, you can, if not cure, then certainly prevent serious illnesses.

Carrying out aromatherapy

For any massage, you can prepare the mixture yourself without using store-bought oils. There are definitely advantages to this. The first and most important thing is confidence in the quality of the product. Secondly, this is getting the effect from the oil that you need at the moment. The basic basis for massage is taken, as a rule, to improve the quality of the massage, for good gliding of the hands over the body. But it is the ether that influences the results of the massage. It is he who will help us achieve healthy physical tone and improve the quality of our skin. It has also long been proven that aromatherapy is not limited to a pleasant smell during a massage. And it acts as an independent unit for healing and stimulating all internal organs.

Also, essential oils for massage combat stretching of the skin. Probably, many women faced this difficulty at a certain period in their lives. Well, for those who didn’t have time to use it in advance, a mixture with the addition of lavender, rosemary, cloves and mint will help. Naturally, huge scars will not go away, but correction in small problem areas will be noticeable.

For example, for painful sensations, you can use oils based on geranium or ginger.

And for sports massage, citronella and lemongrass are suitable.

An aromatic abdominal massage is also common; lovers of tasty and satisfying food can resort to it, as it literally saves them from discomfort after overeating.

Myrrh, bergamot or lemon are excellent choices. You can do it yourself, without the help of professionals. Rub a small amount of the prepared mixture onto your palms, as if you were using regular hand cream. Using light massage movements, be sure to move clockwise, stroke your stomach. The procedure will take about ten minutes. Rest assured, this time will be enough to normalize the digestive system. If you need relaxation, then it will certainly be sandalwood or rosewood, and with essential oils for cellulite you can quickly deal with an unnecessary problem.

There are a huge number of healing effects based on massage using essential oils. Which one to carry out is entirely your choice. Don't stop at one choice, experiment. After all, even a simple action like choosing oil will bring enormous pleasure.

Many people know about the positive effects of massage. However, not everyone realizes how beneficial it is to use massage oils and oil mixtures.

What is massage oil for?

According to statistics, 5% of massage therapists do not use products to improve the glide of their hands over the client’s skin or use talc. The remaining 95% use massage oils and oil mixtures. And they are right in their choice.

Massage oils are used for:

  • improving the gliding of the massage therapist's hands
  • providing additional effect. During the massage process they can be used to combat cellulite and stretch marks, excess weight, have a warming, nourishing, cooling, moisturizing, relaxing, toning, anti-stress effect on the skin and the body, ideal for increasing body elasticity.

The use of oils makes it possible to protect the skin from stretching, irritation, and damage to the upper layer of the epidermis due to active and prolonged mechanical action.

But the main thing is that the natural products used saturate the skin with valuable components that help maintain its youth and elasticity.

Basic and essential oils: the difference

Based on such a wide functional spectrum, natural cosmetic oils are divided into:

  1. Basic (bold). Their main function is to ensure the sliding of the massage therapist’s hands.
  2. Active (essential). Used to enhance or direct the effect of massage.

In order for the use of such products to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to understand the capabilities of each type and the textural characteristics.

Basic ones are obtained from seeds, nuts and grains of various plants. They do not have pronounced aroma characteristics. They are used as a basis for products that are applied to the skin during massage.

Essential oils are volatile compounds without glycerin. They have a pronounced aroma and high concentration, so they cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form. The exception is tea tree oil, patchouli and lavender, but they are also not recommended for massage without impurities.

Essential oils are differentiated by the method of production, by the part of the plant, by the degree of naturalness, by the notes, and by the effect on the body. It is the latter characteristic that is of particular importance when used for massage. It is necessary to clearly understand which product is suitable for dry skin, which one is suitable for oily skin, and so on.

How to choose the right base oil

  • Base oils are sold in liquid and solid form. The batters are used for massage tiles, and when melted, for manual body massage. Liquid substances can be unrefined or refined. The former are more valued in cosmetology. The most beneficial substances are those extracted using cold-pressed technology.
  • Basic massage products contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They affect metabolic processes at the cellular level, the intensity of cell regeneration, have an antioxidant effect, and stimulate metabolism.
  • The choice of the base product plays a lesser role than the essential one, but not the least. Such a product should not only provide excellent glide over the skin, but also spread well, be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy residue.
  • It should not be too dense in structure. For different types of dermis, you need to use different basic massage oil products. An important characteristic is the degree of blockage of the sebaceous ducts (comedogenicity).
  • When purchasing, be guided by the label “unrefined, first cold pressed.”

Main types of base oils

We have compiled a list of basic oils for body massage for you, taking into account their main characteristics.

According to their ability to clog pores, they are:

  1. Camedogenic: cocoa, peach, almond, flaxseed, corn, coconut, castor, peanut, sunflower, shea, safflower, cottonseed, jojoba. They are best used for mixtures.
  2. Do not clog pores: wheat sprouts, hazelnuts, apricot and grape seeds, kukui, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, rice.

By impact on different types and types:

  1. Moisturizing for dry skin: evening primrose, olive, almond, sesame, wheat germ, avocado, apricot kernels.
  2. For oily skin: jojoba and grape seeds.
  3. For all skin types (dry, oily and combination): you can add safflower and sunflower oils to those listed above.
  4. For dry, sunburned skin: St. John's wort, coconut and avocado.
  5. For sensitive and very thin body skin, for its elasticity: apricot kernels and almonds.
  6. For itchy body skin: wheat germ, calendula, coconut, almond, olive.
  7. For a fading body, increasing its elasticity: evening primrose, apricot kernels, avocado, almonds, wheat germ.

The most common base oils


Coconut – odorless, easily absorbed, hypoallergenic. Creates a protective barrier on the surface of the dermis and on the hair shaft from the negative effects of environmental factors. Often used to moisturize chapped and dry skin on the body. It should be used in refined form, avoiding the neck and face area.


Jojoba – does not leave an oily sheen, is odorless, suitable for all skin types, and for strengthening hair. It cannot be used in its pure form.

Apricot kernel

Apricot kernels – has a pleasant light aroma and perfectly tones. Suitable for combating cellulite, wrinkles, and for baby massage. Can be used in any mixture.


Almond – can be used to massage the body and face, not excluding the area around the eyes. Used to treat cellulite, has a warming effect.


Macadami - hypoallergenic (except for nut allergies), used for the cold season. An excellent smoothing and moisturizing product for dry skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter (shea) - used for mature skin and in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. Has a warming and protective effect. It cannot be used in its pure form; its maximum part in the mixture is 10%.


Olive – helps with joint pain, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves tanning. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form.

Essential oils for massage

When compiling a set of essential oils, rely on the following characteristics:

  1. Naturalness.
  2. The presence of aromatherapy effect.
  3. Strong psychological and energetic effects.
  4. Healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and stimulating properties.
  5. Opportunity to provide different types effects on the body.

Essential oils have a more specific purpose in the process of body massage. Correct use and dosage of active oils can improve the effect of the procedure several times, and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Due to their molecular structure, the substances penetrate the skin and have a therapeutic effect within 20 minutes after application and for a long time.

Essential oil should be added to the base oil immediately before the massage. To activate it, the mixture must be stirred well and heated to a temperature of 40 degrees.

The ratio of oils in the massage mixture should be no more than 12 drops of essential oil per 8 teaspoons of the base composition.

List of essential oils for massage

Essential oils affect our body in different ways.

  1. For relaxation, use the following plant oils: mint, lavender, sage.
  2. For pain relief: mint, lemon balm, pine, fir.
  3. To increase libido: rose, ylang-ylang, ginger, sandalwood, neroli.
  4. To stimulate brain activity: black pepper, bay, fennel, cinnamon, basil, geranium, bergamot.
  5. For sports massage: sage, mint.
  6. Against cellulite: citrus fruits, bergamot, rosemary, juniper, geranium, cypress, patchouli, fennel.
  7. For dry skin of the body and face: orange, ylang-ylang, chamomile, neroli, sandalwood.
  8. For oily and problematic skin: grapefruit, juniper, tea tree.
  9. Against stretch marks: lavender, rosemary, mint, cloves.
  10. For problematic skin: thyme, lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, patchouli.
  11. For dry scalp and hair: sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rosemary, orange.
  12. For oily hair: cedar, lemon, cypress.
  13. To slow down the aging process of the body: chamomile, cajuput, patchouli.

In order to unlock the full potential of oils, we recommend that you listen to the general recommendations for carrying out this procedure:

  1. The same product, for example for dry skin, can have different effects on people. Therefore, in the process it is necessary to monitor the psycho-emotional state of a person.
  2. For body massage, it is better to use homemade mixtures, since ready-made products most often contain artificial flavors and oils of inorganic origin.
  3. When performing self-massage, use your acquired knowledge, you can take a training course. Using a randomly composed oil mixture can be harmful to health.
  4. Don't use too much product. It should not spread in drops. The amount should be sufficient to cover the surface to be massaged.
  5. For aroma massage, you need to use oils, relying not only on their effect, but also on the client’s personal preferences. If the smell is unpleasant, no matter how healing the remedy is, it will have a negative effect.
  6. Massage should be given at least 30 minutes a day. Sessions should be carried out at least once a week, and preferably daily.

Body massage should be used in the cold season to protect and moisturize dry skin, in hot weather - to protect against UV radiation and nourishment, in adulthood - to maintain youth, in youth - to improve health and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.

Massage can become a pleasant and useful habit at any age; it can act as a type of aromatherapy and even meditation.

A massage using various oil mixtures will help you lift your mood, improve your health, strengthen your immune system, get rid of cellulite and age spots, and maintain the elasticity and youth of your body.

Massage oil not only makes it easier for your hands to glide over the body, but also enhances the pleasant sensations of the process. The properties of the oil have been noticed for a long time and now you can find on sale a wide variety of mixtures for the body, face, cellulite, etc.


Massage oil can be:

  • children's– hypoallergenic, suitable for children and people with sensitive skin or allergies;
  • anti-cellulite– differs from other types by its lipolytic and irritating effects, which increase blood flow to the site of exposure;
  • warming– recommended for increased muscle load, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cooling– used for pinched nerves and pain;
  • regenerating– relieves inflammation, heals;
  • edible– for erotic massage, has a pleasant taste and aroma, is harmless if swallowed, the relaxing effect allows partners to achieve maximum pleasure;
  • hard– upon contact with the skin it begins to melt, nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • professional- already ready-made composition with different directions of influence.

Essential oil helps reduce pain, relieve spasms, strengthen the immune system, and calm. In addition to general and local massages, there are other types.

  • Relaxing– a mixture of sage, mint and lavender oils is suitable. Adding citrus aromas will not only help relieve stress, but also lift your mood.
  • Anesthetic– use mint, pine, clove, jasmine, thyme oil.
  • Erotic– helps increase desire, makes sensations more acute. In this case, aphrodisiacs are used - jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium, patchouli, sage.
  • To improve memory and performance– massage of active points (temples, near the ears, on the back of the head, etc.) with aroma oil of rosemary, mint, bergamot, lemon stimulates the central nervous system and has an stimulating effect.
  • Anti-cellulite– eliminates the “orange peel”, has a warming effect, increases blood flow to problem areas. Juniper, patchouli, citrus, and geranium oils will help make your skin smoother and more beautiful. A mixture of oils gives the maximum effect.
  • Rejuvenating– oils of rose, jasmine, rosewood, and sage are used, which can be added to cosmetics.
  • Head massage– recommended for problems with scalp and hair. For dry hair use rosemary, orange and sandalwood, for oily hair - lemon, tea tree and cypress, for growth - rosemary and thyme.

There is another direction of massage - Ayurvedic, this massage has a relaxing effect on the body and also allows you to achieve emotional peace. It differs from what we are used to in that, in addition to the body or face, there is a massage of the internal organs and respiratory tract. The composition of massage mixtures consists entirely of natural ingredients.

The most popular is abhyanga, which should be performed daily to improve overall well-being, muscle tone, sleep, and brain activity. Massage oil is selected taking into account the constitution (Kapha, Pitta or Vata).

Shirodhara is an unusual type of massage in which the head and the area of ​​the “third” eye are massaged using a warm oil stream. This allows you to get rid of headaches, nervousness, stress, insomnia, and improve the condition of your skin and hair.

Panchakarma is internal cleansing of organs with oil. Eliminates toxins, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, heart, and liver. It is recommended to carry out once a year.

Which one to choose?

What to pay attention to:

  • package– natural oils retain their properties better in dark packaging (plastic or glass);
  • consistency– the oil should not have sediment or granules;
  • compound– it’s better to choose with healthy additives.

It is important that the oil suits your skin type, otherwise dryness, rashes, and irritation may occur. Natural and aromatic oils can cause unpleasant sensations (itching, burning) in case of individual intolerance, so before use you need to test it on the crook of your elbow, especially if several oils are mixed. Mineral oils are completely hypoallergenic.

Massage oils are divided into fatty (base) and essential. The base is used as a base to which one or more aromatic oils are added to enhance the effect. Which foundation to choose depends on your skin type.

Usually the following oils are used as a basis.

  • Jojoba– absorbs well, does not leave a greasy feeling on the body, suitable for all skin types, with a neutral scent. Use only in combination with other types.
  • Macadamia– tightens and moisturizes the skin, not suitable for those intolerant to nuts.
  • Apricot kernels– smoothes, tones, is used for infants, has a light aroma.

  • Almond– increases blood flow, warms tissues, is used more often for the treatment of cellulite.
  • Coconut– penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, protects against external negative factors, recommended for dry, irritated skin, not suitable for the face and neck.
  • Shea or shea– recommended for aging skin, warms, moisturizes, nourishes.
  • Olive– softens, nourishes, and can relieve joint pain. It is best used in combination with aromatic oils. Can be used for both body and face.

  • Wheat germ– activates blood circulation, absorbs well, suitable for dry, sensitive skin, mature skin.
  • Avocado– rich in vitamins, protects against ultraviolet radiation, relieves inflammation, is suitable for all skin types and can be used independently.
  • Peanut– restores, nourishes, tones, is suitable for dehydrated or sensitive skin, helps with hemorrhagic diathesis in children.

Aroma oils are concentrated and are not suitable for independent use. Usually a few drops of them are added to the base. The choice of aroma oil depends on what kind of massage is needed.

For weight loss and anti-cellulite massage:

  • grapefruit – in addition to breaking down fat, the citrus aroma will help strengthen the immune system;
  • geranium oil – smoothes the skin, the aroma has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • orange or tangerine – increase blood flow to tissues, increase skin elasticity, suitable for cupping massage;
  • juniper – soothes, removes toxins, improves skin structure.

For the base, you can choose lemon, lavender, clove, cypress, rosemary oils.

For a soothing massage:

  • lavender – eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, fights stress;
  • orange – relieves tension, lifts the mood, suitable for children, after a massage you should avoid direct sunlight;
  • mint – helps with fatigue, drowsiness, increased excitability;
  • bergamot – eliminates emotional excitement, anxiety;
  • ylang-ylang – helps with nervous overexcitation, improves sleep;
  • tangerine – used for fatigue, depression, bad mood, improves sleep;
  • pink - will help you cheer up, relieve feelings of fear and nervousness.

For a rejuvenating massage:

  • flaxseed – helps with peeling, minor damage, swelling, restores the lipid barrier, suitable for vacuum massage;
  • almond – increases elasticity, smoothes, moisturizes;
  • shea (karite) – softens, nourishes, tones and smoothes the skin, has the ability to synthesize collagen;
  • olive – contains vitamins A and E, used mainly for dry skin;

  • wheat germ – smoothes and moisturizes;
  • jojoba – restores and heals microdamages;
  • macadamia - eliminates peeling;
  • grape seeds – contains antioxidants, softens, smoothes;

  • avocado – eliminates fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  • apricot kernels, coconut - moisturize, nourish, make the skin more elastic;
  • palm, sea buckthorn, castor - smooth, moisturize, retain moisture in the cells.

For the chest (tightens, smoothes, makes the skin elastic, helps eliminate stretch marks):

  • flaxseed - well suited for a base due to its high density, it can also be added to creams and other cosmetics;
  • olive – moisturizes, nourishes;
  • almond – makes the breast skin moisturized, rejuvenates, tones;
  • hops – contains lupulin and vitamins, tightens and enlarges the breasts;
  • wheat germ – renews skin cells.

Therapeutic massage with aroma oil enhances the effect of the procedure:

  • for back pain – shea butter;
  • inflammation – cloves, chamomile;
  • colds – cedar, lemon;
  • headaches – lavender, mint, lemon;
  • muscle pain – rosemary;
  • sprain - almonds.

Aroma oils are also used for intimate massage; they increase desire, help to tune in to a romantic mood, and relax. To prepare a mixture for the body, you need to take a base with a light scent and add one or more aromatic oils, depending on personal preferences.

Olive, apricot, almond, and grape seed are good for the base. For women, the scents of rose and geranium are recommended; the scent of ginger and vitiver is considered masculine. Cinnamon and ginger warm the skin, which enhances the effect of the massage. Ylang-ylang is considered the most suitable for intimate massage; its aroma enhances desire and gives confidence.

Selection rules.

  • Absorbability – rub a little oil on the back of your hand. If absorption is weak, then a greasy film will form on the skin; if it is absorbed quickly and without traces, with frequent use, the pores may become clogged and inflammatory processes and acne will begin. It is ideal when the oil has a medium degree of absorption.
  • Degree of spreadability – it should lie in an even layer on the skin.
  • Aroma - it should be light and pleasant; if there are bitter notes, the oil may be expired or stored in inappropriate conditions.
  • The production method is first or cold pressed, in which case the maximum of nutrients is retained.
  • Sensitivity test - apply a small amount of massage product to the skin, if no unpleasant sensations appear, it is suitable for further use.

Which is better - cream or oil?

Specialized salons use products that are convenient for the master to work with. You can choose a massage product yourself taking into account your preferences, since everything has its pros and cons.

  • The oil can be used on damp skin (in a bath or sauna), it makes it easier to glide over the body, but after a massage, especially if applied excessively, it may feel greasy. It will take some experience to dose correctly.
  • The cream does not spread, but it must be applied to clean, dry skin; it also makes it easier to glide; you can find products with different effects on sale (anti-cellulite, analgesic, etc.).

Compared to cream, oil glides better, which ensures protection of the upper layer of skin from microdamage during enhanced massage (anti-cellulite or therapeutic). A well-chosen composition makes the skin soft, soft, and saturates it with useful substances. There are no preservatives, fragrances, etc. Massage with oil effectively helps with stretch marks, cellulite, in the fight against excess weight, and also helps with loss of strength and bad mood. This massage allows you to relax not only your body, but also your soul.

The disadvantages of the oil include a short shelf life, especially under unsuitable conditions, the likelihood of allergies, rashes, irritations on the skin, and a film remains on the skin, which contributes to clogging of pores.

Manufacturers rating

For infants:

  • Mustela – nourishes the deep layers of the skin;
  • Bubchen - has the most optimal composition for delicate baby skin;
  • Johnson, s Baby - affordable.

For face:

  • Huilargan – effectively fights wrinkles;
  • L'Oreal Paris - restores and nourishes the skin.

For body:

  • Natura Siberika - completely natural composition;
  • Siberian health - helps with weight loss due to its good warming effect.

For anti-cellulite massage:

  • Weleda – eliminates the “orange” peel, smoothes the skin, makes it elastic and toned;
  • Planeta Organika is a safe and effective product;
  • Floresan – action is based on deep drainage.

L'oreal Paris (France) has a restorative effect. It contains eight essential oils, rosehip extract and shea butter.

Huilargan is produced in Morocco and is recognized as the most the best remedy in the fight against wrinkles and age-related changes. It is based on rice bran, which promotes deep penetration of active substances. Helps activate the production of hyaluronic acid, which makes the skin firm and elastic.

Massage Oil Russian manufacturer Siberian health is considered one of the best, has a warming effect, contains natural ingredients and herbs, relieves swelling, makes the skin smooth and smoothes out wrinkles.

Natura Siberika is another product from a Russian manufacturer with a natural composition that cleanses and restores skin cells. The effect is especially noticeable in the sauna.

Planeta Organika for anti-cellulite massage is recognized as the safest product. Contains shea butter, avocado, green coffee, plant extracts. The consistency is solid, very greasy and is consumed economically, does not cause allergies or irritation.

Floresan has a deep drainage effect. The composition contains pepper, minerals, citrus extracts, vitamin E, which penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, warm the tissues, remove excess fluid and help eliminate the “orange peel” skin.

Weleda contains jojoba, rosemary, apricot, wheat germ. It helps get rid of cellulite at the intracellular level, significantly reducing unevenness.

Special attention should be paid to oil mixtures from Thailand, which are produced according to ancient secret recipes, but on modern equipment for various types massage – relaxing, therapeutic, erotic, anti-cellulite, etc.

How to do it at home?

When preparing an oil mixture for massage with your own hands, it is important to strictly follow the dosage. According to the standard recipe, you need to take 10-15 drops of aromatic oils per 50 ml of base. For the mixture, it is best to choose 5 aromas, taking into account what kind of massage the aroma oil is needed for and what type of skin the person has. The composition should contain an aroma to improve the emotional state.

It is not recommended to prepare large quantities, as the oil mixture has a short shelf life. If there are residues left after the massage, they should be stored in a cool and dark place. Aroma oils are not used in their pure form, as they are concentrated and can provoke negative reactions.

Recipe for a relaxing massage: 30 ml of base, 5 drops each of chamomile and orange, 6 drops of lavender.

For erotic massage: 30 ml of base, 4 drops of sage, 5 of jasmine, 6 of sandalwood.

After adding all the components, the mixture must be poured into a glass bottle and mixed well so that the aromatic oils are completely combined with the base.

Massage with essential oil. Aromatherapy massage. Types of massage with essential oil. Rules for massage. How to make a massage mixture with essential oil. Aromatherapy and massage techniques. Massage oil. How to do rubbing with essential oil.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like having their body touched. Stroking, kneading, rubbing and patting are all tools of massage therapy.Massage itself is one of the most active methods of healing and restoration, and with the use of specially prepared mixtures with natural living essential oils it gives an even stronger therapeutic effect.

Rosewood, rose, geranium, yarrow, neroli, ylang-ylang - a unique ready-made perfume! Has three notes at once...

The movement of the hands along the surface of the skin ensures rapid penetration of the oil into the body. Molecules of essential oils enter the lymph and bloodstream through the pores of the skin. The blood quickly carries them throughout the body and thus the healing substances reach the diseased organs. Essential oils penetrate the central and peripheral nervous systems through the respiratory system, affecting the hypothalamus and enabling the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Thanks to the effects of esters, the liver, intestines and endocrine glands are healed. The general condition, sexual and emotional sphere improves.

It is advisable that the massage be performed by a specialist, but in some cases, self-massage is possible. It is important to follow the indicated recommendations and dosages.Essential oil is recommended for use for several types of massages:

Therapeutic (therapeutic) massage must be carried out by a specialist - a professionally trained massage therapist.

Aromatic preventive massage you can do it yourself at home. It is done with smooth, soft, continuous movements until the oil is completely absorbed.

Can be used self-massage accessible local areas of the body (legs, feet, arms, neck).

Massage abdomen to improve digestion, relieve menstrual pain, cleanse the intestines.

Rules for massage procedures:

  • The massage is done in a room with an air temperature of at least 20-23ºС.
  • The skin must be pre-cleansed.
  • After the massage, rest for 15-20 minutes is necessary.
  • The aromatic mixture is prepared individually for each person, taking into account his characteristics and preferences.
  • For children, the dosage should be halved

Indications: congestion in the respiratory system, lymph congestion, swelling, musculoskeletal problems, cellulite, obesity, insomnia, stress, depressive conditions, erectile dysfunction.

Contraindications: epilepsy, coronary heart disease, fracture, open wounds, hematomas, bleeding, fresh scars, high fever,infectious skin diseases, sunburn, osteoporosis, hypertension, hypertanic crisis, varicose veins, acute poisoning, oncology (tumors, growths)


This is a convenient method for independent use. Rubbing perfectly helps with inflammatory phenomena in muscle, nervous, and connective tissues. In combination with oils, they affect the lymphatic system, spinal column, respiratory and circulatory systems.

Application technology: Apply mineral oil or Vaseline to the sore spot and rub vigorously with your hands or special rounded devices made of wood or plastic. The pressure on the skin should not be too strong, otherwise you may damage the surface of the skin or cause the formation of a hematoma. In addition to the classic massage mixture, you can use a tincture based on ethyl alcohol (30-50%). Instead of alcohol, you can use the same amount of 10% alcohol solution of propolis or transport fatty oil.

Preparation of the aromatic massage mixture:

The mixture is based on a fatty base oil.Perfect fit fatty base oils: A bricot oil, peach oil, sesame oil, hazelnut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, rose hip oil, sea buckthorn oil and cedar oil oil (will leave a yellow mark on the skin).

Welcome to use batters– solid oils. For example: shea, (karite), palm, cocoa, coconut, mango, babassu and others. They harden at room temperature and contain healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

All base oils are selected depending on skin type: dry, oily, inflamed, sensitive.

Essential oil, just like fatty foods are selected individually. The selection criterion is the goal pursued by the massage therapist and the personal characteristics of the patient.

It is important to consider the energy properties of essential oils, as it can be

  • drying
  • moisturizing,

It could be:

  • neutral,
  • cooling,
  • warming.

For example, pine and fir will enhance the effectiveness of a warming sports massage, and sandalwood, chamomile, eucalyptus or peppermint oil will slow down the processes of excitation, as they have cooling properties.

Each essential oil has its own note: top, middle, bottom. Try to ensure that your mixture contains all three notes. Then it will be very organic and pleasant to the senses. Some essential oils themselves are already mixtures of two or three notes. For example, rosewood, rose, geranium, yarrow, neroli, ylang-ylang unique ready-made perfume for use!

Do not use more than 3-4 essential oils in one mixture. Less is better!The mixture can be prepared immediately for a massage course.Keep in a dark glass container in a cool place for no more than 6 months. The container must have an inscription indicating the composition of the mixture and the date of its preparation. Before use, the aromatic mixture should be heated (melted) in a water bath.


  • For 30 ml of base oil, 15-20 drops of essential oil.
  • For 1 teaspoon of fatty oil – 4-5 drops of essential oil

Warning: During a course of aromatherapy massage, you may feel a temporary deterioration in your condition (mild nausea, weakness, irritability, etc.). This phenomenon is natural and is explained by the property of essential oils to dissolve toxins and create an intoxication effect before removing them from the body (which takes some time). The duration of this period is no more than 1-2 days. During this period, it is advisable to drink more fluid.

Aromatic Self-massage.

This type of massage can be applied primarily to the extremities (arms, legs), reflex massage, abdominal and shoulder massage, and almost all elements of facial and head massage. The use of essential oils for reflexive foot massage for internal diseases will make the procedure more effective.

Abdominal massage.

Abdominal massage requires great care. It can be used for a variety of internal diseases.

  • It begins with one of the palms lying on the solar plexus. The other palm makes stroking spiral movements around the navel, starting from the pubic tubercle, in wide clockwise circles next to the first palm, and then narrowing the circles to the smallest, performed with the pads of the fingers around the navel.
  • The next movement is a careful, leisurely stroking of the abdomen with both hands from the sides to the middle, starting from the hip and ending with the ribs.
  • For gastritis, you can supplement the abdominal massage with light vibrating shaking with one or two palms placed on top of each other, moving clockwise over the entire surface of the abdomen.
  • All elements of the massage are repeated several times and end with the spiral movements with which the massage began.

Head and face massage.

Massage of the entire scalp carried out with almost dry palms, lightly tapping the scalp with the pads of your fingers and kneading it with circular movements of your fingers, trying to cover all points. If you have dandruff, rub a small amount of the aromatic mixture into your scalp.

Face massage requires caution. It is performed with hands slightly moistened with an aromatic massage mixture. Avoid getting essential oils into your eyes.

Facial massage resembles some elements of cosmetic massage and is repeated several times.

  • At the beginning of the procedure, the face is stroked with the palm of the hand, starting from the chin and cheeks towards the temples, as well as from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  • Then, with your fingertips, lightly stroke your cheeks from the nose to the temples, starting under the eyes and ending at the chin.
  • Light circular movements on the temples complement this part of the procedure.
  • In conclusion, you should clasp the patient’s head with your palms (thumbs on the forehead and the rest on the cheeks) and linger in this position for several seconds.

The aromatherapy massage technique described above, depending on the patient’s needs, can be supplemented with elements of acupressure by pressing points with rubbing in a solution of oils, Chinese massage techniques, etc.

Essential oil recommendations for:

Firming massage: lemon, spruce, pine, rosemary, cedar, eucalyptus, cajuput, myrtle, cloves, myrrh, guaiac wood, Peruvian balsam (after reaction test), manuka

Relaxing massage:lavender, Roman chamomile, geranium, clary sage

Sports massage:verbena, mint, sage, nutmeg and medicinal, citronella, lemongrass, ginger, mint, rosemary, cinnamon, nutmeg, Peruvian balsam

Pain relief:naioli, cloves, cajuput, geranium, rosemary, ginger, marjoram, hyssop, myrtle, lavender, Roman and German chamomile (pharmaceutical).

Warming massage:rosemary, pine, fir, spruce

Restorative massage:geranium, rose, fennel, chamomile, petitgrain, neroli, bergamot, lavender, clary sage, Roman chamomile, yarrow, neroli

Fight cellulite:orange, lemon, juniper pine and berries, cypress, citronella, tangerine, lime, lavender, fennel, rosemary, etc.

Cosmetic massage:jasmine, rose, myrrh, sandalwood, neroli, rosewood, verbena, geranium, incense, jasmine, vetiver, cedar, patchouli, violet root, etc.

Erotic impact: bergamot, verbena, jasmine, vetiver, patchouli, ylang-ylang, myrrh, neroli, sandalwood, nutmeg, clary sage, vanilla, basil, cardamom, amyris, etc.

List of essential oils for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (according to V. Selar)

  • Benzoin - improves blood circulation, soothes pain.
  • Vetiver - By increasing blood flow, it reduces muscle pain.
  • Guaiac wood - diaphoretic, blood purification. Remedy for gout and arthritis. Effectively relieves inflammation.
  • Carnation - has analgesic properties, helps with rheumatism and arthritis. It acts locally and not on the entire body.
  • Oregano - The warming and analgesic properties of the oil are used for rheumatic and muscle pain.
  • Ginger - has warming and analgesic properties. Helps with rheumatism and muscle pain.
  • Hyssop- relieves painful conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
  • Kayaput - a strong analgesic, used in the treatment of neuralgia, gout, chronic rheumatism, muscle stiffness, acute and aching pain.
  • Atlas cedar - reduces pain in chronic rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Cypress - relieves muscle spasms and rheumatism.
  • Coriander - warming oil. Used for rheumatism and arthritis. It has cleansing properties and removes toxins and fluid from the body.
  • Cinnamon - has a general tonic effect on the body, primarily on the circulatory system. Helps relieve muscle spasms, relieves joint pain due to rheumatism.
  • Lavender - mild pain reliever, relieves muscle spasms, helps with sprains, muscle fatigue and acute rheumatic pain. Synergy with marjoram.
  • Noble Laurel - eliminates rheumatic pain, lingering dull pain of a different nature, pain when spraining ligaments. Synergy with rose and juniper. Relieves chills.
  • Lime - reduces rheumatic pain.
  • Lemon - relieves pain of neuralgic nature, rheumatic and arthritic.
  • Maoiran - used for rheumatic pain and swelling of the ligaments, especially complicated by chills and limited mobility. This effect is due to the property of the oil to stimulate blood circulation. Expands arteries and capillaries, improves blood supply to tissues, as a result of which a person feels a pleasant sensation of warmth.
  • Juniper - promotes the breakdown of uric acid, useful for patients with arthritis, rheumatism, gout and sciatica. Strengthens the limbs, helps with stiffness of movement, and at the same time relieves associated pain.
  • Nutmeg - It has a warming effect, relieves muscle and rheumatic pain, especially of a chronic nature. It is believed to help relieve the piercing pain of neuralgia.
  • Peppermint - relieves pain in the feet, brings some relief to those suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia and muscle pain.
  • Niaouli - analgesic, has properties to alleviate the condition of those suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia.
  • Palmarosa - increases joint mobility.
  • Black pepper - used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, temporary paralysis of the limbs.
  • Parsley - cleanses the blood, tones blood circulation, alleviates the condition of those suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Fir - Warming oil, soothes muscle, rheumatic and arthritic pain.
  • Rosemary - analgesic, helps with gout, rheumatic pain, muscle fatigue.
  • Celery - used to dissolve uric acid accumulations in joints, improves the condition of those suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
  • Pine - activates blood circulation, warming oil relieves the condition of patients with rheumatism, gout, sciatica and arthritis. Can be used as compresses on a sore spot. Relieves muscle pain and restores mobility to the limbs.
  • Thyme - has a stimulating, diuretic effect, removes uric acid from the body, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with rheumatism, arthritis and sciatica. Oil compresses reduce painful joint swelling due to arthritis.
  • Yarrow - relieves back pain, rheumatic pain and headaches.
  • Violet - Violet oil (macerate) has an analgesic effect and can relieve rheumatism, fibrosis and gout.
  • Citronella - helps with rheumatic pain.
  • Eucalyptus - synergy with juniper and lemon - pain from rheumatism, muscle pain, neurogia and pyorrhea.

Basic vegetable oils and oil extracts. Property in a massage mixture.

  • Anti-inflammatory vegetable oil: Apricot, avocado, argan, watermelon, baobab, grape seed, jojoba, St. John's wort, calendula, camellia, ximenia, sesame, macadamia, flax, mango, almond, mangongo, sea buckthorn, peach, rice, chamomile, pistachio, hazelnut, string, black cumin, celandine, St. John's wort, calendula, sea buckthorn, chamomile, string, celandine, cocoa, coconut, aloe vera, palm kernel, shea, mango.
  • Anti-flow vegetable oil: chia oil, celandine.
  • For dry skin: apricot, avocado, argan, baobab, vanilla extract, grape seed, Walnut, jojoba, St. John's wort, Kalahari melon, calendula, camellia, castor oil, hemp oil, ximenia, sesame, flax, macadamia, poppy, mango, marula, almond, mongongo, carrot, sea buckthorn, peach, burdock, rice, chamomile, wheat germ , pistachios, safflower, cotton, chia, celandine, rose hips, evening primrose, aloe vera, babassu, cocoa, coconut, mafura, mango, monoi, neem, palm kernel, shea (shea).
  • For oily skin: avocado, watermelon, argan, vanilla extract, jojoba, grape seed, St. John's wort, Kalahari melon, calendula, camellia, ximenia, sesame, macadamia, poppy, almond, peach, hazelnut, string, cotton, black cumin, cocoa, coconut, neem.
  • For rough skin: apricot, jojoba, sesame, macadamia, wheat germ, arugula, coconut, aloe vera, babassu, cocoa, palm, shea.
  • Absorbable: St. John's wort oil extract, mafura.
  • Healing: shea, mafura, monoi, palm kernel.
  • Antispasmodic: St. John's wort oil extract.
  • Tonic: jojoba, kalahari melon, camellia, mongongo, sea buckthorn, pistachios, hazelnuts, rose hips, evening primrose
  • Vascular strengthening: wheat germ oil.
  • Toxin-removing: sesame, carrot, rosehip, evening primrose.
  • Antiseptic: apricot, vanilla, St. John's wort, Kalahari melon, calendula, carrots, burdock, chamomile, arugula, black cumin.
  • Warming: argan, red hot pepper! (in its pure form can cause a burn), sesame, almond, peach.
  • Painkiller: argan, hot pepper, St. John's wort.
  • Calming: camellia, calendula, burdock, safflower, cotton, chia, celandine.
  • Antiallergenic: jojoba, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, chia, evening primrose (evening primrose).
  • Bactericidal: apricot, argan, hot pepper, jojoba, St. John's wort, Kalahari melon, calendula, camellia, sea buckthorn, burdock, arugula, string, black cumin, celandine.
  • For varicose veins: grape seeds.
  • To prepare the ointment: batters- coconut, cocoa, palm, shea, mango. (Add to thicken the ointment)

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