The master had the right of the wedding night. The inhuman right of the first night: more than a medieval myth? Smolensk trade truth

“Byzantium is our everything! »

(Archpriest Avvakum )

I often have to talk with the reader on various sensitive topics. In my opinion, in the conversation of educated people, there should be no prohibitions on discussion, another thing is when the author allows the savoring of obvious obscenities. It is the ability to stay on the verge of what is permitted, not to cross the threshold of decency, that distinguishes the writer from the scribbler. All the same, the writer is responsible for those whom he accustomed.

I foresee despondency on the faces of readers, they say, the commissioner of Qatar set off in a sermon on the observance and protection of chastity. This is not so, the author himself is far from ideal in this matter, having simply lived for more than half a century, he revised his views on life, which he gladly informs the reader about.

Of course, I did not become a schemer or a hysterics. The world is much more interesting than these extremes, especially if you look at it with your own eyes and feel like a part of it.

I will not bore the reader with my reasoning, I understand that my reader is smart, but I want to remind you: despite the title of this miniature, everyone who has read my other works knows that in the end it will be about a crime. For those who have encountered me for the first time, I hasten to inform you that the author is only the tip of the iceberg consisting of more than 3,000 army of retired law enforcement officers who are carefully disguised in social networks and represent the OSG - the operational-investigative group. Creating a virtual Interpol, I proposed the idea of ​​investigating the crimes of the past. The very first works showed that we are interesting to the reader. Today the group brings together detectives from more than 100 countries. These are real detective rexes who have held serious positions in law enforcement agencies in many countries of the world. Sometimes it is very difficult for a historian to get into the Vatican archives. However, this statement does not apply to the carabinieri of Italy or the security officer of the papal guard. And so on all countries of the world. Retired veterans happily jumped at the opportunity to stretch their bones and ventilate attics while investigating the mysteries of the past. And given that we have students who now occupy high positions in the bodies, the reader receives a truly solid material. I will say right away that everything is drawn up in a certain number of copies of the criminal case, drawn up according to the norms of Interpol, and stored in different places. I am happy to say that the first courts have finally passed, to which readers who disagreed with our research turned. This is what we offer to those who are trying to prove our insolvency by reading the author's miniatures, which are artistically processed information from these cases. I note that the first "buyers" of our materials have also appeared. For example, for the case of T.G. Shevchenko, we were offered a fairly large sum of money. I hasten to inform such businessmen - the materials are not for sale, we are offended for the state. Therefore, do not strain your abilities, everything that is collected by the efforts of detectives will definitely see the light of day. And with our old age and pensions, the kefir state is as natural as the memories of dashing operational youth. Keep your money, gentlemen. We love our game and you won't be able to stop it.

However, to the point! The subject of today's investigation will be the right of the wedding night. It may seem to many that the issue is not the most relevant in the current times of universal permissiveness and the decline of morals. This is not so, our times are no different from the times of the past - people always remain people and the author does not know an hour on planet Earth when the world would live in complete harmony. Therefore, starting to present the material, I want to remind the reader that the states of Europe are not ancient and were formed as a result of the collapse of the great empire of the Slavs called the Great Tartaria in the West and Russia-Horde in Rus' itself. The whole history of Western countries is a complete fiction and human chronology is not as long as it is portrayed by historians who know mythology under the name "Is Torah I".

Before the 9th century, there were no cities yet, people did not know how to build brick houses, and this time should be understood as a tribal-communal state. Today's date of Christ's birth was determined by the medieval monk Dionysius the Small and is erroneous for more than 1000 years. This is the attributed millennium. The present dates of the birth and death of the Savior are different: 1153-1185. ad.

Therefore, it should be imagined that the great Slavic conquest of the world, which began in the 10th century AD, in the European part of the mainland Asia, did not meet any resistance from the wild tribes that inhabited this part of the continent. Livonia (that's what Europe was called before) was colonized in a short time and its modern countries appeared as a result of the wars of the Reformation (the Great Troubles in Rus' at the beginning of the 17th century) in Europe. It was precisely these countries and the papacy in the Vatican that led separatism that needed a new history. Having no other examples before our eyes, except for the empire of the Slavs, numerous reflections of the lives of the real kings of the empire were invented, when their lives were presented as the exploits of antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Moreover, numerous reflections of Jesus Christ (Buddha, Osiris, Pythagoras, Hercules and others) were replicated in the religions of different nations with the sole purpose of confusing humanity by slipping it myths invented in the Vatican.

However, history is not the only falsification of this Judeo-Christian church. The struggle that began in the 14th century for separation from Kievan Rus (and this is actually the Byzantine Empire of the Slavs) affected all aspects of human life, including law.

Now you can hear many discussions about the right of the wedding night of the PPBN, starting from the priestly right and ending with the primitive possession of all the women of the tribe. Nonsense! Since their appearance on Earth (approximately 8,000 years from the creation of Adam), humans have been monogamous. True, the number of wives happened to be more than one. There are good reasons for this - it was men who were killed in numerous wars.

Considering the PPBN, we will correlate with the materials of Russkaya Pravda, the first document regulating legal relations among the Rus tribe. Please note that in Rus' they used the Truth, but in Europe they used the laws. That is, Rus' lived according to the truth of God (his teachings), and Europe according to the laws invented by the people themselves.

Therefore, I will first talk about Europe, and only finish with Russian truth.

Starting from the 14th century, the right of the first night in Western Europe acquires the status of customary legal law. In other words, it becomes something like a tax that could be ceded, transferred, and transformed. The thing is that the birthplace of Judaism Khazaria, defeated by the Slavic princes, was massively abandoned by its peoples and rushed to Europe and the Caucasus, as the only places where shelter was possible. No ancient Jews ever existed. So the tribe of the Zhidovins of Khazaria (the state-forming people) began to be called after the decree of Empress Catherine the Great. While traveling around Russia, she was presented with a petition from the Jewish elders of Little Russia, in which the latter asked to replace the word kike with the word Jew. By the way, kike is a Slavic word meaning waiting, waiting (messiah).

European Jews, on the basis of the legend of Joseph (the caretaker of the pharaoh), gained access to the money of Europe and were considered the best accountants. It was the fleeing Khazars who invented bank interest, which made the producer dependent on the creditor - a clear distortion of any society.

An act of the city of Bigorra, dated 1538, prescribes: "Those who wish to give their daughters in marriage must provide them on the first night to their lord, so that he pleases himself ..."

Subsequently, in exchange for girlish innocence, Senor Bigorra receives a chicken, a lamb shoulder and three bowls of porridge. As you can see, virginity was not of particular value in Livonia. I understand Señor Bigorra, and I will say frankly: if I have to choose between a friendly drinking party with a lucullus feast and love pleasures, I will choose the first one, that is, chicken, lamb shoulder and three bowls of porridge. With such wealth, my friends and I, after good libations, will catch more than a dozen ladies, since they do not particularly resist. Of course, this is a joke of the author, but there is some truth in it.

Once the monks of the monastery of St. Feobart inherited the rights of a feudal lord, among which was the right of the first night in relation to the girls of the village of Montoriol. The inhabitants of Montoriol opposed this and asked for protection from the monks from the Count of Toulouse. It should be noted that the count flogged the monks, and castrated some, rightly believing that Catholic prayer sounds most magnificent from the lips of castrati. By the way, the Count of Toulouse himself was not a Catholic. He is a Qatar, that is, an Orthodox Old Believer or, more simply, an Old Believer.

Article 17 of the legislative code of the city of Amiens of 1507 prescribes: "A husband has no right to go to bed with his wife on their wedding night without the permission of the seigneur, before the aforementioned seigneur lies with the aforementioned wife." At the same time, in the same code, a specific price in specie was called - there was no longer any talk about any chickens.

The canons of the Lyon Cathedral demanded that they be given the right to go to bed on their wedding night with the wives of their serfs. As you can see, no one was interested in celibacy (celibacy) of the Catholic fathers. It is now more than 70% of papal priests who are capable of reproduction are homosexuals. The percentage of this offspring in the Middle Ages is much lower, because not only the material well-being of the church was invested in the essence of this right.

It has long been known that a woman keeps at the gene level the type of her first man. Regardless of the father of her children, it is this type that will be laid down in her descendants. Thus, the Catholic Church tried to instill its presence in society at the gene level of the peoples it conquered.

The right of the first night was replaced for the Augustinian monks by one ecu, and for the Bishop of Abbeville by the sum of 30 francs. I understand the bishop! At his age, a woman's consent looks more threatening than her refusal. Therefore, for the rest of the prelate had to pay.

In general, the Catholic Church has always supported debauchery. Needless to say, all the fashionable brothels in Rome belong to the Vatican through figureheads. Earning money on the vices of society is the daily reality of this den.

I think that the reader has got the right idea about the European law of the wedding night. Enough! Now let's move on to Rus', where exactly this right came from.

To find documents that speak of such a right, I had to turn over tons of manuscripts from different times. For clarity, I will give a small list of the studied material.

Byzantine law


Law judgment by people

Pilot book

Merilo Righteous

Russian law

Row (contract)

Treaties between Rus' and Byzantium

Law Russian

ancient truth

Pocon virny

Charter on cuts

Church Charter of Vladimir

Church charter of Yaroslav

Judicial duel

local church charters

Statutory letters

Smolensk trade truth

Novgorod Treaties

Metropolitan Justice

Novgorod judicial charter

Pskov Judicial Charter

Sudebnik of 1497

Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Sudebnik of Ivan IV


Cathedral Code of 1607

Cathedral Code of 1649



Flow and plunder

I will not torment the reader, nowhere is such a right mentioned. Therefore, I can safely say that there was nothing like European law in Rus'. Without delving into the aspects of this problem, I will say the following: I managed to find a document establishing such a right in Rus'. This will happen during the time of the second Romanov, Tsar Alexei, who will adopt a law on the "Fortress" in Rus', that is, on the enslavement of the peasants. Before the arrival of the Romanovs on the throne of Russia, there was no serfdom. I wrote in other works that the Romanovs of the times of the Great Troubles, this is Gorbachev of the times of perestroika. It was the Romanovs who organized a coup in Rus', denigrated their predecessors and changed the epic, slipping European history in its place. True, their reign will end very soon, on Peter the Great, after he is stolen from the Grand Embassy. I already wrote that Peter the Great and Peter the Great are different people. Peter, who is Romanov, is the famous Iron Mask kept in the Bastille and Fort Bouillard in France. And Peter the Great is the offspring of the Anhalt family, substituted for the real Peter. The word Great is one of the surnames of the Anhalt family. He, too, will not rule for long: Peter the Great, his daughter Elizabeth and his niece Federica-Sophia-Charlotte, better known as Eukatherine the Second Great, Princess of the House of Anhalt. By the way, Anhalt is translated from German as a giant.

With the onset of serfdom in Rus', this aspect of the law under discussion appeared.

However, I found traces of this right in early Rus'. He ascends to Byzantine law. It is now believed that an unknown people lived in Byzantium. Slave! Even as a follower! Slavs it is! And the alphabet is Slavic and our speech. It is now believed that Yaroslav the Wise sat on the Dnieper. Bullshit! Kievan Rus is Byzantium and Yaroslav in the crown of a sevastokrator, in many images the ruler of Byzantium, and not the Khazar town of Sambat. Yaroslav the Wise has a mention of this right. A native of great Rus', Yaroslav knew perfectly well what the absence of a bloody sheet was fraught with for a young family on their wedding night. Modern Russians greeting each other with the words “Good morning” do not understand that this is not a wish, but the question of the groom’s mother “Good morning or not good?” And the mother asked about the virginity of the bride. The chaste Russian village did not allow a priori violation of its foundations.

We are all human and sinful. Do not think that our ancestors differed from us in this. Love is not yet capable of such a thing as a hayloft before the wedding night. Let us, following the example of Yaroslav, not condemn the young? Let's just understand the hopelessness of the situation for a young woman who covered herself with shame on an unkind morning. This custom was not the best among our ancestors and led to tragedy. It could only be solved by the cunning of the ruler. So the prince cheated. He commanded the girl and her betrothed, who repented to him or his boyars of a secret sin, to put them in the prince's or boyar's chambers on the first night. In this case, the prince's word was higher than the evidence of the sheet, and the night in the sovereign's chamber was considered honorable, because the prince or boyar was revered as a father for his subjects. This decree was written by him personally and was of a secret nature, since the matter was very scrupulous. Judge the reader himself how much girlish honor the wise ruler saved.

This fact was perverted in Europe by the Vatican prelates and lords of the Catholic Monarchs, who were in fact the usual governors of the Horde Russian Tsar in the lands of Livonia conquered by Russia. It was they who accepted the separatist movement of the Vatican to separate from Rus', which ended with the Treaty of Tilset, which established many borders of the modern states of Europe. Having lied once, the Vatican continued the lie, transforming it into the canon of Catholicism, instilling immorality and indulgence of sin in the peoples of Europe.

There was nothing like this in Rus' before the Romanovs (proteges of the Vatican). It is later, from the time of Catherine the Great, when there will be a complete enslavement of Rus', the destruction of its ancient foundations, a “European democratic law” will appear that has nothing to do with the TRUTH.

The nobility of Europe, who rushed after the first Germans, will demand for themselves the “ancient” right of the wedding night, since in Europe itself at that time this right would be almost universally abolished in the 18th century. In Russia (no longer Rus') an orgy of democracy will begin, the desire to change the Russian world not only in foundations and faith, but also in the genotype of the people themselves.

I am a descendant of an ancient family of Russian pillar nobility. I am from the Cathars of the Albigensian Montsegur and my ancestors, those same Russian-Horde warriors who conquered Livonia-Europe. Our patrimonies occupied entire counties-districts of modern Russia. Since ancient times, we are Old Believers and did not accept Nikonianism in Orthodoxy. My families are strong. One of the readers wrote me a letter, where he talks about the amazing similarity of my photograph with his cousin and says that he is my namesake. He tells a story about a certain gentleman who loved serf girls and gave them his last name. He asked if we were related. I have to disappoint him: the Old Believers are monogamous and marriages in the case of widowhood were allowed no more than three. Talking about flirting on the side in relation to the Old Believer means telling a lie. There are many nobles with namesakes, and my family is no exception. However, my ancestors considered their peasants given to them in a fortress with estates for their service as their children. One of them, according to a spiritual will, gave one million rubles for the redemption of land allotments of the peasants of Novgorod lands. And this is the budget of such a state as modern Lithuania, only of that time. The second set his peasants free, for which he was exiled to hard labor in the mines of Akatuy. My ancestors did not consider it possible to own their own kind, but they could not fight the state machine of the new Russian (not Russian, but Russian) empire. That is why, knowing the epic of their people, serving him in military labor, they tried in every possible way to make life easier for their peasants. In my family there are no women who came to wife from serfs. The most ancient families of Rus' gave us their best daughters as wives, and we gave ours in return. It is thanks to them that the genotype of tall, fair-haired, courageous men, ready for self-sacrifice, hereditary warriors known since 1244 as close boyars of their princes, was created in Rus'. The Silver Swan on the coat of arms of the clan represents its motto: FROM LOITORY TO GLORY.

And now tell me, reader, do you perceive this family as one that can afford to betray its own foundations, for example, by applying the European law of the wedding night?

Finishing the miniature, I want to say that after the violent overthrow of the Horde Russian tsars by the Romanovs, their distortion of the epic of the Russian people, mockery of their Faith, foundations, truth, the commission of other crimes against the Russian people, in society, confusion set in, lasting to this day. The subsequent troubles that befell the Russian state, starting from the Great Troubles, all the wars of the Romanov dynasty and their heirs from other dynasties, revolutions of all years, the destruction of the last royal family, confusion in the official church, are just the result of a crime against their people and its rulers from the Russian-Horde dynasty of Rurik-Komnen.

Only a return to the origins of Rus' will restore her greatness

Take a look at Encyclopedia Britannica, the cutting edge thought of 17th century scholars. There you will see a huge state lying on 4 continents - Great Tartaria. Take a look at the modern atlas of the world and evaluate the damage to the Russian territory, its losses from the wars with Livonia, understand all the lies of the rulers of Russia regarding their own epic and appreciate the meanness of Jewish history.

Look and wake up, Russian man! Is it your business to believe the Torah, even dressed in the toga of the Old Testament. Maybe you will take and read the books given in this miniature?

They are online and available.

And further. There is such a book called the Facial Chronicle Code. It was written for the royal house, for the son of the undeservedly slandered Tsar Ivan the Terrible. So in it the history of Rus' begins with Vladimir Monomakh and there is not a word of mention of Kievan Rus. That is, at the court of the king, they simply did not know about the state with its capital on the Dnieper. Moreover, among the titles of the Russian Tsar there is no word of Kiev, and of all the modern cities of Ukraine, only Chernihiv is mentioned. But in the ancient Russian chronicles there is the word KIUV. And it is written with an additive like KIUV-GRAD .. This word means TSAR or the same TSARGRAD, but simply BYZANTIUM. This is Kievan Rus.

It remains to add that none of the archaeological excavations in modern Kyiv give a picture of the ancient Russian settlement. Kyiv on the Dnieper is as much a myth as Europe itself with its wedding night right.

The first night or the right of the first night (Jus primae noctis, Recht der ersten Nacht, Herrenrecht, Droit de cuissage, Droit de prélibation) is the usual right of feudal lords to use the first wedding night of their serfs when they marry.

This most shameful manifestation of serfdom is the subject of controversy among scientists: some researchers (Schmidt) completely reject the existence of such a custom as a lawful phenomenon, but most cite a number of facts that testify to the undoubted existence of the "right of the first night." It was distributed in almost all countries of Europe; its survivals reach our century. Even those who belonged to the clergy, as feudal lords, widely used this right, to which there are many indications from the zealous researcher of this issue.

So, for example, the canons of the Cathedral of Saint-Victor in Marseille were officially allowed to use the first wedding night of their serf girls. The same Collin de Plancy cites the fact that the right of the first night was sold by one owner in Orleans for 5 sous, by another feudal lord for 9½ sous. There are different opinions about the origin of this right. Some, like Voltaire, see it as an inevitable consequence of slavery: "a man who can dispose of another person as an animal, who has power over his life, can just as easily sleep with his wife."

V. Polenov. The right of the lord.

Others explain the origin of the right of the First Night by the fact that serfs could marry and marry only with the permission of their master. Villan, in order to obtain such permission, had to make some "concessions"; other gentlemen gave their permission only under certain conditions, and from isolated cases a custom developed little by little, which turned into law.

No matter how fair such explanations are for individual cases, the fact of the existence of the right of the First Night in various countries and among various peoples indicates a more ancient origin of this custom. Bachofen, Morgan, Engels see in the right of the First Night the remnant of group marriage.

In an era when the pair family was already beginning to take shape, men still retained the right to all the women of their tribe. With the gradual development of culture, the circle of people who have the right to women is becoming smaller, the exercise of this right is limited in time, and, finally, it comes down to just one wedding night, first for everyone, then only for the head of the family, for the priest, the military leader and for the lord - in the Middle Ages.

"Jungferzins" (to give virginity), which survived to the very last days of the rule of feudalism, by its very name indicates that it was a direct continuation of jus primae noctis. The rite is also significant, according to which the master on the wedding day of his serfs after the wedding had to step over the marriage bed or put his foot on it.

To this symbolic confirmation of the right to the wedding night belongs the characteristic decree of 1486, issued by Ferdinand the Catholic, which confirms the very fact of the existence of jus primae noctis; “We believe and declare,” reads the decree, “that gentlemen (seniors) cannot also, when a peasant marries, sleep the first night with his wife and, as a sign of their dominance on the wedding night, when the bride went to bed, step over the bed and through the woman mentioned; the gentlemen also cannot use against their will the daughter or son of a peasant, for payment or without payment" (quoted in the Catalan original by Sugenheim, "Geschichte der Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft", St. Petersburg, 1861, p. 35).

It is difficult to say when the right of the First Night fell into disuse, since it did not last the same long in all countries. In France, that classical country of feudalism, as early as 1789 there were isolated instances of the use of this right—true, instances that ended sadly for the feudal lords.

Researchers (Shletser, Evers, Tatishchev, Elagin) see an indication of the existence of the right of the first night in Russia in the story of the chronicle about the replacement by Princess Olga of the "princely" black coon. The custom to give a ransom to the landowner before the wedding was kept until the abolition of serfdom; this file was known under the name "brood marten".

In any case, the violence on the part of the landowner over newlyweds from serfs in recent centuries was a fact, not a right. Prince Vasilchikov in his book "Land Ownership and Agriculture" certifies that when he was the leader of the nobility, he more than once happened to encounter facts of such violence by landowners against peasant women. In 1855, 6 years before the abolition of serfdom, Privy Councilor Kshadovsky was tried and sentenced to a fine for using the right of the first night.

At that time in Europe there was a custom called "the right of the first night." Its essence - the feudal lord had the right to deprive of innocence any girl from his possessions who got married. That is why, after marriage, the bride spent her wedding night not with her newly-made husband, but with a feudal lord. If he did not like the bride, he had the right to refuse the first night, or sell this right to the groom. In some countries, this tradition continued until the end of the 19th century.

How did this tradition come about? According to one of the hypotheses, in this way, the feudal lord confirmed his right to property.

According to another version, the master took on this “difficult” role so that the wife would go to the “proven” husband. Some historians see elements of sacrifice in this tradition (virginity was sacrificed to a deity, while the role of a deity in some countries was played by a priest).

Some peoples believed that the blood that appears when deflowering brings evil and disease. Therefore, the ritual was entrusted to the elder of the tribe or the sorcerer - that is, a strong man, able to resist the machinations of evil spells. And only after this rite of "purification" was the newlywed given to the groom.

And the customs that have spread throughout the world, a special place is occupied by the so-called right of the first night. The ceremony consists in the deprivation of virginity of the bride, who has just played a wedding and she will have the first night of love. The groom seems to be relegated to the background and becomes an outside observer of what is happening, and the defloration of the bride, or, more simply, the most in her life, is performed by another person.

As a rule, the owner of the patrimony and the entire population living on its land is either the leader of a large tribe, or a landowner with several hundred serfs. In any case, the bride was given to the groom no longer a virgin. And in some countries, right at the wedding with the bride, all the male guests had to have sexual intercourse in turn. After copulation, the man presented her with a gift. After this intimate part, the friendship between the groom and his friends in the bride's line became even stronger.

On the European continent during the Middle Ages, the right of the first night was enshrined in law. It was believed that the overlord or even any petty feudal lord gave the young woman a kind of start in life, personally depriving her of innocence. In most cases, the groom fully supported the right of the first night, since at that distant time the feeling of superstition and religious attitude were so all-consuming that the grooms considered it lucky if their chosen one passed through someone else's bed.

A few centuries later, the picture has changed. Increasingly, one could meet a groom who did not want to share his beloved bride with elderly princes and counts, giving the right to the first night. He preferred to pay off, to pay for the immunity of his wife. In many countries of Europe and Asia, sexual intercourse with the bride was replaced by other ritual actions. The master had to step over the bed with the bride lying down or stretch his leg across the bed. It was considered equivalent to sexual intercourse.

And sometimes the first night of the young couple was furnished with so many noisy and restless manifestations of lively participation in the wedding process that another groom would be glad to give up his place to friends or even a random passerby. In Macedonia, for example, sending the newlyweds to the room where they were supposed to spend their first night and giving the groom the right of the first, numerous boyfriends raised an unimaginable noise, pounded on pots and beat the walls with sticks. Then they closed the door to the chambers and left to return exactly five minutes later, open the door and ask if everything worked out, where was the sheet with traces of blood and why there was no news for so long.

And when the sheet was received and the elderly women put it on public display, the joy of the wedding guests was endless. Thus, the fiance took over the bloody right of the first night. The sheet was hung out in a conspicuous place, and after that dozens of clay pots were broken: “how many shards, so many kids will be young.” And the powers that be, counts, landowners, nobles and others like them, participated on equal terms in the wedding celebration, although not as performers of the ritual, but as simply guests of honor, which did not prevent them from having fun with everyone.

What's happened right of the first night? This is an ancient custom that provides for sexual contact of the bride not with her husband, but with another man. This could be the leader of the tribe, the landowner, the feudal lord, or some other person on whom the newlyweds depended. This dependence was expressed in different ways. Serfdom, debt obligations, religious principles, an ancient tradition strictly observed.

For a modern person, this action is a rather humiliating and unpleasant fact at the very beginning of family life. But in ancient times, people looked at such things differently. A village girl already from an early age knew that it would not be her future husband who would deprive her of her virginity, but, say, an earl living in a large and beautiful castle, standing on a hill near the village.

At the same time, the grandmother and mother of the child were also subjected to a similar procedure at one time, so the young creature did not see anything shameful and terrible in this. The girl was even flattered by the thought that she would spend the whole night with a gentleman of noble blood. If, moreover, she is obedient and manages to please, then it is very possible that she will be given some kind of gift.

As for the groom who voluntarily gives the bride to another man, here again one must understand the mentality of people who lived at that distant time. If a person was born a peasant, then he died a peasant. And if a person was born a nobleman, then he died a nobleman.

There was an abyss between different social groups or classes. The representatives of the lower class did not at all consider themselves equal to the representatives of the upper class. The peasants looked at the noble lords with sincere reverence and servility. Therefore, the groom considered it an honor to give his bride to an important gentleman of noble blood. He would be horrified if, say, the count renounced his right. It would be a terrible shame for both the young husband and his wife.

In democratic times, there was no such custom. He was not known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, since in these states there was no strict demarcation into social groups. Any soldier could become an emperor, and an ordinary city dweller a philosopher. The same was observed in Kievan Rus. Veche was practiced in many cities, and common people appointed princes or deposed them. Therefore, reverence and respect were earned not by origin, but by specific deeds.

But in Western Europe the picture was quite different. The feudal lords who lived in their castles had unlimited power over the peasants. Each such duke or earl had his own armed detachment, and any disobedience was punished in the most severe way. The knights even often ignored the power of the king, to say nothing about the attitude towards commoners. Peasants were as much property as cows or sheep. There was no talk of any sense of self-worth.

When did the right of the first night appear in European lands? It is difficult to name a specific date and even a century. Everything is lost in the endless succession of years and centuries. But this custom ended around the 17th century. In Switzerland, he ordered to live long at the beginning of the 16th century, in Germany 100 years later. In France, he was forgotten in the middle of the 15th century. A little later, this ceased to be practiced in England.

Much also depended on the nobles themselves. Enlightened and intelligent people themselves abandoned the shameful practice, and the ignoramuses and voluptuaries were happy to do this business, until legislation arose to protect ordinary people.

The origins of the emergence of custom are sought, as a rule, in the tribal and communal system. It was a time when people lived in tribes, and a woman was not the property of an individual man, but of the whole community. Then the institution of marriage began to develop, but some ancient traditions remained. It was they who became the reason for the right to the first night of the powerful.

This practice prevailed among the Germanic tribes. They conquered Rome, settled on the lands of the empire, but significantly lagged behind the local residents in their social and moral development. Having adopted everything advanced and new from them, they at the same time retained their primitive customs, which have changed little over the next 1000 years.

As for other parts of the planet, the right of the first night was practiced by the peoples of Africa and South America. But the Africans were not likened to the swaggering feudal lords of Medieval Europe. It was not the leader of the tribe who deprived the bride of her virginity, but the most respected guests at the wedding. However, there could be several of them. They all had sexual intercourse with a girl.

But it does not mean at all that there was a full-fledged sexual intercourse, as it appears in our time. The guests simply "entered the bride and left." It was a ritual rite associated with ancient customs and traditions about which we know nothing.

pleura And menstrual cycle always seemed to people as something mystical, connected with higher divine powers. Therefore, suitors, due to their inexperience, were not trusted with such an important issue as deprivation of virginity. This duty was undertaken by experienced men who knew how to properly and painlessly deprive a woman of innocence.

Therefore, group intercourse at weddings can be seen as friendly participation and paternal care for young people. The groom had practically nothing to lose. Over the years, he gained experience and then he himself took part in such rites. There was no humiliation, no desecration of honor. Everything was done in front of everyone and caused only a feeling of deep satisfaction and respect.

Africans and Indians treated sexual life as a natural physiological process. They never limited themselves in bodily joys and were not embarrassed by the presence of other people. But the Europeans perceived the process of intercourse quite differently.

The Catholic Church has always preached temperance and restraint. The priests took a vow of celibacy, and the rest of the citizens considered intimate life as a necessary, but sinful part of human life. Without sexual intercourse, it is impossible to conceive a child, so the spouses, having done the main thing, stopped all sexual contacts until the need arose for the next baby.

Back in the 19th century, this practice was considered the norm. True Catholics have always been ascetics and adhered to strict morals. As for Orthodoxy, there were more liberties. Even practiced common baths where both men and women washed together. But this does not at all indicate sexual promiscuity, but simply speaks of a certain mentality of our ancestors.

Keeping your passions in check was considered the highest manifestation of fortitude. Those who threw themselves at every skirt were not respected, as they were perceived by those around them as spiritually miserable and weak-willed.

The right of the first night was not at all a sign of degradation and immorality. It was an ancient custom, and people treated it with respect and understanding. Another thing is that already in later times, some landowners in the same serf Russia, using their power, persuaded young peasant women to cohabit.

But this had nothing to do with the ancient custom. Rather, one can see a connection with the current times, when bosses sexually harass their employees. They threaten to fire you if you refuse. Some ladies themselves are not averse to entering into intimate relationships with management in order to ensure a trouble-free existence. So every time has its own concepts of morality and ethical standards.

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